Avatar of canaryrose


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1 yr ago
Current tbh a death threat was not on my 2023 bingo
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1 yr ago
man if you’re just gonna fucking admit it what’s the point. go touch grass. don’t kill your roommate.
1 yr ago
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1 yr ago
holy shit roommate murder guy went off
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1 yr ago
announcing intent to murder is pretty juicy, tbh


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@Nyctophilia I have several problems with your CS. One- the appearance. It needs to be a bit more detailed. 'Tall for age'? Can I know how tall he is, please? Also, why in the world is he in Gryffindor? Looking at his personality, I can easily deduce that he belongs in Ravenclaw. Unless there is a facet of his personality that you are forgetting- something that tells me that he's brave, daring, or is chivalrous. Also, I would like an RP sample from you. You are a new person to this website- I have absolutely no idea of deducing whether or not your writing is adequate. And can you not put everything in hiders? It is very tedious for me to click through each and every one of them.

EDIT: Sorry for not clarifying that you needed to give me a roleplay sample.
@Inner Demon

The last one where Soma whispers into Teodora's ear? Yee, boi
@Western Robot

Probably the darkest way to kill someone

Their mind is still active, but they can't move their body, and the only way for them to get it back is to get something from another dimension that they can't go into
@Western Robot

Just for future reference- could you, per say, put someone else's Soul Jar in a Hammerspace?
Also, we need Slytherins and Gryffindors!
Jesus Christ that's gonna piss Leon off, I think

That'd be fine, Wick. A Metamorphagus is fine, but do try not to make them OP.

@Nikki Moonlight

That's better, accepted


Sicne she's been raise din a wizard family, I'd recommend giving her a more classic name such as Gertrude or Mary.
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