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Tae'ren Fen'an

Weisshaupt Fortress and those who inhabited it were more than a mystery to Tae'ren. Many conflicting backgrounds and ideals all coming together via a common enemy... he had to admit, if Shemlen were good at anything it was making everyone get along by being angry at the same thing. He perched on a roof at the edge of the courtyard, his avian shape giving him the privacy he found he suddenly lacked since joining the Grey Wardens. At the edge of his vision he spotted the other warden, a Shem mage barely older than Tae'ren himself who had seemed to make it his goal to annoy Tae'ren into teaching him shapeshifting. Despite having agreed to attempt to teach other warden mages his talent, eagerness did not always translate into the capability to learn... and the fact the potential student seemed to know less about animals than a city elf certainly didn't help.

He watched the undaunted Shem amble about the courtyard a moment, making suspicious eyes at every stray bird or scrambling rodent that happened to be within view. As he vanished beyond sight Tae'ren took flight, gliding down into the courtyard and landing at it's edge, his form blurring as the fade wrapped him in it's embrace, blurring and shifting his form, returning him to normal with no sign of his former shape save the slowly drifting feather that he quickly snatched from the air and slid between a gap in the strips of his leather armor.

Tae'ren didn't like the assigned warden armor, and regardless of who came to him he wouldn't wear it, but he made his own additions to his normal attire to satiate most who might complain. The Warden sigil had been marked with a hot iron onto a bare section of leather just above his heart, extremely noticeable as that was one of the only remaining sections where deep grey fur was still visible from beneath overlapping cross sections of thicker leather.

As a shapeshifter, many things tended to drift his way, and knowledge tended to be a bit easier to come by than one might expect. While Shemlen politics didn't really interest him, it was fairly amusing to hear the trouble caused by The Grey Warden's presence here, and what that might imply, and later cause. Perhaps the Shemlen would kill themselves out faster than anticipated, then again if that happened before the Darkspawn issue were fixed it might actually prove troublesome... no, better that he let the Shemlen do that other thing they were somehow good at, and unite Thedas against a common enemy... at least before they go to war with themselves again.


Should be it hopefully
Have you ever stopped to think about Minecraft now? I mean REALLY thought. Here is this world we get dropped into, as a stranger to us as we are to it. A world that at first glance seems untouched by civilization. But the more you explore, the more you search, the more you dig... the more you realize you arent the first here, nor the only one capable of surviving.

Long abandoned mineshafts, temples to unknown deities, half buried pyramids housing the remains and treasures of long forgotten rulers. Portals to a hellish dimention with the ruined remains of long since perished builders of it's own. Dig deeper still, until the darkness is no longer content to simply gaze back and almost feels as if it could swallow you whole... the ruins of underground bunkers leading to the space between worlds, mind bogglingly massive underground cities coated in an infection that stands a silent vigil to some of the only remaining evidence of not just what came before, but before even that.

Here you stand, not in the ruins of an apocalypse, not the regrowing post apocalypse, but the FAR long since healed remains of one. The world has long forgotten and swallows up the remains, leaving behind only monsters, animals, the industrious survivors and those who would prey upon them... all having long since forgotten what their ancestor's ancestors experienced, content to raid, or to be protected by ancient golems LONG since past their capacity for recreation.

This is intended for three or four people at most with me as a sort of DM. It will include light numbers to help solidify certain story aspects about characters but will by no means be the focus.

This will not be a minecraft server, and the world and it's inhabitants are not blocky (worry not however, your favorite cubes will make an appearance in a few ways.)

Think of this as a HEAVILY themed DnD campaign of sorts. I will take liberties with certain themes and lean slightly heavier into certain fantasy elements, but I hope to retain the same feeling minecraft held for us when we first played, and that love and awe I recently rediscovered with my overthinking of the funny block game.
Eva left the brainwork to the people who didn't have an urge to open fire on the aliens the moment they made any sudden movements. Instead, she kept herself busy with the more menial tasks around the ship, moving goods, using her bots and EVA Javelin for their intended purposes to scout the immediate area nearby. Yes, Eva liked to keep herself busy, and if not busy, then sleeping.

Now however, was not a time she was doing either. She sat cross legged on the floor, tools scattered around her as the dog shaped ERU watched closely from it's position under her watchful eye. Nothing particularly dangerous had happened, yet regular maintenance was important, especially now of all times. A soft buzz in the back of her mind, her name repeated at least once. She stood slowly after finishing with the ERU, watching it test it's front legs timidly before rising back to all fours and falling in line behind her.

Eva stood at a distance from the barricade, watching humans and locals mingle from a distance for a moment before finally deciding to move back to her corner of the bay, slip inside her Javelin and move closer with her doglike bot in tow, just in case.

She was, as always, tapped into comms she likely shouldn't have been, and as always, was willing to butt in. "I second Itxaro, no matter how advanced we are in comparison to them we have no method of escape, no way of telling how numerous their groups truly are, and limited supplies. Even if we were here to fight them, we aren't in any position to do so. Trust me, I get it, but an itchy trigger finger will only get everyone here killed, and the locals here have the edge in both supplies and numbers especially in the long run. Keep our offensive tools close to our chest, and try not to waste the whole surprise on looking big and scary when we don't need to."

Eva stopped shy of the barrier, knowing she would draw attention. Moving slowly past the barrier she bowed deeply to the group of locals before rising to the suit's full height again. "Itxaro, you got anything off the top of your head for me other than standing around and looking big?"
also @Such A Birch sorry for any trouble or stepping of toes! I really didn't see your thing at first. Honestly still kind of worried personally about mine being too similar in terms of background or personality.
There we go, changed/expanded a bit on her background @Zapdos hope that answers your question as well lol

@Zapdos Of course! I guess I missed theirs somehow! I'll continue working on mine lol.

Name: Blueberry

Pokemon Species: Ralts (Shiny)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Fairly short even for a Ralts, the most startling part of their appearance being their shiny nature. There is a reason abnormal coloration is rare to see in wild Pokemon, and Blueberry is a rare example of one that has survived.

Personality: Quiet and prone to hiding behind those far more capable than herself, her psychic nature allowing her to locate and stay close to those with a far calmer emotional state. Though she is prone to standing behind others, she is extremely protective of those she may timidly call friend, and will fight with her all to protect them.

Biography: Technically born to a Pokemon breeder trainer, Blueberry no longer remembers the events that lead to her now wild lifestyle. Those who she called parent or trainer are now long gone however, leaving the surprisingly evasive little Ralts to find companionship among the other street dwelling Pokemon. Using her appearance to garner treats from the humans around her, and her evasiveness to avoid capture with surprising ease.

Anything Else: Her ability is Telepathy

Useful information for later:

Approximate level: 5

Attacks: Disarming Voice / Growl / Double Team / Destiny Bond (Egg Move)

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