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2 mos ago
Current Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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7 mos ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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8 mos ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
10 mos ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app
1 yr ago
Happy birthday John Constantine 🎉😅


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

Most Recent Posts

"Kay you need to get up and get in the bathroom. You can't stay in bed all day." Fee scolded her in her head, knowing that now she was able to have a comfortable place to sleep, she really would remain there if no one made her get up. "Fee shut up...I'll get up when I'm ready to" Kay replied back, annoyed that she was being nagged. Yet when she turned over she did get a wiff of herself and crumpled up her nose in disgust. "okay, you win, I'm getting up" she sighed, sitting up and pulling herself out of bed, seeing that she had new belongings that Serena had bought now in her room. Smiling softly, she leaned down and grabbed the towel and other bathroom supplies, bundling them up inthe towel and walking to the bathroom, where she turned the shower on, waited a moment for the water to heat up as she got undressed and eventually stepped inside.

Her wounds from the day before had healed up, but she only took note of how good the hot water felt as it ran all down her, as she got washed. Like Serena, who was humming to herself in the kitchen, Kay started singing to herself in the shower, unaware if she could be heard or not. She had no idea who was up or around but she quite frankly didn't care.
Kay kissed John back before he spoke and she got up off the couch. She was just thankful that he wasn't giving her all the pity over everything or seeming to be humouring her for the sake of it. "remember to get some rest, see you in the morning" she replied to him, before exiting the room and heading to the spare room that Chas showed her to, bringing her bag whilst she was at it. It was only when she got to the room and sat down on the bed that she truly realised how drained she felt, dropping her bag on the floor by her bed, she climbed I to bed still dressed, pulled the duvet right over her and closed her eyes. "please don't let me have more nightmares..." she wished to herself in a whisper before yawning and drifting off to sleep.

Luckily for her, all night she didn't have any more nightmares but it wasn't considered a calm sleep either which was pretty normal for her. She woke in the morning, and rubbed her face with her hands, refusing to be awake in this very moment and yanking the duvet right over head with a grumble at being awake. She wasn't particularly a happy morning person but knew she'd have to get up soon if she wanted to check in on Serena. For now though, she was going to be stubborn and refuse to move as she comfor
Kay could understand where he was coming from, she didn't handle that kind of monster well either and as she grew up to move on from what she went through as a kid, she had less patience for people remotely an asshole and worse. She spent years from the moment she was old enough reclaiming herself and her body, which consisted of many one night stands, mostly drunken ones in bars during her studying years. Not her proudest moments but for her it was the only rational option. It also made her a lot more defensive over those who were incredibly homophobic toward her best friend/sister Sam.

"I guess I should head to bed" she replied after giving his next question some thought. "dunno if I'll get any sleep but I'll try" she added with a small smile. "and John? I really did know what I was doing when I kissed you and no I don't regret it" she felt she had to say.
Kay looked up when John returned looking like whatever went on or was spoken about made him angry. She got the feeling he was lying to her about what was actually said on the phone, but she wasn't going to push it. Though she couldn't help but ponder if what she told him had something to do with his mood. At the question about Serena, she didn't know the best straight answer. She had known her for a mere twenty minutes longer than she knew John and Chas, but it was something she wondered herself. "I guess it would help in some way if we knew more. But I don't want to push her too much to tell us anything. I may be open to you about my past but that doesn't mean she could be as well." she replied to him.

"and..if this clear anger has anything to do with what I told you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to inflict anger by being open about things. I just knew it'd be pointless keeping it from you after you got a taster of what my nightmares do to me." she told him.
Chas was not expecting the answer he got. Was he seriously insinuating that Kay was a victim of this doctor when she was a kid?! He actually found himself pausing what he was doing at his own home before managing to collect his thoughts and feel he could actually reply to his mate on the other end of his phone. "I'll see what I can do, see if I can pull some strings to get access to Kay's old records or something. But I can't guarantee anything" he replied, as he turned round to give his wife the signal for 'one minute, won't be long'.

"for now John, just try and remain calm and if Kay gets more nightmares just get her out of them. She's a survivor, remind her of that." he added, "look, I gotta go but I'll see which of our contacts can help in the morning. It's seriously late and I do still have a cab driving job as well" he told him. "I'll see you tomorrow" he finished, letting John say his but if there was anything before hanging up on the phone.

Kay, still in the house couldn't help but wonder what was taking John so long, and she could have sworn she heard him thud something but decided it wasn't her place to say anything when he gets back. So instead she pulled up her legs so her knees were righ lt under her chin, arms tightly holding her legs in place, just as she was when they first found her in the alleyway and waited for him to come back into the room.

If Kay had known what he really wanted to call Chas about, she probably would have stopped him, but she just accepted his comment even though it did seem a bit strange to her for some reason. She just let him get up and leave the room, staring at her photograph once more before putting it back into her bag where she decided it would remain.

Chas was about to get some sleep but when John's name came up on his phone as the caller I'd, he thought something bad had happened, quickly picking up. "what's wrong?" he asked before John went into a spiel about a doctor who was an accused child rapist. "woah woah woah.. What now? Why have we got to find this person and without a name of said therapist or hospital, there isn't much we can do. Didn't think that sort of thing was your area anyway" he replied, genuinely confused about why his mate was asking him of such things. Even if the topic did make him sick to his stomach that there was someone out there abusing their rank.
Kay did indeed feel his anger growing at her words, and she honestly didn't expect any other reaction from him. For some reason, to her he didn't come across as the type to just throw around words of sympathy like anyone else would and she was actually thankful for that as most of the time they were empty platitudes. "Not got a clue, he was when I got out of there but if he is now? Not got a clue" she replied to his first question, as she let him look at the photo, seeing just uncanny the likeness of mother and daughter were. At his next question, she shook her head, "no, he knew I was his. He was just reminded of mum every time he looked at me. He couldn't handle it or I guess the thought of bringing up a kid on his own" she told him.

"mum and dad were so close and probably one of the most loyal couples you'd ever meet. Or would have met should I say. Their love was so intense and strong, to the point that I'd say if I believed in soul mates, I'd say they were it. I'd never met any couple that were so in love with each other, as they were. There's no way mum would have cheated on him" she replied.
She tilted her head into his touch again as he held her cheek, briefly closing her eyes to take in the feel of someone touching her in such a manner, and opened her eyes again as he asked his question. She knew if he was going to ask anything, it would be that, especially as it was now clear to her that she was crying out loud about her father in her nightmares. It wasn't unusual for her to do so, so it came as no surprised John would have heard it as well. "He wasn't always a bastard, when my mum was around he was a great dad. But when she died, he changed. Grief took over him and he became violent toward me. Told me constantly that he wished I wasn't around, that I wasn't his. That it was my fault his grief wouldn't let go of him because I looked so much like her. He'd lose his temper regularly and hit me, would leave me alone for days on end to fend for myself, then one day he just got up and walked out. His last words to me were "I can't live in a house where the kid looks like the only woman and person I could ever love" and that was it. Never saw him again. I was in the house alone for a week until my best mate Sam found out and told her parents, who as I mentioned before, adopted me" she explained.

She then leaned down to her new bag and pulled out the photograph of when she was only seven years old with her mother to show just how much she looked like her. The likeness from her hair to her face shape and skin tone was uncanny. The only difference between them was the fact her mother's eyes were more bright turquoise compared Kay's grey blue eyes. She handed him the photo, before going on, "it's said I got my eyes from him more as his were grey than blue, but otherwise, he wasn't wrong about me looking like her." she said. "But that wasn't anywhere near the worst of what I endured growing up" she added, "When I had to do therapy because my adoptive parents were worried for my mental state, my therapist...well...let's just say he abused his power of being the adult and seeing children one on one...if ya catch my drift" She trailed off, still finding even now that she couldn't just say easily 'he abused me and other children'.
Kay was ready to leave, and even began to push herself off the couch when John grabbed her and stopped her from leaving. She listened to what he was saying, nodding. She did honestly think for a split second she messed up by kissing him but now she felt like she didn't and now understood why he stopped her. She still for some reason wasn't expecting him to kiss her again, and got surprised but gladly returned the kiss, her eyes closing once again and placing her hands once again on him. She didn't want the moment to end, but she knew if she didn't stop, she wouldn't be able to catch a breath, making her reluctantly and only partially pull away. "that give you your answer for if I know what I'm doing?" she asked, managing a small smirk. "my choice of moment could have been better though. I do admit that" she added.

"and if there's...anything you wanna know, you just have to ask" she said, knowing that after he saw how haunted by her nightmares were, she couldn't exactly keep her history properly hidden anymore.
Kay knew deep down that she was making very little sense probably, she was rambling so many thoughts at once and to others it wouldn't seem like they fit together when in a way, they really did. So she couldn't blame John for not understanding what she was going on about, especially the vague bit she threw in there. When he pulled away and asked if she was okay, she was concinced she blew it, so she sat upright and refused to look at him. "I.. I'm sorry" she mumbled, wishing there was a way she could just run away. "just.. Just forget about it. I shouldn't have done that" she continued to say. Inside her mind she was cursing herself for thinking she could just kiss him, thinking that figuring out why she was drawn to him would bring answers through kissing him.

She sighed and ran her hands through her hair, feeling all the more the screw-up, but before she could stop herself from talking anymore she spoke up again, "I just, I feel drawn to you John and I can't put my finger on it. It's like this damn pull I can't ignore. I've never been the type to be like this with people. I was usually the one night stand type of chick with no care in the world. But the longer I'm around you, it feels different. Like this is where I'm meant to be" as she finished talking, she closed her eyes in annoyance at how damn cheesy it sounded, but she couldn't think of any other way to explain it. If she believed in such things like soul mates or the like, she would have thought it was the damn universe trying to tell her she was destined to be beside this guy, but she didn't believe. Or even think it was possible for her. In her eyes, who could ever love someone as screwed up as herself? Especially when it turns out she's not even fully human.

"maybe I should just leave you alone..." she mumbled.
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