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In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Level 2 Goddess of The Supernatural (Soul)
5 Might
1 Miracle

Kap Gam rested on the shadow of a tree within the fortress while she recovered from the burdensome tasks of the first day of this world. She heard more siblings talk, she was impressed even the very one who was the first to raise a hand against Larwen was now talking about compromise, seems like the god of twisted views did not make his message and stubbornness clear enough. Kap Gam felt like once again warning them, but so be it, disaster breeds discipline, they will learn.

She continued to rest, until she noticed almost all gods had left, and the fortress was now inhabited by odd hazy creatures. She would have grunted if that was not a waste of movement, she was nowhere nearly rested enough, but it seemed the approach of the Door was turning increasingly unwelcoming.

With a single movement, a single hair-like thread. It had been a while since she had to create such a relic. She focused, and snapped the thread in two, a small, almost imperceptible sound, resulting from such an action. In seconds, it quietly echoed all the world, telling hear each and every single thing it touched, telling her tales of isles of fire and isles of sound, of continents and of divine constructs. One thing, above all, stuck out with her.

"It has no center?" she thought aloud, a very rare action for her, but the disappointment was just that loud. She would think the door was the center of the planet, a perfect point for the Leylines to focus, but it was not, it did not align with its poles and the telluric flow was just all wrong. That was bad. A temple to harmonize the Ley needed a perfect balance of all elements, that was unattainable under the ocean.

The goddess placed a hand on her temple and frowned, thinking over the possibilities. Mater Lei had made her work much harder, she could make a run for it and do what she wanted while leaving the consequences for the gods of this world to deal with, however, this was not her way to act.

She looked at the map again, pinpointing its center, and then drawing circles around it, the smallest having a radius of the distance between the Door and the center of the world. She chuckled when noticing what was in each cycle, Fate was a predictable thing at times.

After setting up a few points, she went to the nearest, which was more distant from the Door than she wished, but she would do what needed to be done. Her hand touched the field near the mountain, and the whole landscape started to shift, rocks were brought upward, rivers were moved and their waters purified, unpleasant plants withered in seconds, their nutrients feeding the flowers and the groves, the Ley was arranged beneath the alpine land in very specific form.

For the finishing touch, the goddess waved her hand, and the raised stones composed of marble were carved into a simple yet beautiful temple. Kap Gam's Locus Amoenus had been formed.

In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Just use imgur people
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

You need to learn to stop worrying and love the bomb

In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Double Capybara Also, for aquatic races, are we gonna say Ley is capable of surviving in saline environments or does it change to mimic an organism that fits the environment, like an encrusting sponge? Fungus doesn't do too well around sea water.

i may or may not be making Lei's first species a marine one

Alright, I could simply make it so it sprouts underwater too and take shapes that would fit with the environment, that can happen in some areas, but I think there are also interesting choices based on IRL marine fungi.

Mangroves are well known for being cradles of life, they are also known for hosting a variety of marine fungi, making for good breeding ground for sentient species. Alternatives deep in the sea could be areas with a high concentration of the fungi that inhabits sand grains or coral reefs that also host a variety of fungi.

Outside of the concept of "charged" areas, another thing that is also likely to host fungi in the sea are creatures. Maybe the species could have it living in them in a symbiotic manner, or maybe something more intense, go wild.
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Double Capybara Sounds good to me. I was thinking the fungus would grow to represent the aesthetic or values of the souls surrounding them, but it's your domain.

Ah, that is far more simple and cool.
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I think it would be a bit more of an effort to create sentient life without souls, so I had just assumed that the island had some. Well, anyway, it seems the issue will be fixed soon.

I kinda really like the idea of different types of giant colourful fungus representing the different souls of the various cultures. Can we make that a thing?

Ehhh, I don't like fantasy races having personality traits...

But that image is interesting. We could do that, as long as the souls born from the different colors are not necessarily bound to one single species.

It could help to make magic more interesting later on, when Kap Gam introduces it. For example, souls raised from the Ley touched by Rytia could be musically inspired, great sense of rhythm and melody, and when they cast spells, they reach better results by singing or casting it using materials that make sounds, such as horns or bells.
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I don't see why the gods need any of Lei Wulong's relics, just grab a pitchfork for 5$ at the nearest KG Emporium! We guarantee a fairy deal! Come, come, bring your children and your turtles! Its fun for all family! Everyone cool, and Axnas, already got one!

---E ---E ---E ---E
---E ---F ---E ---E
---E ---E ---E ---E

Also, this is what KG's whip looks like, please don't ask questions.

In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Waait a second... Lawrens creations wont have my mark of madness. Dammit. Well not until his Ley physically clashes with the uncorrupted stuff..

Maybe I should make my own Ley...hmmm...

Doing that would open the gates for KG cutting off that from the worldwide ley mycelium. Dunno if that would be as good for Gremju's cause as manipulating it.
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@pokemad1 Mind if I later make an altered version of the 'magic tree' that instead gives fruits that boost one's magical capacities?
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Level 2 Goddess of The Supernatural (Soul)

Kap Gam felt a presence on her shoulder, its aspect was different from its look, but she was not sure of what the being was. It said something, but something else drowned its voice, it was the silence of a timeless world.

At that pseudo-moment, so much happened, so many words were said, including a few directed at her, and the crashing oceans brought death to the shores of the Door, it would have brought it to everything if not for the fort built by Mater Lei.

Then time returned, thankfully. Promus was once again talking with its Watchers, while Kap Gam took the moment to observe her siblings from up in her position.

Her research was stopped when Seidhara swiftly approached the area in which she and Promus were. Even Kap Gam was surprised when the red-haired goddess suddenly blessed the Watchers. She truly was an impulsive sort, Kap Gam had learned that was a flaw, but it was easy to forget such lesson. It also seemed she was more cheerful now than when she first arrived, she seemed to even forget or forgive the Ephemeral One's words.

One corner of her mouth hinted upward for a blink of a moment. "Thank you for your kind words. It is rare to see Dwynen this happy." she noted and softly bowed to the goddess.

Promus went on saying wise words, though Kap Gam worried Dwynen would take them in another light, thankfully sprites had no mouth, else the fae would surely imply Promu's ancestor was the one who needed a guiding hand to elevate her.

More substantial worries were raised when Larwen flew past them. For the ephemeral goddess, that was enough, she heard its words before and she needed to act. She thought her words over before saying them, Larwen had made an enemy of many gods, if they were to act together, they could end the issue before their precious children suffered the consequences.

"I thank you both for your gifts. One day, this kindness shall be repaid, but until that time comes I bed thee both good fortune and farewell."

"Ah..." the god was gone before she could say anything.

Kap Gam looked upward for a moment, before sighing. She looked back to the unclad goddess near her. "We need to stay watchful for that god. Larwen's egocentrism will bring great misery to our creation. The gods who tried to negotiate failed, your words did not." she said, while nonchalantly calling forward a weapon for her defense. A whip with several thongs, made of some ethereal white substance. At first, it seemed to move almost on its own, but was smaller and immobile when the goddess stored it on her belt.

The goddess rose a hand to the side of her head, she had felt a sudden surge of pain and understood what her body told her. "I am sorry, I must rest. This day has been burdensome."

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