Avatar of Blaze Gamma


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current Actually Frankenstein was the Roleplayer, not the RP
6 mos ago
Mood is still shot.
6 mos ago
And my depression just got set off
7 mos ago
Is there anyone here who might be willing to run a Pathfinder1e scenario tomorrow night at 9:30 est? Got a full table but no GM
7 mos ago
Bleeeeh. I want to be in a Pathfinder game, not just GM or Society play


So yeah, this is Blaze. I'm sorry you had to see this. I do 1x1s of the we're all going to hell variety. 32 ( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo). Living in EST. Male. Uh... Stuff. PM me for RPs of questionable moral fibre.

If you want to RP, I'm most easily contacted on Discord (Blaze_Gamma#6210), but I check my PMs here too pretty often.

Most Recent Posts

Anyone? Need a bit of a distraction
Aldin quietly observed the going ons as others arrived, trying his best to make his peace with the situation. Those of the group who were arriving were a lively and colorful bunch, to be sure. He supposed this wasn't any surprise. Reavers were known to be powerful magi, and magi were, as a rule, eccentrics. Aldin may have been an outsider to this society in its entirety, bur he knew this all too well.

As the familiar dragged the last of their numbers back to the ground, Aldin couldn't help but notice something of a nauseating kinship. A slight pang in his blood. While the hulking man who had arrived after him was bestial, this woman could only be described as feral insanity, the barest mask of humanity only just covering it. He felt it was almost the air of a chained animal, waiting to be loosed.

The swordsman put off the thought. He was already dealing with enough internally to have to worry about his new companion's nature. Especially when one of the others was acting the part of the infuriating fool, gawking and gaping while playing at a gentleman. Aldin scowled slightly.

By the arrival and introduction of the liasons from the towel, Aldin couldn't help but let loose a low growl. I was brought here on your own time and auspices. I cannot speak for the others, but blame your own management if you wish to complain about any tardiness. Much as he wanted to speak, he kept the thought to himself.

Likewise, as they entered and passed the harried looking doomsayer of an official, Aldin scoffed. It was a joke. Magi should clean their own messes, and yet, here he was, being roped into a position that seemed it would be doing just that. A glorified janitor. He shook his head, following along until they finally reached their handler, a man whose appearance oddly mirrored Aldin's own, although with a much more sophisticated air, compared to the roughness of the backwater mercenary.

Aldin quietly listened to the introduction, as well as the talk of jobs already set up. There was something off about it. An underlying urgency or a note of what could only be described as impending death. Aldin had gotten this sort of air before, of course, though there was a certain weight to it when it was coming from someone other than an alderman, even though the man was quite young.

"Before we do anything, I'm presuming that the jobs you've set up for us have something to do with the distressed flop of a man we passed on the way in?" Aldin finally spoke, getting right to business. "I've no issue with this, however, before anything, I'd like to visit the infirmary to be sure that the guest I brought along is well set up. I trust that's not an issue?"
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