Avatar of Crossfire
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"Ah, don't worry about that" Grayson said "Can't have ya wanderin' off again though, especially in this state. Drones won't be able to ID ye as a friendly and it'd be worse still if the Feddies got ahold of ya. So listen, we haven't much time, team's been split into two units, we're headin' to try and snatch whatever intel the Feds have gathered up, the others are gone down below to set charges, this whole place is going boom soon, can't afford to split the team anymore to have anyone help you back, so just stick close, we'll protect ya. Are you injured? Maxi could take a look at it if you are...... Here"

Grayson knelt to fetch Amy's laser pistol from the floor and pressed it into her hand "Just try not to blast any of us in the back ok?" He cast a glance back down at the heap of armor "Your gear's pretty mangled, but we can probably salvage it, just give me a minute"

He raised Stryker on the comms "Got a moment mate?"
"Not exactly, but if you make it quick... What is it?"
"Can you spare a drone? We found Amy, but her armor's taken some structural damage, fairly easy to repair given some time, just with our time limit, it's not like we can break off from the objective and drag it back to the shuttle. Arex still MIA"
"Give me a second... ok I've locked it in, I'll retask a drone to head over there and grab it, damn things are dropping like flies, we've only got 4 left"
"Ok, we'll move on then" He nodded to the squad and slowly began to push forward. He froze up as he heard the steady clank of bootfalls coming behind them.

"Hostiles spotted, Form a line, protect the Commander! Blast them!" A voice cried out, distorted from being filtered through the universal translator. Lasers filled the hallway, and the team had no cover.
"Amy, get down!" Grayson shouted as he threw himself in front of her and began to return fire.
@Xandrya Sorry for that delay! Been going around like a chicken with its head cut off tryin' to catch up to everything I missed over the weekend, we're all good now though! No more delays!

"Ok this is it, readings are hitting their peak, first burst coming.... NOW!"

Stryker barely got the sentence out before the energy blast rocketed out from the exposed reactor core port, a wild rainbow of blue and purple light containing untapped destructive power. It arced out at awkward angles, uncontrollable as wildfire. Truth be told, the crew on board the Revenant were in the hands of lady luck now. An array of bolts shot off the main beam and collided with the floating hunk that used to be the Planet Cracker, blowing wide holes through the shaft and narrowly missing the ship's hull.
"Fuck!" Stryker shouted, the main cannon was too slow, it's laser too dense, to effectively counter the storm of energy. The side cannons were a marginally better option, he reminded the gun crew to keep their trigger fingers ready, to attempt to nullify incoming energy blasts.
"Ok, hiding won't work. If the beams blasted through the surface of the PC shaft, they'll blow craters into anything they touch. Tibulus, take us up to a 60% burn, just fast enough to stay ahead of any trailing beams and slow enough to dodge any sudden obstacle. Take her in wide arcs around the system, honestly, there's not much else we can do until the team plants those bombs and we can get the fuck out of here"


SAL led the way down a set of stairs to the lower level of the station's main structure, shotgun at the ready. He had plotted a rebuke to Benny's offhand comment about using him as a shield, but in the interest of saving time, he let it go.
"My scan of the station's basic structure indicates a cargo elevator down to the lowest level should be located on the opposite end of this floor" He looked down at Joe "Is that correct?"
Matija... Sandra.... the Mecorian spoke of a broken translator, though perhaps it was sarcasm. He'd gotten used to Grayson's brand of sarcasm across the years, but due to a lack of data and social inputs with these new teammates, he was unable to measure the cadence of her voice.
"I believe Mr. Quincy means to say that when we arrive at the reactor level, we will have to locate the best location for the bombs to cause maximum damage effect. Then we will have make haste with our escape. And if any of us fall behind, he will not consider helping us. Though with his dialect, it does sound much more poetic. I concur with his plan, between our combined technical knowledge and your manueverability, I am confident the captain chose the team correctly, let's move"


Grayson led the way, letting the radar guide him through the halls. The group rounded a corner to witness a dozen or so Fed troopers running in the opposite direction, towards the gunfire of, presumably, the remaining drones. To his right, Saul looked uneasy, his fingers flexing on the trigger of his flamethrower.
"Fine ya bloody pyro, go get 'em" Grayson said with a dismissive wave. The hulking man strode off at a moderate pace, seeming eager to kill again. Grayson watched him wander off then carried on towards the lingering radar signature.
"Ok gang, the ping is leading me right around this next turn" Grayson said, taking point, he walked forward, gun at the ready. He peeked around the corner and breathed a sigh of relief. Amy was alive, standing tensely with a hand on the wall, her armor sprawled out on the floor a few feet away. He walked towards her.
"Amy, ya alright there lass? What happened?"
@Xandrya Yeah, I've had similar weekends, they're pretty bad all around, glad you're feelin' better though!

Wow that's pretty incredible, theres even a chance I may know the person you know, NL's a pretty small place after all, and Florida's a popular vacation spot for us, especially during the winter. Hell I was tempted to jump on the next plane out this past weekend, and not come home til Easter xD
@Banana@Azereiah@Turbowraith@Tickout@BKburke@Dark Light@Xandrya@mackielars@Rultaos@PlatinumSkink

Hey everybody, god it's great to be back, I just had the worst weekend of my adult life- Woke up on friday to find that the power was out, a massive windstorm (I'm talkin peak gusts of 160km/h) knocked out power to most of the island of Newfoundland, its only just coming back now. I've been cold-ish, dirty, and fairly miserable the last 72 hours, but finally I'm back *fingers crossed anyway* sooooo, what's been goin on here? I'll read up the IC and may be able to squeeze in a post tonight, if not, it'll be there soon-ish!
@Xandrya Sounds good, I'll just wait on a couple of others to post first
@Xandrya Whichever you'd prefer!
@Azereiah There are now! I don't think they'll be of much use in the current situation, but they're there

Let me know if I forgot to address anyone guys, I think I covered everything but it is 5AM and I'm barely keepin my eyes open as I type this... ok sleepytime
@Banana@Azereiah@Turbowraith@Tickout@BKburke@Dark Light@Xandrya@mackielars@Rultaos@PlatinumSkink

SAL had tried manually unlocking the cell door, but his knowledge of Federation security systems was woefully out of date. Instead, he motioned for Grayson to step back from the door, loaded an explosive shell into his shotgun and blasted the lock into dust.

"Congratulations, you've been rescued" the robot said to Joe.
"Yeah, welcome to the family mate" Grayson said offhand as he surveyed the area, looking for any sign of their MIA squadmates. Stryker's voice broke through the comms.

"That's strange, I'm not picking up any signs from either of them, their IFF signals are just gone. We can salvage this though. I'm taking manual control of one of the drones to get a firsthand look"

Platform 116's faceplate flickered for a moment as it handed over control to Stryker's datapad. It rotated as Stryker took a look around, then twisted to look at Joe. His voice now came directly from a speaker on the drone.
"Joe is it? I'm Stryker, from what I'm hearing from my crew, seems like we can help each other out. You're a mechanic? That's good. Not sure if you heard the little exchange just now, or know what's going on, but anyway the short version is we're here to destroy this station, and we've just lost one of our more technically-aligned crewmembers, and I'm guessing you know your way around? That's the case, how about you lend our Scottish friend there, Benny, a hand? He's taking a team down to the reactor level to plant some explosives. You show him how to get there and we'll take you with us when we leave, simple. Grayson, I'm sending along the location for the last ping I got from Amy's suit, head that way before you move up, I'll send the drones we have left in the opposite direction, they won't be able to ID Amy as a friendly if her IFF tag is busted. Get a move on"

Grayson nodded at the drone, a radar ping appeared in his suit's HUD, leading the way.
"Maxi, Saul, Lataniva... shall we?" He headed off for the door.

SAL fell in behind Benny, and nodded down at the human.
"I am ready to assist"


Back on the ship, Stryker finished off assigning the drones' duty, then turned back to the task at hand.
"Turn the shields to full-forward" Stryker said "First burst will be coming any second, get ready"
Next he addressed the gun crew "There's not a whole lot you guys can do right now, but quick enough reflexes, you all might be able to help the ship absorb a bit of damage if you fire on the energy offshoots at the right angle. I've seen some vids on it a few years back. Keep your eyes up on it"

The scanners flashed red, the mangled nub at the base of the mining station had overloaded, and a beam of energy shot out, wild and unfocused, it swept widely across the system in erratic motions, small offshoots like lightning bolts blasted out at awkward angles.
"Drop us down behind the Planet Cracker, we can use that hunk of space junk as a barrier between us and the beams!"
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