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Enderall City Corpse. It’s not just a name for show. This rotten city, festering from wounds inflicted by careless apocalypse. This crumbling city, decaying away minute by minute, moment by moment. This goddamned city, my city. She is beautiful. This cit --

Excuse me, madame. If I could -- ” An enormous bang shattered the silence, as a six-shot revolver was fired at the skull of an “intruding” firgure; the head of the Skeleton Butler was blasted off, and ricocheted around the room. Chuunitrixx holstered the Engraved Revolver Ariamis, as she leaned against a destroyed window frame; forlornly looking out into the city that was, as an impeccably dresser body chased its head down.

This city. Age worn well into her design. Fractures like wrinkles, betray her truth. Sewers run with stagnant water, like blood running fat with time. Streets run grey and overtaken by moss, like --

Honestly, madame. If you could only -- ” Another tremendous explosion. Chuunitrixx traced the bounces with her eyes, as she bit into a HUGE sandwich. Looking down, she noticed that Ariamas was empty, but that was fine, as the Skeleton Butler wasn’t moving yet. Looking back to the city, she sighed, before taking a HUGE chomp of her sandwich.

She speaks to me, my city. An old voice; mature, complete. Her husk, metaphysical, shakes me to the core. I know her; every wrinkle; every line; every corner. I know her. My city. My --

Madame, it would be just a moment --

Out of bullets.

Out of patience.

Out of sanity.

WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAT CAN YOU NEED FROM ME!? A LADY CAN’T MONOLOGUE IN PEACE ANY MORE!? WHY DO YOU BOTHER ME!? DO YOU HATE ME!? DO YOU WISH ME DEAD FROM ANNOYANCE!? LEAVE ME BEEEEE~!” Chuunitrix screeched at the top of her lungs, shockingly well with a mouthful of big sandwich; throttling the Skeleton Butler.

As composed as ever, for he was one hell of a boney butler, the skeletal man, simply retorted, “Lord Rodias wishes to see you. Alongside the others --

Chuunitrix gasped, sandwich dropping out her mouth, launching into the elevator that would take her straight to the top. “I’M COMING, BESTIE!” she shouted, as she rode out of her Chapter, a trial of noxious green smoke filling the elevator cart.

As she entered, she took notice of her Lord and Bestie, Rodias. Half of her wanted to bow in supreme reverence ; the other half wanted to plunge into his lap, and stay there forever. However, neither half could be indulged, as she scurried up to the throne, and opened her jacket. From it, she dropped several small cubes that formed into much large sentry turrets that surrounded the thrones; two of which, she threw her Silver Knight Anor and Black Knight Londo onto, which replicated the guns on them all.

Activate Defense Protocol: Encirclement,” Chuunitrixx says, as she opened a flip phone; in truth, a grimoire with an expensive cosmetic applied. “Neuro-magical Link: established. Threat Filter: Built. Launching,” she says, as her honey-gold eyes turned electric-blue.

Chuunitrixx, the Shepherd of Mimics, ready to fire!” she announced, using her original epitet, which was never programmed out of it.

....unfortunately, she would never fire a single round, as Graft entered the room, kneeling before her encirclement (even though, it was to Rodias), followed by Mamoru’s explosive entrance (which almost knocked over a poor turret), then Kaldorna and someone (they both bowed oddly), and lastly by Salem (who neither bowed nor knelt nor exploded into the room, but walked). All Chuunitrixx could do was wait for everyone to gather, while she sat on the arm of The Sable Throne; aiming the Engraved Revolver Ariamis at them with a bored expression and a huff of green smoke.

It wasn’t an act of betrayal, or a request on Rodias’s behalf... Chuunitrixx was just ever bit the overzealous guard dog that her Creator was. For anyone in Bandersnatch, at least, when it was active, Ariamis in your face while Rodias was around was equal to a quaint, “Hello!” from Traptrixx or Chuunitrixx, and the NPC just as big a smoker as the neurotic bundle of stress that was her Creator was, if the half-pack of discarded cigarettes were any indication.
@Rockin Strings

That's needed a tad more clarity, tbh. But, since his character sheet states that he lives in Chapter V, realistically, he should start in his quarters in Chapter V. However, he could be anywhere; the Gardens, the Temple/Church/Hospital, in another Chapter (except mine, as Chuunitrixx will gun down any intruding force that isn't the Butler), or on the rooftop.

The choices are fairly limitless, and ultimately yours.
So, everyone's in the Throne Room? are you asking this, with, literally, only SIX IC posts up? I am, overwhelmingly, curious.
Big changes have occurred to bring about a whole new world.

Name: Chuunithulu

Gender: Female

Age: Indeterminate (Approximated at 25)

Occupation: Floor Guardian and Bartender/Casino Manager

Residence: Chapter VI: Grimlight Bar and Casino

Character Focus: Chuunithulu serves many roles, as all heroes and villains do -- seated atop them all, she spies upon the entirety of the Guild, watching them and over them; in addition to her Support Unit role as Summoner with a host of Aberrant Minions.

Personality: A personality born in a swig of vodka, a splash of tequila, dash of wine, a liberal gulp of beer, and a puff of smoke, Chunithulu is a spirit unlike any other -- as one would have to be, as a Human Tribute to the First Unknown. It is hard to predict her mood, at any given moment, as she can be:

Spiritedly tending to her bar; aimless cleaning at some part of her bar, while smoking a seemingly neverending cigarette.

Sensually working her casino; flaunting her generous assets at every turn, while keeping an eye on every toss of the dice.

Bleeding from her eyes and ritualistic wounds from a ritual to contact the First Unknowns; uncaring of the beings ripping free of her very flesh and blood, because that’s what it takes to be a hero and that's what makes a villain.

Or, sound asleep somewhere in the Chateau -- indulging her laziness.

Notable Equipment:

Santyir’s Flute: Taking full advantage of her Valkyrie: Lancer class, this weapon is a simple glass, wine flute at first glance; however, it’s true nature is revealed, once broken. Shattered, this flute is reborn -- a seal, undone, and transparent, near-invisible, lance of unbreakable diamond is formed and made deadly in her hand.

Toxic Haze Brand Cigarette: Not a generic weapon, but a supportive item turned so, this pack of smoke is not your average leaf, but an incredibly toxic plant found in an old murky swamp by a man known as “Large Hood Logann”. By inhaling, Chuunithulu can create a poisonous cloud.

Creator Information: Chuunithulu’s Creator, Traptrixx, was, and probably still is, a child in the form of an adult. Never truly past her childish delusions of heroism and villainy, Traptrixx created Chuunithulu to serve as both Hero and Villain; to be the one that she could indulge in fully, as the one that saved the world and the one that threatened it.

This rampant unhinged nature carried into her creation, after she was committed into a mental hospital, and Chuunithulu remains in a unpredictable limbo for it; her body and backstory a tragedy of pain, blood, sacrifice, and alcohol.

Total Level: 60

Class Levels:

(B) Summoner Lv9
(H) Grand Summoner Lv7
(R) Elder Summoner Lv5
(R) Abyssal Beacon Lv3
(R) Apocalypse Gate Lv1
(B) Lancer Lv2
(H) Fallen Valkyrie: Lancer Lv1
(B) Bartender Lv1
(B) Casino Owner Lv1

Race Levels:

(B) Doppelganger Lv15
(H) Greater Doppelganger Lv10
(R) Skinwalker Lv5

Alignment: 0 (Enigma)


  • HP: 75
  • MP: 75
  • PHY. ATK: 50
  • PHY. DEF: 45
  • AGI: 30
  • MAG. ATK: 80
  • MAG. DEF: 90
  • RESIST: 95
  • SPECIAL: 100

Dominion: The Grimlight Bar and Casino...

...where the lost come to lose themselves further in drinks and cards. “Take a seat! cries out the bartender, as she slides a fine wine on the counter with on hand, and a pair of cool beers down the counter with the other. Her brilliantly smug grin, thin lips hugging a cigarette, almost blind you -- much like the sheer radiance of her skin that glowed like the moon outside the window -- and draws you the bar. A hulking man takes your order, while you watch her snuff her cigarette, and walk towards the stairs; her body metaphorizing into an ebony goddess in a bunny suit and eye-catching sweater. Looking back, her onyx hair falls clean out her ponytail into a cascade of silver, and her matching eyes motion upstairs to the casino above the bar. “Whenever you’re ready...” she all but purrs, before sauntering up.

Oh, and, side note: everything, Everything, EVERYTHING, in her Dominion is a Mimic. It's a room made of Mimics. Isn't that something!

I stopped being lazy, and posted. Pokemon Sword is too good...

C-3 huffed, as Charlotte left; she didn't care if she was angry. The stupid she-demon was always so up her own rump, she couldn't be bothered to concern herself. Whatever the Demon Lord's daughter intended to do was her business, and hers alone. Besides, if she couldn't see why she was bothered, then she didn't deserve to have it explained to her by the source. As such, C-3 turned and headed off.. catching wind of some serious explosions.

Curious, she hurried to the source of it all; just catching the small Chimera melt into a purple puddle, and reform into a Refined Human Form. "Such control..." she says, enviously, before really looking, "Wait... That color... An Amethyst Slime!? This is the worst!"

Tamara hummed, spiritedly, as Charlotte marched over. Her muscles were already bulking up in response. God's, it did feel good; that cloying hatred, that choking malice; it was such a turn-on, and Charlotte wasn't charging a dime. Even better, she meant it. Tamara wasn't an idiot. A knock-down drag-out between herself and Charlotte could go for days and nights; her stamina reaching the depth of a demon on par with Charlotte -- as if she was born to antagonize the girl.

Honestly, that's all she wanted to do: antagonize the unflappable daughter of the undefeatable Demon Lord. It was a fun little pastime, in the master plan of BREAKING her heart and soul. Sure, Tamara was a Paladin, but she was a Dark Paladin, and didn't have to play by all the rules so strictly. As such, so freed, she sought to cull the wonderful, little Dragon-named Slime to her side, and destroy the world of the infinitely confident world of the one that stood by her side.

"Five minutes," Tamara says, holding up five fingers, "I got you for five minutes of playtime..."

Regalia flew into the air, weighing so very little, and smacked into the ground with a sickening thump. For a moment, she twitched and writhed, before her breathing and self stilled.

However, under Ariette's sudden application of healing, Regalia's flesh, fur, and scales turned a poisonous shade of purple, and her body sloughed into a pool -- a massive chaotic surge of energy crackled around the pool, suddenly, and a hand burst free of it. It was the same technique that C-3 used to go from Slime to Human, whenever she emerged from her lute bed.

Slamming into the ground, the hand dragged forward the entirety of a lithe body; the purple slime took on skin tones, hair color, the solid mass of twin horns, sharp fangs, and clothing. Eyes opening, Regalia sniffled and groaned, and seemed on the edge of emotional collapse; tears of irritation streaming down her cheeks, as she glared at Mallory. Behind her, a snake rose and hissed; her tail didn’t seem as sentient, however.

Grrr... Nnn...Regalia growled, as she rubbed her belly with a heavily-gloved hand; the mitt was thick, and probably existed to hide and/or protect her growing claws. “Grrr.... Rrrr... Rrrr... Nrrrr... RAAAHHH!!!” Regalia suddenly screamed, as tears streamed down her face. Suddenly, she whipped her tail forward; the snake’s eyes glowing, and its mouth opened wide, as her goat horns started glowing. “Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!” Regalia repeatedly screamed, each cry punctuated by a bolt of lightning cannon-fired from the snake's mouth.

Each bolt dead-aimed for Mallory.

C-3 was happy.

It was such an ethereal feeling, as she munched with the happiest expression, and couldn't be spoiled by any force in the world.

Then, she spoke.

Normally, C-3 filtered it out through a mesh of attraction, but Charlotte was smug. Normally, this was absent from her thoughts -- the undeserved air of command, the unearned look of superiority, and that unwarranted smugness in her voice. Normally, it was made tolerable by her own personal draconic pride, and couldn't do more than be mildly annoying; if, even noticed.

And yet, here, now, it was unrelenting in its assail of her senses; grinding her from tip to toe, and bringing a rotting miasma to her moment. All of a sudden, her happiness evaporated, and her gift spoiled. Metals, beyond precious, suddenly tasted like cheap imitations; copper, tin, and aluminum, masquerading as something they could never wish to be. They slid down her throat like castor oil would a sick child's throat, and threatened to reverse course, much the same.

Between trembling fingers, C-3 held a half-eaten rose, and threw it to the, before swiping the basket, in its entirety, to the ground.

"Shut up."

C-3 looked back, "Can you ever just shut up?"

For the first time in years, C-3 had a standard to place Charlotte against, and it was plain to see:

Charlotte didn't meet it.

Tamara grinned, as she watched from a tree branch; petting Regalia's trio of heads in turn, before setting her loose. "Like the foolish demoness, you don't understand your role in this world as mere bait," she says, as Regalia scampered around; a child free to roam in the big, wide world. Sniffing the ground, the lion decided where to go, while the goat and snake watched for anything fun. That was the most interesting way to see the world, after all. At least, that's what her Mommy told her.

As Regalia scampered, childishly thoughtless, out of sight, Tamara continued to watch as Charlotte was tersely told off for spoiling her gift, and wondered what defense the Demon Lord's daughter could mount for herself. If Charlotte looked in her general direction, she would be easily seen by her victim, and that would just add to her current victory. The Obsidian Slime named by a Dragon had never had standards to compare her demonic benefactor to, and now, she did; and, Tamara wanted Charlotte to know where those standards came from.

Slimes, after all, were simple creatures, at the core, in need of a helpful push in the right direction.

Scampering into a yard, Regalia busied herself with strange creatures that were running through old, musty grass. In spite of not knowing what a fish or a raccoon was, she knew they both smelled yummy; although, she wasn't out of milk-drinking age. Still, she was a young lioness in 33% of her body, so she, instinctively, needed to hunt; the 33% of her that was snake liked to strike that things that were hot and moving -- the 33% that was a goat could really care less, but it could sense the magic incoming, and took over to make them dip and dodge between beams and explosions.

Annoyed, the 1% of Regalia that was a dragon, like most Chimera, didn't like being kaboomed at, and took over to find what blasted her. Spying the party, Regalia recognized a familiar butt, and bum-rushed it... sinking her teeth into Nimoa's right buttcheek, before her fur sparked, and she simultaneously became a bolt of lightning and ball of fire against the rear she clung to.

Meat. Meat. Meat. All Charlotte eats is meats.

Exasperated, a well-disguised Obsidian Slime sat at a dinning table of 99% meat -- specifically: a roasted pheasant in a bed of gravy, potatoes, and carrots; a rack of lamb with sweet onion glaze; a rank of baby back ribs soaking in honey barbecue sauce; a hunk of ham with a honey glaze wrapped in brown sugar bacon; a stuffed fat Lasagna Alla Bolognese; and, two dozen Double-Deviled Deviled Eggs.

...and, 1% of C-3's Garden Salad with a lime vinaigrette.

A sigh escaped her, as she ate her modest meal and Charlotte consumed a small farm. For a bit, she entertained the idea of small talk, before surrendering the idea; there was nothing to discuss, except their relationship strain. As she pushed a bit of lettuce around, she thought about the trifle in the sewers, and the dust-up before that. Charlotte's emotional maturity was zero, or, at least, as advanced as an elementary schooler.

It was getting harder and harder to entertain her; even if she was her fondest treasure, it was emotionally draining to forgive and forget. Just once, she wanted to feel more than needed... wanted, perhaps. Desired. It wasn't a thought a Slime should have, but, C-3 wasn't a normal Slime – she was an Obsidian Slime given a name, a purpose, and a destiny. However, Charlotte seemed to see her as a weapon under the guise of a friend, and something to wield in her quest to clapback at her father.

As their dinner wrapped, C-3 decided to sleep off the issue, and retired to a bucket of all beddings; Charlotte's best effort, she conceded. Into her mind, she retreated, and soundly slept...


"Such wasteful emotion. Heiress mine, thou still wants, and yet, refuses to take. How hast thou gone so far under the wastrel waif that hath such a sickening hold of thee?"

"All I can do is follow my emotions. Is that not your teachings?"

"Such bravery thou hath to speak so plainly. Thou art not mistaken, however. Such art mine teachings. And, thou hath followed them well. However..."

There was a pregnant pause. A stillness, wrought of doubt and question...

"Thou shalt come to learn in time, shouldst thou survive the coming storm; mine Heiress's fragility in troubling waters shalt be put to the sword's test."

C-3 knew better than to ask what that meant. No answer would come from her explosive liege. He spoke only in riddle and nuance. In her waking hours, she was meant to find the answers...

As C-3 stirred, she heard Charlotte talking about the last dishes to their, supposedly, shared dinner, and bubbled a sigh. Pretending to sleep, she didn't want to deal with anything, in the least. However, Charlotte was carrying her like some common pail of water without emotion or thought; perhaps, in this way, that's all Charlotte did see her as -- her eyes ever set forward on her personal future. However, when Charlotte crashed into Valkira, C-3 used the momentum to slosh herself out the bucket, and splatter across the ground.

Forming a rudimentary body, the Obsidian Slime slorped off; leaving foot-plops of desiccated earth behind, as she devoured the ground of all valuable minerals and plant life.

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