Avatar of Dark Light


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2 yrs ago
Current Been 5 years since I posted a status!
7 yrs ago
It's a Chuck Palahniuk quotes kinda night.
7 yrs ago
... Something new
9 yrs ago
I'm so Fuckin' broken...


Most Recent Posts

My draft

Anyone wanna sponsor me and vice versa?
@Sleip great explanation, thankyou.
Yea I have been tentatively watching with growing interest as things develop.
This looks really good!
Can you give an example of totem and weapon to highlight the differences?
Condolences, @Scrivener

Is there any restrictions on our starting equipment. As a Rogue I’d like some sweet little gadgets and magical trinkets.
What level would we be starting if this were tabletop?

Are we renowned and experienced or just pretty average?
@cosmicangler Would be happy to.
I’ll start working on a CS later
Goblin! :D

Good ol’ fashion human thief.
Just letting you know I am here and present. Will post my character closer to her introduction. :)
Hope I get to rp soon!
Interest in playing non-magi
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