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700, and the "fairly" part.

Chuunitrixx is very broken with Doppleganger and Greater Doppleganger. I can't really play her to get full potential.
Asking because I honestly don't know the answer:

Aren't the Maximize and Metamagic-enhancments supposed to be limited to caster-classes? I thought they were similar to the D&D things like "Empower Spell" or "Maximize Spell" or whatever. Ainz and Narberal both use it, and they're both primary caster classes, I don't recall if Shalltear uses it though, and she's a Cleric mainly... Huh...

'Spose as long as you can use 'magic' you can utilize those things(?)

Chuunitrixx has 10 Levels on Doppleganger and 5 Levels in Greater Doppleganger, each one a specialized Spellscaster at Lv40 for the Dopplegangers and Lv60 for the Greater Dopplegangers, for a total of 700 levels in spellcasting class.

This is canon material on how Doppleganger and Greater Doppleganger works. I play Chuunitrixx very fairly.

EDIT: I mean that jokingly, of course.
Totally forgot to mention, bonus post, because I didn't realize I could post again, since this is a fight scene.

Also, to just address why Chuunitrixx can just use Maximize, Heighten, and Echo Metamagics like they are candy, when Zouyu nearly died using tripled Maximize and adding Silent: Chuunitrixx has a Magic Point, Magic Attack, and Special Stat of 100 each, while Zouyu has 30, 65, and 40, respectively.

This is what she was designed to do. So, this fight is a good way to show that off. Granted, she will suffer Mana Burn from her last shot. She's used most of her MP up.

Welp. We're boned. Ba-dum-tish~

I've been working on a counter-pun all day, but you stole the best one. Like, damn it. XD

Add to that, the mass of disposable cannon fodder that Chuunitrixx, Graft, and Salem, and Bone Daddy can simply will into existence by their minion creation/control skills.

Rodias is sitting on a literal nation of just cannon fodder soldiers alone.
I work at a Chipotle, so I'll probably hella die this year. Ah, well. I had a subpar run.

If you wanna have a PM heart-to-heart, just shoot me PM. Shoot, if you really need, I can summarize the planned revelation; it's mad spoilers for her story, and will lose a lot of its emotional weight, but I don't want you to feel like you have to tolerate Chuunitrixx for the sake of the RP.

Also, as someone that unironically does not like GoT at all, and found grand happiness in its fall from grace, the comparison to Joffery falls flat on me. Sorry. :(
I should probably chime in. I don't, honestly, know what I can and cannot say. But, I'll try...

TL;DR: Show, not tell. It's not an easy task as a writer, but there's a reason, if you remember that there should be one.

Let's just try to balance the focus of Chuunitrixx's posts, because I can see where everyone is coming from, but focusing on only the negative aspects and not the reasons behind them is only going to make them stand out negatively.

And, that, will only lead to infighting and dropouts.

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