Avatar of Cu Chulainn


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10 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
10 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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11 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
11 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
12 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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HP 575/575 SP 368/368 MP 410/410

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Lew could not believe how woefully inefficient yesterday has been. It was all thanks to a certain player... But he wasn't upset at them, in the end. Not directly, at least. Lew was upset at himself for playing to the weaker members of his group's whims and had resolved to become stronger in order to make up that deficit. Unlike his fellows, who had all surpassed him, Lew had spent the rest of his Sunday night becoming stronger mentally. He had obtained the necessary knowledge of all the paths that lay before him, and he knew just what he needed to accomplish exactly what he wanted. Whatever that path may be, however, he needed to be recognized by a clan. There was strength and resources to be obtained with larger numbers. Without sticking his nose too deep into this world's politics, there was one place he had to go to first, and then...

"I'm going to join a clan, but I must consult the members of my faith, first." Lew spoke aloud to his companions while still in talking distance, his back turned away from them. There weren't much times when Lew spoke in such a dramatic rhetoric, but the times when he had weren't that pleasant. "Once that is complete, I plan to walk the bloodied path to earn recognition. In other words, I plan to PvP. Join me, or suffer in solidarity."

Lew then marched on to his temple, ignoring the pleas of his friends and the pings on his Discord. Between the Tato-Ie and the Mora-Sho, Lew cared about neither aside from the fact that they will both be more active in the war to come. Aware that the Shin-Yu would mostly remain a neutral entity with some ties to the San-Li, Lew desired to seek out any members from the other factions of the war to ask of their clan's stance, and how to gain membership and recognition from their leaders. Lew did not care about the clan his allies chose to pick or not, but this was not out of malice or a lack of cooperation. In the end, it was just a game, and from what Lew understands, all he's really doing is picking a color.
Galain Jinn
Kobold Farms

The elf was pleased to be among the kobolds. They were definitely one of the easier monstrous races to get along with. If Galain had not taken classes regarding ethics and slavery, he would have bought one for himself to serve as his own companion. He ignored the silent judgment of his companions, primarily because they weren't saying anything, and continued to pat the kobold guardsman on the head comfortingly before they were all brought to the supposed "enimy."

Making their way deeper into the fields of the farm, Galain clutched his blade by its sheath to prepare himself, taking note of how organized these hounds really were. It was quite impressive, really, despite how primitively ill-equipped they were. The more Galain thought about it, however, the more it made sense. Kobolds were essentially just walking, talking dogs in the end, and dogs thrived in packs as they were social animals. To see them all organized in such a way was only natural. In the end, however, hounds were still hounds, and Galain took note of how they could improve upon their positioning.

Seeing the Kobold Chief as well as his retinue prepare for an attack, Galain also made sure to ready himself as well, holding his wrapped blade to his side and unraveling the thread that held its paper bindings together. With his dominant hand hovering over the handle of his blade, he watched carefully at the rustling of leaves. Galain poised himself to leap forward at whatever foul monstrosity would show its face at the group.

Galain's particular style of swordsmanship was unalike to much of his kin. Rather than flashy swordplay, it relied wholly on efficiency, making use of every movement one would make in combat. Among the many hallmarks of his style was the art of the draw. It's because of this that Galain chose a uniquely forged blade, one that would allow Galain to act as soon as combat began. For someone whose techniques rely primarily on defense, it was important for Galain to develop some that would take advantage of any openings he would find. And what better opening there was in combat than attacking before the battle even began?

However, even Galain was caught off guard by the appearance of... that thing. Galain knew that if the kobolds needed immediate help, it wouldn't be for something so mundane. As a matter of fact, they were right to ask for help! Its fear-inducing honk almost caused Galain to falter...

In truth, Galain was quite unimpressed. He decided to make it a point to approach the beast rather casually before wacking it across the side of the head with his sheathed blade.

Somewhere in the hills, District XII


Archer quickly gripped his rifle as his opponent made his first move, his one eye struggling to trail Saber's movements quickly. To both proceed towards the direction of Archer's blind eye and use the terrain to his advantage against a ranged opponent was the correct choice of actions given the situation. While Archer had hoped Saber would have tried to clear the distance in a more straightforward manner, Archer could not help to appreciate that his opponent actually used his brain as well. At the same time, such a movement was still premeditated by Archer. If anything...


While it is true that his visual acuity was lessened in the direction of his missing eye, it was far from being a true blind spot to Archer. On multiple occasions, Archer had bravely charged into battle while completely blind in both eyes. Such a thing was possible not due to his fearlessness alone, but his ability to leverage every advantage he had in battle. Archer did not possess the visual prowess of true hunters and bowmen of legend. Instead, he relied on his own human capabilities, all maximized in order to aid him in combat. While his senses weren't inherently supernatural, they were always performing at the highest level. All Archer had to do was simply aim in Saber's direction and...

"Feast your eyes on the pinnacle of modern weaponry!"

Archer fired his AK-47 at Saber's direction in a seemingly indiscriminate manner, delivering a spray of bullets towards his opponent. Shredding through the trees that Saber had hid behind, the AK-47's high stopping power was magnified further due to being in Archer's possession. In truth, Archer was firing short, quick bursts, each timed to maximize both accuracy and suppression. As far as his strategy was considered, Archer was not gonna make Saber moving in on him an easy endeavor. Instead, he fired at will, a hail of certain death firing from his weapon.

it was unfortunate, however, that Archer's rifle was not linked to his magical energy supply, as the last of his ammunition was spent right before his cigarette hit the ground.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance as the weapon's magazine was emptied, Archer quickly leaped back deeper into the wooded hill that he was situated in. Slinging his rifle over his shoulder as he made his quick retreat, a pair of early pistols materialized in Archer's hands, looking more like peasant hand-cannons than fanciful weapons. Making a quick note to nag his Master to buy more ammunition later, Archer awaited behind a rather large tree for his opponent, preparing to unload a barrage of bullets at the first sign of Saber catching up.
I'll post last in the order then~
@Guilty Spark
If you have the IC up in the next 5 hours, I swear to god I will clean your entire fridge.

Somewhere in the hills, District XII


Seeing his opponent draw his blade to deflect his attacks, Archer was quite intrigued at this response, observing his opponent more closely. As he did though, a slight shiver was sent down Archer's spine. Survival instincts, maybe? Archer couldn't quite put his hand on it, himself, but there was something about this Servant... something tangible about his demeanor. No matter what it is, between his swordsmanship as well as his knightly disposition, Archer would quite easily deduce that his opponent was the Knight of the Sword. Satisfied with his response, Archer pointed his gun upward so that it wasn't immediately pointing at his foe, and stood up with an amused look on his face.

"Ah, pardon my rudeness. I've only got one good eye, so I'd have to take every shot I can! Hope you understand." Archer chuckled in response, puffing his cigarette once more and exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Your skills with the blade are quite impressive though, black swordsman. And with a blade like that... I'd assume you're Saber, then?"

Despite maintaining the same casual air that his opponent had, Archer was keeping his environment in mind as well, ensuring that he had a proper way of keeping his distance from his adversary. For now, he had the advantage, but that could easily be squandered if he allowed Saber to rush him head-on. With this in mind, Archer switched his rifle to full-auto, still keeping it leaned over his shoulder.

"Sadly, it seems you have caught me with my pants down on that. I'm sure a few stray shots in this empty part of town should be fine, though. We are in Budapest after all! And besides... why would we need to bother setting up anything to hide our little dance away if you've already got that scary face of yours to do just that, sir knight?"

Archer laughed loudly, his cigarette almost flying out of his mouth as he had done so. All that was left to do now was to await Saber's next move. Having more or less a clear shot of his enemy should he decide to move on in, Archer was confident in ensuring distance would be kept between the two of them. If anything, Saber moving in just a bit would put Archer at even more of an advantage! Truly, this was a fight that Archer could fully show the beauty of the AK-47 to his Master... Which reminded him.

If I were you, gypsy, I wouldn't look on over. This guy's pretty scary! Might make you piss your pants, too. Can't have you doing that while you're looking for his Master now, can we? Ah, I'd get whatever it is you need to ready, though. It might get a bit loud out here.

Puffing the last of his cigarette, Archer allowed it to fall out of his mouth. He wondered if Saber could break the difference before it would hit the ground...
Seaside Village

Looking over to the hunters as they checked up on him, Malphas scratched his his head as he made a bit of an awkward smile, laughing off what had just occurred.

"I'm just figuring out what to eat in this massive buffet! There's so many choices here." Malphas chuckled, before beginning to partake, sliding the black stone away from view.

In truth, Malphas was quite shaken up by the turn of events. He surely was not a fan of something playing with his mind like that. He could still feel those claws digging into his wrist. Still, what an ominous message that was! Perhaps it is his new calling? Or perhaps it would lead to his damnation? Whatever it was, that hag knew of his ability, and Malphas needed answers.

For the night, however, Malphas would enjoy his share of soup, ensuring not to take too much of it. He is well aware that his greed was the cause of his downfall. Perhaps Malphas would even take the opportunity to... make arrangements with a beautiful huntress or a handsome enough huntsman for the night. It'd be nice to sleep in the warmth, and one of his teachings were to be fruitful and multiply. Plus, he'd wonder how this body fared.

Wherever Malphas found a bed to sleep in at night, he'd make sure to wake himself up a bit earlier than most, about as early as when the shops would open. The man had a long day ahead of him, and he needed to get the right equipment to do so! With his three silver pieces, Malphas would buy himself a nice fur or threaded cloak for traveling, as well as a quiver of arrows... whatever he could get with his spare change. As he did so, he would also looked around the village for that very same mark bestowed upon him. If there was nothing around, it's likely high time he'd set off on his own.

Traveling the wilderness can't be that hard, anyway...

Somewhere in the hills, District XII


I agree, gypsy. Those smartasses need to get kicked off their high horses! What is there even to be snobbish about anyway, trying to put a man down for doing what he believes in...

Archer grinned as his Master discussed the sort of clientele he generally received. His opinion on Giovanni was generally positive, at least for a scumbag gypsy. The first few moments with his Master were filled with discussing others they have observed in detail. In Archer's case, he had plenty of choice things to say about their mostly Hungarian subjects. Overall, he wasn't a real fan of the city or its people. Instead, he had marveled at how different the modern world has become. Wagons, communication, and even firearms had advanced to a level far beyond Archer's own understanding... And he quite liked it that way.

With a long draw of his cigarette, Archer patted his newly acquired gift from the modern world. The Avtomat Kalashnikova, a true symbol of revolution. With its high caliber ammunition, simply effective reliability, and its efficient cost of production, Archer could only wonder how wars could have been fought if such a weapon was in the hands of the Hussites. Surely, his wagon formation would have been unstoppable... Archer could only feel his victory assured with his hands on the rifle.

It seemed that now was the time where formalities would end, and the war would begin in earnest, however. Seeing his Master quickly pack up and prepare to mobilize, Archer's grin only grew wider in anticipation. In the blink of an eye, Archer had entered spiritual form, and his presence quickly left Giovanni's.

Luck? Pfft... I'm sorry, gypsy, but I'm going to have to disagree with whatever it was your cards told you about me. I didn't win my battles with good fortune. I won them with my head, my heart, and my superior firepower!

As Archer boasted to his Master, he quickly darted around the district's outskirts, maintaining his range advantage as much as possible. As much as he thrived in such a battle, Archer knew he would easily be at a disadvantage if the fight started in melee, especially with another Knight-class Servant. Class differences aside, Archer knew that his enemies would likely be freaks of nature, humans that have far surpassed the limits of their kind. It was only expected, after all, in this war between legends.

It didn't take too long for Archer to quickly catch wind of another Servant, a young man in all black. His class container was suited towards scouting, after all. As eager he was to test out his new weapon, Archer knew he needed to take every advantage he could against his opponent. Taking shape atop the hills and with enough trees to take cover behind, Archer took aim, a couple of hundred meters away from his target.

As much as Archer praised the AK-47, it did have a few shortcomings to it, with one of it being its effective range. At the same time, Archer was also aware of the weapon's exact range of effectiveness, feeling just comfortable enough to utilize it in such a fashion. It wasn't like he planned to stay at such a distance for too long, either. Instead, it was a suitable place to... introduce himself to his first opponent of the war.

Three single-fire shots fired from Archer's rifle, flying towards the direction of the Servant in black. As shots fired at long range with a medium-range armament and with no particular vital target in mind, they simply served as a declaration of battle, the first shots of the Holy Grail War. At the same time, they weren't warning shots, but truly attacks made with the intention of hitting their opponent. Despite being a weapon Archer had just picked up from some street corner, his rifle possessed the same speed and power as expected of a Servant's general armaments, an effect brought forth by one of his skills.

Archer fully expected his opponent to be able to deal with these shots. If he were truly fighting other heroes, then such a low-effort attack would mean nothing, after all. All Archer really cared about was how his opponent would deal with them. He awaited their reply, his smoking barrel and the light of his cigarette easily giving his position away.
Galain Jinn
Kobold Farms

Galain had almost replied to the Runem regarding the payment of his refreshments, or lack thereof, if not for the sudden outburst from the harpy messenger. Among Galain's few weaknesses, loud noise was one of them. Cringing in pain, Galain leaned onto the wall with his bloodied hand in order to support himself up. As he had done so, noticing that everyone's attention was towards the bird-brain, Galain relished this opportunity to clean his dirtied finger. He began by wiping the blood off of it, dragging it on the bar's walls like some sort of barbarian... not that anyone could tell off this primitive construction, anyway.

"Ah... urgent, huh? I suppose we should get there quickly, then." Galain remarked, throwing his hood back on as he left for the door. Before he situated himself outside this not-so-fine establishment, however, Galain turned to the bartender once more, his fingers poised towards her in the shape of two pistols.

"Just put that drink on my tab." He said, as if proud of his cheapness. One could even swear they saw a wink from his closed eyes.

The trek for the farm was quite calming, if uneventful. Stereotypical of an elf, Galain quietly admired the more natural bits of the trail as they made their way into the wilder portions of the land. Birds chirping, leaves howling, horns scraping... An idyllic utopia came to mind in Galain's head, one where nature and civilization were one with each other. It filled Galain with a sense of longing to return to the Elf Kingdom.

In the end, however, his new place was here, among beasts and monsters.

Reaching the farm and meeting with the kobold guard, Galain nodded in agreement along with his horned companion. Was she a goat, or just a very strange minotaur? Eh, it didn't matter too much. He's sure introductions will be made more clearly as they completed their duty. Kneeling to the kobold, Galain scratched behind its ear reassuringly. He... still wasn't sure of the social norms of his monstrous neighbors, but he was quite confident in dealing with kobolds. He's owned a puppy before, after all.

"Yes, we've received your message. Who's a good boy? That's right, you. What's going on? What do you need help with? Did someone fall down a well?"
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