Avatar of Delta44


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I'm going to try my hand at drawing my gf as a Pokemon trainer with her six favourite Pokemon for valentine's/our anniversary. Wish me luck!
4 yrs ago
Got a drawing tablet, time to draw porn
4 yrs ago
Seeing actual bushfire footage looks straight out of Hell... It moves so quickly and so powerfully, literally the trees just ignite. You firefighters are absolute legends, but please, don't die.
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Today ain't Christmas, it's garbage day!


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T H E N E R D / T H E L E G E N D
You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side;
D E L T A 4 4
together, my love, we shall build a peaceful world.
Just you...
and me.

Welcome to my little personal den of Hell! Sorry, sorry, I meant my personal profile. Same thing, right?

I'm a roleplayer, same as any around here. I've been doing it for about five years now, coming up to six in September. Its been quite the time, thinking back. I started out fresh as can be, understanding the basics of writing but never quite knowing how to become better, or become as great as those around me. In the end, I did the only thing I really knew at the time:

Write as much garbage as possible and hope for the best!

As you can see, that particular tactic fucking failed.
Jokes aside, I like to think I've developed a lot over the years, both as a writer and as a person. However, absolutely nothing can dissuade my weeaboo ways and supporting my OTP with all that I can freaking muster! If you haven't already guessed, said OTP is Chrom x Robin (Chrobin) from Fire Emblem: Awakening. Highly recommend the game, there's a reason (other than nintendo's cheapskate attitude) that it hasn't dropped in price, it's honestly the best place to start off in the series. And hey, maybe you'll end up addicted like me and want to buy every game on the 3DS like a fucking loony?

Speaking of loonies, the Fire Emblem Chrobin Comic Dub Project has recently finished, so for those of you who also appreciate the best ship in existence, I highly recommend it. Hell, even if you're not interested in that, I do highly recommend watching it for those into fantasy love stories. The quality improves drastically with each episode, so trust me when I say by the end of it you should be thoroughly impressed. It has helped motivate me in ways I can hardly describe with words, and so I thought the least I could do was put this out there. Maybe it's not for everyone, but I know it was the perfect thing for me.

"Do you think you can tip any of the scales in here?"
"Chrom, for the love of Naga, I'm thinking..."

"So I heard."

"There are better places
to take a nap than
on the ground, you know."

Most Recent Posts

The "Normal" Story

Premise: Many people are living in a town in Northern Shine County, next to the largest mountain in Shine County called 'Stargate Mountain'. The town itself is named after the mountain, and is a great holiday destination for people of all ages. It was born with the purpose of providing a medical resort for sufferers of disease, and the community built around the advanced medical institutions there. People of all kinds came calling: the young and the old, the sick and the healthy, the poor and the rich. There was something which naturally drew people to the location, from the wonderful starlight views at midnight to the fresh and crisp, clean air; the wonderful and supportive community to the great private services provided. It became an instant hit to Shine County, and has since remained one of the top tourist destinations of the world, never far behind Shine City.

The town is large, but it's no city. It generates a local sense in that a lot of people know each other and everyone knows how things roll. Sufferers of disease find the air relaxing and good for their sense of self, despite the chill in the air. Those infected with HIV are particularly well-treated, and the hospitals provide some of the greatest medical care for those suffering from the virus. Those that haven't found residence in Stargate due to medical reasons often come due to its great hospitality among the people, as well as countless tourist destinations, such as the observatory, Stargate Mountain, clubs, Mochavine Cafe, fitness centers, race track, and (most importantly) festivals.

Festivals are the big thing that Stargate has going for it. There's always a new festival around the corner, and each one is unique and culturally diverse. The Grand November Festival is a seven-day festival in which people come together to enjoy the wonders of Stargate, create happiness for those less fortunate, and bring together everyone who participates. This roleplay will be centered around the seven days of the Grand November Festival, and people interact during those seven days. Depending on if people like 'The "Normal" Story', we may extend beyond the Grand November Festival to encompass the lives of people beyond that brief period of party time!

Some Things to Note: Keep in mind that this isn't a Shine City ripoff, or at least I'm trying not to do that. Of course a lot of inspiration and things from Shine City will show up (such as Mochavine), but for the most part I'm trying an experiment of sorts which removes the dating aspect of Shine City.

So yes, you don't NEED to be a hot, single twenty-year-old ready to mingle! Instead you could play an older person who suffers from disease, or a young holiday-goer who's out to have some fun! I'm also talking with DynamoFrokane (whom I shall refer to as 'The Boss' from time-to-time) about the idea of players porting characters from Shine City into 'The "Normal" Story', though I'm unsure if any character sheets will need updating.

I want our cast to be creative though, and for people to try and play something they might not perhaps normally play. This RP is basically an experiment with that, and you can't shame someone for trying to expand their skills! I'm not sure what my take on multiple main characters will be yet, however I may make it a possibility to have multiple mains as I plan on doing. However if possible I think it'd work best if they were connected in some way, if that were to be the case. I'll work on that idea later.

I'll update this with more information another time!
I'm sorry for not being here earlier, guys, tags aren't working ;-; But I'm here now and somebody said they needed women?

I mean I can do both but- ahh, I'll just read the characters tab... >_>

Update: Dammit, Boss, you lead me to a land of false promises! XD I mean I can make a cute, giggly teenage school girl, but I think we're actually low on guys here. I need to stay up late anyway to finish an assignment so I'll see what I can do about both :3
@Dynamo Frokane

Fuckin'- *flips table* -why are my tags not working??? ;-; AHHHHH!!!


Did you say you needed a cute, bubbly girl? ;) Say no more, fam. I got'chu.
@Dynamo Frokane

"It took us three days to reply to you, Delta!

Sorry this post took so long, but it's up now! ^-^ Hope it doesn't suck :3
4/9 – Moki-Moki residence – Morning

Another night had been spent wasted fiddling among cursed tomes and suspicious artifacts, yet to no avail. The creatures of the night hadn't answered her call, and she was seriously considering going to the local graveyard. At least there she could make contact with the undead, as dry and mundane as it was. Talking to the spirits alone was not enough - she wanted nothing more than to be able to feel their presence completely. Then they wouldn't call her a lunatic; then she could prove to them she was telling the tru-

Her morning alarm from her phone interrupted her train of thought. Though she was angry at the disruptive noise, she knew she couldn't get too annoyed, lest she break the thing like she had done a few months earlier. Swiping the screen to tell it she was up, she turned off the device and pocketed it. It's vibrations, however, caused her to bring it back out.

'A text from Issei...?'

Her fellow cult addict, Issei, had sent her a good-morning text. This was something Koi had come to expect of the young man, as he was quite profusely interested in the dark arts. Strange, considering his total lack of knowledge on the subject, but nonetheless it made Koi feel wanted. She didn't particularly mind his company, seeing as he was funny, though wished he had a bit more focus in times of importance.

'Morning, Koi! Just wondering if you'll be at the clubroom tomorrow? Since you can't come today and all that.'

Koi's response was simple: 'I will be there tomorrow. I hope you're willing to learn this time. I need to get ready. I'll talk to you another time.'

Issei sent a thumbs-up emoji, and the two left it at that. Koi could smell pancakes from the bottom floor of her house. Mother was likely trying to cook again. She sighed and went downstairs, after getting dressed.

The rest of the morning was as it usually went: She and her mother didn't exchange too many words, with her mother being the forward person. She ate at her own pace and watched the news from the table. Not particularly bad weather in the evening, which would be good as it meant she wouldn't have to worry about getting pissed on visiting the therapist or graveyard. She'd grown less anxious around the therapist as of late, yet still wouldn't let her guard down completely. The amusing older lady brought a peaceful aura wherever she went, and didn't show any type of malice or resentment. At least not yet. It was her job, after all, to make Koi feel better about herself.

Pretty soon it was time to leave. Koi made the last finishing touches, doing up her hair and adjusting her uniform, before she left home with her mother. The drive to the school wasn't particularly bad, however she did wish her mother would stop driving as though she wanted to get in a car accident...

4/9 – Hinasho High – Morning

She kissed her mother and waved goodbye. Building ahead, head set to the floor, ears drowning away the everyday talk of students. Her headphones and music served as the gateway from her ears to the outside world, and that gate was shut right up until homeroom was about to begin. She covered her ears right up until everyone was silent, the sign that the teacher had walked in. Finally, Koi straightened out and let her hands fall, resting under the desk like any other student.

She didn't expect the new student, however. He appeared simple, nothing particularly to note about him save for his hair. An albino? On closer inspection it was a possibility, however she chose to dismiss her own criticism for now. Something more important swiftly caught her attention:

He would be sitting next to her.

Directly in-between Akamura and herself. This, Koi was not happy about. She liked her seclusion - it meant less idiots to deal with. If he decided to get friendly with her, she likely wouldn't be able to contain her annoyance. Thankfully, the young man took his seat and didn't say a word. If he knew what was best for him, then he wouldn't talk to her. He'd only make fun of her once he learned the truth, anyways.

4/9 – Hinasho High – Lunch

Maki-Maki immediately stood at the lunchtime bell, bag in hand as she left the classroom, not saying a word to anyone. She hated sitting in class with everyone else. They were always so noisy. And like the rule-breaker she was sometimes attributed to, Koi made her way to the stairway leading to the roof and went up. Her own little place lay at the top set of stairs, next to the door leading to the roof. It was a nice and private location, and kept her away from those who would take another step further than her and open the door to the roof. She didn't trust those people, however the two parties made the unspoken agreement to not speak of each other's involvement on the roof. And so far, she and the other group had upheld that agreement.

Lunch was standard. Rice, a couple vegetables, and some bits of beef here and there. Not the most ambitious she had made, but it did it's job and filled her up nicely. As she felt the growing thirst build up within her, she decided to head back downstairs in order to find the nearby vending machine for drinks. Unfortunately for Koi, there was someone there who appeared to be taking their sweet time. She sighed and near-silently crept up behind the woman.

"If you do not know what to order, shall I order for you?" Though this could be proposed as a means of wanting to engage in conversation, Koi just really wanted her drink, and wasn't about to wait five and a half years to receive it. The blonde seemed not quite like most people, however, though the feeling was very vague. "Or will you be taking your time with this selection?"

@PandaBrady I began writing the post two days ago, but I've come down with a killer headache which makes me wanna die ;-; I'm writing up the rest of the reply now and it should be done within the hour! Sorry for the long wait! :D
Oh wow, I didn't think this would happen at all! :D Not that I'm complaining, I like the idea!

Should probably try to get some advertisement, just so we can get the ball rolling :3 Also sorry for not responding, I'm really sick rn XD
@Tenma Tendo Sorry for the short notice, but I won't be able to post tonight because we went out ;-; I also have a couple assignments to do, but I'll see if I can get one tomorrow, maybe during study :3
I'm sorry for not posting, like, at all :o I've been really apathetic (hah! Persona 3 reference :D) towards the RP for reasons I don't really know - writers block, I'd say :3 Either way I'll definitely have a reply up tomorrow! That latest reply got my inspiration spurring!
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