Avatar of Dinh AaronMk


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Current Never spaghetti; Boston strong
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The last post below me is a lie
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Was that supposed to be an anime reference
1 yr ago
I live in America, but the m, e, r , i, c are silent


Harry Potter is not a world view, read another book or I will piss on the moon with my super laser piss.

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I've been sleeping in a tent for the past two months. It's part of a job. Paid camping!
I'll jump in.

I don't know if I'd specifically call any genre my "favorite" since that personally implies to me I would have had to experience it. After all, in a sort of Aristotelian sense having an opinion on it in relation to others would mean I did them, and I only did so many things. Like I haven't done anything romance related and I don't dabble in whatever might arise in 1x1 or arena, so I exclude those. That said I will attempt to describe my opinions on what I do:

- Fantasy/medieval - this pretty much describes my first foray into Roleplaying, as someone who played a lot of Total War. This also informs why I even went into Nation Roleplay. But having had a strong historical bias for most of my life I've been most comfortable here. And often I want to try more Medieval or fantasy settings so I can try on some general concepts or notions I've picked up to see how far I can go with them.

Sci-Fi - I've mostly stumped myself on these because I'm not one for "tech-wanking" or the art of meticulously describing bullshit tech or science. I have tried to use the setting to explore potential future societies but then I stump myself on the sort of conflicts that arise in these cases. Continually redrafting these ideas though I have been trying to steer them more towards an imperfect conception to do just that. To those ends, I need to start joining these RPs to fill in an unrecognized gap people tend to overlook, that being societies that being interstellar may be more or less post-scarcity by force of sheer mass they control, and would be automated probably, but people write as if being not; which seems to me would mean they're heccin' dyspotic so someone needs to have the interstellar anarchists woven in more forcefully than they do. Again, Nation Roleplay things.

Noir - I've sorta tried this. Being a mostly NRP writer I've tried writing noir in my own time and for my own reasons in the controlled space of my own nation. I haven't gone off to join a noir RP in the traditional one-character, one writer approach.

Highschool life/slice of life - Admittedly I use this stuff for shitposting because I can't take them seriously because I carry a perception they're sort of ideal life wish fulfillment so I've infamously joined such RPs to fuck with everyone, at least on older forums.

OK then. I guess I'm waiting.
Nation/Clan/Kingdom/Tribe Name: The Caramellion Company
Represented Color: Blue (?)
Race: Human
Features: -
Breed: -
Capital: San Siabano
Ruler: Duke Peidro Callibiano deMolle Viceroy of Colonia Vaquexia, Contractee of the Caramellion Company

Type of Government: Colonial Viceroyalty

Religion: Word Of The Holy Salvation Church On The Mount Of The Lady Of Grace

Geographical Location: As I am without a computer or Photoshop I will not be able to draw out where I want to be on the map for a few weeks. As such I will need to trust the GM or someone to do it for me: at the tip of the inlet in the southern bay pointing into the mountains, at those foothills. Main island.

History: The Caramellion Company was officially contracted by the crown of the Kingdom of Garciapolla one-hundred twenty-two years ago. Founded initially as the royal merchants charged with the trade of luxuries between the crown and lands abroad the duties and charges of the crown-created company expanded over time handling largely civilian affairs or to handle anti-piracy, autonomous from the kingdom itself and operating on its own income but safe in the knowledge that it ran as a defacto monopoly in its area. However, with such autonomy came fierce rivalry and it defacto acted in its own private wars that turned into proxy affairs as it feuded with independent foreign merchants and other operations for control of greater waters. Its centuries of disputes with operations and even Nations abroad saw it expanded by the crown to allow it to arm its own private army like the marquis and older nobility before it. As a force itself it carried a political and economic weight never before seen for an organization of its type, exempting numerous knightly and holy orders.

Fifteen years ago the Kingdom of Garciapolla was wracked by a civil war when the king died without naming a suitable successor. When the Parlion Council – the national and royal court of judges appointed by the Crown with power equal to that of the Crown – intervened to elect one from the several royal houses it initiated a violent civil war when it elected a king from one of the least prestigious families. Angered at the results the greater houses allied in an Anti-Parlion League intent on seizing power for themselves and liquidating the ancient institution as a hotbed of perceived corruption and favoritsm. Fighting for the Parlion, the Parlion League was the House Sebastiano whose prince Carl Henre Sebastiano had been elected as king as per recognition of his great piety. The war was bloody and took the life of King Carl I whose son Julia Carl “the small” Sebastiano succeeded. Triumphing over his enemies the whole families and their retinues were at once imprisoned, stripped of their titles and their knights defrocked and demoted and left in the dungeons.

The prisons of the kingdom became filled with the surplus nobility who became systematically purged by the new Small King under fear of a coup attempt and with the backing the Parlion many were stripped of their titles as we’re many peasants. A revolt crisis saw the near emptying of entire counties whose peoples were surrendered to the mercy of imprisonment and with over flowing prison cells were instead interned aboard derelict ships. Soon in the political paranoia of the period a crisis emerged, one which required an immediate answer. The answer was obvious.

With international word of a new land discovered across the sea a Charter for a territory known as Colonia Vaquexia was drawn and granted to the obvious servant of the crown, the Caramellion Company who was immediately equipped to sail out to establish a foot hold and to be unloaded – over time – with the excess prisoners or willing colonists and nobles seeking “clemency in the realm beyond through noble service to the Grand House of Sebastiano in the improvement of primitive lands”.
I must say that @Dinh AaronMk's comment does confuse me quite a lot. I cannot presume to fully comprehend what you mean, and it isn't because I have a poor understanding of the english language or am unfamiliar with the terms used. But it seems a bit contradictory.

I clipped the rest of it for size sake and left this in because it's at least where the mention is. But where bringing up Precipice of War is concerned it's meant as an example and not as proof of superiority. Sort of like how someone might mention some other piece of media - like the aforementioned (I hope) Naked Lunch - as proof or illustration of a concept. In the case of Naked Lunch, being a major piece of American literature that actively defies what people like Joseph Campbell would declare being THE story structure. But in that case I would also named Kerouac's On The Road as being a story that's inherently anti-structure, though far more linear than the fever dream of Naked Lunch.

The case if bringing up Precipice is that at the least it is the longest running example of the general approach I and some of the fellow writers in that RP approach it. Theo claims that the narrative point of NRPs is domination. But an RP like Precipice or off shoots like it or the goal of us that come from it don't often stress political domination. The potential in NRP is much broader, and the scope a person takes on when writing as a nation is considerably broader than in a single character RP; meaning in this case there's more opportunities for purely solo stories than interactive stories.between writers so if someone disappears or fails to post there can at least be progress. And restressing Naked Lunch or On The Road or the even older Japanese novel Tale of Genji you can meander about.
In The drincc 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Praise the dehydrated drincc
My boss's work playlist, which is right now the Pitch Perfect playlist.
Confusion hath fuck his masterpiece.

- William S. Burroughs. Naked Lunch
Honestly @Vilageidiotx raised a strong point here: that as a social activity, NRP is like a quilting circle. Or even a Dungeons and Dragons game. How.many DnD campaigns have actually been finished? How many melt down because of lack of interest and they're just running on so long? Stats or.not: does it really matter since at the end of the day it's dealing with people and the flow with any "game" can be disrupted by a major player in it failing to commit as much as the others and stalling things, or disrupting the pattern, and eventually stalling it all. A stat RP may give the absent player's nation a bit of autonomy if the player drops out and leaves through calculating dice rolls but at this point you might as well also just play a solo Crusader Kings game or Europa Universalis; when someone leaves the entire social framework an NRP is built off of sort of collapses too.

To add something else as well, the entire notion that an RP *must* abide by a universal principle is itself a flawed notion because this too also breaks it by disallowing any and all flexibility or depth; or a lot of it. Because while you can so easily say the goal of politics is dominance I could argue the goal of politics is more self preservation; sometimes at the cost of other's preservation but just as well the cost of one's own state. The thought process that all must be for conquest and Social Darwinian exploitation of the others is a toxic concept that does of course kill all social cohesion between the players. At this point a pen and paper civilization game would be appropriate; but you really should consider moving that to Tabletop Games because you're just playing what's a steadily more nerdier Catan.

So go play Catan, you filthy nerds.

Really the most important thing is less to do with an advantage of statistics vs narrative as a competitive thing but the network of relationships, between players and even between characters. Not just internationally as between two diplomats but internally as some regular Joe to a regular Jane. NRP presents a weirdly unique space where as a nation you control not just the state apparatus but the populace at large. You are presented with an infinite possibility of solo stories or vignettes that can be as equally interesting or as important as the high-level politics and House if Cards activity above. All of this combined in and out of borders converges into what is - to steal a Deleuzean term - rhizomatic.

The Rhizome is in the work of Deleuze and Gutarri a descriptor of the relationships of individuals and/or objects to one another forming a web within society or an organization. An organization can also be described as Arboreal, or stratified and hierarchial like government; but the adsymetric rhizomatic relationships of people and groups can still exist within Arboreal systems. What arises really as the narrative failure in an NRP isn't a percieved lack of structure that statistical RPs get to funnel and channel various interactions but an inability by the same crowd to conceptualize parties beyond the political. Internationally politics can be done on the assymetric scale of two diplomats having a close personal relationship, or two spies even. Likewise the character of relationships between two citizens within or anyone of rank can at the least prove as an illustrative means to explore and conceptualize that nation. And people coming up with a hyper detailed application with all the technical specefics drawn out indicates that the relationships between actors to one another, or actors to the structures and objects around them and how they percieve and react to them has not been fully realized. It's coming up short on the essential character if writing a story, any story. Especially one so big as to go beyond any single character or two.

To percieve of a nation as the completed whole of all its parts with it's contradictions resolved overlooks the organic totality of all of it. A society is never without its contradictions from too to bottom and to percieve the body as completed in its final form only does it a disservice. This lends back to the universal notions of "domination" as being the sole narrative goal and not something broader as "self preservation" though that too is a disservice because a national character is derived from its constant metamorphosis shaped by the failures and successes of its moment. A medieval king may be overthrown if he loses a war and thus fails to pay back the duties he levied on his vassal Lords. An election may change and alter the course of an entire nation with a scandal or major event. In these cases the national character changes immensely l. Fortunately these pertain to what is the higher levels of politics and are not ignored. Perhaps more importantly are the minor details that contribute to the evolution: who the king is married to, who has the most social pull at court, who hates who, who are the donors to someone's campaign, whose advertising, who - unrelated in all things - makes the big announcement that catches them off guard? Who is the inventor who develops the next big thing to be revealed later? What are the internal and external material conditions? What role does the epistemic and ontological world view of the culture map onto the decision process? Are there two kids doing an international motorbike your from China to Ethiopia?

I hate to toot my horn but honestly I think this is where Precipice prevails over a lot. Much if what's written in PoW can be considered small fish topics in other RPs. Where someone might write a war strictly from the command post or the map room to detail the high abstractions of war PoW has war told through the soldier's eye and how it effects themselves and their companions; never as completed objects of their own but perpetually unfinished. Precipice has had a royal sibling travel through a dangerously racist America, when she herself was from America. We've had cops and detectives, bandits and rogues, hash pipes and hookers. Two college kids on a motorbike traveling to Ethiopia. A war traumatized cartoonist. Not all of this contributes to a single plot of "domination" or pushing the world off of the Precipice and into War. But it contributes to its own world and self realization. It's as rhizomatic as Thousand Plateaus and as cut and fold as Naked Lunch. Pick a thread in the RO and follow it, there's not one story but a dozen or more.

Tl;Dr - write better, fggts
Come on out ye black and tans, an' foight me like a' man
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