Avatar of Candlelitsoul


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Uber app: "Be sure to check your ride every time". Me: "Yeah. Because I'm really gonna get in the car with some stranger...". Also me: *instantly realizes I AM getting in the car with a stranger* O_o
1 like
9 days ago
Started writing chapter 11. So excited!
28 days ago
UnlikeHumanKind It's never a waste of it brings you joy. That's something I learned the hard way.
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29 days ago
Forgot to update this, but I am almost through chapter 10 of writing my novel. I'm so proud of myself!
1 mo ago
When your tummy is upset after the party, but you won three games and it was worth it.


I'm a multi-paragraph, advanced writer, seeking those with similar interests and capabilities. I do have a large list of ideas that I make over, add to, and change as the ideas come.

My rules may seem harsh, but I started role playing in the Yahoo! chat rooms when I was 14, and we had a similar list. Especially when the site had groups you could form.

-I don't mind sexual content, but the main focus is the story. If the character's have a connection, then I accept it, but I do NOT write it for the sake of appeasing someone's need for entertainment.

-I don't usually do this, but I need a sample of your writing. Too often people have claimed to be what they aren't, and I'm hoping to head that off at the pass.

-Be able to post, at the bare minimum, once every week. I can understand having a busy life. Between my home and work chaos, it can be hard to sit down and post regularly. If you can't, message me and I will happily wait. Though I do ask this; if you're dropping out, don't ghost. Tell me upfront. I always understand.

-I'm looking for someone to play male characters. No story is exactly set, as I have met people who can bring new perspectives to a base idea. I can play background males, but the mains I am looking for.

-My base genres are fantasy (meaning they have powers. Not dragons, orcs, etc), romance, modern, medieval, post-apocalyptic, and historical.

If you can make it past these, I look forward to writing with you.

Most Recent Posts

I see what you did there.

Welcome! I came from Facebook as well. Better role players here.
Still seeking dedicated players!
Welcome! I hope you find something that suits you.
Welcome to the family!
In Hello 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome! It seems all kinds of places are being deleted today.
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