Avatar of Cao the Exiled


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7 mos ago
Current Hello
9 mos ago
= _= *grunts grumpily*
9 mos ago
*Finds a nice ditch to lay down and die in*
1 like
9 mos ago
Please tell me there is a way to save my new brain friend in the beginning of Balder's Gate 3...
2 yrs ago
Now that the holidays and crippling depression has subsided (for now), guess I should get off my ass and do shit.


Most Recent Posts

@Jove | Gotcha XD I'll have to look for this book!
@Mae | Did you make up this list? Cause someone having to "get laid" would be hysterical XD
Ooooh, interesting, sure!
Hmm.... mae, relationship, 5?
Sounds good to me
Did I do that right? XD
Hmmm 4 relationship @Pirouette
Sorry, just saw this, hmmm so I pick a number then either a relationship with mae or location, item. Or need with pirouette??
Cool! I'll finish my Drow Songblade then and bring him here! Thank you!!!
@Mortalya Cool! I even have a cool OC in mimd, one of my D&D charater. But I was wondering if one can be a Glace and a Nano?
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