Avatar of BrokenPromise


Recent Statuses

10 hrs ago
Current Alternatively, you can shout "Can't wait for G.I. Jane 2!"
1 yr ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

”M-me?” Emily pointed at herself. ”Really? Y-you'd trust me with something like that?” She looked at the floor. ”I mean, how could I refuse?” Emily looked at the others. ”Are you okay with this?”

Ice groaned. "Well, before you haul it off, give some of us a chance to look inside." He turned to alice. "You wanted to pull something out of that bloody shrubbery right?"

Jezebel's head poked up. “What?” Shortly after pitching her question to the blank monitor, she stood completely up. “Like, what?!” Jezebel threw her arms out to the side. “She totally killed herself? What the fuck for? Jezebel prepared to charge into Krista's room when Bliss stood in her way. “Scoot!”

Bliss shoohk her head.”The night of carnage is over, we can't break down the door this night.” Bliss removed her hat and placed it over her chest. ”Maybe tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Jezebel was furious. Her teeth were clinched. But as if under a curse, she started to smile. “Bliss?” She tucked her hands behind her back “Like, I'm not even sure if I'm going to be alive tomorrow, and I've totally survived three of these games.”

”Jezebel.” Bliss took a step closer. ”Nobody, blames you, for this.”

Jezebel and Bliss locked eyes for several seconds, neither of them saying anything. But Jezebel would eventually decide to quietly go back to her room.

”You did good, Bliss.” Emily smiled. ”I think she's going to be sore about that one for a while though. All we can do is keep being human.” she turned around and faced the hospital. ”I'll drag that thing to my room in a bit, I just want to see Thomas one last time. Before they clean up his corpse.” and with that, she departed.

”MMMmmmmm...” Kyra seemed to appear beside Daimyon. ”Calvin expired after his battle with me. But he had one last request.” She drew a notebook out of her clevage, there was a bit of blood on it. ”He wanted me to give this to you. He didn't tell me why, but he seemed to think you would benefit the most from it.” After Daimyon accepted the book, Kyra corrected her glasses. ”The blood is his, not mine. I'm sure you'll find something poetic about being able to touch a book splattered with a dead man's blood. Tell me there isn't something Iconic about the action.“ Instead of vanishing in a puff of smoke, the robot simply walked away.

Your GM is too tired to write what his characters were doing the following day, but I think you guys are talented enough to have your characters do something.


Donovan approached Grisaia. ”Well that's a relief!” He raised a finger to his chin. ”Kid, I ain't quite sure myself. Tensions were gettin' pretty hot between some humans and Quill. I stayed back here to watch over the patients, and it seems Quill and one of them was talkin'. Just talkin'.” He shook his head. ”They musta got spooked though. The others ran in, and a fire started. I'm still not sure what the real cause was, seems like some alcohol was spilled and set on fire. A shame, I don't know if I can replace the tools and supplies that were damaged.” Donovan shook his head. ”But everyone appears to be safe.”

Once the two walked out of the Clinic, they could see a familiar hooded adventurer approaching them.

Aer's eyebrows flicked up. "What happened?"

”AHHHHHH!” Crunch ran onto the scene. ”I was too late, the cultists already arrived!”

Donovan placed his hand on his face. ”I just want today to end.”

"Grisaia! It is most fortunate to meet you here." She placed a hand on her chest. "Upon asking around, it seemed that Mistress Vertti told someone to locate me specifically and to direct me to her location. I didn't get the full story, and the good Samaritan didn't seem to fully understand it either." Aer nodded. "But she is safe and unharmed. I found her in a pretty dangerous part of the city, so you might want to hold off on questioning her too much. Let us go see her together." Aer Lead Grisaia away from the Clinic.

”Thanks kid.” Donovan smiled. ”Stop by again sometime. Maybe the situation won't be so grim then.”


“Excuse me?” Quill snorted. “I do not take orders from humans, brats, or weaklings, and you are all three!”

”What if the order came from me?”

“NnnnnnnGH!” Quill pointed at Chieko “What value is there in teaching her anything!?”

”The situation is unusual, Quill” Elder Sibling looked over her shoulder at Chieko. ”besides, you seemed to think she was alright a moment ago.”

The oni dragged her hand over her face and looked at Chieko. “Only. Because. I was asked.” She waved for Chieko to follow her.


The angel's smile broadened. ”I've been watching, children. I know what you have all gone through. I am unsure where Hiro's spirit is, but it still exists. All I can say is that while it may be tempting to give into despair, you must remain vigilant! You will never finish the journey if you give up, and as long as you have my love, you will always remain in this world.” He slapped his hands together. ”Aside from handing out blessings, I have no other gifts to grant you. It is likely that we will not meet again for some time.” His hands started to glow a radiant white. ”But remember what I said. As long as you have faith in yourselves, and can weather what hardships this world throws at you, you will be able to defeat Talus and get what you desire.” The two boys knew instantly when they had been bestowed with their gifts. They knew how to use them and everything. ”We have run out of time. May Od Laguna ever bless you.”

In a flash, Ashton and Flame were separated.

Clinic (after Grisaia and Aer left)

Flame found himself dropped right back where he was prior to Ashton murdering Hiro. Gris was on his feet now, and Donovan was healing his wounds. Gris turned to Flame. ”Look here, Flame.” he was breathing heavily. ”I have no idea what just happened, but I genuinely want to believe you had no part in it.” With a howl, he erected his spine and stood up tall. ”The day you pay it forward is closer than I anticipated.” He rolled his shoulders. ”Crunch told me that you people were something special, and I really want to believe that. And for that reason, you're going to train with us.” He patted Flame's shoulder. ”It won't be easy, but you'll get enough food to fill your stomach. If you're important to these cultist bastards, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you can contend with them... But if I find out that you and Ashton are working together, I will gut you like a fish, and no amount of training will save you.” It seemed like Ashton's innocence would be difficult, if not impossible, to prove to Gris.

...the following week...

That day of death and carnage came and went like a memory. The forieners trained, and the natives went about their lives. But regardless of the path set before them, all knew something was amiss. Today was the day everything came together.

Hideout (Suttling Basin, old mill)

“Finally, something you're not instantly picking up.”

Over the past week, Quill had gone from being an extremely scary person to one of Chieko's closer friends in the organization. Quill had defended Chieko from a few demihumans that wanted to make an example out of her. Of course, such behavior from the other Demis only lasted a few days. Not because Elder sibling made it evident how important she was, but because Chieko became very powerful, very quickly. Few people were a match for her, and she was feared and respected like any “hero” should be. Even Quill and Chiyo had difficulty against her in sparing matches. Of course Chiyo couldn't use magic, and what magic Quill had didn't last very long. She had inherited the best qualities from both of her teachers, and even had some custom armor made for her. They thought the rate in which she learned was unusual, but Elder Sibling explained it away, saying that as a clairvoyant she could simply look into the future and learn faster than normal.

Chiyo holstered her wooden swords. ”Elder sibling is here. She wants to talk with Chieko.”

“Good, gives me a chance to recover.” As soon as Chiyo left the room, Quill cleared her throat. “Before you leave, I have a question about your homeland. You don't talk much about it.” She folded her arms. “Last week, that girl, she said she was okay laying with Elder Sibling. She even seemed to know Elder Sibling's identity. A woman, that is to say.”Quill scratched the back of her head, avoiding eye contact momentarily. “Is that type of behavior unusual where you come from? I mean.” She gestured with her hand. “You've been training with Chiyo for a bit. She's about the same age as you, looks nice, even if she's a bit on the short side. If you were into girls, I wouldn't be surprised if you liked Chiyo.”

Vertti household

The week was rather uneventful. Mistress Vertti was back to her normal self and in perfectly good health. She didn't say much about her disappearance, only that after seeing a friend overseas, she came back and found herself enjoying a pit fight on the recommendation of a friend. She assured Grisaia she wasn't in any danger. However, to help calm the boy's nerves, some actions had to be taken. She gave Grisaia a media that pointed to the location of her necklace, and even hired Aer “just in case” something bad were to happen. But Vertti stressed that nothing was wrong, and she felt this was all a bit excessive. But it was clear things would never be the same after that long absence from the manor.

But that was a week ago, and it was time to serve breakfast.

"I never realize how much I miss home until I eat your meals, Grisaia." She lifted a forkful of fish to her lips. "I remember the first meal you cooked me. Everyone was cautioning me that you might try to poison me. 'He's a demi' they'd say. But I never believed that, not for a second." She ate the fish on her fork before setting aside her utensils and and going over her lips with a napkin. "Aer has not come downstairs yet. I think she said she was running a fever. I sent a servant to her room with some wine last night." She folded her napkin and placed it beside her plate. "See how she's doing, then report back to me."

Gris's courtyard

Gris had come to see Flame as a companion rather quickly. While the oni was stern the day Chiyo was almost taken away from him, he was actually a very kind soul. He taught Flame diligently, but the boy was far more suited to magic than the blade. Crunch made frequent visits just to check up, and even sparred with him a few times. But for the most part, Gris was his teacher.

”I think that's enough for the moment.” Gris chuckled and placed his hands on his hips. The courtyard had a number of targets set up for Flame to shoot. They were made of stone or metal, and it was evedent that if flame went all out on them, he might actually break them. Of course, breaking one's training equipment wasn't very helpful to the training process. ”I've actually got some errands to run at home today, so if you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to go shopping on my behalf.” He held out a coin pouch. ”You're not going to spend all of it, but I like to tip the shop keepers a little extra, especially if they look like they're struggling. You've eaten here enough times, I'm sure you know what to get.”

Irene's Library

Alistair had learned a lot about the world, spirits, and the witches from Irene's personal library. It didn't contain all of the most safely guarded information, but it made him competent on all matters regarding gates, spirit magic, and everyday things. He normally wouldn't be able to read the texts, but Irene was able to teach him in a relatively short span of time. She'd never seen someone learn so fast, and Alistair was able to put that fast learning to work absorbing all the knowledge in Irene's library. He was also able to practice his magic, and even went on bandit thwarting outings with Irene and Vasilis, just to test his skills.

"I've never been much for reading." Vasilis was polishing his halberd. "Unless it's a cook book that is! Real men need to know how to feed themselves."

Irene was reading a book herself. Sitting just so with a thick tome in her lap. ”So how does Alistair's mana taste now?”

Odessa leaned out from behind Alistair. "His blue is almost entirely pure now."

”I assumed as much, the smell dissipated a few days ago.” She turned to look at Alistair. ”Vasilis is going to make breakfast soon, but we need supplies for our next outing. I have some letters to write this morning, and it would be most helpful if you could do some early morning shopping for us.” She stood up and held out a bag and a list. ”Try to keep Odessa hidden. She's still not very good around people, and spooks easy. Not that you needed me to remind you of that.” Irene set aside her book and walked into her office.


”Awaken, Lust!”

A boot slammed into Aerith's ribs, rolling her over the leaf covered floor of a forest. If she chose to open her eyes, she'd see an extinguished camp fire. If she cared to look at the person who kicked her, she'd see one smexy elf looking back at her.

”Today is the day we lay siege on the city of water! The day we free her from her prison of stone and steel! The one who loves us is just a half a day's march away!” Again, the boot struck Aerith in her sour spot. ”Arise, Lust! That which we've been fighting for lies just beyond the veil. Or my name isn't Vaux Maximilianus, Divagro von Theodoric und Hieronymous! But I can assure you, it most certainly is.” He broke out into laughter. ”Is getting hit by my boot one of your fetishes?” Vaux drew his foot back to deliver another kick. ”Disgusting creature!”

Mac had positioned herself outside the grave yard. No way was she going to walk inside on her own, but arriving early did save her from trying to rush to the location of the summoning last second. Driving was fine, flying was fine, but imagine being so bad ass that you can just walk to your destination and arrive there before everyone else.

Honestly, she took a taxi, but nobody else had to know that.

It wasn't until now that Mac realized that these magical girls had never really interacted with her. For the past decade or so, she had mostly been studying people from her corner of the stage, peaking around the curtain to make sure all the actors were in the right place. For as much as she knew about Alicia, Binky, Eliza, Su, and all the rest, most had never heard her name. Only Aria had really talked to her, and even she didn't know too much about Mac. She certainly wouldn't call her a close friend or anything like that, but those few interactions did prevent her from going insane. Maybe one day, they would all get a chance to see her.

But that would be pretty serious, and not at all good.

That was enough sappy thoughts for one sitting, it was time to work. As soon as everyone else dragged their asses over here anyway.


Mika was smiling as she pushed a certain someone around in a wheelchair. The sky was getting dark, and there was some announcement about a new leader of Penrose, but there were other magical girls that could deal with that. It would be a long time before Mika ran off by herself again.

"Good day for a stroll, ay, Lupa?"

What happened during the skeleton incident made Mika sad. But it was like Helga said: They would find a way to save her. It was evident Lupa wanted Mika to live, and that couldn't happen if she was constantly blaming herself for what had happened. Keeping her head up was the best way to honor what Lupa did for her. That didn't mean Mika would forget about the event any time soon, but she wouldn't let her friend's sacrifice consume her.

“It is.” Lupa wasn't really talking. Mika had made a dream catcher and filled it with those jewels on Lupa's head. She wasn't really good at making Lupa walk, as Mika had to focus on where she and Lupa were going. She practiced in the hotel and nearly ran the wolf girl over a balcony. So for now, she'd just use a wheelchair to help her get around. Even if she behaved like a doll, Mika couldn't confirm Lupa's sense of self was gone. And even if she didn't, these types of outings had to be good for Lupa. As a side effect of wearing the jewels, Lupa would occasionally speak bits of dialog that Mika was telling herself. “Wait, I don't need to go to the pit stop today. Su probably got breakfast on her way out of town.”

Mika smacked her forehead. "How silly of me!" Of course, she should be going anyway just to see if Veronica has anything for her. Not that she actually saw her. Mika would just notice a note had been placed on her person when she left. But such things hadn't happened for a week now. She didn't know Veronica, but it was still concerning to think that something happened to one of Su's bosses. "Well, we still haven't eaten yet!" Of course there was another reason why Mika was so eager to go to the pit stop every day. That was where that nameless girl had given her a large portion of her meal. She wanted to know her name, she wanted to say thank you. She wanted to eat that crumbled mess of a donut on the ground.

“Donut! Or doughnut if you're a british-english speaker.

Mika picked up the donut, or at least what was left of it. Normally she'd just scarf it down and thank the food gods that blessed her with a free donut, but that wasn't right. This would be the second time Mika had decided to partake in free food without offering anything in return. The situation was also a bit different than last time. She was no detective, but this donut didn't just roll off a plate. It hit the ground with a considerable amount of force. If she was a detective, she might try to deduce possibilities until she found something that sounded good. But she was a magical girl. She could do one better.

Mika set the donut in Lupa's lap before diving into a trash can. When she emerged, she was a fully transformed magical girl. There was a napkin stuck to one of her ears, but that was fine. Now her superior nose could pick up on the scent on the donut. Or more specifically, it's former owner. The scent seemed to be coming from the roof of this building. Though it was unclear if they tried to throw the donut at someone, or simply dropped it. "You don't throw food at people unless you hate them. And donuts are way too soft! Haha!" Mika was proud of her deduction.

“I'll become an ace detective in no time.”

So Mika decided to go ahead with her plan, which she hatched just a few seconds ago. Still transformed, she ran into the nearest bakery and purchased a dozen donuts. Mika was an expert donut connoisseur, and she wasn't going to get any of those nasty donuts. She grabbed apple fritters, Bavarian cream, long johns, sour cream, cronut, glazed, but she stayed away from the dreaded powdered-jelly filled ones. She made her purchase swiftly, and everyone was more than happy to help the “gypsy” get out of the bakery as fast as possible.

"Alright Lupa, let's go!"

Mika needed to mentally command Lupa to get out of the wheelchair and wrap her arms around Mika's shoulders. Mika placed the bag of donuts in her mouth started to scale the building. This was hardly difficult, as Mika was fairly strong, and could make her own holds with the claws on her fingers and toes.

Before long, Rina would be alerted to the sound of something crawling up the side of the building. When she inevitably looked up, she'd she a feline magical girl holding a bag in her mouth. One clearly marked with the insignia of the local bakery. And she wasn't alone, a girl with a wool cap was hanging off of her back.

“My shot at love is finally here!” Lupa wasn't looking at anyone when she said this, and the response caused Mika's eyes to expand into saucers. She needed to take direct control of Lupa for a moment. “Sorry, I have a habit of pretending to be my friend's thoughts.” A short pause. “Because it embarrasses her.” Another moment of silence. “I mean, she might want to be friends with you, or more, whatever you're okay with. Maybe you could just see how it goes and decide on things in a couple of months.” Rina was pretty sure she could hear a few crickets. “Man I love playing jokes on my friend. I'm Lupa, this is Mika. She bought too many donuts, so just take the bag out of her mouth and we can share them with you.”



A magical girl was always at her most vulnerable while she was transforming. Unlike in the TV shows, their opponents weren't always chivalrous enough to wait for the good guys to power up to full fighting strength. Most would take the opportunity to crush their opponent flat. Fortunately, magical girls are indistinguishable from their true selves, minus a few traits. So most girls are safe so long as their transformations are fast, or done in a secluded place where they risk little chance of being discovered.

Amaryllis had chosen to transform in front of a restaurant. There were no obvious dangers. No present magical girls, no monsters, just the darkness looming in the sky. This seemed like as good as any place to transform. But as she would soon discover, that was not the case.

”Gaaahhhhhhhh!” a timid-looking girl ran up behind Amaryllis and bear-hugged her. ”Not so fast, Mint scum!” In her current untransformed state, Amaryllis was about as strong as her attacker. Before she could even think about what to do next, the timid girl let go of Amaryllis and shoved her closer to the wall. Once she regained her footing, the timid girl “trapped” Amaryllis between her arms, her body, and the wall of the restaurant. ”Don't even think about transforming again!” She fret her brow. ”I know a special technique to make it impossible for you to react! So don't even try it!” She squinted her eyes. ”I-I really don't want to use it.”

Su was flying back into Penrose. This all had to be connected somehow. The weather, Amber's missing body, she had no proof but it all had to be connected.

”Boteg, I'm going to investigate the disturbance.” It was only a matter of time before he contacted her about it. Might as well just speed things along. ”This one looks bad. I'm going to need backup. Send Helga this way on the double!” A burst of wind erupted behind Su, accelerating her through the sky.

Boteg was standing in his office in his “human” form, which looked more like a man with the head of a golden dragon. "Watch thyself, Sky Scare. Thou shall not become reckless." he placed his fingers against his temple. "Dragon's Scare, Sky Scare hath beseech thee for help. Prithee grant thy ally assistance, less a waggish dread-bolted foot-licker end us all! Hollowed ground is thy destination. Fare thee well, Dragon Scare."

Penrose’s cemetery was an eerie place. With the dead piling up by the day, it seemed like the graveyard was constantly expanding. There was always a few open holes in the ground, and construction equipment was always on hand. The graves use to be at least ten feet apart, but the space had narrowed considerably over the years. There had been an article a while back about the costs associated with a funeral were going up because things were getting so full. It suggested cremation instead, calling a traditional burial “a luxury for the excessively wealthy.” And perhaps such a statement was true. Most of the graves were marked with polished marble, rows and rows of ebony leading up to an onyx mausoleum. The bates ventured closer with their cargo in tow.

For the dark-aligned twins, it would not be hard for them to know they were not alone. Horror minions lurked in the shadows, flitting, hiding, occasionally looking about the scene for any possible intruders. It was already a creepy sight if there was one, but the onyx mausoleum itself seemed to be the source. It emanated a dark energy, an alien kind of vibe that for any regular person would send their survival instincts into an utter frenzy. For a magical girl, there was no doubt a horror, a greater one, was doing something here.

"The king has arrived!" Elroy raised the body over his head, as if he was going to throw it, then gently placed it at the foot of the crypt.

Regina shook her head. "We’ve brought the final component, as promised."

”The master sends his….regards for the splendid job you have done,” a man standing in the mausoleum entrance said with a slight amusement in his voice, his eyes taking the form of disturbingly black orbs without pupils, ”You shall find your final payment in the large coffin to the right of this building. And no, it is not a trap, as my master as told me to reassure you...fleshy things.”

The man then made a motion with his hand, to beckon two minions to gently take the body. They gingerly lifted it, taking proper care to not damage it, before swiftly moving past the horror-inflicted man and into the crypt. The man then made a small chuckle, before folding his hands and approaching the Bates a bit more formally.

”The portal will get the body to its destination, while Lord Soth provides forces here to provide...an ample distraction. Meanwhile-”

Before the man could finish, a wave of energy seemed to pass over the graveyard, coming from within the portal. Then from within, eyes began to open, several sets of them even as many slender tentacles grasped the entrance way of the mausoleum from the inside. They gave off a vibe Regina and Elroy would perhaps find ultimately familiar by this point in time, though the man who had been talking to them turned around in a panic and bowed his body to the ground. In fact, many of the minions had manifested only to bow in a similar fashion.

’Rise, worms. You have a duty to uphold, and the vessel i placed you in nears its end. Be glad, for it shall return to the void. the voice of Soth rung out into the air, aimed at his own minions, though taking on a decidedly different air as he seemed to gaze over at the bates-

’Ah, you both have done splendid work. The body is arriving at the ritual site, to be implanted with the proper parts and prepared bits. Indeed, things shall begin very shortly.

I am sure my worms here have told you where your reward lies, including the bonus from a time ago, and rest assured i am paying well for this…

….But really, mortals do seem to indulge in that driving sense of greed, haha!!! It is most...fascinating.

Elroy had already plunged his hand into the lid of the casket, and was able to wrench it off with relative ease. "Looks like a trove of magical coins, some pieces of paper with Benjamin's face on them..." Some of the contents were floating in the air, given the weather conditions and how violently Elroy parted the lid from the coffin.  "I don't see eyeball in here though. Which is weird because you typically expect to find a body inside one of these things. "

Regina fret her brow. "Where's Annabelle? You said that she'd be here as soon as we did this for you!" She folded her arms. "Where. Is. She?"


The voice of Soth boomed aloud in laughter, though he seemed ultimately amused and relaxed than anything. Even his minions laughed along with him, picking up into a small chorus briefly until their Lord became silent once again.

’Ah, but i did say once my plan was completed my use for the girl would be at its end. That time has not yet come, but shall very soon be made manifest.

Do not fret, young one, you will…...soon have her in your arms~

Before i begin, however, you may briefly converse with the girl.

In front of Regina would form a small portal of inky darkness, whose center would begin to clear up like a mirror. Eventually she’d see the face of Annabelle herself looking back at her, the horror’s magical girl waving...but her smile rather weak, as if forced by some means. However...things perhaps didn’t feel completely right regardless, as minions and flashes of the corpse and various odd shapes moved about in the background just behind Annabelle.

"Annabelle?" Regina put her arm through the portal and tried to take hold of her hand. Just to make sure it wasn't an illusion. The sensation Regina felt on her hand was genuine. There was no one's hand that could feel like this but Annabelle. "What's going on? Are you alright?"

”Ah...it really is you, Regina. But...i don’t know what’s going on, just that on my end we’re ready with the body and ritual site,” Annabelle said, as she gripped Regina’s hand back with a small squeeze to try to reassure the both of them, ”I kinda wish i was there with you right now, really....i feel a bit odd right now, to tell the truth.

But...boss told me he’d say what’s going on when i got to talk to you.

Regina bit her lower lip. "Well, I'm here now. So you can tell me."

The writhing mass of eyes and tentacles seemed to go silent for a moment, as if contemplating something, before Soth began to speak once more.

’Of course, young one. I think this shall be a...most educational time.’

Soth’s tentacles began to reach out more from the mausoleum, as if adjusting himself to speak. Like a teacher preparing to give a lecture...or a berating. What was perhaps certain was the feeling in the air seemed to darken, physical space warping as just a bit more of the great Horror emerged into the earthly plane. Several tentacles even caressed the edges of the portal the Horror had formed for Annabelle and Regina.

’The ritual i am about to perform is rare, i would dare say it is also something that will be very trying to even those adjusted to my power...like my Herald here. Some horrors cannot fathom this ritual, even.

That being said, my Herald shall be in your waiting arms the moment this is all over with, as promised. I will have no more use for her at that time. In fact, i shall bring her to you myself, as a token of….i suppose mortals call it ‘gratitude’?

The weather of this planet will also undergo a...temporary shift of temperament during the ritual. At least in this area. It is a finicky process….but mortals tend to rebuild and move on, so i think nothing of it truly.

However, i cannot be interrupted during this. So the center of this ritual shall be protected by me directly, and i offer great rewards if your group is to prevent any…’undue intrusions’ upon my territory during it. I shall see to those rewards personally~’

Regina didn't look away from Annabelle during the entire explanation, but it satisfied her. "Alright." She released Annabelle's and looked towards Soth. "Then I will make sure no one interferes with the ritual." She turned around to walk away. "And like I told you before, I don’t care about those other rewards. You'd better be telling the truth about Annabelle though."

’I am Soth, the Abyss, a natural force of the universe. I lie not about my offer. You shall have her in your arms, once this is finished.

But until then….Regina Bates.

Annabelle bit her lower lip, afraid to let Regina go...but not wanting to stop her either. Maybe she’d be safer farther away from the school? Ah...but before she could say a word, the portal silently closed in front of her. Likewise, a new small portal appeared near Annabelle in turn, inky black to its core as ever. She knew what this meant...

’The ritual will begin, now.

I want the tempered organs to be implanted first, alongside the bodily alterations that have been started.

I am preparing the extension into this realm, so begin the chanting to lock in the coordinates.

Prepare my forces as well...we soon shall have the most amusing visitors~’

"Wait! Let me text my friends about this." Elroy punched in a few buttons on his phone. "Alright! Let's rock and roll!"

The Bate walked away from the mausoleum. They were joined in their walk by the Beacon Buddies and several minions.

"They could come from any angle." Regina pointed along the fence line. "The minions shall serve as a distraction, I want the stronger monsters closer to the mausoleum." She turned to face the Beacon Buddies. "The lot of you will guard the four sides of the cemetery. You will receive reinforcements once we know what the enemy is doing..." Regina continued to give out orders as Soth's units moved into position. With every second Penrose wasted, their power would only grow. It was practically nightfall the cloud cover was so dense, which was when Soth's forces were at their strongest. Regina would finally rid herself of this miserable world, and all who caused her to suffer along with it.

The banter in Davis's room was interrupted by a loud ticking sound coming from somewhere inside his room. Davis did not appear on the monitor again, but everyone in his room could hear his voice come over the speakers. ”Was I not clear?” There was a scoff, or was it a chuckle. ”Leave. Immediately.”

Daimyon didn't have much time to think, but it was clear that leaving anything in this room wasn't going to work. He started to pull it out of the room, and his companions helped push.

Emily bit her lower lip. ”I can't believe we're doing this under a bomb threat! What's even in here!?”

Ice groaned. "Save your words for later you flipping cozen and push!"

As soon as they got out of the room, they heard a snap before the room was instantly engulfed in flames. It was so startling that Daimyon fell backwards onto the ground, before having Emily flop on top of him. It was just a matter of time before Max, Ice, Henry, and Alice fell on top of each other in that order. The chest had gotten out unscathed, but everyone could feel the heat rolling out of Davis's room.

”Daimyon, are you alright?” Emily felt around her her chest. ”Oh good, you're nose is free.”

"I still wouldn't mind if someone could get this churl off of me!" He sighed. "It's way past my bed time."

Jezebel was sitting with her back up against a wall. “What, happened?” She had her knees tucked against her chest.

Bliss seemed to have come out of her room, and was holding onto Cyrus's arm.”Cyrus, there was nothing you could have done this time. We were all too divided.” she looked at the floor. ”Sometimes, just surviving is a victory.”

“Meh.” Cyrus's glasses were cracked over. It was clear he had a lot he wanted to say, a lot he wanted to question. But he was trying his best to hold it in for now.

That was when the monitors sparked to life.

”How's every beary doing?” Monokuma appeared to be dressed up as a sports commentator. ”Welp, I'm here to let you know how the games are going. Caora and Mary have decided to fight Willow. Apparently Caora didn't want to stand around anymore, and wanted to show the world how strong he was. Mary and Juliette were so moved, they just had to become a part of his transformation.” The bear adjusted his papers. ”And Kyra is fighting Juliette, Noah, and Calvin. Calvin's just such a passionate guy, and our two newest infinites wanted in on that passion, if you catch my drift.” The bear set down his papers and folded his arms. ”The willow fight wasn't much, she just sort of rolled over the streamer or trap as soon as they entered her layer. Though I guess screamer and splat are more apropriate titles for those two now. I don't have any video of it, but we'll have an audio file up on our website you can download at www.despaircare.com/aaaaaahhhhhhhcreampuffisflatnow.WAV” Monokuma adjusted his papers again, but it was clear he wasn't reading them. ”Kyra's fight is actually still in progress. She managed to put a round between Noah's eyes, and Juliette is trying to hold her intestines in, begging for a mercy kill Kyra won't grant her. Calvin looks beary mad. Kyra's trying to bait him out with honey coated words. She's on a ferris wheel, so she's kind of hard to target. And now Calvi-” Monokuma's eyes shot open. ”What? Is that even legal!? That was a Davis level play there. I hate it!” Monokuma sighed. ”Calvin turned on the Ferris wheel. Kyra actually lost her footing. It's mopving kind of fast. Calvin just just has one chance to do this andifhe'snotquickhe'llmissithe'sgottodosomethingbecauseshe'ssocloseandherweaponisrightthereand OH!”Monokuma jumped backwards. ”Calvin wrestled for the gun, but ended up firing a bullet through himself. But... WHAT?!” Monokuma dove onto the desk. ”The round went right through him, passed through lord knows how many walls, and struck willow in her weak point! Great play, but Calvin won it for the opposite team.” Monokuma wiped some sweat(?) off of his head. ”Okay, Night of Carnage is over. I don't think we can really give the win to Calvin's team, but I think the real win goes to the person who made so much of this a possibility.” Monokuma was still panting. ”Krista! You are allowed to leave the killing game.” There was a pause. ”Krista? you there?” Monokuma groaned. ”Well this is embarrassing, she already found a way out.” He wiggled his nose. ”Looks like she committed suicide guys. That's an easy way out if I've ever seen it! Now who's going to open the door so that the nurse can let her out?” Monokuma sighed. ”Welp, guess she was a screw up to the very end! Remember kids, everyone gets out of the killing game eventually.”

Bliss's lower lip trembled. ”She...”

Cyrus shook off Bliss's hand. “I need to be alone for a moment.” Cyrus's scuffed into his room.
Alright fam. If you've read all the most recent posts, you can look at the power up table on the zeroth post and check out paths for your character to take. It's all explained there. Mild spoilers if you haven't read the most recent posts, hence the hider.

And remember, if you have your own ideas, we can work on stuff. Just drop a line in #character-reviews, send me a pm, post here, I'm easy to get a hold of.

? W H O ? W H O ? W H O ? W O H ? W O H ? W O H ? H O W ? H O W ? H O W ?

Gluttony's body trembled when Chieko embraced her. ”Oh?” Her smile faded away. ”Well, you've been through a lot. Far more than I ever have.” One of her hands slid around Chieko's waist and the other caressed the back of her head. ”I can only imagine what that feels like. You can rest here as long as you need.”

Wrath floated up behind Chieko and extended her hand towards the girl. But she couldn't bring herself to come any closer. With s sigh, Wrath turned away.

Alistair had asked the witches about the game, stating that he didn't feel things were mutual. Sloth swallowed before answering. ”We, call, it, a, game, but, it, is more, like, a deal.”

Greed hopped off of her perch and took hold of Alistair's arm. She was pulling on it lightly. ”We're all sealed away in this place, and have been for a very long time. But our magic is strong.” Alistair could feel his arms suddenly becoming the rope in a game of tug-o-war. ”That's why you keep coming back to life.”

”But we can't do shit by ourselves!” Pride took hold of Alistair's chest and started to pull him in a third direction. ”That's why we need Talus. He set up this gnarly system where we can influence you guys with our magic.” Pride pressed her head against Alistair. ”And we call this arrangement a game, because its got rules and shit.”

Greed chuckled. ”Wasn't Hiro the one you wanted?”

”Yea, but since he's dead and shit, Alistair's looking pretty good.” Pride gave a hard tug.

”He, was, my, first, choice. Let, go, you, sluts!”

Talus laughed at the boys. ”Boy are you two so much fun! Always scrambling to make sense of things you can barely understand.” He walked towards Ashton and flame. ”As amusing as someone offering their souls is, such things have little value to me. Furthermore, one of the witches moved the point where death resets past Hiro's death, so there's really nothing I can do.” He faked a frown before grinning again. ”But you shouldn't be so hard on yourselves! While you are not desired by any of the witches, someone certainly wants you here. If any of you became undesirable, You'd go the way of Hilda, Walker, Aaron, or Yuuki.” Talus bent over so that his head was level with Flame's. ”So don't worry your pretty little heads off about all the hate you're getting. Someone, somewhere, really wants you to be here. And that's not even including me!” The giant shadow stood up and turned to the witches. ”I've made my decision! We're going to transport everyone back into the world as if Vainglory didn't do anything. It's the easiest way to maintain the rules of the game.”

”Hey!” Wrath fret her brow. ”I only saved Aerith so that Chieko wouldn't be in such a predi-”

Pride released Alistair. ”You fuckin' biiiitch!” She pounced onto Wrath, who screamed as she went to the ground.

”I guess you should have thought about that before conspiring an illegal move with Vainglory.” He scratched his chin. ”And to make it up to the suitors, lets grant them all a learning boon.” Talus chuckled. ”We'll speed things up right to the end! For a week, your ability to absorb techniques will be enhanced to inhuman levels. You'll be the prodigies you all dreamed of being.” Talus placed his fingers together. ”I'll see you again in twenty-five years seven days.” and with a snap of his fingers...


Gris was holding his ribs, barely able to stand. ”I followed a boy here so that I could help him find his friends.” he growled. ”A woman committed suicide right in front of us. One of the boys said that the demi-human rebels were after them for their powers. We fought against a cloaked man, he was strong enough to fend us all off, and then he fled with Chiyo and another girl. That was when one of the boy's friends murdered a man to help one of the bandits escape. Then they all just vanished.” Gris managed to summon the strength to sit upright. ”I saw it all and I don't know what happened.”

Chieko found herself standing in front of the clinic, no longer able to feel Gluttony's warmth. Oddly, Aerith's body wasn't present, but Hiro was laying in the sand right where Ashton had stabbed him.

”Huh?” Gris looked up at Chieko. ”Weren't you being carried off?”

”There you are.” Elder sibling picked up Chieko again.

”Hey!” Gris pointed. ”I don't know who's side the other girl is on, but if you don't drop Chiyo right now-”

Elder sibling lowered Chiyo to the ground. ”There seems to be a misunderstanding. I'll let Chiyo fill you in on all the details.” and with that, Elder sibling and Chieko vanished from sight.

Gris leaned forward. ”Chiyo! What happened?” But the little girl was already crying when she ran up to him and gave the oni a hug. ”I guess it's going to be a bit before I know exactly what happened, Grisaia. But if you would, could you see if Donovan is safe? ”

”Quill!” Donovan's voice boomed from inside the clinic. There was still smoke billowing out of it, but less so with every passing second.”You're not here, are ya girl?”


Elder Sibling continued to teleport at an alarming rate. The rapid change in scenery was making Chieko nauseous. But after a few more seconds, the cloaked individual lowered Chieko onto her feet. The ground was covered in hay, and there were a few land dragons in pens, clicking at each other. A smaller land dragon hopped over to Chieko's side to inspect her. Possibly looking for food, or it had become accustom to strangers petting it. This had to be a stable for land dragons.

Elder Sibling immediately threw back their hood, confirming Aerith's suspicion that Fritzi and Elder Sibling were one and the same. ”Ahhh!” She threw her hands against a wall and started panting. There was a visible amount of sweat running down her face. ”They're dead, Aerith and Hiro are dead!” Fritzi's eyes were wide open. ”Why did she do that? Why did Ash- Why? Why didn't anyone stop them?” She stood up and looked at her hands. ”Why didn't I stop them!? Why didn't? Why?” She threw her hands onto her face. ” I could have protected Aerith from herself. I could have protected Hiro from Ashton.” Fritzi pulled back her hands. Just enough for Chieko to see her eyes. They were dry. ”Oh right, I remember why I didn't.” Her hands fell to her sides. ”I was being slothful again.”

The corners of Fritzi mouth curled into a smile. ”So, I think I know what we're going to do.” She put her hands behind her back. ”I think having you run around as free as a bird with your passports, gobs of money, and diplomatic immunity isn't really in anyone's best interest. Not at the moment anyway. Here's what we're going to do instead.” Fritzi appeared directly in front of Chieko, with her forehead pressed against hers. ”Fire! How fortunate.” Fritzi placed her hands on Chieko's shoulders. ”You'll be taught how to fight. Quill knows fire magic, and Chiyo is a martial master. They will be your instructors. I won't get you a passport, but we do have some hideouts where you will be able to live comfortably.” The wolf demi wiped away Chieko's tears with her fingers. ”The death of Hiro and Aerith changes my plans dramatically. Grieve for your friends now, because there won't be time later.” Fritzi placed a kiss on Chieko's forehead before taking a step backwards. Her hands were still on her shoulders. ”Today you will rest, Chieko. But your training starts tomorrow. I'll honor your desire to keep the others alive, but I'm not sure if Ashton's going to have a place in the new world I wish to create. I want you to really consider if he's worth sparing.” Fritzi put her hood up to obscure her identity. They didn't have to wait much longer for Quill to show up. ”Keep an eye on her for now.” Quill said nothing, and simply nodded to her master's request.


Alistair found himself in the center of the tavern, standing on top of the chair he had been teleported out of. Crunch was running around with her sword drawn. ”Alistair! I was looking all over for you!” After getting close, she suddenly froze. ”Wait, something's different about your smell.” She leaned in and took a few sniffs. ”A-Alistair! You smell like a cultist!” She raised her sword higher in the air. ”They almost abducted you again! They must be close!” Crunch charged out of the Tavern, much to the relief of everyone still present.


Ashton and flame did not find themselves where they were prior to be teleported. Instead, they found themselves in another dark space. It wasn't as foreboding as Talus's realm though. They could tell they were in a forest. It might have been dark, and there wasn't a single star in the sky, but florescent flowers and mushrooms made the area easy enough to see. Ashton and Flame only had a moment to enjoy their surroundings before an angel appeared before them. It's radiance was intense, but not impossible to look at once one's eyes adjusted to the new light source.

Do not be alarmed. The angel spoke. I am Od Laguna, or more specifically, I am a spirit acting as one of its avatars. I have chosen this form because I felt you wouldn't find it frighting, was I correct? The angel put its hands together. I've been trying to reach you, but the magic of the witches makes you difficult to approach. But now I can finally explain to you your purpose. Od Laguna stood up. There are those in this world that were brought here by the artificial witches. They are most unholy abominations, as is the cult that spawned them. When the others were summoned into the world, you were pulled in along side them to ruin their plans. At the time of the summoning, there was no way for Talus to know who the witches actually wanted. For all intents and purposes of his spell, Od Laguna qualifies as a witch, and its desires were just as important as the artificial witches. The angel walked closer. I will grant you each a blessing. Then you will have to train vigorously, for Talus is preparing to put his plan into full swing. I do not know what it is, only the moment he puts it into motion is close. The high council is on the move. The angel looked between the two boys. If you have any questions, make them short. Our time is limited, and we must make use of what we have.

Fight Pit

Vertti shook her head side to side. She was walking backwards away from Mie. "You're not making sense." She turned around and took off running.

Mie had already attempted to blind Aer with a spell and was moving in to attack. Spears are dangerous weapons. Many people undervalue their speed without realizing that a spear's greater leverage makes it stronger and faster than any sword. Inflicting Aer with momentary blindness would be essential to closing the distance and disarming her weapon. But Mie could tell that something was wrong, as she could still perceive a threat inside her spell. Aer's body was enveloped in black smoke, but when it parted, she was still fully capable of seeing. Moreover, her weapon was covered in frigid barbs that revolved around her spear. "Seems your magic needs some work." It was evident that Aer's strength lied in her magic, as she didn't even need to utter a incantation to cast her spell. But Mie's strength was in her physical prowess, which she used to quickly roll out of the way of Aer's strike.

That was about when Belrigger came charging through the hallway screaming
. Aer only had a moment to react, and she didn't possess the same level of danger awareness or agility that Mie did. She put up her hand and made a barrier of ice. While it did slow him down, Belrigger was still able to charge through it with his shoulder. The blow was hard enough to throw Aer a few feet backwards and even caused the elf's hood to fall off of her head. Her pointed ears were revealed to everyone.

She pulled up her hood as soon as she regained her stability. "It's a spear, and it's mine!" Aer would perhaps need a moment more for all of her senses returned.

”Fucking adventurers!” Mono and twelve of his guards filled the path outside. ”They think that their guild card means that they can bust an operation like this by themselves.”

Aer blushed. "N-not at all. I just wanted to make sure my mark made it out okay."

”Then wait a fucking second.” Then, a bit quieter he said. ”And do a better job with that hood. Next time, I'll be forced to take action. ”

Aer groaned. "It will not happen again."

Mono pointed behind himself. ”Deca, Get the civilian outside. Everyone else, remain on standby.” Once Aer had been removed from the premises, he folded his arms and looked directly into Belrigger's eyes. ”So I got a tip from a civilian. She's fairly credible, given her status as a registered adventurer. ” Mono took a step closer. ”Apparently house Larchmond and the demi-human bandits have been working together, and they have quite the tunnel system worked out. I think it was reported as an 'undercity; if memory serves.” Another step closer. ”Apparently there's an illegal fighting ring directly behind you. Prize fighting and the abuse of woman are just some of the naughty things that go on around here. This would normally be the job for the city guard, but the bandit's connection to the cultists places this under my jurisdiction.” He pointed at Belrigger ”You can make this interesting for us and try to fight, or you can surrender and tell me everything. I don't care which one you choose, you fucking degenerate!”

(Make sure you read the latest posts before lookin')

I think we could all work on our presentation. I've had the pleasure of Rping with a whole slew of people. Some of them were great writers who made me interested in their characters, while others had a lot to learn before they could do the same. What I've found interesting is that a roleplayer's ability to write posts doesn't have any sort of bearing on how good a job they do filling out a character sheet. I've been bamboozled time and time again as great characters come from poor sheets, and sometimes the opposite is true. Clearly, filling out a character sheet takes an entirely different skill set than writing a post.

Alright fam, another month, another character creation contest. I'm going to post a mock OOC for a fake RP. It will include details about the setting, lore, and rules your characters MUST conform to. Obviously it's all going to be a bit light, as we won't actually be playing said RP. But once you've looked over the OOC, you can make your character. It's pretty much just like a real RP, only it'll never actually start. Instead, a voting thread will open up where the community will vote for its favorite. Once the voting period is over, a winner will be declared. If there is a tie, I will break said tie with my own vote.

Last contest was a frontier American setting. Lets go for something a little crazier this time. How about we go for some cyber punk?


I don’t care that they stole my idea... I care that they don’t have any of their own.

Nikola Tesla

Welcome to Junk Yard. What we've got here is your typical post-apocalyptic scenario with a dab of cyberpunk just to keep things interesting. Junk Yard is inspired by such works as Borderlands, Final Fantasy Seven, Fallout, Shadowrun, and Septera Core. Only instead of our daring adventurers traveling on foot, everyone opts to travel around in vehicles.

Its not all jet fuel and plasma beams though. The world is made up of layers that float over each other. Those that live on the middle most layer get barely enough sun to grow crops, and are just close enough to the "Underyard" to risk attacks from the lower layers. Resources are becoming scarce, and someone needs to go to the upper layers to figure out what's going on.


Your Role in the RP is as a citizen from Quisquiliae, which is one of the many layers of this strange world. However, you and everyone you know are in a bit of a pickle. It seems like the upper layers are shifting erratically, denying your layer of the rainwater and sunlight it needs to build crops. The mayor emperor of Quisquiliae is bothered by this, and has decided to put together a team to journey to the upper layers and see whats going on. On the way you'll likely encounter clever bandits, dangerous monsters, sassy merchants, and maybe even a lovely damsel or three as you struggle to complete your quest. But you might just find even bigger problems on the upper layers...


The RP will span all over the world, which is a planet called Pax Romana. Pax Romana's continents are actually floating masses called layers that drift around the planet. No one is sure why the layers float like this, but it is believed to be due to magnetic fields. Because all layers float in the air, there are no oceans, and the only good sources of water come from rain catchers, "fog vacuums," or lakes. There are hundreds of layers on Pax Romana, which are all roughly between ten and two hundred miles across. The most important layers for the RP are the following, in order from highest to lowest.

Regina: The highest habitable layer. While it's cool, The people of Regina enjoy more sun and rainfall than the lower layers, giving them the most bountiful crops. Their technology is extremely advanced, Largely because it was scientists and thinkers who first chose to live on Regina. The population count is small for the layers massive size, but their people live in almost complete harmony. Scientific advancements in defense have made the layer nigh impervious to any would-be adventurer who would plunder its riches. For most, Regina is an unobtainable dream that floats just out of reach. Little else is known about the place, as few people have any reason to leave such a place. Or are tales of its riches nothing but rumors?

Scalprum: Of all the raiding layers, Scalprum is probably the biggest. The layer itself even looks like a raiders ship, with jagged rocks pointing out in all directions like a spiked flail. The layer is steel and stone as far as the eye can see. Anything that other layers might consider too barbaric or immoral happens every day on Scalprum. Slavers, mercenaries, and raiders come from all around to do business with minds just as unsavory as their own. This pit of degeneracy is somehow managed by the Lion Lord, a man as fierce as his name implies. Though actually, people who have met him claim he's very mild and extremely charismatic. Even so, one has to wonder what kind of person would allow himself to be elevated by groups of thieves, murderers, and rapists.

Quisquiliae: This is your home. The raiders mostly ignore it because Quisquiliae is a floating ball of garbage. Many of its residence survive just by sorting through all the garbage that happens to fall onto their layer. It rains trash so much, that getting killed by falling debris is a very real concern that everyone takes seriously. You won't live very long without a shed, or a vehicle that can protect you from such things. Very little of the layer has much vegetation, and the forests seem to shrink every year due to lack of sunlight or blight from falling trash. It's no surprise that most people leave Quisquiliae as soon as they are able to. Unfortunately, it's just not feasible for everyone to up and leave this rock. Either they don't have the means, or things like family and pride keep them shackled to Quisquiliae.

Dolor: The layer just above Ignis. A land charred black by flames, and is only lit by the glow of magma. No people live on Dolor, it is a layer that only inhabits monsters. Such mutations go unexplained even by the smartest scientists. Some say they were former humans, and the heat and radiation drove them mad. Others believe they crawled out of Ignis itself, and are looking for more souls to drag into its fiery depths. If you find yourself on Dolor, you should leave. Immediately.

Ignis: The lowest layer. Ignis is the molten heart of Pax Romana. Raw, unloving, and fierce. Nothing can live here.


Pax Romana hosts a great number of strange folks. There are races very far removed from traditional humans, and they can be found almost anywhere. Even on good ol' Quisquiliae! It isn't clear how all the humanoid races came to be. Some say the elves came from arid layers where the wind pinned their ears back. Some say that dwarves are short due to the stronger pull of gravity on the lower layers. Some even say daemons crawled out of the core itself, and under their fleshy bodies are the molten remains of some monster. But there is no evidence to really back up any of that. Regardless of race, everyone is an equal once inside their vehicle of choice.


Vehicles, much like the people who ride them, come in all shapes and sizes. Everyone is familiar with your everyday trucks, boats, and planes. But there are also more exotic pieces like power suits, mechs, or strange combinations of the above. Quisquiliae is a relatively poor layer. Most of what they have to work with is damaged when it fell from the layers above, and needs to be melted down or refurbished to get any use out of it. That is to say that their vehicles are pieced together out of scrap and is rather junky when compared to the tech found on upper layers like Regina or even Scalprum. Quisquiliae has very few war time vehicles, and most are likely set up for scavenging or other civilian tasks. Vehicles are armed, as the land is wild and dangerous, but they'll never stand up to military grade tech from an established layer.


Q: Can I use images for a description? Any limits to how crazy I can get with a character sheet?

A: Given the nature of the contest, it would be preferable that no one used images in their character sheet. And while you are free to pretty up the character sheet with different formatting code, remember that this is a character contest. A pretty sheet with an ugly character won't win.


1: ~ Nothing that would break the setting will be permitted.

2: ~ This is a contest. While it would be most ideal to have a bunch of characters that are all different from one another, no one will be omitted for filling the same “archetype.”

3: ~ While a CS will be provided, you may edit it however you see fit.

4: ~ New characters are mandatory.

5: ~ Simply post your submission in this thread once it is completed. Deadline is the 19th at about 7-9 PM GMT.

6: ~ Feel free to ask questions in this thread as well. I could use the feedback.



Age | Gender | Weight | Height
Affinity | Vehicle | Race


Short description of your character. Pretend you're trying to describe your character in as few words as possible. Something a GM could load onto a banner if he should chose to.


Notable physical features.


Doesn't need to be novel length, just needs to be long enough to where we know what they are and how they act. Maybe mention a few character quirks while you're at it.


I'm not too picky about length. Just make sure it's a solid foundation for your character.


Describe that ride!

...and for the easy copy/paste.


[b]Age | Gender | Weight | Height
Affinity | Vehicle | Race[/b][/center]

[u][b] [color=06d283]D[/color]escription [/b][/u]

[indent]Short description of your character. Pretend you're trying to describe your character in as few words as possible. Something a GM could load onto a banner if he should chose to.[/indent]

[u][b] [color=06d283]A[/color]ppearance [/b][/u]

[indent]Notable physical features.[/indent]

[u][b] [color=06d283]P[/color]ersonality [/b][/u]

[indent]Doesn't need to be novel length, just needs to be long enough to where we know what they are and how they act. Maybe mention a few character quirks while you're at it.[/indent]

[u][b] [color=06d283]B[/color]io [/b][/u]

[indent]I'm not too picky about length. Just make sure it's a solid foundation for your character.[/indent]

[u][b] [color=06d283]V[/color]ehicle [/b][/u]

[indent]Describe that ride![/indent]
So that contest was a blast to run! Already got the second one mostly done, and it should be up relatively soon.

I wasn't expecting this many contestants, but I'm a little bummed that we didn't get a single vote from outside the contest. But I guess the events just have to keep getting bigger for that to happen.
Seems that @Gwynbleidd's saloon girl has won the contest. Congratulations!

Maybe someday I'll have a real reward up for the winner.

I'll have my own thoughts about the entries up at a later date, but for now, I've got some roleplaying to catch up on, and another contest to host. So keep your eyes open!

In the meantime, I eagerly await to see the entries to ode to fury roll out.
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