Avatar of Blaze Gamma


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Actually Frankenstein was the Roleplayer, not the RP
7 mos ago
Mood is still shot.
7 mos ago
And my depression just got set off
7 mos ago
Is there anyone here who might be willing to run a Pathfinder1e scenario tomorrow night at 9:30 est? Got a full table but no GM
8 mos ago
Bleeeeh. I want to be in a Pathfinder game, not just GM or Society play


So yeah, this is Blaze. I'm sorry you had to see this. I do 1x1s of the we're all going to hell variety. 32 ( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo). Living in EST. Male. Uh... Stuff. PM me for RPs of questionable moral fibre.

If you want to RP, I'm most easily contacted on Discord (Blaze_Gamma#6210), but I check my PMs here too pretty often.

Most Recent Posts

Le bump
So I guess I'm looking for something different. I'm kinda looking to mix things up, since I'm kinda used to playing doms in RPs, if only since the characters I play tend to be comically evil. In any case, I'm kind of in the mood to play someone who's in the submissive role for a while.

Anyway, yeah, looking for a bit of a smutty rp, so if you're not okay with that, I suppose you need not apply. As this is the case, please be over 18. I'm currently in Tokyo, for time zone concerns. We can discuss yays and nays in a PM, and yes, if you're interested, PLEASE PM ME, DO NOT REPLY TO THE THREAD. I know, it's a bit fussy to be picky about that, but... If you're not interested enough to reach out, then I'm not going to be interested enough to try and start a RP.

As for my character, I'd prefer to play a male, at least to start, but am comfortable running a small cast.

So yeah. I guess that's it. Looking forward to hearing from you guys.
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