Avatar of FernStone


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Done with uni forever, whoo
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Constantly dead from uni and physical health shit
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I've got the flu, so responses are gonna be slow
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I actually have some time to roleplay, for once
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Exams are happening.


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Mid 20s. Been here a long time, generally only join friend's rps. Constantly tired. Masc nonbinary, preference for they pronouns but he are ok too!

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I'll try post over the weekend! I'm p busy with university already but will try get something done
Posted - bit shit cause uni started and all my motivation is gone, but itll do

St Mercer Hospital

“It’s okay, I didn’t think you were prying,” Tuyen shrugged. Though it was a bit of a lie, it was easy to make. She would have been a bit more annoying if Rita’s abstraction had worked on her. But overall she couldn’t judge the other girl for it – after all they had to make the most of what they had. And she didn’t exactly have an abstraction that she would call good in any sense of the word.

And anyway, that wasn’t the important thing just now. That was getting out. Not that Tuyen had many idea for that – and that didn’t help push down the constant, slight panic she felt. It put her on edge but now that she wasn’t having a full on attack she was more than able to pretend to be fine.

“Yes, he also woke me up,” Tuyen nodded. “I had some strange dreams too… but I agree. We should get moving. Maybe some of the others are here.”

It was pretty easy to find a door out of the ward, and Tuyen carefully made her way over to it. She peered out to find an empty corridor. Eerily empty, in a way. Weren’t hospitals normally bustling with activity?

“There’s nothing bad out there… but there’s also no one around at all.”

St Mercer Hospital
@Atrophy@Ruler Inc

Caelea managed to stop herself from hitting the wall with another, slightly lighter blast of air. It seemed she could control how hard she controlled the air if she concentrated but not much. She really should’ve tried to figure out her abstraction sooner.

And she had barely even scratched the woman. Fuck. She guessed that she was possessed, it was all too similar of an orange glow to what had happened with Scott Reese. Seemed that made her stronger too. This was not going to be easy with just the three of them here. She honestly hoped more people were around and would turn up soon.

She tried to jump to Justin’s help as he fell down, restrained, but the Nurse cut her off while shouting out a bunch of shit.

“I’m glad you found purpose in your life, but can that be to not fucking kill me?” Caelea dodged away from the pipe, using air to make sure she completely avoided it. “That’s just a bit inconvenient, you know.”

She pushed out with her hand, blasting at the woman’s in the hope that she could knock the pipe away. At the same time she kicked at the Nurse’s stomach and shot another powerful blast of air at her.

I've managed to not fuck up the various RPs of yours I've been in yet... Well, not much that is
Not going to get a chance to post until tomorrow, but should manage it then! Just may be a bit short
I'm gonna try post tomorrow or Sunday for Tuyen and Caelea again

And maybe Min finally...
@Atrophy oh it's ok so did I until I was rereading her ability in the middle of the post... it's fairly forgettable in the grand scheme of the ability

St Mercer Hospital

“What do you mean your power is sentient?”

As Rita asked the question the sigil on her arm glowed clearly for Tuyen to see. She was using her abstraction, but Tuyen didn’t feel compelled to do anything.

The question didn’t have the intended effect that Rita wanted it to. Instead, as soon as she began to ask the question her mind was filled with horrendous screams. These quickly subsided after the question was finished.

“It has a mind of its own, but it’s not that important,” Tuyen shrugged, merely giving the definition of sentience. After all she wasn’t being forced to say anymore – and that was all the information she wanted to give on the topic. On the other hand, she very quickly put together two and two for Rita’s abstraction. What with the sigil glowing as the question was asked. “You can make people answer your questions can’t you?”

Her expression held no judgment. Sure, that abstraction could be used to get some fairly personal information out of people. But at this point that didn’t really matter. Some people had abstractions that would let them do much worse things.

“That’ll make it easier to find out how long we were out if we find someone, right?”

She gave a slight smile. There was one thing she wasn’t quite sure about – why Rita’s abstraction hadn’t worked on her. She had a feeling her shadow had something to do with it, but that was something she’d worry about later.

St Mercer Hospital
@Atrophy@Ruler Inc

Caelea reached the source of the scream in time to see Justin roll away from a woman with scissors and another man charge at Penny. Fuck.

She’d barely used her abstraction, from what she did know was that it had absolutely no range. From where she was she wouldn’t be able to hit either of the two attackers. But by the time she ran over she’d be no help – she’d have to run right into the face of one of them.

Fuck it. She had gymnastics training, this probably wouldn’t kill her.

Caelea blasted air into the ground, launching herself up into the air. She flipped over as she projected herself towards the nurse. As she reached the women, she shot air out of her hands directly into the nurse’s body. It was more than powerful enough to do a fair amount of damage or knock her over.

It just had the unfortunate and unforeseen circumstance of shooting Cael back too, right towards a wall.
I'm working on a post, and bless the search feature because I remember asking about Tuyen's abstraction in regards to Rita but did not want to have to search through the entire OOC...

Should have something up today for at least Tuyen and probably Caelea, since I'll be fairly busy the rest of the week

Edit: why tf did I give Cael's ability a range of a foot...
<Snipped quote by FernStone>


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