Avatar of Crimson Flame


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Current You’re both wrong, I’m alive!
2 days ago
Because I’m tired of Goku winning every fight.
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2 days ago
@Donut Look Now: It’s an even fight because Goku has to scream for five minutes, and Sailor Moon has to do a transformation sequence. I’ll go with Sailor Moon.
2 days ago
Kirby because I love Kirby, and I don’t play Minecraft.
4 days ago
A Pokkén RP? Or the game Pokkén?
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Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

Rose Hadley


21 (April 22 1999)

Heterosexual, though romance isn’t high on the priority list right now


Rose stands at exactly six feet tall, and often wears heels so she appears taller. She's used to being the tallest woman in the room at any given time. She has a slender build, but still has a feminine figure. She was born with fair skin that does not tan easily. Her hair is blonde, reaches down to her mid back, and is slightly wavy, with side swept bangs. She has a heart shaped face, and her features are soft and feminine. Her eyes are as green as the forest, a trait inherited from generations of Hadley family members. She has long eyelashes, that are enhanced by mascara when necessary. She keeps her make-up simple, sticking to shades of pink, and uses it to enhance what's there. She considers herself a classic beauty, and works to maintain her appearance.

Rose is very much into fashion, and spends a lot of money on it. Her sense of style is girly, with lots of flower and plant motifs thrown in. Her outfits tend to vary, but they are usually in a pink and green color scheme, her favorite colors. She also has a preference for skirts and dresses over pants. Her current outfit consists of a baby pink, short sleeved peasant blouse decorated with roses, and a darker pink corset design in the middle. She wears a pink sash around her wait that is decorated with a larger pink rose on the side. On the bottom, she wears a frilly green skirt. Her legs are covered by sheer pink stockings that are decorated with a subtle vine pattern. Her choice of footwear are green high-heeled designer pumps that are fastened with long, silk ribbons that criss-cross around her calves. She adds a personal touch to her shoes by pinning a silk flower to the ribbons of her left shoe. She accessorizes with a lot of emerald jewelry (necklace, earrings, bracelet, and a ring) as well as pink flowers clipped to her hair.

In the world of Fog, her hair gets put up in a braid, her skirt is exchanged for pants, and she wears flats.

Six feet

Rose carries herself like a Princess. Since birth, she was taught to be elegant and graceful at all times, and still holds herself to those standards. She's a cool, calm, and collected young woman, who can keep a level-head when going into stressful situations. Her calmness also means she doesn't openly show her emotions too often. She is very slow to anger, and if she finds something funny the most you'll get is a smirk. When she talks to someone, she'll be blunt and get straight to the point. Rose is not shy and submissive in the slightest. She was trained to be a queen one day, which means she can't allow people to walk all over her. She will not hesitate to correct someone she deems is being rude.

Rose spends most of her time on her family's estate. She was homeschooled for most of her life, and doesn't have much experience dealing with people who don't work for her. She expects to be treated like a Princess at all times, and as such often doesn't know how to respond when she isn't. She also can be a spoiled brat at times. She enjoys living the glamorous princess lifestyle, being given lavish gifts, and having wealth to spend on whatever she likes.

Her calm nature sometime makes her come off as cold to others, but that assessment couldn't be further from the truth. She's actually quite friendly around people she actually does know. She does have emotions, it's just that one has to try very hard to get her to show them. In conversation, she is a great listener, who will quietly and politely take in and absorb what others have to say. She pays attention, and offers advice if it's wanted. She's also very good at calming people during bad situations.

Kore, Empress

Kore appears as a young woman with a pale complexion, and glowing green eyes. Her wavy blonde hair is decorated with a bunch of flowers. She wears a long grecian toga. It should be noted that this is Kore, and not Persephone. She hasn’t become Queen of the Underworld yet.

Possibly some Bless and Healing skills


Year 2. Business, chosen by her parents.

The Hadley family is a wealthy and powerful family that has been around for generations. The next child born would inherit the family estate and be in charge once their parents passed away. This was a great privilege and responsibility. Oliver and Daisy had tried for the longest time to have a child. After years of trying, they finally were blessed with a healthy baby girl they named Rose.

Rose grew up on her family's estate in London. From the getgo, her parents were very protective of their only child. She was spoiled and given every luxury a young girl could want. She was homeschooled her entire life by scholars and tutors that were handpicked by her parents. She was educated in a variety of subject that were important for a young woman of her social standing to know. Her life has been sheltered by her parents, she rarely dealt with anyone that wasn’t her family or on her family’s payroll.

Even outside of her schooling, Rose spends a lot of her time at family’s estate. Whenever she does venture away from her home, she is accompanied by bodyguards hired by her parents. Her life is rather luxurious, if lonely. She usually doesn’t spend much time with others her own age. It’s the life she’s always known, and doesn’t really see anything wrong with it.

When Rose turned 18, her parents enrolled her at Thames' Edge University. They thought a degree from a prestigious University would be a good for her, and they chose business because they felt it would be a degree that could easily be applied to several other career paths. Rose would even be allowed to live on Campus. It would be Rose’s first time away from home. Rose quietly made it through her first year, and her second year is just about done. Now being surrounded by new people and new experiences, Rose is starting to have doubts about everything. Her entire life has been chosen by her parents. She’s not sure if this path is the path she should be on. Business is fine but... she’s already going to inherit a lot of money. Why not study music or art, or anything else?

Oliver Hadley: Father
Daisy Hadley: Mother
Various other relatives
Maids, butlers, bodyguards, and other people that work on her family’s estate.

Rose’s feelings about her family are mixed. On the one hand, they’re her family. She loves them, and they love her. It should be that simple, right? On the other hand, Rose honestly doesn’t speak to her parents that much. They’re always busy. Any other relatives she has are barely ther. Her parents don’t really encourage fraternizing with The Help.

This is how they view other characters throughout the story. This will be updated as major changes in their involvement and view of one another is shifted overtime.

Character Theme
Might add one later
<Snipped quote by LetMeDoStuff>

do we have to wait 100 years now?

Maybe someone will discover the new one before 100 years pass.
Name: Fiona Odette
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Allusion: Swan Lake
Aura colour: White
Species: Swan Faunus (She has white feathered wings growing from her back, which allow her to fly.)

Semblance: Swan Plumage: Fiona's semblance allows her to summon white feathers made from aura that she can manipulate. These are not harmless feathers by any means. They can be razor sharp, and can be used to attack opponents as if they were throwing daggers. They can also be used as a shield to soften the blows of attacks if she creates enough of them. The more she exerts her abilities, the more taxing it is on herself.

A long white rapier. It has a swan's head at the end of the handle. A dust crystal can be placed at the hilt for enhanced attacks. She tends to use Water, Wind, Ice, and Hard Light crystals.

Appearance: Fiona is a petite, thin woman. She stands at slightly less than 5 feet tall. Her figure is willowy, lacking in curvature. Not that she's a block, rather her curves are just understated. She has a heart shaped face, and her facial features are soft and delicate. She has large, expressive brown eyes that often reflect sadness, framed by long eyelashes. She has a small button nose, and full lips. Her skin is naturally pale, and serves as a contrast with her long, silky, black hair. She usually doesn't wear make-up, and when she does, it's only a small amount that you wouldn't even notice it. Odette has a fragile, delicate beauty that tends to make people admire her for her beauty, or take pity on her. Both reactions embarrass her. Since she is a Swan faunus, she has white feathered wings growing from her back. Her clothes are customized to accommodate them.

Odette generally dresses elegantly, but not too over the top either. She generally prefers to wear white, and other pastel colors. Her casual outfit includes a white to with a lavender ruffle around the neckline. She wears a matching lavender ruffled skirt on the bottom. Her legs are covered by white leggings, and she wears silver flats with ribbons that go around her legs, and are tied up into a bow at her thighs. She acceorizes with feathers mostly. She wears a white feather clip in her hair made from feathers. Silver earrings shaped like feathers hang from her ears, and a silver necklace with several small silver feather charms hangs around her neck.

Her outfit is mostly white. Around her head, she wears a white swan tiara. The swan's head sits on her forehead, and on either side are white wings. She wears a long sleeved white blouse as her top. The sleeves are wide, and there are frilly ruffles under the collar around the chest area. Around her waist, she wears a white sash with lavender feathers hanging off it. On her legs are a pair of white leggings. Her look is completed with a pair of knee high white boots.

During class, she wears the standard Haven Academy Uniform. Exactly as it's supposed to be worn.

Personality: Fiona comes across as being aloof when people first meet her. She is a quiet young woman who doesn't seem to smile very often these days. While she is capable of being polite in conversations, she doesn't speak to others much unless someone engages her first. After being bullied as a child for being "The Ugly Duckling" she's always been a bit reserved. The the things that happened in her life made it worse. She often cried and sulked for a long time. While she got a better handle on her grief now, she never truly got over everything that had happened to her. While she tries to carry herself with grace in public, she still has bouts of depression every so often.

While being slow to trust others at first, beneath her quiet exterior, Fiona is a very kind and gentle soul. She gives to those less fortunate, and is willing to help someone in need. She is sympathetic to the plights of others, and is sweet to all those who stick around long enough to form a relationship with her. She is loyal and affectionate to those she is close to, and would do anything for them if they needed it.

Due to the bullying she experienced as a child, Fiona has a rather low opinion of herself. No matter how much people try to tell her otherwise, she still sees herself as the ugly duckling, and is rather embarrassed when she is given complements. Fiona generally keeps how she is feeling to herself. The last time she spoke up, an innocent man got killed for his trouble. That being said, she does have a hidden violent, angry side that she does her best to keep to herself. She doesn't take kindly to bullies, and evildoers in general. She can also be vicious in a fight.

History: Fiona and her parents lived on a small village in Vale. She lived a fairly simple life on the island with her family. Her mother was a Swan Faunus, and be extension so was her daughter. Growing up was not easy for the young girl. Her face was riddled with blemishes, she was awkward and clumsy, and people found her too thin and pale. She was bullied relentlessly by her peers for her looks, on top of the fact that she was a faunus. She was given the nickname The Ugly Duckling. All of this bullying damaged her self-esteem.

Her parents were both hunters, and they would one day teach their daughter to fight and follow in her footsteps. That changed when she was twelve. A swarm of Nevermore's invaded the Island. In the chaos that ensued, both of the young girl's parents were killed. The bird grimm were eventually all defeated, but the young girl was left parentless. The girl was of course devastated by the loss of her parents, However, she wasn't alone for long. She was taken in by an older man named Sombra Von Rothbart. He was a friend of the Odette family, and was glad to take in their child. Especially because it would give his own daughter someone to play with.

Sombra was kind to her at first. He supported her through all the sadness she was feeling over her parents demise. He put her in ballet classes, as it would be a way to help her be less clumsy, and it would give her something to distract her from the pain. Gradually, Odette's appearance improved as she grew into herself. The blemishes on her skin disappeared and was now smooth and clear. She was also a lot more poised and graceful. By the time she was 16, Odette was no longer the Ugly Duckling. People were in awe of Odette's newfound beauty, but she still remembered how badly people treated her when she was the ugly duckling. Although she kept it to herself, she still held some resentment towards her abusers.

Over time though, Sombra's true colors began to show. As the girl grew older, he took more of an interest in her. He would order her to dance for him and with him, and make unwanted advances torwads her, and then beat her when she refused. He would apologize for it the next day, but the cycle of abuse would continue. At some point, Sombra took her out of school, and kept her as his prisoner and had to do anything he asked. Then there was the matter of Sombra's daughter, Odila. With the exception of her clothing choices, Odila looked exactly like Fiona. She was also a faunus, except her wings were black. She product of an affair Sombra had with Fiona's mother, and the reason why Sombra was so obsessed with her. Fiona and her half sister never spoke to each other.

Fiona wanted to escape, but felt like she couldn't. Where would she go, wander the streets? She had no family, what was she to do? She did however make it a point to sneak out every night while Sombra slept. As long as she made sure to come back before the sun rose, she could enjoy a few hours of freedom every night. It was during one of her nightly escapes that she met a handsome young man named Derek Siegfried. The two were smitten with each other from the moment they laid eyes on each other. He invited her to a party he was having at his home the next night. Fiona happily accepted, thinking maybe this would be her chance at freedom.

Except, at some point, Sombra caught on to what Fiona was doing. He followed her out one night, and caught her with another man. Rather than comfront her right then and there, he concocted another plan.

The night of the party, Fiona arrives, but Derek notices there is something different about her. Her wings were black, and she also was dressed in black. She was also much more foward and flirtatious than she normally was. The prince didn't think too much of it though, believing that she was only excited, and maybe she dyed her wings to go with her outfit. Did faunus' do that? He didn't know. The truth of the matter was that Sombra had sent his daughter in her place. Fiona eventually awoke, and hurried to Derek's house, only to witness Derek and Odila then kissing passionately. The sight of which brings Fiona to tears, as she flees.

Derek only realizes his mistake after catching a glimpse of Fiona in tears. He manages to catch up to her, but also catches Sombra trying to take back Fiona. Derek demands she be released. It isn't long before a fight breaks out between the men. It ended quickly after Sombra pulled out a gun, and shot Derek dead.

At this point, something in Fiona snapped. Sombra had kept her prisoner for far too long. Now he went and killed an innocent man. As Sombra was gloating, Fiona snatched the gun out of his hand, and pointed it at him. Sombra taunted her, saying she would never do it. And then she shot him, multiple times to make sure the man was truly dead.

When everything was said and done, Fiona was horrified with what she did. She felt guilty about killing another person. Even if it was someone who was holding captive, killing was not something good people did. Fiona knew she had to get out of there, she flapped her wings and flew away. She didn't know where she was going to go, or what she was going to do. She just knew she had to leave.

This is how she wound up in Mistral. Far away from her home in Vale, where she could get a fresh start. She also enrolled in the Haven Academy, in an effort to become a Huntress. The Grimm were responsible for killing her parents and putting her into this mess in the first place. She wanted to be sure no one would have to suffer like she did. Her first year was fairly average. Her dance skills helped make her a skilled fighter. She mostly kept to herself during her time there, and didn't really have any friends. She occasionally got teased for being a faunus, but she just ignored it.
Name: Daniel “Danny” Davis

Age and Gender: 18, Male, Homosexual

Appearance: Danny is a tall and lean young man. He stands at exactly six feet tall. He has a bit of a baby face that he has been teased about. Marked by a round face, large expressive blue eyes, and a small nose. These features give him a rather youthful appearance. He keeps his blonde hair short and spiky. His build is slim and wiry, with very basic muscle definition. He has a fair skin complexion. He has Some people have called him cute, but Danny gets embarrassed when people talk about him like that.

Danny doesn't really have much in the way of fashion sense. He dresses how he thinks looks cool. His wardrobe mostly consists mostly of T-shirts, jeans, and sneakers. He always wears pink and purple, his favorite colors. No matter what anyone says, he won’t change that. He currently wears a pink T-shirt with a short sleeved pink and white jacket over it, a pair of purple jeans, and purple and white high top sneakers. He wears glasses for near sightedness.

He also has more stereotypically nerdy outfits in his closet that he wears as formal wear. His favorite outfit is a dress shirt with an argyle sweatervest over it, purple slacks, and purple dress shoes. The look is completed with a purple bowtie, and a much thicker pair of pink glasses. The only reason he doesn’t wear this look more offen is because he’s been told over and over that they look like old person clothes.

Personality: Danny is something of a shy introvert. The fact that he was bullied a lot when he was younger. He prefers to keep to himself, or at the very least small groups. He tries hard to be friendly, if only to get people to like him so he won’t be bullied anymore, but a lot of the times ends up just being awkward. He usually perks up when the conversation goes in a direction he’s interested in. When he’s interested in the subject matter, then he keeps talking and talking.

He gets nervous very easily. He tries to hide that by making jokes and being witty, but all that seems to do is make people want to punch him. He really wants to be brave and cool, but he finds being that kind of person difficult. He’s shy and self conscious, and gets embarrassed when he gets any kind of attention good or bad. He gets particularly nervous around guys he happens to find attractive. At that point, he starts stammering. He’s not good at flirting.

He’s in many ways a complete geek. He loves science, reads a lot, loves computers and the Internet, enjoys playing video games. He also likes cute things, and the color pink. He has a small collection of plushies at home. It was something he was bullied for in the past. He’s not very good at sports either. He hopes that gaining superpowers will give him some kind of self confidence. That seems to be the case with the superheroes he’s seen.

History: David and Denise Davis gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Daniel. They had a difficult time having a baby, so when they finally had Danny, he was their miracle baby. They cherished him, and wanted to do their best to give him every advantage in life.

Growing up, Danny discovered he was rather intelligent. He did very well academically. Science was his favorite subject. However, he was also introverted and quiet and did not do well socially. He was often picked on by other kids because of it. Not helping the matter was the fact that he liked the color pink as well cute things, and other stuff that was stereotypically girly. He preferred to play with Barbies and stuffed animals while other boys liked playing with Hot Wheels and Football. He also wasn’t very good at sports. While he had supportive parents at home, he had a difficult time making friends at school.

His most consistent bully is a boy named Skyler. At one point, Danny had a crush on him. Danny worked up the nerve to confess his feelings. Of course, those feelings were not mutual. Skyler laughed in his face, and outed him to the whole school. It was embarrassing, and made going to school much more difficult. Now Skyler picked on him regularly. Things often escalated to violence for trivial reasons, like if he got a better grade than him on an exam. He didn’t dare tell anyone. Things only got worse when you snitched.

He endured it for years, and did his best to get by. He wanted to be cool, brave, and popular, like a superhero. No matter how hard he tries, he always has trouble pulling it off. Finally graduation day has arrived. He is looking forward to getting superpowers, and is hoping for something good.
Name: Kyle Uriah Remington (See what I did there?)
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Hometown: Lacunosa town, Unova

Type: Ice
Legendary: Kyurem

Ice Punch: Kyle's hand glows with an icy aura, and he delivers a punch that may freeze what he hit.

Hail: Kyle can summon a small hail storm that can hurt others

Slush Rush: While it is snowing or hailing, Kyle can move faster

Outrage: Kyle's most powerful ability. He gains super strength, and goes on a rampage attacking everything in his path. Afterwards, he becomes dazed and confused from fatigue, and has to rest for a while.

Appearance: Kyle is tall and muscular, standing at exactly 6’3”. He has a boyish face, though he still possesses a firm jaw. He has a small nose, and large, expressive almond shaped eyes, which are an icy blue color. He keeps his platinum blonde hair spiky using a generous amount of hair gel. He has very pale skin due to the lack of sunlight he gets, as heat always bothered him. He is an athletic boy, and is in good shape. He has a toned physique, that he got from years of training and being active. He is quite proud of this, and likes to show it off. Apart from on top of his head and eyebrows, he has no hair on his upper body or face.

For reasons he does not understand, Kyle is not bothered by the cold at all. As a result, he doesn't dress appropriately for the cold. His taste in clothing is also pretty simple, and he isn't one for dressing fancy. His usual outfits consists of an tight ice blue tank top with a deep V-neck with a stylized wolf head on it, a grey leather vest worn over it, and a pair of worn out faded gray jeans which are held up by a belt. On his feet, he wears a pair of gray studded combat boots. On his hands are gray studded leather fingerless gloves on his hands. He got his ears pierced behind his parents back, and often wears earrings.

Personality: Kyle is a quiet young man who doesn't show emotion very often. In fact, it's rare to see him smile. Mainly because there isn't much to smile about these days. That doesn't mean he spends his time brooding about everything bad. He believes that if you have problems, you should at least try to do something about it, and not sit there feeling sorry for yourself. He doesn't talk very much, not because he's shy or anything, he just doesn't have much to say. It's hard to get more than a few words out of him at a time. When someone does try to talk to him, he tries to get straight to the point, and end the conversation as efficiently as possible. This often leads to saying things bluntly. He is patient and stoic, but he can get very angry easily when pushed too far. These days, he has a tendency to push people away because of his experiences with bullying. He is also socially awkward, and not the best at communicating with people. He can be a loyal friend if one has the patience to deal with him.

He doesn't have many friends. Certain people are always trying to get him to smile, much to his annoyance. It irritates him greatly when people try to give him unwanted advice. It's annoys him when people expect him to change just because they told him to. He is interested in his athletic pursuits of all kinds. He particularly enjoys snowboarding. He is proud of strength, and likes to show it off. He does a lot of physical activity to maintain it. However this does not mean he is a dumb jock. He is actually fairly intelligent, and gets good grades in his classes. It is not something he likes bragging about though. He also enjoys reading books in his spare time, when he's not snowboarding, or keeping to himself. He enjoys reading about adventures as much as he enjoys having them himself. Kyle is always up for a challenge, and likes to explore new places. He likes the feel of winning, and can be a sore loser if he felt the other person's victory was undeserved.

Kyle has a strong sense of justice and "fairness". He is quick to defend those who have been unjustly wronged. He is also quick to voice his disapproval at things he deems unfair. He dislikes bullies as well as cheaters. He also enjoys a good fight, whether that be a Pokemon battle, or an actual fistfight. He tries to avoid being reckless. Always calculating and planning what he's going to do next. However, trying and succeeding are two different things. His temper has been known to get the better of him. His goal is to go traveling around the world, catch more Pokemon, challenge the Gyms, and become a Champion like he read about in books. Unfortunately, he feels like at this point, that goal is pretty much impossible.

History: Kyle was born and raised in Lacunosa town Unova. For as long as he lived there, everyone was afraid of the alleged monster that ate people caught outside after dark. His parents were among those who actually believed the legend. When he was young, he was a small scrawny child when he was younger, and got picked on by bullies a lot who thought he was an easy target. He was socially awkward and had difficulty talking to people. It bothered him, but Kyle didn't really do much about it.

For some reason, he was never bothered by the cold, and never understood why he had to wear a jacket outside all the time. While playing in the outskirts of town one day, a blizzard came in. Kyle's parents were worried sick when they couldn't find their son. Several hours later, he came back with a Sneasel he named Frostbite following him. Kyle was completely unaffected by the cold, and acted like nothing was wrong. After that, his parents got more strict with letting him play around outside of the town, warning him it was dangerous to leave the walls of the town with that monster lurking.

After that, Kyle spent more time at home. He developed an interest in reading from an early age. He grew up reading a lot of books. His parents had all kinds of books about what life was like beyond the walls of Lacunosa. It was through these books that he learned about Pokemon training, and he trained Frosty, as well as himself, to become stronger. Seeing young people travelling around the world, challenging gym leaders, and becoming Champion was a desire that was instiled in his head from all the books he read about the subject. However, his parents were concerned about his safety. Thus they became even more strict with him. They even enforced curfew. It wasn’t like there was much to do in this small town after dark, but it was ridiculous. He snuck out whenever he could, but had to make sure to be home on time or else the cops would be called.

As he grew up, he remained withdrawn and distant from others. He rarely spoke to other kids, and started to prefer doing things by himself. As such, he had very few friends other than his Sneasel. The bullying had stopped sure, but he didn't bother trying to make any new friends because he knew eventually they would just up and leave him. Thus, he learned to depend on himself, and Frosty. He felt sad that he would essentially be stuck in Lacunousa Town forever. He wanted to go out and see the world, and become a proper Pokemon trainer like the ones he read about. He still trained his Sneasel in battle, took up a hobby in Snowboarding, as well as threw himself into his schoolwork. However, he still felt down about the way his life was going. He wanted to hope that maybe things would get better, but he was beginning to doubt that.

Then, two weeks before his birthday, he had a strange dream. They called him by an unfamiliar name, Kyurem. That name was familiar to him, but he couldn't figure out why. The voice talked about some sort of prophecy, and to come to the Hall of Legends on his eighteenth birthday. He woke up before he could get any more information. He would have forgotten all about this, were it not for the fact that Frosty confirmed it's validity. Although, he didn't know what the Hall of Legends was either, despite supposedly being a Messenger of the Legends. Ridiculous as all this sounded, Kyle sensed an an opportunity. He began to plot his escape from the town he was trapped in. Man eating monster be damned. It helped that he seemed to develop powers, like being able to summon a small hailstorm.

Little does he know, he is the man eating monster!

Other: Likes the cold, but heat makes him grumpy and irritable.


Name: Frostbite
Species: Sneasel
Gender: Male

Personality: Much to the surprise of many, Frosty is actually a friendly Pokemon. He is a playful and fun loving, who often tries to get Kyle to be less icy. He is very loyal to his trainer, and is one of the few that has seen Kyle smile. He is also a competitive Pokemon who likes to win, and is as vicious in battle as his species is known for being.
Name: Veronica Lance
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Wizard


Veronica is not the type of person who could easily blend into a crowd. She stands at exactly five feet tall, making her a little bit on the short side, not that this matters to her. Her figure is willowy, lacking in curvature. Not that she's a block, rather her curves are just understated, again, not that this matters to her. She has a heart shaped face, and a small nose. Her hair is long, and slightly wavy. It goes past her waist, with blunt cut bangs that go to her eyebrows. It naturally grows out of her head in a lavender color. She keeps her hair tied up into pigtails on either side of her head. Her eyes are an intense yellow color, that almost appear to be glowing, which tends to freak some people out. Her eyes have long, dark lashes attached to them. Her skin is naturally pale, and made more so by her not going out into the sun that often. Her pale complexion makes her other features stand out. She often wears dark makeup, such as black eyeshadow, and black lipstick.

Veronica has a very particular taste when it comes to clothes. Her wardrobe consists of frilly gothic style dresses. There are a lot of lace, ruffles, and bows in her clothes, and it's always in a black and purple color scheme. Her current outfit is a frilly purple and black dress. The bodice is purple and black, and is vaguely corsetlike in design. It has puff sleeves, ruffles, and two small purple bows decorating it. The bell shaped skirt is black, and it reaches to just past her knees. It has ruffles on the bottom. She wears black lace stockings on her legs, and black Mary Jane style shoes on her feet. Elbow length, fingerless black gloves, with crisscrossing purple lace ribbons in the center cover her hands. On top of her head sits a black headband with a purple bow attached to it. The only jewelry she wears is a black choker with a purple gem in the middle, as well as black stud earrings in both earlobes. Some people find her choice of clothing odd because it tends to look extravagant when it's not necessary. Veronica doesn't care what others think. She likes the style, and that's all that matters to her.

Veronica was given new clothes when she joined the Order. While she kept her style somewhat, she was forced to wear Order colors, which she's not completely happy about. She wears a frilly royal blue and black dress with various designs on it, including the Orders symbol. The skirt is bell shaped, and reaches to her knees. She also wears a few silver armored bits over it. Elbow length, fingerless black gloves, with crisscrossing blue lace ribbons in the center cover her hands. On top of her head sits a black headband with a blue bow attached to it. She wears black tights on her legs, with practical blue boots as her footwear.

Personality: Veronica is a quiet young woman who doesn't show emotion very often. She usually has a serious look on her face, and it's rare to see her smile. She doesn't talk very much, not because she's shy or anything, she just doesn't have much to say. It's hard to get more than a few words out of her at a time. When someone does try to talk to her, she tries to get straight to the point, and end the conversation as efficiently as possible. This often leads to saying things bluntly, or respond with a snarky comment. She is patient and stoic, and doesn't get angry easily, but can be quite scary when she does get mad. These days, she has a tendency to push people away because of her experiences with bullying, often playing up her bad reputation, and demonstrating her abilities to keep people away. While she is grateful for the gifts she was blessed with, she knows that they can be dangerous if left unchecked, which is why she keeps people at arms length, so she doesn't want to hurt people again. She struggles to not let the influence of her dark magic drive to be evil like everyone thinks she is. It's difficult because she actually enjoys burning on people who annoy her. Even if it is by accident sometimes.

Her favorite activity is reading books. She is actually fairly intelligent, and she likes learning as much as she can about magic, or anything else she thinks is relevant. She also reads for pleasure, and reads fairy tales and horror novels, in addition to scholarly texts. Although, she seems to prefer reading about people having epic adventures, than actually being involved in one herself. She knows the potential dangers involved, and Veronica doesn't like casually rushing into danger without a plan.

For all her intelligence, Veronica is lacking in physical ability. She's not very strong (though she can somehow pick up big heavy books without a problem), not a particularly fast runner, doesn't take hits well, and gets tired easily after doing physical activity for too long. Combat wise, Veronica relies on her magic for everything, and is useless in a physical fight. She typically avoids exerting herself too much. However, when it becomes necessary to perform manual labor, she will never complain about it. She'll just suffer in silence until the task is complete. Complaining is something that irritates her more than physical fatigue.

Despite the fact that she actively studies dark magic, Veronica isn't actually evil. She actually would like to put her powers to use doing something good, and show people that not all practitioners of dark magic are evil, and it that it can be put to use doing good. The reason for her reserved personality is because of the bad reputation she's gotten due to her powers. In reality, she is quite friendly deep down, and would appreciate companionship from someone willing to look past the darkness. She can be one of your closest friends if you have the patience to deal with her.

History: Before she was born, Veronica's parents were both sorcerers who studied dark magic. Both mother and father hailed from a long line of dark magic users. They had hoped to learn the secrets of dark magic, and put what learn to use for good. They wanted to raise a child who would grow up to follow in their footsteps. They tried many times to conceive a child the old fashioned way, but either failed to get pregnant, or miscarried. They considered adopting an orphan at first, but decided against it, as they wanted their progeny to inherit their magical abilities, and have their blood in their child's veins. So, they decided to use magic to help them conceive. It worked, and nine months later, they welcomed a baby girl into their lives. The girl was born with lavender hair, and yellow eyes that neither parent possessed, but was otherwise perfectly healthy. They named their new daughter Veronica, and blamed her unnatural hair and eye color on the fact that she was conceived magically.

Veronica was born in the capital of Verthall. Veronica and her family had a bad reputation since they practiced dark magic, and everyone in the capital didn't trust them because of this. Since they had not actually done anything bad yet, the people couldn't force them out. Veronica grew up in a very lavish lifestyle. Her family was able to afford the best of everything. Her parents were the ones who drilled her interest in magic into her head.

Veronica had not displayed any signs of having magic herself, thus she went to public school to get a normal education. Veronica was the victim of bullying and mistrust by others, who believed her to be a witch. Due to her interest in dark magic, odd choice of fashion, tendency to keep to herself, and unusual appearance, Veronica was very much an outcast. She was hurt by the constant teasing, but did her best to cope with it as best she could. Since she didn't have any friends, Veronica spent most of her time studying magic, and reading books. While she couldn't actively perform magic on her own yet, that didn't stop her from learning all she could about magic. She was always seen with some kind of book with her, and was very much an outcast.

It all came to a head on one particular day. While she was walking by, she overheard someone say, "Oh look, here comes that freak, Veronica. I bet she's just waiting for the right moment to kill us all." She got upset by this, and then suddenly, without meaning too, a purple fire suddenly appeared next to him. The person tried to put it out, but the flame spread, setting himself on fire. When she walked up to try to help the person, he responded with "You did this didn't you?! Get away from me you witch!" Which made Veronica more upset, causing the fire to grow. Veronica ran away tears streaming down her face.

As Veronica ran, random things she passed started bursting into flames. Eventually, the whole building she was in burst into flames. By the time help arrived, flames had consumed the school, several people were burned, and some even died. Veronica was the only one to walk out of the building unscathed. After that incident, it was confirmed in everyone's mind's that the Veronica really was a witch.

For her crime, Veronica was arrested. She would have been thrown in jail, but was given the option of being Conscripted into The Order of the Griffons instead. Not seeing a better alternative, Veronica decided to join The Order. At least there she could put the magic she only just discovered she had to good use.

Weapons: A simple staff with a silver crescent moon shape on the top given to her by The Order. Used for channeling magic, and looking like a real wizard!


Will-o-Wisp: Veronica conjures up balls of purple flames, that she can manipulate.

Shadow Tag: Veronica conjures a shadow to bind someone's feet where they stand, temporarily preventing them from escaping. The effect automatically ends when Veronica is far enough away from the target. The intended target must be directly in front of her to this work.

Hex: Veronica starts chanting, and summons shadows around an opponent. The shadows cause the victim intense (but not fatal) internal pain. The pain is worse if the victim has an affliction of some kind, like a burn.

Pain Split: Veronica is able to drain life energy from one, and transfer it to another. It can be used to heal wounds, essentially transferring those wounds to another victim. She can't kill anybody with this. She must able to touch the target(s) to use this.

Other: Seeing as she only recently discovered she has them, Veronica can occasionally have accidents with regards to controling her magic.

I have a Waterbender character I can use, so I have interest.
I’ve never played a Persona game besides Persona Q. I have done a few Persona RPs though... I’m interested.
Name: Artemis "Art" Moon

Age: 105 but appears to be in his twenties

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire


Vampirism: Art must drain blood from humans to sustain himself. It keeps him looking young and beautiful, and doing so heals any wounds he may have gotten. He prefers to feed on attractive young men. He has to feed regularly or else he’ll get progressively weaker and eventually die.

Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Agility: As a Vampire, Art is stronger, faster, and more agile than any human.

Hypnotic Gaze: By making eye contact with a person, Art can hypnotize them and make them do his bidding. He mostly uses this to make someone enjoy having their life force drained, and then not remember it afterwards. Every now and then, he uses this power for more conventional means, and just have people do stuff for him.

Bats: As cliche as it sounds, Art has the ability to turn into a flock of bats. Useful for getting around, or just annoying people.

Umbrakinesis: Art has the ability to manipulate darkness and shadows for a variety of effects. He can also blend into shadows and travel through them.

He can turn other people into vampires. It involves drinking a vampires blood. The transformation process is painful for the person involved.

Gold: Gold is to vampires what Silver is to werewolves. It burns his skin when touching it. It’s annoying, but he deals with it.

Garlic: The smell of garlic is very offensive to him. Eating gives him severe food allergies

Sunlight/Fire: While he can spend some time in the sun, especially if he has Sunscreen with a high SPF, or a parasol to protect him, prolonged exposure can burn him. He also burns immediately upon contact with fire, and said fire spreads quickly.


Artemis considers himself a very good-looking man, and takes care of his appearance. Part of that includes not spending too much time in the sun, so he has a fair complexion. His facial features are slightly feminine, and he has often been described as a pretty boy. He has a heart shaped face, big almond shaped blue eyes, and a small nose. His silky black hair is kept short, and neatly styled at all times. He stands at 6'3", and he is used to being the tallest person in the room more often than not. He has a slim body type, but he is still physically fit, and has muscle definition (which means he does have abs, hidden under the clothes he wears.)

Artemis was born into wealth, and dresses the part. His fancy wardrobe mostly consists of button down dress shirts, vests, trousers, and dress shoes. He always keeps his clothes neat and tidy. He likes wearing the combination of pink and black. Back in the day, his outfit consists of a magenta dress shirt that fits him well. Over this, he wears a black vest. He also wears a magenta coat. He dons a magenta cravat around his neck. He wears a diamond ring with a silver band on his right ring finger. On the bottom he wears a pair of black trousers. His choice of footwear include a pair of black dress shoes with magenta spats on them. He accesorizes this with a black top hat with a magenta strap on his head. A silver crescent moon brooch is attached to the hat. In modern times he ditches the coat and wears a newsboy hat instead of a top hat. He also sometimes wears a silver pocket watch attached to his pants.

Personality: Artemis is a proud, confident young man. He can come off as arrogant sometimes, often overestimating himself, while underestimating others, but he does have a kind caring side somewhere deep down, someone just has to be willing to look for it. He is not shy in the slightest, and if given the opportunity, he will say exactly what he thinks, which often gets him into trouble, and offends people. He usually acts very serious and proper, and appears to have no tolerance for low-class behavior, but it's just an act, and he knows how to have fun if the circumstances are right. He is a strong willed individual, and once he's decided on something, it is very difficult to change his mind. Due to his wealthy upbringing, and being given whatever he wanted whenever he asked, he is spoiled, and has very high standards, and he gets upset if things do not meet those standards. He is very frivolous, and lives a very extravagant lifestyle. He's known for spending money like it grows on trees.

Artemis values beauty in all areas of his life. From his taste in clothes, to the people he associates with. If your one of those people that do not meet his expectations, depending on the person, he will avoid you, try to give you a makeover, or be needlessly cruel to you. As one would imagine, looks mean everything to Art. He can often be seen studying his reflection in any reflective surface available. He despises dirt and ugliness with a passion. He generally dislikes manual labor, and if forced to do them, he will complain. Something else he can't stand, bugs (Including Spiders.) Butterflies and Moths are fine, it's the ants, worms, cockroaches, etc. he can't stand.

He can be a nice person once you get to know him. This is noticeable when he's speaking to someone he finds to be cute, or has taken a liking to. He will act friendly towards them, and if they are younger than him, act like a brother to them. He is also quite generous to his friends. He is much smarter than people give him credit for. Mainly because he doesn't find stupidity attractive either.

He knows how to be charming when he wants to be. He says just the right things to get what he wants from people. He often acts flirty towards men he finds attractive.

History: The Moon family was one of the wealthiest families ever, and had accumulated a lot of wealth over a long period of time. Artemis has lived a luxurious lifestyle his entire life. His parents spoiled him, and he was groomed and raised to be an ideal gentleman.

He grew up to be an intelligent and handsome young man. However, because of his condescending attitude, most of the other people his age treated him with indifference. Most of the friends he did have only hung out with her because of his wealth and family status.

There was just one teensy tiny problem. Art was expected to marry a noblewoman to produce an heir with her. Thing is he wasn’t into women. He was more interested in men. He still married his wife, out of obligation. She tried to be affectionate, and be the best wife she could be, but Art had no romantic interest in her at all. He went behind her back and had affairs with other men. One such man was Stephen Silvermane. He was tall, handsome, and just as spoiled as Art. They quickly became lovers, and would have married each other if they both weren’t already trapped in loveless marriages to women for the sake of advantage

Then, after being together for a while, Stephen revealed himself as a Vampire by turning Art into one by feeding him his blood. At first, he was disgusted by what he had become. However, after feeding on his wife, and killing her in the process, he came to enjoy the power that came with being a Vampire.

Stephen and Art continued their relationship. They sustained themselves by killing wealthy women, and seducing their husbands. Eventually, people caught on. Stephen was burned alive by Vampire hunters, while Art managed to flee. Art was sad, as one would be. Stephen was the only friend he had ever known.

At some point, Art killed his parents, then faked his death, and pretended to be his own son in order to maintain his wealth. He continued living a very extravagant lifestyle. Every so often faking his death, then pretending to be his own relative to keep all the wealth he obtained. Currently he works as a male model. He feeds on attractive young men, and only seeks to maintain his glamorous lifestyle.
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