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Call me Doc. I'm open to just about every form of roleplay at any time, so if you want to have some fun just toss a P.M my way.

I do prefer RM, URM, or low tier fights, with human or peak human hand-to-hand and swords & sandals being my speciality.
Challenge me to a match just any old time!

Arena Characters: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87852-docs-characters-no-posting/ooc#post-3105991

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Read my entire post next time, please. You're not even remotely close to what I was describing. Think about it this way. I spent ten of my eleven years as a roleplayer participating in medieval and human tier combat scenarios. In those scenarios, if you get struck hard in the jaw, it's a knockout just as it would be in real life. The Beardforce enables Gonad to maintain that high offensive power through tiers. Can you survive Gonad punching you in the face? No. Can you hunch your chin behind your shoulder and take it on the arm? Yeah, but depending on your character's power spread, how devoted they are to melee, it may leave either a bad bruise or dislocate the arm.

Lobo is NOT a melee specialist, otherwise he'd not be firing poison fireball arrows everywhere. Not only that, but for the trillionth time, Gonad's body is a weapon. You keep acting as if his punches should be treated like punches. They are like fucking mace swings, every bit as deadly as Lobo's killing moves.

The Beardforces activates the moment Gonad percieves an enemy, and no, Negatomsk is bending the truth in his description because he's severely wishing he hadn't taken that headbutt dead on. Here's the Beardforce's relevant description straight from the article-

Gonad can harness the raw energies of manliness itself, a power known as the Beardforce which only those known as the Beardlords may use. It allows him to scale in physical might that his capabilities may be matched evenly in comparison to those of any foe more powerful than him...
Gonad's power ups are nearly all physical in nature, and as such if an opponent relies heavily upon auxillary abilities, Gonad will be able to easily outmatch them in strength and speed. Think of an armored man with a machine gun facing a naked man wielding only his fists. A good comparison to the Beardforce's application is to think of how physically capable the fistfighter would need to be to stand a perfectly fair chance of beating the armored gunman. Obviously this means that in close range, an enemy who uses powers and technology in addition to martial arts would be at a severe disadvantage in the martial arts category next to Gonad.

Gonad is a one trick pony, a purist. What he lacks in long ranged versatility and multiple complex abilities, he more than makes up for by having all of his strengths accumulated into nothing less than the ultimate form of unarmed martial arts.
Gonad's unarmed strikes are of the highest caliber, and taking into consideration the formidable equalization of the Beardforce, this means no foe in this realm or in any other can easily withstand even one direct hit to a vital point, much like how no human mortal may fairly survive a sword through the torso or a mace to the skull, as Gonad's limbs are surely lethal weapons. The Beardforce is based upon Gonad's perception of an opponent along with the opponent's full latent power, and as such the Beardforce cannot be fooled or bypassed, making it effective against abstract concepts or inanimate objects for so long as Gonad thinks of the thing as a foe or said thing presents a threat. The opposite stands true, however, as Gonad himself wears little armor and will always be equally susceptible to the attacks of any superhuman enemy he faces, unless the enemy is launching a sneak attack (such as the shot of a sniper or a a suicide bomb, not counting tricks used mid-combat. In other words, Gonad cannot be killed unless he registers the presence of an enemy), in which case the Beardforce will alert Gonad in advance. Whether it be a normal man with a pickaxe or Superman with a pickaxe, if either buried the point of the weapon in Gonad's skull he would die just the same. If Gonad is facing a group of empowered enemies, his might will be equalized with that of the strongest.

Direct references are made between Gonad's attacks and the damage inflicted by medieval weaponry on a human body. He's a form of glass cannon that relies on manhandling opponents in CQC. His strikes are not mere kicks and punches, but murderous blows that break bones and rupture organs. He doesn't negate supernatural defenses, he powers through them with his glass cannon-esque equalisation power. The Beardforce is like a power level scouter from DBZ, it DOES NOT give Gonad meta information, as Negatomsk keeps suggesting.

For the record, here's a summarized version of my argument, in its peak form.

Again, ignoring all the blatant fibs, here's what matters.


It seems the core of your argument is that Lobo's costume can absorb and redistribute force. If that's the case, I do believe I'm justified in calling a checkmate, with all due respect.

Keep in mind that the only description of Lobo's costume existing in regards to physical damage is a "heavy resistance", nothing about the mechanics of that resistance. Now, the heavy shit.

Remember before our fight, you brought up my match with Sky? I told you in no uncertain terms that...

Sky had kinetic dampening, absorbtion, and dissipation that was an explicit ability of his. I flat out told you that the Beardforce should have broken his bones anyways, so you can't claim that Lobo could have endured the headbutt. Like I said, I don't enjoy being 'that guy', but in a ranked match I'm plenty more strict.

In every way, shape, and form, I have made it clear that Gonad isn't supposed to be fought as if he were a traditional martial artist. He's a physical monster, whose blows I have genuinely likened to swords and maces being used on a normal human in his profile.
Lobo took the hit, and that hit is absolutely a knockout blow.

Now, keeping in mind the above, check this out.

I mentioned that two of our members have beaten you, I never mentioned which two. You assumed I meant Sky, you assumed I'd read his fight, so don't go putting words in my mouth or knowledge in my head.

So you didn't mean Sky? Then by all means enlighten me. I'm genuinely curious. During my year and a half on this site, I've only ever lost twice, both times intentional. Sky was one of them, so prove me wrong. I dare you. I double dog dare you. Either way I mentioned Sky in the post immediately after the one where I stated that the Beardforce could break bones through such defenses.

I went easy on your friend, and accomodated him to an incredible extent. He'd have lost in a single action if I had been more insistent on the function of Gonad's beardforce. Broken knuckles from the blocked punch, a broken wrist from the awkward way he tried to block the bear slap.

Pretty big talk considering two members of the alliance have already beaten you, with one having beaten Gonad himself, but keep talking.

Now truth be told I have seen one of your fights before, but that was only because you actively fought someone else in another thread I'd joined-

So, ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, our little friend Negatomsk isn't just making excuses, he's outright lying, and very badly I might add. That other thread? The character used was the Magna Pater, not Gonad, as can be seen in the link below. Looks like Negatomsk's friends are every bit as slimy as he is, but keep in mind I never lost this fight. It was undecided because the thread ended due to the cancer.


So, yes. @Negatomsk, I've been keeping track of your chain of lies.

Except the Beardforce is equivalent to Brock Lesnar walking through literally anything I have available in the house, including force fields, shotguns, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, an intangibility suit, and the ability to become a living math equation -- while powering through any and all of that with said frying pan alone -- to headbutt me.

No sane person would expect Mr. Lesnar to make it through a hellish obstacle course such as that with such a simple tool, because it wouldn't work, nor could they be blamed for their surprise when Lesnar powers through everything they threw at him with with a pan, because it's just not done.

So yes in your example, I was quite the moron, but the Beardforce states that nothing can withstand it, not even the fact that I, say, was also Brock Lesnar, headbutting myself.

Don't flatter yourself. Hellish is a word reserved for something that was difficult. You don't spray and pray AOE attacks and expect it to work against someone that actually knows what their doing. You want to have your cake and eat it too, huh? I didn't power through your attacks, I outmanouvered you. You just don't want to admit it.

And as for access to all of your arena history? I don't read previous fights if I can avoid it. This isn't MMA -- I am not the one fighting -- so while me brushing up on your past matches to try to formulate a plan of action might be considered a viable strategy, in my opinion it's only an attempt to fill my own head with preconceptions about your character that my character honestly has no right to know beforehand, because they've never met.

Even if I were to fight you again, I'd feel uncomfortable using anyone but Lobo, because through my own head that character would enter the ring filled with the knowledge of how Lobo's match went, intentionally or unintentionally, and I would not want to chance that influencing my writing. Lobo, win or lose, has earned that knowledge, so anything I write from a second encounter is fair game.

Now truth be told I have seen one of your fights before, but that was only because you actively fought someone else in another thread I'd joined, and you lost that fight -- intentionally or not -- because your opponent refused to be bullied by the same shit you're using here, namely trying to ignore everything they did in their power to impede you, as you tried to tell them, time and time again, how effective their own attacks were against you, despite their every attempt to explain otherwise. Yeah, and eventually you took the loss and left, but not until you'd all but killed the thread with your sidetracking bullshit, and believe me if I'd remembered that you were the one behind that shit, I'd never have slogged into the mud here with you.

You're STILL unable to be specific, because you know I have your trapped in your own fibs. I'll ask you one more time punk. To which two players did I lose? Answer the question and quit acting like a victim. You did this to yourself. My point is that you knew the Beardforce's power before the fight, but all you can do is dance around the proof as hard as you can, hoping nobody will notice how you're trying to cheat. Like I said earlier, cut it out and talk straight, unless you have something to hide.

I will admit in my rush to edit I neglected to mention any effects that the headbutt might have had on Lobo himself beyond the impact he took, but to ignore the blow entirely would've been to a) not include any mention if it or b) to actually state that it had zero effect, that it didn't even move his head back.

I'm not ignoring the fact that Gonad "makes a living killing things with headbutts". I accepted that fact and proposed that Lobo's own physical training allows him to fight back. You, on the other hand, are not only ignoring, but outright rejecting, the possibility that the physical training that any other character Gonad faces could possibly allow them to compare to him on a purely physical level.

I've never seen someone this willfully ignorant before. Just reading those lies gives me cancer. You complete trashy buffoon, you literally /did the exact same thing Lobo would have done if he hadn't been hit/.

So yes, you totally ignored the attack. What goes on in that dumpy little skull of yours? Does it make sense for Lobo, who wrestles using bows and psychic power, to be physically on par with a 7'2", 499 pound, demigod of muscle? Get ooouuta here. Lobo had his own specialties, but you just sucked at using them and tried to beat me at my own game with tragic results. You twisty, grimy tart you, stop hiding behind half-truths.

It's not an equalization power. You aren't leveling the playing field, you aren't taking advantage of someone who doesn't know how to defend themselves, and you are absolutely full of shit to claim that was what you wanted. If that were the case Gonad would exist solely to participate exclusively a low-level, no-powers combat where there ARE no powers to get in the way of his headbutts, no superhuman powers to equalize. What you want is to impose your will on your opponents who have in good faith undertaken defensive methods which would in fact serve them in a great many situations against most any character except yours, all because you want to pretend to be a one trick pony.

If the entire point of your character is to pull non-physical fighters out of their wheelhouse to beat them you never had any intention of engaging them in the first place.

And if it IS an equalization power? I'm still not taking the knockout because of your very decisive wording:

You equalize my power. Fine. You counter my energy powers, fine, the hardening technique I described is based wholly physical (go hit up Iron Shirt on the google to get an idea) so even if you get through the helmet, I'm not defenseless. You want a decisive end with 'as little beating around the bush as possible', but in your own words, that still ain't necessarily instant.

I'll walk back my counterattack, but I'm still not taking that knockout.

And quit asking for a ruling on your post. I may have implicitly agreed to a match with your character sheet, but you explicitly agreed to fight me without a judge.

Go back and read my last post again, since it's obvious you completely ignored what I told you about the equalisation. Lobo had weapons, those weapons could have easily killed Gonad. You didn't know how to use those weapons properly, so you lost. You say his mask is like an iron skull? Still a knockout by way of the physics I described, the ones Vordak properly identified.

That hit is nothing less than a knockout, and no, I never agreed to a match without a judge.

Here again are the only facts that matter.

1. You knew the Beardforce would break through supernatural kinetic defences beforehand, and now you're lying to my face and refusing to look at proof.

2. You agreed to the fight anyway, and only now are whining about how the Beardforce works. Too late, too bad.
@RiDaku@Drifting Pollen@MelonHead

Eh, yeah. It's best if only Negatomsk and I argue it out, though that doesn't mean a judge isn't needed so that we don't argue forever. I do believe I see things from your point of view now, Melon.

So you didn't mean Sky? Then by all means enlighten me. I'm genuinely curious. During my year and a half on this site, I've only ever lost twice, both times intentional. Sky was one of them, so prove me wrong. I dare you. I double dog dare you. Either way I mentioned Sky in the post immediately after the one where I stated that the Beardforce could break bones through such defenses. You say the Beardforce ignores any and all defenses enacted? Let's say Brock Lesnar came over to your house right now, and you had a repeating crossbow. He blocks your bolts with a frying pan or something lying around, walks up in front of you, grabs your weapon, and headbutts you because you didn't do anything to try and gain a tactical advantage. That's not ignoring all defenses enacted, that's taking advantage of someone too rock stupid to know how to defend themselves.

Edit. I don't want to drag Sky into something like this. It's bad enough I'm including him in my tough talk.

So as you can see with your own lying eyes, there is no way for you to weasel out of this by trying to twist my own meanings around. What's more, in my post I NEVER said that headgear was a drawback to the Beardforce. Again you're trying to twist my words around, seeking every little nook and cranny for escape no matter how desperate it looks.

Even through helmets Gonad's blows have proven their potency, for although such things may absorb shock and prevent superficial injury, they do not do much slow the rate at which the brain bounces off its protective walls.

"Proven their potency". That means it works through them. What's more, by saying "such things may absorb shock and prevent superficial injury", I simply stated the FUNCTION of practical helmets, not how the Beardforce reacts to them. I think you're the one who needs to learn how to read. You need to stop jumping the gun and try to grasp the situation.

Now, as for the metagaming claim, I have a few things to say.

You had full access to Gonad's profile and Arena fight history, and full well knew what you were getting into. By agreeing to this fight you accepted to have your character meet mine in combat, and as such it's not my problem if you think my character's powers are too great. Fact of the matter is, Lobo had just as much chance to beat Gonad, but you weren't able to prevent Gonad from invading Lobo's personal space and headbutting him into oblivion. You blame a lack of skill on OPness, on your dopey assumption that Lobo could just walk off a direct hit from another character's deadly implement, in this case, the baddest forehead on the market. If anything you're the one trying to powergame, by trying to have Lobo simply ignore a blow to his skull from a guy that makes a living killing things with unarmed blunt force bludgeoning. Get fucking real.

'The Beardforce knows.' Are you serious? Now you're just phrasing shit in a way that sounds unfair to you. It's an equalization power that lets Gonad hurt morons like you who don't know how to take proper hits, A.E, the headbutt from our aforementioned 'guy that makes a living killing things with unarmed blunt force bludgeoning'. What, you think it sounds fair for Lobo to endure that and "still have the presence of mind" to use a near instant four inch draw on his bow with tremendous killing power, and then land on his feet afterwards? Buddy, I know you know how this is, and I'm telling you now, cut it out. The way you're acting is ridiculous.

Is an energy scouter metagaming? You know, that neat little gadget from DBZ? Yes, I know that power levels change. Just think of the Beardforce as a scouter that can't be fooled. It doesn't peek into your little character sheet as if it had those little bouncy googly eyes. It measures how much latent power a character has and bolsters Gonad up to that level so that a bout can end decisively and with as little beating around the bush as possible. If you had stabbed Gonad in the heart, he'd not have "had the presence of mind" to still try and headbutt you. He'd have totally died, because his durability, though surely formidable, was equalized too. You had every bit as much a chance to hurt him as I had to hurt you, perhaps even more considering your *horribly misused* ranged game. Next time try more fakeouts, trick shots, ect. One of my faves is blasting out someone's foot right as they put their forwards weight onto it.

But even if you see that as metagaming, that's still your problem. You accepted the fight knowing how it worked, and now here you are complaining about it. No, yes, yes, I know what you want to say, what you want to say so very badly but know isn't true, and I've already read your other posts declaring it, so no need to try the same schtick. You knew how it worked, you know what I mean, and you do remember Sky. I told you before the fight, I told you.

"Well then, bring it on chump! Show me whatchya GOT!"

Auz began jogging towards the King, brandishing his longsword.
Sorry for the late response, work is a bitch.

It seems the core of your argument is that Lobo's costume can absorb and redistribute force. If that's the case, I do believe I'm justified in calling a checkmate, with all due respect.

Keep in mind that the only description of Lobo's costume existing in regards to physical damage is a "heavy resistance", nothing about the mechanics of that resistance. Now, the heavy shit.

Remember before our fight, you brought up my match with Sky? I told you in no uncertain terms that...

I went easy on your friend, and accomodated him to an incredible extent. He'd have lost in a single action if I had been more insistent on the function of Gonad's beardforce. Broken knuckles from the blocked punch, a broken wrist from the awkward way he tried to block the bear slap.

Sky had kinetic dampening, absorbtion, and dissipation that was an explicit ability of his. I flat out told you that the Beardforce should have broken his bones anyways, so you can't claim that Lobo could have endured the headbutt. Like I said, I don't enjoy being 'that guy', but in a ranked match I'm plenty more strict.

In every way, shape, and form, I have made it clear that Gonad isn't supposed to be fought as if he were a traditional martial artist. He's a physical monster, whose blows I have genuinely likened to swords and maces being used on a normal human in his profile.
Lobo took the hit, and that hit is absolutely a knockout blow.


You're right, but fortunately the Beardforce does not work in the manner you described. Gonad doesn't learn anything intimate through it, no meta knowledge or shit like that. He simply feels a power boost and then starts trying to crush the enemy before him to the best of his ability. If the enemy tries to hold back to keep the Beardforce weak until a vital moment, it won't work. If your character can go Super Saiyan and he's fighting in base form, Gonad will be at Super Saiyan levels.

Power playing is trying to control the other dude's character, or trying to influence things your character shouldn't be able to. Did I demand that Negatomsk step right up to Gonad and accept a knockout headbutt? He did all of that through choice.

Edit: Because this is a high priority post that contributes to the resolution of the match, I'm taggin' Pollen.
@Drifting Pollen
Same, though what I really need is to fix a few grammatical errors in my last emote. I had consumed two beers last night before posting, and should like to rectify those scant flaws before too long.

Aw hell. You're breakin' my balls here. I'm starting to feel like Melon. Don't hate me for being such a stiff customer, it already bugs me to act like this.

Gonad's unarmed strikes are of the highest caliber, and taking into consideration the formidable equalization of the Beardforce, this means no foe in this realm or in any other can easily withstand even one direct hit to a vital point, much like how no human mortal may fairly survive a sword through the torso or a mace to the skull, as Gonad's limbs are surely lethal weapons. The Beardforce is based upon Gonad's perception of an opponent along with the opponent's full latent power, and as such the Beardforce cannot be fooled or bypassed, making it effective against abstract concepts or inanimate objects for so long as Gonad thinks of the thing as a foe or said thing presents a threat.

The only reason Lobo wouldn't be dead from that one blow is because Gonad wasn't holding his head in place to maximize the force. As it is, it's still a knockout level attack. As you can see above, those details really are in my profile. You would consider Gonad dead if he took Lobo's point blank venomous bomb arrow to the face, yeah? Takes only an instant to set up, sort of like a, uh, headbutt, save for the added bonus of being effective at nearly any range. It'd be wonky if Gonad took that hit straight up and he still "retained the presence of mind" to immediately leapt back to his feet and run down Lobo.

I'm not trying to corner you. Well, yes actually, I am to be honest. That's the whole point of this silly game. BUT! I'm moreso encouraging you to understand that physical blows are Gonad's only tool of the trade, and the entire point of his superpower is to enhance those blows so that they are utterly dangerous to every kind of opponent. I'm not trying to autohit you, it's not my place to decide if blows absolutely land, as likely as they may be to do so. That depends on your own skill to somehow handle such a circumstance, though imo, I'd have tried to avoid letting Gonad get within smooching distance to begin with.

But, an opinion is only that; an opinion. I may be missing something. As such, let's have @Drifting Pollen take a gander. Pretty clear that the effectiveness of the headbutt is a turning point that neither of us would enjoy conceding.
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