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3 mos ago
Current Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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7 mos ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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9 mos ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
10 mos ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app
1 yr ago
Happy birthday John Constantine 🎉😅


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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The moment John sighed and pulled her to sit down, she suddenly realised that her jokey comment may not be that far from the truth after all. She didn't like where it could be going as everyone seemed to remain very straight and serious faced. She listened to John talk, looking him in the eyes the whole time, confusion and concern in her eyes right up until he dropped the bombshell at the end of his information. She went wide eyed, stunned into silence for what felt like an eternity but was actually only a few seconds. She looked up at Chas who simply nodded to let her know that what John was saying, was indeed true.

Looking back at John, her mouth moved as she tried to find the words to speak, but it felt like no words could be found for a moment, "w-what?" she asked, looking down at the note in her hand and read it, trying to let the wording sink in until she looked back at John. "I..." she stammered still trying to find words and suddenly Trish's questions in the kitchen was making sense to why she would ask such a thing. "w-we get a kid?" she was asking more to try and compute everything for herself.

Josh felt bad for needing to speak up but he knew he had to, "that's not all... Serena has more news" he said, even though the bombshell of two of their group getting a child was a surprise to him also as he and Serena weren't in the room when John and Chas discovered this news.
Kay sighed at Trish's words, wondering yet again how such mature words could come out one so young. "we'll see, if it's meant to be its meant to be.." she told her before putting on a soft smile, "come on, let's go back in the living room before my coffee gets cold" she joked, taking Trish's breakfast for her and walked into the living room as the others just stopped talking.

She looked at all their faces and knew something had already stirred up when they'd all barely been awake, "what's happened now?" she asked, letting Trish go to sit down with her breakfast as she walked to stand by John. "you look like it's gonna be the end of days or something" she commented, making a joke without knowing what was about to be said.
Kay went to the fridge and pulled out the milk before grabbing a glass from the cupboard and bringing it down, then poured her some milk and put it down in front of her. "there ya go" she commented, as she took in the rest of what Trish said whilst she put the milk away. "maybe..." she replied simply, still mentally taken a little back by the whole conversation being had, especially with a kid. Could she really be that kind of person to bring a kid into this world? To her it felt almost cruel to put a child of hers through the risks of being caught or killed, it was certainly a complicated situation to think about.

Josh helped Serena over and sat her down on the solo chair, "she'll be alright but we gotta talk. All of us" he told John, ending his comment in such a manner to show that Kay needed to be in the room as well when they discuss what just happened with Serena upstairs.
Kay smiled at Trish's reply, as the young girl pointed out what was probably most obvious to everyone but Kay herself. "I guess others see more in me than I do." she replied as she served up the girl's breakfast and slid toward her. "You want any juice or anything?" she asked, temporarily changing the subject.

Josh helped her out the room and downstairs as he nodded at her words, "lets get talking with John and Chas and the others and go fromt here. I guess it's our best bet right now" he said back to her, knowing that as worrying as the possible situation could be for them, there was no point in getting too over worried yet as they didn't actually know what was about to go down for them at all. For all they knew they could find themselves in a situation that wouldn't even occur.
Sam listened as his brother lied to his face, but he wasn't going to call him out on the lie. At least not yet anyway as he was certain it wouldn't take long before Lexi showed her face. He kept up his poker face and simply nodded at his brother's excuse. The only side of the lie he felt he could believe was the last part, putting it down to it possibly doing with the memories of Mika in the room. He knew Dean must have had those nights on and off, just as he had seen the odd days when seeing something mundane in the bunker would set him off and shut people out.

When Lexi came into the room and greeted him, before giving him a rather standard typical response, he smiled and nodded as he grabbed his coffee mug. He was about to reply when Dean choked on his coffee and then finally partially stammered out a reply to her. "What he said. The bunker may be old but we at least managed to get pretty comfortable mattresses in here" Sam replied to her as she stole a glance at Dean before looking back at him again. "yeah, I slept fine, I'm a tough old girl" she smiled back to Dean.

Lexi then took the mug from Dean's hand, purposely letting her fingertips catch a touch of his as she did so. "Yeah sure, I don't mind giving a hand with the supply run and from what I saw in your fridge and cupboards last night? Yeah, you definitely need food" she smirked with a soft chuckle. Sam sniggered as he couldn't deny that their food supply had gotten low lately and if Lexi was going to be staying with them for a few days at least, then he knew they'd need more food in. He also hoped that with two of them going out, they'd be able to buy more food than they would when it was just one of them picking stuff up.

"I was gonna head out myself, I need to pick up some stuff for my laptop, it's fritzing out a little" Sam then said, breaking up the not so subtle glances that Lexi and Dean were shooting each other. He didn't really have anything wrong with his laptop, but he did want to pick up some updated security software for it so he figured he would hea dout with them but then separate off to do what he needed then meet back up with them.

"then I guess we're all heading out today for a bit" Lexi said to the boys, sipping her coffee and sighing with content as the hot liquid ran down her throat and woke her up more. "If you guys need a third set of hands I can help with the supply run as well?" Sam offered.
Kay smiled at what Trish wanted and nodded, putting together what she had for Trish. However when Trish asked the question she did, she almost choked on her own breath, having not expected such a question out of such a young girl. "I uhh...never really thought about it to be honest. I've never really seen me as the mother kind" she told Trish honestly, she truly did not see herself as the mother type in the slightest. She saw herself as many things, flawed, full of trauma, not fully human but never ever as the mother type.

Josh helped her up onto her feet and kept a hold of her, "don't apologise Serena, this isn't your fault. But yeah, I'm worried too" he replied to her, really hoping it wouldn't come to what they were thinking. He really didn't fancy seeing Kay lose all control of her phoenix half.

"yeah no kidding" Chas replied in agreement, "i just hope it's nothing serious or major coming our way" he said.

When Cason's voice rang through her quiet room, Natalia jumped having not expected anyone to have barged their way into her room when she wasn't in it and without her permission. "Son of a bitch!" she cursed, placing her hand on her chest as she forced herself to gather herself from Cason's actions. Once she had gathered her sanity and breath she gave him a glare and then proceeded to roll his eyes when he acted like he hadn't done anything invasive and be smug about it with the addition of the whiskey.

"Seriously!? Dude, you can't just waltz into a woman's room without her permission or knowledge! Major creep vibes" she told him, whilst under her breath muttered 'why me?' and feeling annoyed that out of all them, it was her that had to deal with him as a room mate. She knew deep down it was possible as she was really the only one who wasn't already bunking up with someone and hated him the least, but still highly disliked him. "And of course you overheard everything" she said rolling her eyes once again, deciding that he was incredibly lucky she didn't just grab for her handgun and shoot him on principle like Esme did previously.

"What troubles you got to drink away anyway? You probably not got a clue what real troubles are" she asked him, her tone of annoyance still evident, but it wasn't as vicious as it was to begin with. She grabbed some clothes out her bag, pulling out her black jeans, washed out black vest and her cropped hooded leather jacket. If she was going to be having to do a hunt at a halloween party, then she was going to try and blend in a little abit so she didn't scream 'hunter' to their suspects. Shrugging off her blazer from the FBI getup, she laid it out on the bed as despite all her complaining about feeling disgusting in said suit, she still took care of it instead of scrunching it up into her bag.

She was also desperate for some of the whiskey that Cason had on the table but she promised Dean she'd remain professional with a simple nod and not get drunk whilst they still had a threat on their hands. Despite her grievences with Cason being in the room, she still pulled off her work button up shirt but kept her back to him which would reveal the one large scar that went diagonally from her right shoulder blade to the left side of her waist. Whilst another that wasn't as long but just promiment going in the same direction just above it. Unlike Mika, Natalia never tried to have them covered up, they were markings from her time in the asylum and the torture she went through, her reminder for why she hated demons so much.

Yet they were also a reminder of how she met her brothers, how they saved her from said place even if it include Azazel's interferring at the time. She grabbed her vest, pulling it over her head and down her body then continued to turn and sit on the edge of one of the beds where she unzipped and unbuttoned the suit trousers, pulling them down her legs so she could change into her black jeans. Pulling herself into her jeans, she pulled on her cropped hooded jacket and turned straight to her makeup where she wasted no time in grabbing her eyeliner and making it heavier and slightly more smudgy.


Mika couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly when Dean reminded Nat that this wasn't some frat party for her to get drunk at and mess around on. Those two may not always see eye to eye but it was clear that for someone who never wanted a sister, Dean sure did show some kind of protectiveness over the woman when it was warranted. Anna messing around with Nat also made her smile as it seemed so normal for their group in a day of stresses and anxiety.

With Nat now out the room and them all showing some level of disgust at the news Sam gave them about the bones being infant bones, Mika found herself all the more determined to succeed in stopping this seal from breaking whilst Sam gave his nod to Anna to meeting him in their room before smiling at her PDA action then leaving the room.

He looked at his brother and just gave a casual shrug wordlessly. "I guess I'll see you guys outside. Mika dont let him burst a blood vessel in his stress for this hunt" he said with a smug and teasing smirk, one that always made Mika snigger a bit. "I could make burst a blood vessel from many things, but that is not one of them" She teased back making Sam grimmace and head to the door. "you two are too alike" he pretended to complain and then left the room, heading to his and Anna's room.

With now everyone out of the room, Mika went to her own bag and pulled out some more appropriate clothing for hunting, or at least, what she considered appropriate clothing. Her usual faux leather jeggings and vest combo which always brought her that sense of empowerment and confidence that she very rarely had deep down. "What do you think our chances are? Realistically that is" she asked Dean, as she changed into her comfortable clothing and into her combat boots.

Sam made it into his room with Annabeth and instantly went to his own bag to change. "If you and Nat need help, please hollah for me straight away" he told Anna, knowing that he was practically repeating himself from moments ago, but he was concerned about the girls being with Cason.
Kay smiled and got up, pausing her own breakfast so she could see to Trish. "come on then. What you fancy this morning? Cereal, toast, something hot?" she asked the kid, little did she know that her ease of seeing to the kid of the growing group was going to be good practice for raising her own child in the future.

Josh listened and he didn't like the answers he was getting. They all saw how stubborn to a certain extent how Kay reacts when John gets hurt or puts himself in a dangerous situation, so the last thing they needed was for Kay to go nuts and become the villain of their story. "not good.. Maybe we should talk with John about this" he suggested, not knowing what else to possibly say.

Chas cursed under his breath when John said what he did, "well that bodes well...not."he complained quietly when Kay took Trish out the room. "we should be safe in here though right? So if no one leaves the house we're good?" he said with a bit of dubious hope.
Kay looked up when she saw Trish coming downstairs and smiled, "morning kiddo. I don't know, not seen him yet" she told her after finishing a mouthful of food. "want me to grab you some breakfast?" she asked her.

Chas and Kay then looked up when they heard the thud as well, neither knowing if they should be concerned or amused. A thud could in their eyes could mean a number of things when they both Kew Josh was with her. "I'm sure she's alright, Josh is no doubt still with her" Chas spoke up, deciding that if there was a problem, one or both of them would call down for some aid.

Josh quickly grabbed a hold of Serena, but he wasn't quick enough to stop her from hitting the floorboards on her knees. He knelt down with her and lifted her head by her chin, checking her over protectively. "how can he still be in danger? I thought that crisis was averted?" he questioned. "and I really don't like the whole 'world wrapped in flame' bit. I really hope its not a hint of Kay going nuclear or something" he commented.
Chas gave a nod and shrug, "you got a point there....it's not exactly the most normal conversation to have after breakfast" he replied, "I'm sure you'll figure it out somehow" he added.

Kay managed to get herself some breakfast from what Chas was preparing and poured herself some of the coffee that had been brewing. She was completely oblivious to the conversation the men were having in the other room and blissfully so. She hummed to herself as she got what she wanted then walked to the living room again and sat down on the solo chair to eat.

Josh smiled as he listened to her but the smile quickly faded and turned into an expression of concern when he saw her sway on her feet. "what's wrong?" he asked worried, going to her side and helping to keep her upright.
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