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    1. Darked13 8 yrs ago


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@Kheliop Good luck.
Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 5 - Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢ

Hobgoblin Arch blinked a few times at what was to him a completely unexpected canning of his head, but seeing the mood of Goblin Grandpa, he smiled. Smiling even more as he heard his words, "I don't know, you might have liked the cave." He nods a few times jokingly leaning his head a bit forward for the patting, "I know we still have much to learn from you, so thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I hope we aren't disappointing you." He smiled before looking a bit more seriously, "I've began to worship the Eternal Mother, Shirila." He showed his bracelet to Goblin Grandpa before continuing, "I have a mission with her that I must conclude, so I can't spend much longer. But next time we meet," Which at the latest in Arch's mind would be in the next day, "I will come with many questions and a rabbit for you." He smiled rather innocently and happily, Goblin Grandpa was a good goblin to him.

He waited for any reply Goblin Grandpa might wish to give him, before grabbing the stick he left in a corner the previous day before leaving the cave with considerable haste. He now had to find the children of the Eternal Mother, the beings blessed by her. Places with many trees, but still ample clearings would be the best. With a place of the kind in mind, he ran and ran... and ran. Eventually he would find a place that fit the description.

He was even doing his best to keep in mind the placing of the more unique trees, stones and bushes he had seen to try to keep a general map of the places he had been to in mind. After all, it would be pitiful to get lost after running around in search of the children of the Eternal Mother.

Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 5 - Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢ

"I will not forget that." The hobgoblin nodded as he quietly listenned to the goddess, "And I will live..." He seriouly spoke a soft sigh coming from his mouth as he felt comforted by the vine wrapped around his arm. He did his best to refrain from touching he vines with the hand that was free and succeeded until the vines went still.

"I will go find them, Eternal Mother." He nodded seriously. The quest to find and protect those she blessed felt incredibly important to him... as for, why him? It did not matter for he was the one chosen for this task, he would not disappoint her. He would find them and protect them.

He took a deep breath to himself moving his hands to his knees as he thought deeply on how to proceed. There were too many things he should do. In the very least tell Goblin Grandpa they are all fine and alive at the building they found, find a rabbit or some other food that will keep him filled until the night and lastly, find Shirila's blessed children. The other minor things such as reading the books and burying the bones for later. If possible, he would do those at night.

After a few long moments of thoughtfulness he focused at the burning stick inside the little shrine and nodded before standing up. Since he was already close to the cave, he should go in and speak with Goblin Grandpa as soon as he could.

He stood up before grabbing the skull by the eyes and running to the cave.

After getting there, he briefly reported to Goblin Grandpa, whom he hopefully wasn't interrupting, though given his own haste, Arch wouldn't notice even if he was interrupting anything, "Goblin Grandpa, me and other 5 goblins have survived yesterday night outside the cave, including the one I delivered that medicine too. We have evolved. Some of them might come here later to tell you of the building, but given they may... leave that for another day. I thought it would be good to tell you now." He nodded after his brief report, "From now on, I may not be returning at night, but I will come during the days if you chose to remain here."

@Guy0fV4lor I will be keeping up with it too!
@Duthguy I spy with my little eye......

It is more fun and rewarding than I personally expected.
Gᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 4 - Nɪɢʜᴛ


It was a hard fight. After defeating his first goblin, he retreated again. Before the end of the night however, he had already gone off to help knocking down skeletons countless times. He was tired and thus, he simply went to a darker corner as the others barricaded the door. He knew that soon, sleep would come.

[Do you wish to evolve?]
[Yes] [No]

Of course he wanted to. Why would he live if he didn't want that? His night was calm as always, but this time he had a dream of running freely through the forest without any worries in mind. Happily finding a rabbit whenever hungry and never feeling tired. It was a lovely feeling.

Dᴀʏ 5 - Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢ

In the next morning as he woke up, he felt full of energy and slightly taller. At first, he thought it'd be harder to even properly move his body after it changed... only to find that it was nimbler than before after a few stretches. He glanced at those still asleep, those that were not and lastly at [i]Shirila's[\i] statue. Everyone was fine and had evolved. That meant he could just proceed as he hoped plus some previously uninvited guests. It isn't that bad, he thought to himself before looking at the bracelet in his wrist. It was as verdant as when he had recieved it. He gently stroked it before smiling and standing up.

Without leaving words for his commarades, the hobgoblin left the church smiling. He took a look at the broken bones and the more complete ones as he walked away from the church, only stopping for a moment to pick up a skull by the eyes before keeping on walking. He had to deal with those bones later if no one did anything about that. They were giving off a rather strange feeling.

Not something for him to worry there and then though, for as soon as he was out of the clearing, he started to run. Slowly at first, to get used to his body and then as fast as his legs would allow him. Even drawing strength from the skull as he ran to his best speed towards the cave entrance. There was something he had to do in commemoration of his evolution, of the victory against the skeletons, of everything.

His legs only started slowing down once he saw the bushes he knew were not too far from the cave. If it was here, it'd be possible for a goblin to pass by.

Arch settled the skull down near the bushes before starting to walk around collecting fallen branches from nearby trees and even yaking ones that he felt had the appropriate lengths and looks. The branches slowly began to make a small pile besides the skull. Finally, he grabbed a few vines, still green, that were hanging on a nearby tree. This would be almost everything he needed, enough for now at least.

He dug a bit into the ground with his hand before stabbing the sturdies and straighter of the branches into it. He pushed the dirt back into the hole and patter it with his foot to make sure the stick stood straight. He then began lying sticks against it and tying them down together by the upper end of the stick.

It wasn't on par with what he had in mind, but... he knew it was the best he could do with the materials he had in hand.

He took a pair of dry sticks that had been lying around before scraping one against the other, again and again and again, until it was lit. Certainly not enough to make a fire, but... it was what he was looking for. He planted a thick stick inside the small hut, its upper end burning slightly and letting off small bits off smoke before he sat down crosslegged before the shrine clasping his hand as he thoughtfully looked at the stick.

It was a proper makeshift shrine like that at least.

"Eternal Mother, Shirila... thank you for watching over us as we fought last night. We have successfully defended the church, no one was gravely hurt." He paused for a few moments, before saying very excitedly, "And we evolved too." He nods a few times as he watches the stick, "Thank you for providing the oportunities I needed to get here... and your gift." His eyes briefly moved to the bracelet before sighing.

"I know that when you gave it to me you have already given much to... us, but... I don't know whether it was given to me due to me requiring nothing beyond knowing you are there with me... or because I'd need more help than them. But I am glad to know you've gifted me something that will always remind me that you are there with me."

"I know that this shrine is far from what is worthy of you, but given my abilities. I am still unable to do something beyond, I hope that the effort that went into it is pleasing to you. I also know that the others should soon start bringing goblins to the church, and will try to get as many as they can to worship you... but I still hoped that this one little shrine can at least bring you another follower by the end of the day."

"If there is anything else I can do to help you regain your strength, please, allow me to know."

Gᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 4 - Night

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword

After the first skeleton went down, soon the next one came in. The one that just grapple its head off wouldn't be in the best position to handle the next one alone, specially since Gina was contesting against the skeletons for the door. It was time for him to do something.

He quickly ran towards the skeleton that managed to come in, hopefully it would be distracted enough with either Gina or the other goblin for him to be able to properly attack him. As what he planned to do? He was really just going to run as quietly as he could and swing the mace the side of the skeleton's knee as strongly as he could. If he could break one of those off the skeleton would fall and could be killed by him or another goblin.

I'll be posting tomorrow, been trying to think on exactly how to get better into... properly describing actions. xD So I should get a post in 12 to 24 hours. :3
Gᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 4 - Night

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword

There was no need for a prayer like Gina's, if he was going to show results he could speak with Shirila later when he had them done. He shall thank her for the battles after he has acomplished them, otherwise, what is the point to call for her aid even before the battle has started. It'd not be good to simply join a fight because he thought that the goddess would help him in a moment of need. After all, he couldn't rely on the goddess for every single encounter he got himself into. He could pray once he had secured victory.

He did look at the several goblins that joined them with worried glances, and that was even before some of them began their own prayers. He needed to be ready when the enemy came, so he simply kept himself quiet by the sidelines waiting for a moment when the enemies might pass in a larger number through the door so that he can rush at them to distract them from his colleages.

As the first skeleton was seen, he furrowed his brows... it was different from just seeing it on a book, but still. It wasn't something they couldn't handle. The enemy wasn't working together, yet they were. They could do this.

For now, he only watched Gina fight, however. After all, trying to fight many against the single skeleton coming in, specially given the way Gina was handling it, would only make them injure each other.

And, meh, sorry for lack of responses or replies. This week has been a pain to say the least. I will try to have something posted until monday. If the church thing is waiting on me, sorry.
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