Avatar of Crowvette


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3 mos ago
Current This is an example of speex, an audio compression codec specifically tuned for the reproduction of human speech.
4 mos ago
lmao, even
5 mos ago
dancing dancing raspberry
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5 mos ago
i like it
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6 mos ago
This wall is an eyesore.


I'm sure there's a lot of stuff I could put here but I'm blanking.

Most Recent Posts

My group has trouble getting into character and RPing (instead seeming to see the entire thing as a video game-type RPG, focusing on stats and combat and whatnot over character) and in an effort to try to foster some more interactions, for a one-shot I once made a Ninja that could barely speak Common (basically single word phrases only) and instead spoke Japanese. Avoided talking out of character unless it was absolutely necessary.

It made them act in character just a little more (even if it was just for them to ask "What is the ninja trying to say?"). Group was sidetracked by ordering food and watching World War 2 movies, and the oneshot was never actually finished. Despite my pre-school level of Japanese competency, it was good vocab and grammar practice.

Overall: Success. Except for the game. It was superseded by Generation War. Oh well. Will have to try more methods.

Barring Iron Law and that whole Earth thing, this song is basically the impetus of all of the conflict in Mechina's albums. I guess you can always trace it back to something.
This sounds interesting! I'll keep an eye on it.
Tentative interest. Have to get some ideas together before I can say anything.
I've been doing many different stints in the world of RP, such as playing different tabletops ranging from the bog-standard Pathfinder and 5e to strange ones like Magical Burst. However, my first real time doing any kind of RP was in an old freeform co-op story done with some friends, and I think that was the most fun out of all of them I've done. So long story short, I guess I'll hang around and try to check out interesting ideas.

I tend to think up characters often but never have a place for them, or they never get their chance to shine in a campaign. Hopefully, with some time I'll be able to put some of them to use! Either that, or I'll end up being an eternal lurker. We'll see.

When it comes to my preferences in these kinds of RP, I'm not entirely sure. Some of my favorite settings are modern or slightly futuristic (I guess you could just say Cyberpunk as a blanket term), though I can also enjoy straight science fiction as well. I like it when modern sensibilities are intertwined with new technology and/or unstable prototype technologies. Being a bit of a gun nut, I basically enjoy any chance I can get to have a character use firearms, though that doesn't mean every character I make will be using them, of course. All of the scientific stuff doesn't mean that I can't enjoy fantasy elements as well, of course. Urban fantasy is always fun!

Ironically despite loving tabletop RPGs and the like, I really can't stand video game RPGs. Definitely more of a first person shooter person when it comes to video games. Other than that, I guess you could call me a metalhead when it comes to music. I also like to draw (mainly 100% Orange Juice characters, according to my track records) but I'm about 999 years too early to call myself an artist.

That's the gist of things, I guess. We'll see how this goes.
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