Avatar of Drag


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3 yrs ago
[at my second rodeo] This ain't my first rodeo.
3 yrs ago
once you learn you can call your dad by his first name he loses all power and you can freely kill him
4 yrs ago
they should change the name of the 'most recent visitors' thing on ur profile to 'perverts'
7 yrs ago
If your grave doesn't say "Rest in peace" on it you are automatically drafted into the skeleton wars


BORN TO DIE / WORLD IS A FUCK / 鬼神 Kill Em All 1989 / I am dragMan / 410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS


what is yourre favorite tea? i like all kinds

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<Snipped quote by Drag>

I hate to bitch after you were a real trooper and wrote up a post after we were chatting about action games all night but there's an error or two lol.

also @Rivaan, it's your turn to post.

Bleergh my bad, I'll try change it now but I'm on my phone so it may not let me save changes (it's odd with what it can handle) if that's the case I'll edit when I get back to the homestead

Cain wasn't much for religion, actually he wasn't really much for anything, but even he spared a glance over at the golden warrior... Calieo. Cain couldn't exactly give a disbelieving look, or even really raise an eyebrow all that much but internally his curiosity, and suspicion of the arrogant woman grew even more. The hooded lady, now identified as "Rebecca" turned to shoot the rest of the group a disbelieving look of her own, Cain quickly looked back ahead, he doubted she would care but he'd rather maintain ignorance and gather some deal of information his new "partners" before throwing any of his thoughts into the open.

Eventually the group had reached a small farming village, Cain had been here a few times, given its fairly close proximity to Falke it was a good... Meeting spot for any clients Cain went to deal with. That said he hadn't been back for a little while, the last time he "ate" here was when he'd stolen stale bread from the inn and ate atop the church bell tower.

"Explanatory. This is Smaragd Valley, been here a few times. Simple folk typically, should not be an issue if not much attention is drawn to our group..."

Cain paused and looked everyone over for a moment.

"Sarcastic. Which should not be an issue, I am sure."

He looked over at Rebecca "Unsure. There is an Inn.... The Flowing Flagon if memory is correct. Unsure on taste but would not recommend, Inn food terribly easy to poison. Query, perhaps some stalls may yet be open?" The masked man knew these lands fairly well, whilst none of them trusted him to begin with he was quite sure by now they'd clued in to the fact that he was not exactly your average sellsword, that said he maintained to himself that he would only divulge potentially helpful details of the land and from his experience, but never about himself or his work. Even then Cain was not subtle, in speech anyway, better to give them some kind of impression to sate potential curiosity.
"whenever Drag is not on screen, all the other characters have to ask "Where's Drag?"

I'll get something up today, encountered a problem with my ps4 controller which has it work on the ps menu but not on games which is lovely so I'm juggling this and that rn
You know for sure I'm with you my guy
Here's my Gingerbread Man character sheet. Hope it's okay.

Reading his alias won me over. I like the character, especially his true form. One thing I would ask (same goes for Swan) is giving some kind of pic base so we can get an idea on what their human form looks like (True forms are a bit more niche so there's no pressure there though)

Just gotta let Cross look over it and I have reason to assume Gingerbread Man is accepted
<Snipped quote by Oddsbod>

Yes I think that might work out well. What do you think Drag?

I was thinking of responding to Lexi and have Crier stop off at Boogie's on his way to Red's, that way I'm not interrupting any interaction
@Drag Is Taletown a thing? I'd love for it to be a thing lol.

I think it's just a nice blanket term for the Tale community in NY
I hope I'm not too late in joining in. It's a great story and would love to be involved.

Also, I hope I'm not overstepping bounds by writing in some gang bosses. The Gingerbread Man is going to be somewhat vital in Swan's story but I can change it if I need to.

Man with the amount of smugglers and criminals Taletown is in a lot of trouble~

Swan looks okay to me, the non-curse thing miiiight be a slight thing since we'd need to discern what exactly she is and isn't immune to, I know you said jinxes and whatnot but wards and things are a little unclear. Also I'm unsure on where I stand with using Gingerbread man, on one hand he's fairly unlikely to be someone that a person wants to play since he's a bit more obtuse but that said if he were to be picked he#s kind of locked off as a character really, that said if he's the only one I can overlook it. I'll wait to see @Crosswire's thoughts and if she's fine with the character then Swan can be added to the character's tab

“Move, kid!”

Lucas heard these words and for a brief second was not entirely sure what they meant and who they were meant for, both questions were answered as he allowed himself a brief second to glance back at the robot, finding it far too close for comfort now. The mechanical... thing was suddenly split clean in half by an eruption on the floor, revealing the inner workings of the machine inside. Lucas’ eyes widened as he turned around completely to see the jutting out pieces of floor an inch away from his body, he took a mental note that he should probably call his dad more, suddenly the person was speaking again.

"That way's blocked off. We have to go forward."

He took a good look at her now. He vaguely remembered her from watching the monitors when he first arrived, up close she was a lot more terrifying despite her small frame. Her no-nonsense attitude and pristine (as much as it could be given the situation) uniform gave Lucas pause for a moment before her words registered. The main exit was blocked, lovely. Lucas began trying to stammer out a response.

“R-r-right f-....f-forward.” He looked around before giving her a fearful smile “Y-you uhm, wanna l-lead the way?”

Yeong-Suk sighed as this childlike-person attached to her like if she was his mother. This was not the time to get bogged down having to take the responsibility of saving this kid from the next big robot that came in their way. The first robot in this hallway wasn’t expecting her, but that doesn’t mean she’ll be as lucky in the future.

“Look…. kid…,” the Korean trailed on as she started to walk away, with or without the ginger, “I’m not waiting for you. Keep up or get lost. I don’t care.”

Lucas was taken aback, mostly for this woman’s stand offish demeanour but also that she seemed quite well composed despite what was happening. Suddenly, like a stiff breeze carried her forward she was gliding down the hall, telling Lucas to either follow or find his own way out. Lucas could already tell they weren’t going to buddy up and tell each other personal stories but he didn’t much fancy his chances getting out of here solo, he jogged alongside the raven haired woman and began walking alongside her, matching her brisk pace.

“Lu...L-Luca-” Lucas shook his head in an annoyance, choosing his words slowly and deliberately “I’M Lucas b-by the way.” He didn’t really expect a shake of the hand or even a response but the silence and their footsteps was making him uncomfortable.

Oh god, is this really happening? Can this idiot not even introduce himself without sounding like a useless moron? As soon as they were safely out of this building, Yeong-Suk wanted to ditch this kid as soon as humanly possible and just return to the hotel, and get out of this damn country. But manners are manners.

“My name is Chung Yeong-Suk,” the ravenette stated matter-of-factly. “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”

She paused for a second before continuing, “And it’s Yeong-Suk. Stupid bloody westerners always calling me by my last name...”

Lucas looked lost for a moment, he didn’t expect such a full reply nor did he really ask for it, he looked ahead with his standard expression of dumbfoundedness and fear.

“Oh.” was his simple reply.

There was a good minute’s silence between the two after that. Lucas considered himself patient, to an extreme fault even, but this silence and the squeaking of Yeong-Suk’s polished shoes were making him very paranoid, both of them could be attacked by a machine at any point and it was not a comforting thought.

“Uhm…” Lucas verbally said aloud, excellent start, “I urhm, I liked your fights” He said, which was a lie, he couldn’t even remember any of the fights because he was terrified of battling against that robo-maniac from earlier “I t-take it you’ll be b-back to Korea w-when we get o-out….?” This was torture

Yeong-Suk couldn’t help but smile as the yankee starting complimenting her. Was she actually getting fans out here just from one tournament? I guess nomads could recognize talent when they see it, even beyond political borders. A slight chuckle was let loose, buried between the the squeaking of her shoes.

“Thank you, Lucas,” Yeong-Suk said, her annoyance at the situation still in her voice, but not seemingly directed at the American. “If you want, my producers recorded my fights. I can get you a copy of the final product.

And yes, I am going back to Pyongyang as a hero for being undefeated.” At least, she hoped she was going back as a hero, and not a failure for almost losing her second fight.

Lucas thought he heard the dark haired women mutter something, or sigh or probably something needlessly rude but he couldn’t quite hear over her damn shoes. Nonetheless, when she spoke her words were oddly thankful despite her still annoyed tone. Lucas took that to mean she wasn’t the compliment receiving type.

“W-well that’ll be g-good at l-least” he said with a weak smile despite Yeong-Suk staring straight ahead “I n-need to call my D-dad and tell him I didn’t w-win….Again” Lucas seemed downtrodden as his stutter began to subside slightly.

“I mean, I’m not trying to win or anything I just…. I can’t really do anything else I guess.” He gave another faint smile and tried to lighten the mood “M-maybe your tapes m-might help me out” he said, this also was probably a lie, Lucas had a DVD player and even then he couldn’t find most of his blue rays these days.

Yeong-Suk almost felt a tug of sympathy towards Lucas. Almost. He was still, after all, just an annoying petulant yankee child who was probably going to get her killed, but given Yeong-Suk’s own doubts she had throughout this farce of a tournament, it’s not she didn’t understand where this kid was coming from.

“Don’t try to win,” Yeong-Suk found herself having to intervene. “Just win. The more you think about a fight, the less you are in the fight. Don’t think. Just act.” That, of course, is exactly how Yeong-Suk fights, and it served her well so far.

Lucas took in her words for a moment, the crux being “Just don’t think about it” which, the more Lucas thought about it, didn’t really help his situation. He was about to say something further about his limitations but paused for a moment, he gave a genuine smile and glanced over at Yeong-Suk.

“Thanks.” he said honestly. More because, despite this woman’s rather abrasive look and personality, she still tried giving him a piece of advice without talking down to him…. Not explicitly anyway. Lucas looked ahead once more as the two continued their way through the halls of the now mostly empty arena

Meanwhile, from another hallway a few feet ahead, a squadron of robots overheard the conversation going between the Korean and the American. Before Yeong-Suk even knew what happened one of the robots fired a swift burst at her chest, knocking the ravenette down flat on her back. Three robots behind it followed suit, unleashing a stream of lead at the two.

Yeong-Suk groaned as she laid on the ground. All of the injuries from her previous fights, on the streets with Jaden and with the dinosaur lady, she just couldn’t force herself to get up. At least not immediately. All she could do is look back at Lucas, before trying to grab a nearby door handle to force herself back on her feet.

Lucas reacted in fearful surprise as Yeong-Suk was suddenly sent to the ground by a burst of gunfire, he then followed suit as three robots let loose another volley of bullets towards the two. He crashed back first into a wall was the main thought he could muster.

Thankfully their bullets weren’t ki infused and Lucas’ surprising tenacity enabled him to struggle up to his feet with speed that defied his frame, even still his chest and stomach hurt like hell and his back was creaking in places it probably shouldn’t. He looked over at Yeong-Suk struggling to get upright and then looked towards the robots now training their guns on the Korean woman to finish the job.

With a groan and slight shake of the head Lucas charged forward, he slid under the leg of one of the robots who attempted to take him down and began scaling the one behind it, causing the one in front to turn and attempt to aid its ally…. If these things understood that concept. The robot trained its guns on the one Lucas was climbing and fired, proving that no, they did not.

Leaping from one robot to the other Lucas escaped being caught between two bursts of gunfire, clambering onto the robot in front, he thought to himself he was very lucky that had panned out the way it did, he then though ’What the hell am I supposed to do now!?' Lucas thought back to his fight with Jeremy and suddenly he had an idea, he closed his eyes and held out his trembling palms, allowing a faint green but pulsating glow to spread across his hands, he then slammed them down onto the machine, causing it to let out a mechanical noise that seemed to indicate it was not a fan of this current action. Lucas tried holding on but the machine moved around with such ferocity he was thrown off and collided painfully with the marble wall, the boy slid down as the two robots closed in on him.

Yeong-Suk cursed in her native tongue as she finally got back on her feet. She was lucky to even get back up at all. Where these robots really that bad of shots? They managed to hit her cleanly at the beginning. She looked forward, and the answer finally dawned at her. The Korean couldn’t believe her eyes as she saw Lucas was engaging in direct hand-to-hand combat with the robots! He seemed like he was getting easily overpowered, but he was certainly distracting the mechanical beings away from her.

Immediately, the ravenette rushed her ki towards her feet, letting it bask in a blue glow. A second later, she charged at the robots, jumping forward and slamming a roundhouse kick in the air at the closest of the mechanical death machines. Its head was ripped clean off from the rest of the body, breaking into a thousand pieces once it slammed into a wall. The other three robots turned to face the new threat. Expecting this, Yeong-Suk slammed her foot into the ground, launching a piece of the floor into the air. All the robot’s bullets harmlessly were lodged in the piece of earth, slowly being disintegrated through the sheer volume of fire.

Instinctively Lucas curled in a ball, sure his dad was going to be told his son wasn’t making it home from Brazil. The robots at that point turned their attention to Yeong-Suk who displayed a power that even Lucas had to stop and admire for a moment, realising she had created an opening he scurried behind the robots and out of their reach as their weaponry was stopped by Yeong-Suk’s earth bending.

With the makeshift cover all but disintegrated, Yeong-Suk immediately shifted to the next robot, kicking it right in the chest, before grabbing its rifle out of its hands. Pointing the gun straight at its head, the Korean finished it off with a pull of a trigger. She turned around to face the next robot, pressing the trigger until the magazine was dry. It knocked down a further robot, leaving just two more left to fight.

Yeong-Suk once again jumped into the air, allowing herself to be covered in an aura of blue ki. Aiming at the next-closest robot, she delivered a Flying Horse Kick, cleaving it in twain. After sticking the landing, she finished off the last robot by kicking sickle-shaped energy in placing, knocking it down and putting it out of commission.

Yeong-Suk sighed in relief as the last robot was finally defeated, before collapsing on her knees. She didn’t know what possessed her to fight so hard, but that took all the energy she had in her body. Her body couldn’t take any more of this; she felt like she could pass out any second if she keeps straining herself like this.

Looking over the destruction of these robots made a mental note of how fortunate he’d been that he ran into Yeong-Suk. He looked over to see her fall to her knees, in surprise he rushed over to the Korean’s side. He hesitated for a brief moment before holding onto her shoulder and arm and trying to pull her back up.

“I think we’re close to one of the exits! C’mon we have to go!” he said with urgency, his prominent stutter temporarily leaving him as the severity of the situation became even more clear, he’d have to thank this… Frankly, odd woman when they got out but neither of them could take much more so it was leave now or encounter something worse.

Yeong-Suk could hear that Lucas was talking to her, but she wasn’t really paying attention to anything that he was saying. The idiot almost killed her, as she knew he was going to. If he just shut up and just let her concentrate, she wouldn’t have been in this situation in the first place! This was her fault; she just should have told him to piss off from the start, and everything would have been fine and not feel like she was about to die.

Yet, she couldn’t feel too mad at him either… Somehow, this coward loser managed to munster the strength to try to defend her. He might have put her life into mortal danger, but he also saved her, in a way that likely took all the strength he possibly had. A westerner actually being brave and courteous… she almost didn’t even believe it.

A tense second passed, before Yeong-Suk rose to her feet again. She opened her mouth, considering saying something to Lucas, but decided not do at the last second. She merely just nodded, before limping as briskly as possible towards the sign that conveniently read “EXIT”.

Lucas stayed fairly close to Yeong-Suk, after her less than pleasant expression to him trying to get her back up he didn’t dare get too close but he was also half awaiting her to fall down again at any moment. Regardless the two finally made it to one of the side exits, Yeong-Suk went through first with Lucas following behind, he stopped for a moment and kicked over a rock under the door to hold it open for anyone else who might miss it, couldn’t hurt anyway.

Now with the sun of Brazil shining down on the two Lucas had to shield his eyes for a moment to let himself adjust. He looked over at Yeong-Suk and debated inquiring if she’d like him to take her to the hospital, though he figured the answer would be a terse no. He was about to extend his arm but again decided against it.

“I….Well, T-thanks for today. I w-wouldn’t have made it o-out of here without your help.” He said, giving her a thankful smile in the process “Do you need any help somewhere or?....” he trailed off, unsure on what exactly the proper code of conduct was for a situation like this.

Yeong-Suk’s organic eye too took a second to adjust to the bright sunlight, and she, perhaps suspiciously, only covered her right eye as she walked out of the building. She stopped to face Lucas, who seemed awkwardly trying to thank her for the help breaking out of the ruined arena.

“I have to go meet up with my entourage in our hotel. Make sure everyone is accounted for.” She paused, before bluntly adding, “I’d have to kill you if you’d follow me.”

It took a few further seconds to pass before realizing that probably not the best note to end on, so she hastily continued, “Korea -- I -- thank you for your help. If you ever need help with anything, I’ll remember your generosity.” Then, Yeong-Suk did something she thought she would have never done just a few minutes ago: she saluted Lucas, before walking off.

Lucas blinked slightly as he watched Yeong-Suk leave to meet her crew, he hadn’t been saluted, or even really complimented, in his life so that was something he let himself adjust to. To hear Yeong-Suk tell it he’d also earned the favor of the entire nation of North Korea so that was pretty cool.

Lucas gave himself a moment to stretch out his aching bones and dust himself off before walking out into the street, he’d have to get in contact with his dad at some point but he didn’t mind too much. Lucas stood at a nearby bus stop and checked around his pockets, pulling out some pieces of lint and a paperclip.

“Ohh…” Lucas moaned to himself as he hit the palm of his hand against his face.
That out of the way, I'd like to say that this is one of my favorite roleplays I've done in a while.

You guys probably don't know this, but I've stuck to GMing an exclusive brand of roleplays (superpower/superhero type things, yeah) for most of my time here on the RPG. This RP is easily the most fun I've had in a long time. Everyone here has been such fun to roleplay with, and has made some really unique and interesting characters (without making complete edgelords). While also sticking to the thematics of a fighting game.

The reason why I kept the setting loose and freeform is basically so I could give everyone the opportunity to help build the setting piece by piece. Character by character. When you think about it, we have ancient cities, an organization making evil cyborgs, and other lunacy. I just provided the backdrop for it.

I didn't expect the RP to last this long, or have such a great cast. Thank.

Gonna print this out and stick it on the fridge~

Jokes aside I really do agree. This rp is the perfect blend of interesting idea and a cast that works together to create a story, helps that all the characters are cool and there's so many combinations and interactions that I want to see as the story goes on. Kudos to everyone involved, just don't cut me out of the shares if ever anyone does decide to go ahead and turn this into a real vidya
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