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Marshall shook himself off, pulling fragments of ship and metalwork from his back -- a particularly twisted shard from his spine. After 1,904 years of existence, he’d come to familiar terms with all the forms of pain that a man could suffer upon himself -- those terms, however, weren’t those of friendly ones. Pain still hurt, and hurt jarred nerves, and his jarred towards anger at whatever was around him. His pain was suffering, his suffering was unjust, and if he were to suffer, so, too, would everyone else.

However, his eyes cast down upon only two things: the man of mushroom, and a jostled child with a field kit and no clear experience in what she held. A surgeon’s daughter, perhaps? It was clear, she was no child of mushroom nor the forest -- her form too human to be Fauna or Faerie; her stance too loose to be Fungi; her speech to flexible to be Nature-tongued. Another thing was plainly clear, as well: she was far too innocent to have his anger directed at her. To do so would have be to commit an act that was truly unjust.

Defeated, abjectly, Marshall pulled out the last piece of offending metal, and sad down. “Medical work, child,” he asks, tone gruff and off-putting, “if I’m not mistaken, is the purpose of that kit you’re holding,” he pointed to it with his armor-clad arm, “or, am I mistaken, and it’s just decoration for a child pretending?” Inwardly, Marshall sighed, ‘That was mean. I’m being callous to a child. Astrals preserve me, I hate this slow healing...

Looking up, Marshall sighed outwardly, and raised his hand. “Come hither, child. A name, perhaps? Mine is Marshall, for now,” he offers, “A long time ago, it was Kyne, before that, Hunter, and, before that, Bartholomew,” Marshall chuckled, spiritedly, against the pain and himself, “Admittedly, that wasn’t my favorite. Now, pray tell, yours?

@The Irish Tree

Sure, I'll just write my new post to act with the retcon of the scene, and, like Marvel, we do it.
@Enkryption@The Irish Tree

Im sorry folks, But yeah, I'm in a process to leave the site for good so I'm stepping away from the majority of RPs I'm in.

Im moving into a house, and have to focus on getting a side business set up. It saps all of my time and motivation. My apologies for this.

You do what you gotta do, man. Nothing held against ya. Just take it easy, and good luck on your side biz.

Okay, those points make sense. I'll write you in on the next update.

<Snipped quote by Enkryption>

So that either means that the objects she creates fall apart as soon as they are created (since they are in close proximity of Annalise) or they must be taken away from her before they fall apart. Am I getting this right?

Well anyway, for practical purposes of this RP, whatever Annalise 'creates' will probably last until the RP ends.

<Snipped quote by Enkryption>

If she needs to eat everyday (or even every week/month) then it's going to make a dent on the guild's coffers. Which will likely cause (IC) drama.

With that in mind, don't you think Bart will kick Annalise out once she starts feasting on the guild's gold since gear won't always be present for Annalise to eat?

I'm just repeating myself, at this point, buy, I'm also trying to make this work, so I'll just try this:

Annalise eats an item, say an Enchanted Iron Dagger +2, and that EXACT item's "existence" is imprinted in her Reflection Core FOREVER (or until she dies), and she can barf up an EXACT REPLICA of that Enchanted Iron Dagger +2. Said replica creates an unique anomaly by existing as a replication of a reflection of the existence of the original item, and is eventually erased from existence to remove the anomaly.

The weaker the item is, or the more mundane it is, the longer this erasure takes. The dagger might take a day, being enchanted and all, but, something like an artifact, or something incredibly strong, wouldn't last more than an hour. However, it can be remade ad infinitum, so having items last forever, in general, is a less than good thing.

As for eating, if there's a forge, then there's probably raw metal lying around that can be forged into literally anything, and that's a like making a meal in the kitchen.

It's fine. Just checking in. I don't wanna move without giving you a chance to respond, is all.

Not to rush, but, I'm still waitin' on Poxanne, so I can post for Marshall; whether or not, you actually intend to stab him in the gut or not.

Oh, I thought she actually turns herself or her body parts into weapons. But she can do that, no?

Also, how can the 'created' item be in the presence of the original if the original has been consumed by Annalise?

Just pointing these minor things out, Annalise is good to go although I hope she doesn't consume the guild's gold.

Nope. Short Verison, Annalise is a walking Blacksmith shop.

Annalise could, potentially, become too strong, if she could just turn her phsyical form into weapons and armor on the fly. Her understanding comes from Mimics, which she's based herself off; she creates something to be taken -- bait -- and waits for someone to try and take it -- prey -- upon which she attacks and gets her meal or has to retreat into the dungeon.

However, after so many years of experience, she is omniproficient, so she can switch from weapon to weapon, as fast as she can make them, and she can cling armor to her slime. She still has to make it, though, for all she knows is that Mimic items come from their mouth, so hers should too.

As for the original item, that comes from the religion of Animism, in which everything has its own unique spirit, and nothing can ever share it. Annalise doesn't destroy this spirit, but keeps it in her Reflection Core, where it can be drawn on forever; so, the original item that she's creating is always there, merely by her very presence.

And, gold coin is actually safer around her than you think. The metal is so refined, she can't eat more than five or ten before getting full. It would take years to eat a well-stocked coffer, but, as soon as she finds it, that's where her bedroom will be set up. So, everyone better mind the chests in there. XD

I guess if she's still vulnerable to fire and magic, I suppose that's alright. Although, most of the enemies that would be fighting the guild won't be wielding much magic. Does her weaknesses change if she turns into an object?

Also, I didn't understand the 2nd rule about that Projection Reflection thing.

Annalise is vulnerable to anything and everything a Slime is, whether she's in Slime Form or Chest Formm. Her race doesn't afford her anything special, defensely -- in so much as she can't even wear armor without it slipping off. Her reflection ability is her just throwing up fully functional weapons, armors, and miscellaneous items, like accessories and ammunition absorbed by her Slime, imprinted with the form that was once held.

Not actually transforming herself into armor or weapons -- just into a chest, since people like to open those. She's an ambush predator, after all.

The second rule is simply, because anything Annalise "creates" is 100% exactly what it was, so it can't exist for long within the presence of the original item, a la the urban legend of Doppelgangers. This serves to power-balance, since Annalise can eat artifacts, and, if she remembers it, recreate it as it was then and there.

So, the stronger something is, the faster the "Doppelganger rule" kicks in. An artifact won't last, but maybe a few minutes, while an gold coin could last days.
<Snipped quote by The Irish Tree>

Didn't Neph come from Tulisan Forest which is pretty near the guild?

Anyway, Magnus and his family and Neph are both famous enough for Bart to have heard of them and be interested. Meanwhile, no one really knows who Annalise is.

Though, I suppose we can justify Bart meeting Annalise in a way. Now, we just have to find out if Annalise really can shakes off anything thrown at her. that what the problem was? Man, I'm sorry, honestly. I've spent the last few days trying my damnedest to understand how Annalise is anymore invulnerable than your average Slime. That's just hyperbole from an adventurer on drugs, remembering an event, poorly, after the fact, about a slime he found at the end of an infamous Lich dungeon, post-suffering a Party Wipe at the hands of other things. It's all he, personally, can remember, in his mental state.

Annalise is, honestly, the most passive thing in the Madame Lin Daw Dungeon, as she just moves from place to place, after eating, and sleeps. If anything, one could consider her a "mini-boss" of the dungeon, because she roves around, and is strong due to her Reflection Core, but, she's still a Slime. I guess, I wasn't clear enough, or it's just because I knew that fact, that caused the issue. So, again, I do apologize.

Although, I would have to think, a Mimic Slime isn't all that common among their ranks; and, since Annalise doesn't eat her victims, but their gear, leaving them naked, and therefore, forced to retreat in most cases, she would be spoken of -- if not as a threat, then, as a source of mockery by other adventurers.
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