Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
7 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Noah Griffin

Noah had pressed against the pool’s edge now. It was obvious he wasn’t clean by a long shot. Grim still clung to his dark skin, barely hidden by his complexion, as he listened to the sprite’s cheerfulness tone down notably. He wasn’t sure if that a good or bad thing. Her-his mind set on the fairer gender- demeanor reminded him of a child for the most part. The only thing breaking that illusion was the fact she had no specific facial features and her figure was far too small. He estimated he could easily lift her up in his large hand then toss her several feet without breaking a sweat. Not that he would.

It made him uncomfortable in a completely different way than the fox.

Things weren’t always as they seemed. As if prompted, Noah’s mind unearthed prior memories. They shifted from the Kitsune’s ripping off his face to a cat-eyed woman grinning at him. Her fingernails seemed to dig past the coat, the flesh and into his very core. His soul.

Everything he has seen or heard made him question what type of place this was. Aside from being a very, very dangerous one.

Noah cast off the fear tingling along his skin when the sprite held out a bubble toward him. He frowned a bit as he held out his hand, palm upwards, to make a makeshift table for her. Beyond that, it wasn’t meant to be an accepting gesture at all.

“Soap would do better,” He countered quietly at her comment.

It was more of an obvious fact as he glanced down at himself, noticing how filthy he was.
~|Strike Team Base, Day 3 ATC, 9th hour|~


Gar had risen early. Among the active camp, he sat cross-legged and projected utter peace to the stirring surroundings. Troopers had begun their daily morning activities to ensure their protection. From patrolling to moving equipment about, even preparing the morning meal of cold rations. He had ensured his position was neatly out of the ever used paths so not to disturb their rhythm. On normal occasions, he would’ve preferred a place outside of camp and in the wilderness. After yesterday’s incident, he didn’t dare to try this here. Their arrival’s encounter had proven this already to be a foolish thing.

His breath had just began to soften before another presence edged into his personal zone. Gar’s slowly opened his right eye, noting the interloper, then closed it again. The only indication he was aware the young man was there. Unsure if the master Jedi knew he was there, the man bravely edged closer and cleared his throat. Gar waited until the man began to adjust his hoister to speak startling the trooper a bit.

“Yes, I know you’re there. I’m listening.”

Unsure how the Jedi knew, the trooper shrugged off the comment, “Yes sir. Fa has requested a meeting, including the recently arrived Jedi.”

“Understood, I’ll be there in a moment.”

Not moving an inch, Gar remained where he was until the trooper returned back to his daily tasks. After several moments, the Jedi master rose upright and began to walk toward the cavern serving as their control room. As expected, Fa wasted little time getting down to business. His eyes shifted to the holographic projector displaying their surroundings, taking special note of the sith outpost’s location.

“They haven’t been alerted to our presence yet, I assume. Or you’ve been more concerned than you are right now. What has the scouts found out?”



Location: Few blocks from Sherman’s Square.
Time: Late Afternoon

Racheli’s feet snapped off the elevator, alerted by its soft ding, then made her way for the door. It surprised her she hadn’t gotten lost while navigating through the twisting hallways. Casually her thumbs hooked into her jeans when she walked by the doorman, his eyes turned to scrutinize her presence. Her head whipped instinctively in his direction and warned him off with a hard glare. Today had been rough enough for her, the last thing Racheli wanted was some big ass bully staring her into submission. Too bad it was harder to rein in her natural fear about the fact he was armed.

She shrugged off once she stepped outside. The woman made a sharp right toward to the LHPD’s station, her feet barely slowed in her pace.

It was a bad idea. Through it had been months since her disappearance, Racheli was still a wanted individual and she knew the moment she fucked up she would have Gene Corporation coming knocking. They wanted their property back pretty badly. Bad enough to frame her for a crime she was actually victim of. Her blood boiled at the fact is just to get at the virus she was currently saddled with. She wasn’t going to become someone else’s guinea pig. Especially after she figured out a way out of Midas’ slimy grasp.

Quietly thinking over her dilemma, Racheli’s path took her past a tv store and her ears caught something dreadful. She gradually grinded to a stop as her eyes looked beyond the collecting crowds. A news announcer stood, suit crisp and clean, in subtle distress over recent events. His eyes flipped between the notecards and the camera he was speaking to.

“Again, Nautican Island, Massachusetts and Paris, Texas have been completely destroyed. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was also devastated in the attack which government officials have confirmed originated from the satellite weapon that destroyed the home of billionaire industrialist Christopher Arthur. Please stay tuned, we’ll provide more information as it becomes available. But as of now, thousands have been confirmed dea…..”

He was cut off abruptly by static before a new voice replaced it. Slowly a single man shrouded in shadow appeared, unfazed by the disaster that had happened. They faced the camera, his voice digitally altered, when he uttered his simple message.

“We warned you. We told you that compliance was non negotiable. Yet you chose not to listen.”
“The time for talk has past. From this moment on, you are either with us or you are against us.”
“We are coming, and you will either stand with us, or you will burn with them.”

The Hounds of Humanity had gotten Racheli’s attention now.

“Shit.” Allison Sparks said to herself as she navigated her SUV down the narrow side streets near Racheli’s apartment. She had figured that with the developing crisis that it would be easier to get to the safehouse that Midas had stashed his new toy, however, she was sorely mistaken. In light of the recent attacks on American cities by the terrorist group the Hounds of Humanity, the police in Lost Haven had begun cordoning off certain parts of the city. She had expected as much, however, the LHPD had become quite efficient in handling emergency situations.


Ms Sparks’ eyes were suddenly drawn to the large display next to the dashboard. To most people, the display was nothing more than the entertainment hub for the vehicle, which might be where one would find the radio controls or maybe even a GPS, and in a way that was true. However, this GPS was not finding your way around the city, instead, it was a tracking system, and this tracking system was calibrated specifically to the homing beacon that Midas had implanted in Racheli.

“Where are you going?” Ms Sparks asked as she watched Racheli’s homing beacon move. Once news broke of the attacks, Midas had sent Ms Sparks to retrieve Racheli and bring her back to Midas Industries, as the labs beneath the Power Plant were specifically built to survive a nuclear blast, which should make it more than capable of withstanding a sudden bombardment from the Hounds’ secret weapon. However, Racheli wasn’t at the apartment when Ms Sparks went there to retrieve her, so she had been forced to track her down.

It didn’t take Ms Sparks long to find her. Once she got back onto the main roads, Racheli’s homing signal began to grow stronger. After several minutes, she had tracked Rach down to an electronics store not far from the safehouse apartment. As Ms Sparks approached the location of the homing signal, a wave of relief quickly washed over her as she saw Racheli.

She was standing in front of the electronics store with a crowd of people who were all transfixed on the televisions in the windows. The televisions were playing a news broadcast which was covering the recent attacks that had left several cities either in ruins or completely erased from the face of the earth.

Paris, Texas was gone, as well as Nautican Island, Massachusetts. Ms Sparks suppressed a shudder as she thought about the fate of Philadelphia, and she pulled the SUV up next to the crowd in front of the store and rolled down the window.

“Racheli!” She shouted, probably louder than she had to. The crowd had been standing in silence as they watched the news reports on the attacks, and the sudden outburst caused several of the people to jump. Ms Sparks waited for Racheli to look in her direction.

“Get in. We’ve got to get out of here. Now.”

Racheli flinched as her name was called. Her eyes -ice cold and hardened- twisted about to lock onto Ms. Sparks, her lips pressed tightly together. Without another word, her feet shot out toward to the SUV then pulled the door open. As she ducked inside, her words sliced through the air.

“Do you really think that will do any good?” The door slammed behind her, not bothered at all.

Ms Sparks studied Racheli for a moment as the young woman climbed into the SUV. From the moment she had met the young woman, Racheli had a certain air of resentment about her. And truth be told, Ms Sparks could understand exactly why she was the way she was. She could even relate a bit. However, on this day, there was something different about her. There was something else there, yet, Ms Sparks couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

“I don’t know.” Ms Sparks honestly replied to Racheli’s question. “Maybe, maybe not. It doesn’t really matter. The boss wants us back at the Power Plant.”

“Good, I have a question or two to ask him. Starting with why,” Racheli replied.

Her hand curled under her chin, propping her head up against the car window. She stared into the street as she barely blinked.

“He wants us to be there because it’s probably the safest place in the entire country right now. If those assholes decide to vaporize Lost Haven, the facility under the Power Plant would probably be the only place to survive. It was built to contain Icon himself, and it can take a direct hit from a nuke. It’s where he’ll be, it’s where he wants us.” Sparks told her.

“What about afterwards? I won’t hide because I doubt hiding will solve this problem. They won’t stop until all metas are dead, or worse. They already proven they will kill anyone to ensure their goals,” Racheli countered, her mind shifted to what she had been taught most her life.

Expectations about doing the right thing, no matter how hard or impossible it might’ve been. That’s what was expected of her. Besides, it got in the way of finding him.

“You’re right. They won’t stop. But they’ll be dealt with. We just need to get to the Power Plant and figure out our next move. At least we’ll be safe for the time being.”

“I haven’t felt safe since this morning,” Racheli mumbled, still staring out the window.

“You and the rest of the world. Those pricks really changed the game today. None of us are safe, not anymore.” Sparks said ruefully as she drove on.

“No, but I didn’t really care until now. They aren’t the ones that rattled me this morning and if my gut feeling is right, things just got much worse for me. At least I can do something about the Hounds,” Racheli replied.

Sparks listened to Racheli as she drove. And as she listened, the things that Racheli was saying made sense. Sparks thought about what had happened today, she thought about how the Hounds had managed to change the world with the press of a button.

She thought about the thousands that had been killed in Paris and Nautican Island. And she thought about her mother. Her mother who still lived on Benjamin Franklin Drive in Philadelphia.


She also thought of the one person that she had ever truly loved. As she drove through the streets of Lost Haven toward the Power Plant, images from her past played in her mind. She thought about the first time she met her first love. She was sitting alone in the dining hall during dinner at Philadelphia University. Her friends had abandoned her for the evening for a night of drinking and debauchery. Of course they had invited her along, however do to a big Philosophy exam the next morning, she had declined.

So alone she sat at the table that she and her friends regularly occupied eating what passed for a slice of pizza (though she couldn’t say for sure if actual cheese or pepperoni had actually been used in the creation of the alleged “pizza”), when a raven haired beauty sat down beside her and began chatting her up.

Then memories of trips to Eastern State Penitentiary during Halloween for the famous haunted house that the former prison put on every year, and how Marissa would jump into her arms when a “monster” would jump out at them from the darkness.

Memories of nights spent in together, just the two of them. Memories of holidays, Valentine’s Day.

And then the memory of the day that she left Philadelphia, and Marissa behind to pursue opportunities elsewhere.

She had always wanted to reach out and see how she was doing, but she never found the time. And now, now it was too late. Philadelphia was in ruins, and Marissa was more than likely dead. And now she would always regret that she was never able to find the time, or possibly courage to simply pick up the phone.

Suddenly much to Racheli’s surprise, Ms Sparks stopped the car.

“Go.” She said simply, never taking her eyes off the road.

Racheli’s figure was nearly tossed from her seat as she caught herself, her hands slammed hard on the dashboard. Her head snapped to the woman’s direction. Her jawline was clenched tightly while she tried to find words through the haze of anger gripping her. She didn’t like to nearly be sent through the windshield, her voice filled with frustration and fury at the last statement.

“What the hell? Are you trying to test my fucking regeneration ability?” Rach growled, refusing to move.

“If you want to do something about those bastards, now’s your chance.” Sparks told her. “I had...friends in Philadelphia. If you can make those sons of bitches pay for what they did, do it.”

“There’s a few issues with your plan,” Rach began as she twisted in her seat, facing the woman. Her temper already tugged at its leash, trying to make her lash out at Sparks, before she swallowed it down for the moment, “First off, I have a damn leash.”

As if to emphasise her point, she turned her head then tap lightly the location of her ‘explosive’ reminder. Her rage fueled her irritation, refusing Sparks a chance to interrupt her points.

“Second, I have no idea how to help. And finally, just because the Golden Dick can tell me what to do… doesn’t mean you can. So chill out.”

Sparks waited for Racheli to finish before she responded. In the short time that she had known the hotheaded woman, she had learned that Racheli could be a bit like a Nor’Easter, a wild storm that you just had to allow to rage on until the storm had passed. So she allowed Racheli to vent until the young woman’s annoyed glare told her that she was ready to listen to a response.

“First of all, don’t worry about the explosive. I’ll tell you a secret, you’re too valuable to Midas. He wouldn’t actually activate that thing unless he thought his life was in danger. He’s an asshole, not an idiot.” She said looking into Rach’s eyes to see if she understood.

“Secondly, you can help. I’ve seen you in action. You just have to do what you do. And rumor has it that there are a group of heroes gathering over in Sherman Square. If you go now, you can catch them.”

“Lovely, teamwork…,” Racheli couldn’t help but groan, knowing it wasn’t something she was the best at.

In fact, she barely knew how to use her abilities or not make a natural disaster in the city. Gradually any metal on her person shifted then liquified. The silver trails rose across her skin to form the deformed-skull like mask across her features, ensuring her identity was hidden. She popped open the car door before she paused mid way out.

“Two things before you go. You might want to consider a change in wardrobe. There’s a bag in the back of the car, you might find it useful.” Sparks told her.

“And I need you to hit me.” Sparks said with a grin. “I can handle Midas, but I need to make it look good.”

A devilish smirk crossed Rach’s lips making the mask come off as more sinister, “I got a better idea and I don’t need to touch you at all. Let me get the bag out of the back first, then you might want to exit the SUV.”

Racheli finished exiting while she stepped toward the back, retrieving the bag and slammed the door. Her hand didn’t leave the surface. When she spotted Spark step out, she focused on the vehicle.

Nothing happened for several moments.

Suddenly metal screamed and crunched, the SUV’s outside gradually compacting into a large version of a crushed can. Not wasting anymore time, Racheli reached into her back pocket for Midas’ cellphone.

She tightened her hand into fist causing it to crack, then tossed it to Sparks.

“Tell him that you found me here, but when you went inside to retreive me…you didn’t find me. Instead my cell was in the bathroom and when you came back out, the SUV was crushed. You can’t take me back without a ride, right?”

“I can do that.” Sparks said.

“You know something, you’re not half bad after all. I have a favor to ask. Can you have the handwriting analyzed on this card?”

Racheli reached into her jacket, pulling the card in the envelope out and giving it to Sparks. Without another word, the woman bolted for Sherman’s Square a few blocks away.

Sparks took the card that Racheli had given her and put it in her pocket. As soon as she got back to Midas Industries, she’d do as Rach had asked and have the handwriting analyzed. Though she didn’t know why Racheli had made such a request, she knew that the young woman had her reasons. She watched Racheli as she bounded away from the crumpled SUV toward Sherman Square and a fight with the Hounds of Humanity.

“Give ‘em hell, kid.” she said as Racheli vanished from sight.

~~|Half an Hour later|~~

After making a brief stop to change her outfit, Racheli edged into Sherman Square.

It occurred to her that Sparks’ direction was too vague. She had no idea where this group of ‘heroes’ were meeting exactly or how not to make her introduction anything but awkward. Most of all, Rach wasn’t even sure if she could manage working in a team. Pushing the negative aside, her eyes caught a blue and silver form flying overhead. Her eyes followed it to the tallest structure within the area.

Seeing him land on the street, she started to edge out from the building’s alley across the street. Racheli hesitated when she spotted others arrive shortly afterwards. Through she wasn’t a coward, she couldn’t be sure how they would react to a random and unestablished individual approaching the group. It didn’t help her insecurities were stirred by the growing numbers.

This was going to be a nightmare.

Rach’s steps gradually began to stop. Her arms crossed over her chest while she leaned against the wall, her ears tuned in to the conversation they were having. She watched the Alchemyst arrive, her metal already shifted and ready to protect herself from any potential attack. Upon learning she wanted to join, Racheli felt herself relax then resume her eavesdropping. Farther conversation was interrupted when another hero arrived on a bike wanting in.

“How many more are going to show up?” Racheli said under her breath, not pleased with the growing number.

Is it recommended to make a human or a fae? I didn't know this was an already existing and running rp when I first saw the new interest check. Are we humans trapped in the land of the fae?

When I joined, only humans were opened and preferred. Though the GM has final say on that and likely your cs will be under harsher review if you go with fae.

Last question: yep. Right now, you're the payment for a fae deal through any sort of means and placed into servitude. That's how I understood it.
Noah Griffin

Noah’s heart began to drop from its racing pace. Its influence spread to his lungs and nerves, reining them back under his control. The fear had been his companion throughout the journey. Clinging to him, he felt its weight upon his shoulders and claws in his back. It drove him deeper into the water’s depths. The levels rose to climb across his towering figure as it threatened to pull him down into its lethargical embrace. About waist deep in, the man’s attention caught the ballad sung across the water’s surface.

"Old were the mountains,

Great and tall!

Young were the trees,

Weak and small!

But the trees did grow,

The stone did last!

Till the night fell,

Till the wind blast!

Then shadow came,

And we did weep.

For our King!

He did sleep!

Woke he did!

Bumped his head!

But we were happy!

He weren't dead!"

Noah's eyes traveled to the source.

Through the pool's heat, a small bright orb darted into view. It skated across the water, barely unsettled its surface on its path toward him. Noah’s neck hairs stood upright upon watching the display. Instinctively, he retreated to the closest edge. At this rate, he was never going to get himself properly washed and should just cut his losses. He only heard the sprite skim across the water after she hit him. The sound was enough to cause him to pause midway out, lowering back down against his better judgment. His eyes looked over his right shoulder to spot the almost humanoid creature-now sitting on a lilypad- blink then clap at her discovery.

"Human! Human! A indentured human! You are new! You are different!"

What else would I be? Noah's mind sarcastically shot back. No words passed his lips since he was smarter than to sass what he couldn't understand. The desire to escape stilled as his back remained turned and hands rested on the edge. He was simply stopped by the question if such an action would provoke the resident of this world, not wanting farther trouble to haunt him.

Alright peeps, I've moved the scene into summer and began the intro. Feel free to ask any questions you might have. As a side note, Any posts that take place before the present should be stated as such and placed before the time skip into the present.

Location: God’s Realms
Time: 3 Days before the Solstice Festival

Duuri arms pulled taut behind her. Her body tilted dangerously over their small, floating island’s edge as she let the winds playfully bat her long red strands about. She closed her eyes to focus on the invisible force pushing at her while she tilted on the brink of falling into the endless skies. A smile curled itself across her childish face until a voice caused her eyelids to flutter open.

“Duuri, what are you doing?” Ren asked calmly.

His tanned skin shimmered in the daylight, his legs stepped down the ivory stairs onto the balcony and leaned against the railing. A plummet avoided by its clear barrier. One Duuri had stepped around to dangle off of.

“You know this is dangerous, right?”

Both voices were silent as she nodded. As if ignoring that factor, her small figure leaned farther out causing him to tense. Ren sighed before his hands jerked out to seize her arm causing her head to whipped back around to face him.

With a hard expression, he spoke again, “No, stop that..”

With a little coaxing, Ren pulled her back to the proper side of the railing then toward the table.

“I’m bored…” Duuir whined as she followed her older brother. Another hissed in equal displeasure with a venomous undertone, its words more mental than physical. Shit on my fun…

Ren ignored it, answering his younger sister.

“Something new has happened on the game table.”

“What do you mean?” Nothing has changed for eons! What could possibly be so interesting?

“Someone from Eania is extending their hand to the College, in a very usual way,” Ren’s pace gradually slowed upon the reaching the table replicate of Tiien.

His arm reached out to point to the small figure of a horse trotting across the vast landscape toward the College. Through the path looked small from their perspective, the rider still had three days before reaching his destination. Spotting the man, Duuri leaned onto the table’s edge. Her lips fell into a frown at the ‘piece’s ruthless pace. Causally she turned back to Ren with curiosity woven into her eyes.

“Ren, what’s in the letter?”
“An invitation that might change Eania’s people forever…” Was the High God’s sole answer.


Location: Shimmerstone, Eania’s capital
Time: Solstice Festival (Year 3- Spring Time, 5-6 months later)


Lyn’s chin rested on the edge of the carriage. Gradually the dull country gave away to civilization as white stone replaced dirt, the city of Shimmerstone finally came into view. Upon seeing the ‘famous’ capital, Lyn felt excitement edge into her heart. It glowed into a bright smile at the sight. It seemed almost surreal to be invited to the Summer Solstice Festive. It was Eania’s most well-known celebration to worship Billant, the goddess of light, sun, and warmth. These features naturally associated her with everything good within the kingdom of Eania.

Cautiously, the young woman edged part way out of the door sash. She let the slight, weak breeze caused by the moving horse to dart across her skin. It barely moved her hair from her eyes but she loved the sensation of moving. A smile crinkled across her otherwise dull expression. Even in the distance, she was awed by the towering walls standing against the clear skies so different to the twilight setting in the college. Just like the road, they too were built from the locate quarries which held the white stone local to these parts of Tiien. It looked beautiful to her.

After several moments, Lyn edged back into her seat. She recalled the briefing Khan delivered to them before their departure. At least those that volunteered to accept the city’s odd invitation to their yearly celebration causing her nervousness to return. They all were expected to be on their best behavior and not provoked the city laws beyond what this invitation had. Never before had students, regardless of their origins, were given a free pass into joining Shimmerstone’s celebration. Even those who are usually shunned had diplomatic immunity for the week of the event.

Of course, Ovak advised that the headmaster take full advantage of it. So among the population, several students were chosen to embark on the trip to Shimmerstone. It was a long trip over the weeks. Lyn admitted to losing track of time between the exchange from one mode of transport to another, but now she was focused on the present.

She turned to her companion in the seat. Henry, interesting enough, had been assigned to ride with her carriage making it only slightly less boring. In the background, the horse snorted and trotted through the uprisen gates into the city.

“So… ever been to Shimmerstone until now?”
@Fallenreaper My apologies for the descrepticy in information

Communication is important when you alter posting limits, especially for me because then I can adjust and get a post with plenty of time left. I had a DnD session tonight and intended to write some of Noah's post, but that was sort of killed when I noted I had literally 2 days left. I don't like writing in haste because I end up writing crap rather than my best and that's not fair to the rp or acceptable. So, please give me a bit more warning than a 2 day notice to post? I would really appreciate it.
@Fallenreaper It was stated in the first post of the ooc.

This is your post in the OoC explaining the extension for the posting limit.


Between there and now, there's not a single mention there's been a shift back to it until now. That's what has me a bit upset because I thought I had more time.
@Fallenreaper Eeyup.

Would've been nice to know before 2 days, but thanks for clearing that up.
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