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Not ten seconds after Sam sat down there was another knock at the door. When he answered he was greeted by a police officer asking to question everyone in the apartment. Sam quickly explained to the officer that Michael was a bit special, and probably wouldn't be much help answering questions, but if he insisted Sam would call Michael over too.

The questions were easy enough to answer, "Yes I live here. I'm Samuel Deniel. Yes I was here all last night. No I didn't notice anything strange last night. I see them around sometimes, but I don't really know them. I'm not sure who would know them. No I didn't know anything about a murder last night." Finally the officer showed him the picture of the girl, "no, I don't think I've ever seen her before. Will that be everything officer?" It seemed he was happy with what he asked and was on his way. Sam turned to Quinn, "sorry, that's not a normal occurrence, but you know, New York. It's gonna happen every once in a while." He noticed she was basically falling asleep standing in the doorway, "um, I don't mean to pry, but why haven't you been sleeping well? I used to have sleeping issues, I might be able to help."
@Tergonauti like the idea of her as an npc, I've still got no ideas for her. And now I really like the idea of Sam being the driver, so I think I'll do that, a van works
@Dark Light I have not said where the apartment is, so sure, it can be on the corner of 3rd and main
@Tergonaut updated Samuel right here

Still don't know what to do with the sister, if I can't think of anything in the next few days she'll just cease to exist.
@BlessedWrath I'm sure in peoples posts it'll be clear enough which Sam they mean, in universe though it might be fun, so I don't mind them having the same name
@Tergonaut so some feedback on your feedback, first off thanks for the feedback haha. So in order, first I'll work on expanding personality, what could set him off, how that works.

Next, the sister. Honestly I didn't put much thought in to her, but the idea was kind of his dads half of the family has the phoenix blood, and the mom has something else, and that's what his sister got. I know I'd never play her because really I can only handle 1 character in an RP at a time, I meant to open it up to someone else being able to play her and pick what her deal is but forgot to mention it. If no one wants to take her I'll either think of something for her or just get rid of her.

You've got it right on why he's going to the lodge, he may want to pretend he's not a big deal but he's more powerful than he realizes. Before making his decision he nearly had an incident while working, so that's why he needs time away from the world for a bit.

Finally, I think I'll be changing his eyes to orange to indicate the phoenix bloodline, maybe something else but I can't think of anything right now.

Also, just read the first post, nice work by the way, just making sure, are we all going to be arriving on a bus? If so do you think the bus could stay at the lodge? Because now I have an image of Sam driving the bus but no one knows he's a lodge resident until he gets off and starts unpacking like the rest of them haha
The only thing Sam found on TV that he felt like watching was one of the Harry Potter movies, but that was fine with him. For some reason he felt the urge to listen to the message Felicity had left him again. He did and something about it seemed...off. He couldn't pinpoint it exactly, and he couldn't explain why he felt that way, he just felt like something about the call was weird.

He didn't have much time to think about it as he heard the knock at his door, must be them. Sam got up and opened the door, "hey Felicity, hey Michael. I've got a movie on the TV right now, how about you go sit down, I'll be there in a sec." It was strange talking to Michael, partly because he was taller than Sam by a few inches when so few people were, and partly because he had to remember Michael was a lot more like a kid than an adult. "I have someone over, she's sleeping, so just try not to wake her," he was off and he turned to Felicity. Before she could say anything about a girl sleeping on his couch he explained, "possible new roommate, she was really tired and just kind of crashed." He hoped that didn't sound too weird, it was the truth after all.

The reason he sent Michael off first was because he wanted to talk to Felicity, but now that she was here he wasn't sure what to say. "So, you're off to do....something," the spot on his neck started tingling again. Why was it happening again? "Just, be careful out there," he wasn't sure why he was saying this, but something inside him was telling him he should, to make it sound less weird he added, "you know, it's a big city, weird things happen all the time, so just don't get in to too much trouble."
@BlessedWrath your character goes by Sam too? That won't get confusing for them :P
Name: Samuel Deniel
Species: Human, mostly. There is some phoenix blood in his family granting his powers
Age: 22
Gender: Male

Personality: Sam is a very reserved person, though that has come with years of training himself to be that way. Naturally Sam is a very passionate person, not afraid to let someone know what he thinks or to jump in to action should he be needed. Some of this still leaks through, and sometimes he loses control of himself and can't help but allow his emotions to burst through. When he is in control he is very warm towards others, kind, caring, and compassionate.

Appearance: Sam is 6'2" and weighs 280lbs. but the height helps make it look like he weighs less. He has glasses and short cut brown hair with blue eyes. He is very pasty white and is normally clean shaven. Can often be found wearing jeans and a green hoodie. When it gets too hot for that he'll switch to cargo shorts and a comfortable t-shirt with some kind of nerdy design on it.

Powers: (these are super powers - be creative, but balanced. As the RP progresses, you may gain more powers depending on the storyline and happenstance, so leave room to grow. Put N/A if you have no super powers, skills or racial abilities)Sam has the ability of pyrokinesis. Normally he can summon fire and manipulate it, or cause an object within his sight to burst in to flames. When he gets emotional he will often times burst in to flames and may float a few inches above the ground. The intensity and heat of his flames increases with his emotions but it also becomes harder to control. He also cannot be burned due to the nature of his powers.

Strengths: Sam has a pretty good memory and he's also fairly good at math. He also has some fighting skills from when he took tae-kwon-do as a kid, though he stopped a few years back

Weaknesses: Water, and especially rain weakens his powers. Also sending him in to an emotional rage, while dangerous, will yield him unable to control himself and he will exhaust his ability to fight within a few minutes

Background: Sam lived his life like a normal person for the most part, though he was home schooled until high school. This was his parents' decision to make sure he was able to control his emotions so he didn't have an incident in the school. He was born with his powers, the blessing of the phoenix they called it, he thought of it more like a curse. His sister doesn't have the powers of the phoenix, she has something else she has to deal with. Sam never applied himself in school so he didn't make it in to a university, so instead he just works as a bus driver, and that's fine with him.
Misc. Notes: (anything important to the character that should be known, but for whatever reason doesn't fit into any other category)

Just posting this before I go to work, I may add in a bit more, but this is basically it
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