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[ Prev ] FEAT OF CLAY, Part VI” [ Next ]

1013 Parkthorne Avenue

Fifty years, he’d been living this double life. You would think that in all that time, he’d have been a natural at all the sleight of hand and subterfuge. Instead, Dick was a stumbling fool as he tried to get the semi-conscious automaton from out of the car and into the brownstone apartment.

At least he’d laid the foundation for the rumor mill to support the inevitability of someone seeing Dick and the child-like doll going in and out of the apartment, but if anyone saw the robot now they’d be likely to think that he was drunk or high. Or some combination of the two.

Fumbling with the door with one hand and trying to corral the drunken robot with the other, Dick finally managed to get Toyboy -- that is, Jason -- onto the couch in the living room. Like a rag doll, the boy just slumped forward as though a puppet that had all of its strings cut. Stooping low, Dick was able to prevent the child-like machine from spilling out onto the floor, instead steadying him into a seated position on the sofa.

Glancing up at the loft, Dick thought about the advice that Sarah had given him. Put him to bed. In the morning, he should be functional again.

He’d made a makeshift room for Toyboy Jason there, but Dick had enough trouble wrestling the robot through the apartment. Getting him up into the loft was a feat more than Dick was prepared to undertake. At least, not now.

Right now, Dick was definitely feeling the notion of going to bed.

Taking another look at the lifelike robot -- vacant eyed stare peering out a thousand yards into nowhere -- Dick merely gave a shrug before making his way toward the back of the apartment where the master bedroom was located...

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August 24, 2019. The last day of peace and quiet at 1013 Parkthorne Place.

Ooh woo, I'm a rebel just for kicks, now
I been feeling it since 1966 now
Might've had your fill, but you feel it still

A pair of boy’s briefs swung back and forth, as the underwear clad hero danced to the lyrical stylings of Portugal, the man. The music reverberated off the walls of the inner sanctum of the Blüdhaven vigilante known as Nightwing, the aptly named Man-Cave.

Standing in the doorway, Dick was confused about a great many things. He’d left Toyboy Jason to get dressed for what was essentially a training day. A routine patrol through Blüdhaven in order to assess how the robot was holding up with the upgrades that S.T.A.R. Labs had installed. Instead, Dick returned to find that Jason had gotten onto the refurbished Batcomputer and tabbed out a series of YouTube videos. One, the music video for Feel It Still, which was currently rocking the casbah. Then there was a video game playthrough.

Was that Fortnight?

“So...” Dick began. He was going to say, So, you were getting dressed..? but he was cut off when a small robot suddenly turned and slam-hugged him. The force of the doll’s pounce not only winded him, it almost put Dick on his ass.

Instead, the man steadied himself and rested a hand on top of Toyboy Jason’s head. “You were getting dressed?” Dick remarked finally, catching his breath.

“Can’t,” the boy remarked, turning his head up toward Dick as he added, “Not done hugging yet.”

He’d been like this ever since Dick had broken the news about the name. About the identity. Dick felt like it wasn’t much. If anything, it was only borrowed time. When Dick retired, in about two years, Jason Todd would need to disappear as well. Otherwise, people were apt to take notice of things that Jason couldn’t do, such as grow up.

Even still, the robot formerly known as Toyboy acted as though Dick had transformed water into wine and lead into gold at the same time. “All right. Hugs later,” Dick said, prying himself of Jason’s spindly arms. Picking up the dark red leggings, Dick tossed the pants over the dolls head. “For now, less Jason. More Robin.”

While Jason tugged on the pair of trousers, Dick bent down to pick up the red and black tunic. As the child-like doll straightened back up, he put his arms up over his head so that Dick could pull the tunic down over the boy’s head. While Jason fastened Dick’s old utility belt around his waist, the man picked up the short cape, fastening it to the Mandarin-style color.

Hopping back on one foot, Jason wrestled with tugging on a boot. “So you think this Clayface is back from the dead?” the boy-bot chirped, as he reached down to pick up the other shoe.

Collapsing into the chair that rested before the massive assortment of screens, Dick gave a grunt. “It’s only a hunch, but it feels right,” the former Boy Wonder opined flatly. “Hagen was an actor, so I wouldn’t put it past him to have faked his own death in the water, but it doesn’t add up. Where’s he been hiding for the last twenty odd years? And why come out now just to knock over pawn shops and jewelry stores?”

Tugging on his last boot, the spry doll hopped to his feet. Dick reached over, picking up the domino mask and then leaning forward. “Can I see the chemical analysis?” the robot asked, as Dick applied the mask to the child-like face.

Turning back toward the computer, Dick took a moment to access Bruce’s old files on Hagan. Finally, a chemical strand and associated notes populated across the screen.

“Matthew Hagan’s altered organic composition was soluble,” Jason noted aloud, scanning over the notes in less than a second. Turning his head toward Dick, the doll asked, “And you said that he fell into the ocean?”

“That’s my story anyway,” Dick stated, propping his elbows against the desk top as he explained, “I think Bruce was convinced that I threw Hagen in there.”

The nuance seemed lost on the pragmatic machine. “Either way, his survivability in an ocean environment seems improbable,” the robot noted simply.

“Well, you’ll just have to get out there and disprove my theory,” Dick remarked, turning back toward the costumed Toy Wonder.

With a firm nod, the child-like doll suddenly took off in a sprint around the inside of the Man-Cave. Na na na na na na na... Robin! Away! the boy-bot sang, hopping and skipping as he bounded toward the door, sounding for all the world like a stampede of elephants contained in the form of a child.

Slouching back in his chair, Dick felt the energy start to sap from out of his body as the prospect of peace and quiet in the apartment settled an appealing vision in his imagination.

Then the stampede came back in his direction. Throwing himself into the chair, Toyboy Jason again slam-hugged the former Boy Wonder.

“Last hug,” the doll promised, before pouncing off into the night.

That can be arranged.

I also debated joining the Superboy battle royale as well.

Character Name

Tara Markov

bonjour, ma chérie.
j’ai un problème avec mon portable, il manque ton numéro!

Preemptive F in the chat.

Loki Laufeyson, Ageless/Immortal
Vigilante based in Asgard
Active since 5 minutes ago (at least, that he remembers...)

Character Concept

He doesn't know where he came from.

He doesn't know how he got here.

He doesn't know where he's going, only that he has to keep moving. What is he running from? He doesn't know. He only knows that he can't stop. They call him Seurre. A pickpocket and thief traveling across Europe with only his wits and the shirt on his back.

The Bifrost is broken. Wars have broken out across the Nine Realms. Winter has come. But can what is written be changed? Or is all the world a stage, and Loki but a player in it?

This is intended as a fantasy epic, that will be largely self-contained in terms of the storytelling.
  • Book 1: When The Truth Hunts You Down. Guided by Mjolnir, Beta Ray Bill arrives on Midgard, where he discovers the god Loki reincarnated as a child named Seurre, with no memory of what happened. Seeking answers, the pair set out in search of Asgard.
  • Book 2: The Dark World. On a quest to retrieve one of the Norn Stones, in the hopes of repairing the Bifrost, Beta Ray Bill and Loki must voyage over the Nidafjoll Mountains and across Nastrond to the serpent's spring.
  • Book 3: Loki: Ragnarok.

Key Notes

Simplified Mythology (the Children of Odin)
  • By his wife, Frigga: Baldur, Tyr, and Hod
  • By Gaea: Thor
  • By Laufey: Loki (note: Laufey is changed back to the mytholical canon female)
  • By Grid: Vidar
  • Unknown: Hermod

Supporting Cast
  • Beta Ray Bill: The current Thor.
  • Heimdall: The All-Seeing Eye. Wielder of Hofund and formerly guardian of the Bifrost Bridge.
  • Leah: Handmaiden of Hela (literally).
  • Brunhilde: One of the surviving Valkyries.

Rogue's Gallery
  • Bloodstrike (Hogun the Grim): The last survivor of the Warriors Three, wielder of Bloodstrike on a quest for revenge.
  • Skurge the Executioner: An exiled Asgardian who now rules over the ruins of Asgard, leader of the Mauraders.
  • Kurse: Formerly one of the Light Elves, twisted and changed by the Dark Elves.
  • Nidhog: The great serpent at World's End.

The Nine Realms
  • Asgard: The realm of the AEsir, who became the Asgardians through intermarriage with the Vanir. Contains Valhalla and the spring Urdarbrunnr.
  • Vanaheim: The realm of the Vanir, who fought a war against the AEsir in ancient times. Contains the valley Folkvangr and Himinbjorg, where Heimdall safeguards the children of Asgard.
  • Midgard: The realm of the Humans.
  • Alfheim: The realm of the Light Elves. Klarn is located here, being similar to the Savage Land.
  • Svartalfheim: The realm of the Dark Elves. The island Lyngvi is located here, on the lake of Amsvartnir.
  • Utgard: Also known as Jotunheim, the realm of the Giants. Contains the spring Mimisbrunnr and the forest Galgvidr (gallows woods).
  • Nidavellir: The realm of the Dwarves.
  • Niflhel: The realm of Hel and Niflheim. Contains the valley Nastrond, the spring Hvergelmir, and the Nidafjoll Mountains.
  • Muspelheim: The realm of fire and priordial chaos.

References / Sample Post

@Blue Demon

In case it helps, Bruce stopped being Batman in 1994. Dick retired as Nightwing in 2004. The Batman and Robin years were 1969-1980.

| Name |
Tomás Raymond // Toro

| Age |

| Character Differences |
The main variable is in the ancestry, with the canon version being a stereotypical WASP archetype, with the Spanish nickname being an oddity. This version is a British national of Spanish ancestry on his mother's side, putting the diminutive more in line with the character's cultural identity. Aside from that, Toro's history is connected to World War I rather than World War II.

| Brief World Background |
Earth 47S | Edwardian Steampunk Reality
Toro's home reality features the height of colonialism, with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland being the predominant world superpower. This period of Edwardian colonialism has ushered in a second Industrial Revolution with the refinement of steam power, being the predominant basis for the eccentric technology of the era. Sociopolitical trends closely mirror the prime reality, with Europe dividing the continents of South America, Africa, and the Pacific Island nations into dominions of their empires. In the midst of a web of complicated political connections between the Empires and their many, varied colonies, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand has triggered the first World War. Plying the major colonial powers against one another, the battle lines are drawn up between those loyal to the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire) and those loyal to the Allied Powers (France, British Empire, and Russia).

| Brief Character Background |
Tomás is a young Briton, the son of a physicist named Fred Raymond. Fred worked with chemist Phineas Horton on a classified energy program that gave birth to the first android, Jim Hammond (the Human Torch). Exposure to the so-called Horton Cells caused illness in both Fred and his wife, leading to concern that she would lose their baby. Fred ceased his work with Horton, seeking out treatment for himself and his wife in London. Sadly, Nohemi "Nora" Raymond and her midwife both suffered severe burns during the labor, as the newborn infant appeared to spontaneously combust upon contact with air. From these and other complications, with her already failing health, Nora passed away, leaving Fred a widower with a healthy, if somewhat flammable, baby boy.

The child's healthy constitution gave rise to his father calling him Toro (little bull), though the two had only a few short years before Fred would succumb to radiation poisoning from exposure to the Horton cells. Regarded as an oddity for his immunity to fire, and occasional spontaneous combustion, young Tomás wound up in the care of a pair of circus performers named Tom and Allie Alexander, who wanted Toro, the Fire-Eating Boy as part of their act. Thus, his childhood was a nomadic existence. Until 1915, when the German bombing campaign over King's Lynn caught the circus while they performed there. As the circus burned down around them, Toro and his adopted family huddled together for protection... when he felt himself starting to break into flame.

Fleeing from his adopted parents to keep them from being hurt by him, Toro vanished that night. As though taken by some spectre of La Llorona. Whatever the case, Toro woke to find himself in a prison with a collar around his neck, on a world unlike anything he had seen before.

[ Prev ] FEAT OF CLAY, Part V” [ Next ]

1013 Parkthorne Avenue
One thing that Dick had tried to avoid was delving into the morality of everything that the Batman had taught him as a boy. The classic moral imperative, can one uphold the rule of law if he does not hold himself to the law? It was a philosophical no man’s land that didn’t lead to any pleasant thoughts or memories.

Dwell on it too much, a man could easily become just as cynical and brooding as Bruce.

Like a good novelist, Dick was carefully crafting a narrative to support the identity of the character that he was creating. Like a detective, he was doing his research in order to make that story plausible. The character had to be identifiable. Personable. Relatable.

With a surgeon’s skill, he was stitching together the pieces. A trained eye contemplating all the ways in which the deception he was engaged in would need to stand up to scrutiny. Falsified public records were about attention to the details.

He had the Center for Missing and Exploited Children database up, running cross-comparisons with data in the New Jersey state records. Extracting names and details, almost like a fisherman casting a line out from the shore. Dick wasn’t certain just what he was looking to bite, but he figured that he’d know it when he saw it.

That was when he stumbled across Jackson Todd.

If there was a dead end in life, this kid seemed to have found it. His father was dead in a gang-related shooting in Chicago. His mother was serving two twenty year sentences related to robbery and drug-related charges, neither of which had been a first offense. He’d been in the custody of a grandmother, but she’d lost custody of him to the state CPS and the boy had run out from the foster home system multiple times. He’d racked up a slew of arrests by the time he was 12 years old, done time in both the New Jersey Training School and the state Juvenile Medium Security Facility, before getting paroled to a transition program that had attempted to place him back in a foster home.

He’d run off. This time, when the state caught up with him, he was dead. They’d found him along the train tracks. Possible suicide. Possible accident.

It was tragic, but it was also an opportunity. An identity that no one would be looking for. A means by which to craft a persona for Toyboy, with the theatrical byline that read based on the true story.

He kept the part about the time at the New Jersey Juvenile Medium Security Facility. That and the arrests in connection with a chop shop gang would give this identity some color. The father’s death in gang related activities dovetailed nicely with that narrative. But a mother in jail would be problematic for someone backtracking the origins of the problem foster child that Dick was carving out. Instead of being the child of Catherine Todd of New Jersey’s Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women, he would be the son of Shelia Haywood. An opioid addict who had died of an accidental fentanyl overdose.

Carefully, Dick duplicated the Jackson Todd file. The record of Jackson’s time at the Juvenile Medium Security Facility was expunged, keeping instead only the portion at the New Jersey Training School. When he had finished, the man looked at the copy file that he had manipulated using the data from the Medium Security Facility.

Jackson would have been one of the younger inmates, so it was possible that some of the staff might recall a kid named Todd. He’d need a similar name...

In his mind, Dick was running a list as his fingers drummed on the keyboard. James? Jacob? Joshua? Joseph?

Joseph Todd?

No, it would need to be close to Jack. Not Joseph. Jace? Jason. Plying his fingers to the keyboard, Dick at last deleted the name at the top of the file. In it’s place, he wrote JASON TODD.

Well, that was Toyboy’s juvenile arrest and foster care record for the state of New Jersey. Now, Dick just needed some fake insurance, birth, and school records. But, the hard part was behind him now.

It wasn’t exactly the kind of origin story that made people stand up and shout, God bless America -- momma was a crack whore and daddy was a gang banger -- but as far as the state of New Jersey was concerned, Jason Todd was a real, living human being. And that meant it was a chance for Toyboy to have some semblance of a life that he could call his own.

Not that there was really a lot of choice. Dick worked with cops. If he had to guess, there were at least three members of his department digging through public records trying to figure out what kid that he’d adopted.

He wondered what Chambers reaction would be when she read the file, but he figured that she’d make her feelings on the matter known. Probably sooner rather than later.

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Compared to the last time that he’d seen him, Toyboy was looking intact.

Unfortunately, that seemed to be about as much as Dick could say on the matter. “He’s unpacking the software package,” Sarah Charles commented, as the man knelt down to inspect the doll’s face. The glassy eyes of the automaton stared vacantly ahead, as though utterly oblivious to Dick’s presence. “The operating system is in place, but his processor capacity is being consumed by the software suite installation.”

Straightening back up, Dick turned to glance back at the woman. “How long’s that going to take?”

Sarah just gave a shrug. “Take him home. Put him to bed. When you wake up, he should be fully functional again.”

With a heavy sigh, Dick held out both hands to steady the doll, guiding him from off the edge of the table. The automaton started to crumple to the ground and Dick found that he had to scramble to keep Toyboy upright. Pain shot up Dick’s back, as he bent to hoist the doll up and set him back on his feet.

Pointing Toyboy toward the door, Dick was a moment too late to stop the doll from walking into the doorframe instead.
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