Avatar of FernStone


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Done with uni forever, whoo
5 yrs ago
Constantly dead from uni and physical health shit
6 yrs ago
I've got the flu, so responses are gonna be slow
7 yrs ago
I actually have some time to roleplay, for once
1 like
7 yrs ago
Exams are happening.


Character Archive

Mid 20s. Been here a long time, generally only join friend's rps. Constantly tired. Masc nonbinary, preference for they pronouns but he are ok too!

Most Recent Posts

@Mr Allen J Haha foiled by my lack of male characters (and I don't really care about Geoff, which I should really change)
@Mr Allen J I get back from Canada (family holiday) then so im available for Collabs and shit / have time
@Mr Allen J oh no that won't come for a long time (unless starting uni kills me)
Feel free to murder / kidnap my characters from tuesday onwards :P even if it's a bit of a gay push of the plot
@Mr Allen Jgood thing im constantly working on new ones! Haha!

Yes, everyone loves the RAVENs... Yeah...
Yay for conflict! How many shit deaths will there be?
@Mr Allen JOh that wonderful day will arrive soon, and it will increase the quality of this rp massively
I need to catch up with the IC at some point xD
<Snipped quote by FernStone>

No one cares.

I know but im still gonna say it every time xP
Im working on a completely unrelated post for when I get home :P

...and another 18+ day collab with Tsu
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