Is this a passive effect for my skill tree?
6 hrs ago
I got so much characters and extensive plot that I haven't written down and have just kept in my brain for 3 years. Somehow, it's made at least 3 separate stories, all of which connect somehow.
1 day ago
Nothing like being stuck inside because you can't not be an indecisive nervous wreck.
1 day ago
I like women too
2 days ago
*blows up eyes with mind*
"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." -Freddy Fazbear
"As long as I get to sleep, this job should be easy... right?"
Name: Sirena "Sasha" Solace Age: 124 Description: A 6'1" half demon girl with ram horns and infinitely disintegrating hair, almost always wearing a pretty loose fitting suit (out of habit at this point) and having a pretty cool looking mouth and eyes, if I do say so myself. She does have a little bit of bags under those eyes, but they're hard to notice unless under a certain lighting. Her pants sleeves seem to be rolled up pretty high, and unevenly for that matter.
She is usually very cheery and bubbly, but can get a little depressing at times. She has a habit of falling asleep in random places, due to her former job being a little... tiring, to say the least.
Speaking of her former job, her background isn't too much to note, just that she used to work a 24/7 job that was near a (contained) black hole, which probably explains the hair... She grew up in a somewhat stable situation, but it got worse somehow. Despite that, she tried as hard as she could to find a good, stable job to further support her family, but it didn't work out all that well... Abilities: She is great at cooking, can make some really, really good tea or coffee, is pretty smart compared to most and has a really good immune system. She has magnetic magic, but it's pretty weak as she hasn't had much time to learn it. But now, she probably has the time. Artifacts: Since she has a lack of magical power, she managed to nab herself a blade of sorts for protection, that being the quite large dual headed axe that she likes to call "Maurice", as it's real name is shrouded and unknown. It has the innate ability to catch on fire, as well as make a temporary fire trail if she somehow manages to throw it. Its handle has a sort of spiral pattern, with some, in her own words, "badass bandages" around the connecting point between the handle and blade(s). The blades each have jagged edges, as well as a nice, sleek black color, accompanied by some fiery orange accents, which make a somewhat patternless pattern. Connections: She feels as if she needs to at least try and make friends with anyone she meets, but if they aren't interested, neither is she. She does have a little brother (who she loves to death, I mean, she practically raised him) but he's... absent in her life, as well as the rest of her family. Misc: not sure if I have anything to put here... uhh... let's see... she likes women, that's pretty cool ig.
Alright, I polished it up the best I could after looking at it for several hours and contemplating my life decisions multiple times, ahem- I hope she is to everyone's liking, as I am pretty bad at doing character sheets most of the time.
[center][b][i]"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."[/i][/b]
-Freddy Fazbear[/center]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-i">"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."</span></span><br>-Freddy Fazbear</div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><img src="" /></div></div>