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@psych0pomp @Su


Western Oregon, I-5, Northern Frontier
June 16th, 2284

Ahab saw the wolves coming closer towards the group, firing a couple of more shots from his pistol into the hell hounds surrounding them. He stayed close towards his human companions, even though he was medically trained he felt he was not as good as Dr. Stanko or Dr. Honor. His mind was trying to drown out the yelps and whines of the wolves he was shooting at. His mind was still replaying the deaths of his pups and companions. One of the wolves came to the side of Ahab, jumping up and bitting onto the mutant’s arm. “Alas thee foul beast, thy biteth is nothing but a mosquito to me.” The large mutant placed the muzzle of the pistol to the temple of the wolf, firing a couple of shots watching the animal drop to the ground with a soft thud. There was blood leaking down his arm, which only meant that the wolves would be coming for him.

Aiming his gun towards the wolves that were coming towards his human companions, he was going to protect them to the best of his abilities. His eyes scanning the area around them, he could see more wolves coming towards the group. “Cometh, receiveth on thy feet and square with the fury of a thousand suns.” Addressing Jack waving her over towards the battle. Thinking perhaps she would need something to wake her up, get her more involved in the battle.

Being commanded to take out the alpha wolf, Ahab turned his attention towards the scary-looking animal. “Nay longeth'r shall thee haunteth the dreams of weary traveleth'rs. I sendeth thee to the depth of hell, in the nameth of god.” Putting away his pistol and pulling out his harpoon gun, at that moment he truly felt like Captain Ahab. Aiming his harpoon gun, he carefully aimed and hoped to fire his harpoon into the head of the Alpha wolf.


Western Oregon, I-5, Northern Frontier
June 16th, 2284

The large super mutant was more than happy to be a part of this group, not many people would even talk to a super mutant. Most people would just want to shoot him dead and be on their way. The large mutant had stumbled onto the Followers while he was scavenging for supplies, he had saved a Follower member named David who repaid him by giving him some work. The jobs he was given were serviceable. Mostly helping druggies kicking their jet habits, or commonly saving someone from bleeding out. This current assignment seemed quite strange to him, finding a woman immune to radiation and potentially mutation. It seemed quite unbelievable to him. Although contradictory to his belief, he had seen quite a lot of unbelievable events in his long life. While in Klamath he got the feeling that they were being duped by the NCR troops, which he found to be a common occurrence. Noting how corrupt the NCR had gotten over the past couple of years, he was surprised that it had not imploded from the large amount of incompetence and greed the government had shown.

During their trip he walked past the many burned out cars and rotten corpses, something he had seen countless times. Although desensitised by death and decay, he still felt saddened seeing the destruction of war first hand. Soon the sight of dilapidated cars and empty roads were replaced by vegetation and greenery. It was a nice change of scenery, on the days he was not working, usually he would be growing flowers or even food to give to the poor. Although he was cautious because he had his fair share of dangerous encounters with violent plants. Quickly picking a flower from a bush and putting it onto the lapel of his duster. The hulking figure made sure that they were not going to run into any spore plants.

When the grow travelled far enough and the sun was starting to set, he was glad to rest because his feet were killing him. While the rest of the team were either resting or taking turns standing guard, Ahab was reading a few pages of Moby Dick. He surmised that he must have read the book hundreds of times, if not more. But he was always happy to experience the adventure of Captain Ahab. Part of him desired to go on a boat and sail the high seas with a ragtag group. Although two problems were ever present, one he did not have a boat and two he didn’t think the team would even want to go on a boat. His mind wandered a bit before being alerted by Darya.

Quickly standing up and readying his .45 Auto pistol, quickly loading a magazine filled with .45 hollow point bullets. He was reminded of where he had gotten the pistol, from a New Canaanite named Father Berkley. The man was nice but Ahab was not really interested in partaking in a religion that is blasphemous. The gun itself was well crafted and easy to maintain, which was good for Ahab since he was not very good with repairing things. Firing a couple of shots at the pairs of eyes hiding behind the bushes and trees, he could hear the yelping and whines of the wolves. A good sign since that means Ahab had hit his target. Feeling a little terrible hearing their cries of pain, being reminded of the time Ishmael was killed by raiders. He held his dog after slaughtering all the raiders, the dog bleeding out in his arms. Ahab felt some tears rolling down his face, now projecting his anger for the raiders towards the wolves. “You shalt not ent'r our domain foul beasts, i shall smith thee and sendeth thy hides to the devil’s pit.


You got it boss, Thanks.

@Ozzy Cross

D'Artagnan Riverwood

Location: The Road To Lorenstad/ Lorenstad

D’Artagnan shrugged his shoulders, he didn’t expect Malvor to see the potential that Thaddus had to assist him. “Do not worry Mr.Malvor i will keep an eye on him.” Chuckling but knowing that he would need to watch Thaddus like a hawk. “I shall find you after I have unloaded my own cargo. Although I apologize I would not be the one to pay you, the museum would be paying you for assisting me. But they will pay generously for your help.” The Katorian noticed the familiar buildings on the horizon. He worried that Thomas would be worried about Thaddus’ absence, but this worry was relieved thanks to Thaddus’ ability to hypnotise the boy. “I assume I will meet you at the local tavern, to discuss our next job.” D’Artagnan rode into the heart of the city making a quick stop at his favorite bookstore.

Location: Lorenstad/ Montgomery’s Bookstore

Hello Mr. Halbour, how are you today? I was wondering if you had Katorian History Volume III available to purchase?” D'Artagnan stood a couple of feet away from the counter. “Oh yes I just got it a couple of days ago, I took a look at it and it was a very interesting read.” The old man walked over towards a tall bookshelf grabbing a large green book. “Thank you, I have been working on it for I believe four years now. I hope this volume gets enough sales so I can work on volume IV.” The Katorian took the book, taking a moment to leaf through some pages. “I hope so, I want to know what happens to your people after the war between the Katorian and Caninties?” The older man smiled before interacting with an Elven gentleman. D'Artagnan walked out of the bookstore with his book and made his way towards the local tavern.

Location: Lorenstad/ Lorenstad’s Musuem Of History

D’Artagnan walked into the museum while walking to the head of the museum’s office, he was admiring the many exhibits. Taking a moment to look at a display for Dwarven stone statues. His eyes noticed a small human boy that was not admiring the display but D'Artagnan himself. He had to chuckle at the thought of being observed by outside eyes, he knew that not many people see a living breathing Katorian right in front of them. “Never seen a Katorian before young man?” A question which was given a slight nod. “Does it hurt if someone pulled your tail?” The boy pointed towards D'Artagnan’s tail. “It would, but it would not be a good idea to pull on my tail.” D’Artagnan shook his head with a smile on his face. He had been asked similar questions before, but by this point it has become quite bothersome for him. “I apologize but I have to leave, I need to give an artifact to the museum.” And with that D’Artagnan left the room heading towards the curator’s office. However he noticed the human boy was following him, wanting to lose him he walked though a couple of exhibits. Bobbing and waving through the displays, but the boy was persistent he had to give him that.

D’Artagnan thought he had lost the boy and assumed it was safe to head into the curator's office. Just as he opened the door he noticed the curator and the boy talking. D’Artagnan’s mouth was wide open as the curator and the boy were laughing, presumably about D’Artagnan. “Ah D'Artagnan you finally arrived , how was your trip? Have you met my grandson Bort? He’s visiting me from Orgoth with his mother, my daughter.” The old man pointed to the son who was waving and smiling at D’Artagnan. The Katorian thought who the hell would name their child Bort. “Well it was quite exciting, I almost lost my life while trying to negotiate with the orcish tribe. And trying to venture though the tomb I almost got my…” He trailed off not wanting to mention what he almost lost in front of Bort. D’Artagnan pulled out the dagger and handed it to the curator. “I have the dagger that you were looking for.” Handing the dagger to the man who smiled, putting the dagger on his desk. The curator handed D’Artagnan a heavy pile of gold pieces, which D’Artagnan took into his jacket pocket. “Thank you, now I believe you wanted to discuss the next artifact you want me to retrieve?” During the conversation the curator told D’Artagnan about a religious statue that belonged to an ancient civilization called The Grumpus. The statue was located in ruins that was unfortunately preoccupied by some not very friendly Kobolds. I need you to retrieve the statue and if necessary.” The man paused for a moment signaling for Bort to cover his ears before continuing, “Defend yourself from the native population, This venture will pay better than the last.” The curator marked the location of the ruins on D’Artagnan’s map. Leaving the museum and heading to a tavern wanting to wait to meet Thaddus.

Location: Lorenstad/ The Shouting Melons

D’Artagnan opened the door of the tavern, filling his nose with a mixture of alcohol and sweat. The Katorian covered his nose walking over towards a table. He was greeted by a busty Orcish woman, “Hello sir, what would you like to drink today?” She spoke in an overly friendly tone of voice. D’Artagnan blushed trying to hide it by covering his face, “Just a water please and thank you.” The Katorian paid the woman the proper amount as she gave him a glass of water. Wondering where Thaddus was, taking a sip of his glass while waiting impatiently.

Thank you, I had mix a of Gorris from Fallout 2 and The Prisoner from Fallout Van Buren in mind.


Alrighty then you boys and girls got yourself a super mutant medic.

Ah very interesting, I was thinking about importing my Supermutant mechanic. I just wanted to check with the GM if having a super mutant character would be okay.
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