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Current Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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9 mos ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
10 mos ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app
1 yr ago
Happy birthday John Constantine 🎉😅


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

Most Recent Posts

Kay, Fia and Chas all let Serena do what she could to track Bane. Kay looked at John as he commented about enjoying magic he hadn't seen or used before being used by someone else. Kay let him wrap an arm round her waist, stepping close to him. The others made a mental note of the fact Bane was by the docks, Kay even forgetting this area had docks as she usually stayed clear of them for fear of being found by people she didn't want to be found by.

"Okay, let's go" Fia commented when Serena pinned down Bane's location precisely. She was nervous about what they were about to find when they got there, but that wasn't going to stop her from helping. In hers and Drake's time, they never got to help because it happened when they weren't nearby, now they had a chance to give that extra aid. She just hoped they wouldn't be too late or fail.
When Fia had mentioned about using a tracking spell, she had momentarily forgot that Serena was capable of tracking Bane through their bond. She watched Serena got a link forged to finding Bane, as did the others and when it was forged, she looked on as the shadows came to Serena's aid.

Kay noticed how John was smirking at the shadows coming to Serena's aid and she really hoped that this wouldn't be the start of John losing control and going rogue in this rescue mission, but she was also aware that there was still a lot she was yet to learn about John. It just unnerved her slightly, but she wouldn't let it show to everyone in the group. "We're ready when you are to go Serena" she told her.
Kay, Fia and Chas all stood firmly on this situation. Like the others there was no way they were going to let Bane be in danger or pet Serena go in alone, especially as only Chas and John knew who Papa Midnite the most and what he was capable of. "What the others say, there's no way we're gonna let you go alone Serena. Bane is one of us and if one of us goes to save him, we all do" Kay explained, with Fia and Chas firmly nodding in agreement.

Fia then looked at John, "lead the way dad, even if it means we do a tracking spell" she suggested, trusting her father wholeheartedly.
Josh smiled and nodded at Serena, holding her to her promise as he knew he'd be a nervous wreck having them all go off to do this rescue mission. Yet being nervous and staying back with Trish was far safer and more logical than him going along and leaving his baby sister alone in a house full of magical artefacts that they didn't know what most of them did.

"I don't like it either John but what choice do we have? All we can do is get to the area and have a couple of us do recon before we go on guns blazing so go speak to retrieve Bane." Chas said to John back, he didn't see any other option. He also didn't think there were anyone else but Fia, Drake and possibly Kay able to do recon from a good distance incognito and get back to them.

Fia sighed and have a discreet nod back to Drake, "I know, I don't like the change of plan that is happening but we can't do much about it right now. Lol we can do is hope with us all there we can set things onto a new path l, changing our timeline for the better" she said quietly back to him.
The moment Trish said she was doing the right thing by staying behind, Josh nodded, "I'll be staying with you. I can't leave you here alone" he told his sister, knowing there wasn't much he could do when they confront people with mage abilities anyway. With the others all finished preparing, he gave Serena a tight hug, "come back safe" he said to her, kissing her temple before letting go.

Fia and Kay nodded and began heading out with the group to outside the mill House. This whole plan of just storming in to get Bane felt far too risky to Kay, hells, it barely felt like a plan to her but she had to do what she could to help Bane and get him back to Serena. If they could help Bane, they help Serena and hopefully put a stop, or at least a pause in this big plan to corrupt them both.
Fia didn't like the idea of her mother going as well, in her eyes it was far too risky to practically bring her to the people who are wanting her. "I don't like that idea at all" she stated, but that was all she said on the matter. "Bane is in trouble, I wanna help but not be stuck in here worrying about you lot" Kay said, putting her hand on FIA's shoulder in an attempt to reassure her.

Chas knew 'needing the big guns' could mean only one thing, the stuff not even John enjoyed using but always kept for moments just like this. He grabbed a bag and put everything in it, "anyone who thinks they can be of use in this fight in some way should come along, it's risky yes but right now we got no other choice and Midnite has started war by taking Bane, if it is Bane" Chas told everyone around him.
Chas nodded in agreement and began walking round the place gathering whatever he could that he knew about, and left the things he didn't know what they were to John. He couldn't help but feel guilty deep inside for letting Bane go it alone, cursing himself for not stopping him and making him stay with them.

Fia looked at Drake back with the same worry but they both knew how damn stubborn their families were when it came to deciding on something and not changing their minds. "I'll go with them. She then looked at the group, "I'm going too. You're going to need the fire power you can get and if you're gonna risk anyone, risk me. I don't exist in this time yet, it don't matter what happens to me, but it matters greatly if something happens to Serena and mum" she explained defiantly.

"Fia we can't let you go, you're a kid" Kay said, making Fia look at her, "and I'm capable of so much more than you know, in this time or mine. I'm going and I'm not taking a no for an answer" she replied back. "Drake, you can either come with or stay here with mum" she suggested.
With Serena doubling over in pain, Fia, Kay and Josh knew it couldn't be good. Fia had this horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach that what happened in her and Drake's time was now happening in this time, earlier than it should be, and everything they've secretly tried to do before making themselves known to their family was all for nought.

"You have to go get him" Kay said, she didn't like that she was saying those words, she didn't like that Bane was in trouble, but there was no other choice. If they didn't get Bane back then he'll would break loose on Earth and they'd be in even more trouble than they were already. "Mum...if they go..." Fia tried to say, but even she knew it was the only option they had. "Kay's right, Bane needs to be brought back here to safety" Josh spoke up.
"and you won't be a weak link Drake." Fia replied to Drake. She hates seeing him like this and was wondering if it'd be safer if Drake stayed behind if the others ended up going out to find Bane.

Chas nodded, understanding John's logic for having this chat in another room and away from the kids as well as Kay and Josh. He followed Serena into the main room when he quickly went to her side when she doubled over. Josh also rapidly rushed forward to Serena, "Serena!" He exclaimed out of worry, grabbing ahold of her so she didn't hurt herself when she fell forward. "What's wrong?" He asked her.
Kay still found it a bit strange being called an aunt, even if biologically she wasn't his aunt, it was clear that was how their family saw her. "Serena definitely does have that" she replied, noticing Fia smile sheepishly at it. "When the others get out of the kitchen area I'll go get you a drink okay?" Fia told Drake, a well versed strategy she took with him all the time.

Chas sighed as he thought about they said. They were right, leaving Kay at home was just as risky, even if they did have her in a house that was fully warded to the highest level. "We definitely need to plan this thoroughly. I can only think we find out from the kids if we can, which way was done in their time. If Kay was left at home on her own, we take her with us, if she came with us, then we leave her at home with as much protection you can muster, even possibly with Josh" he suggested. He didn't even know if this was the plan they did in the kid's time, and was just going on assumptions to try and think up some kind start of a solid plan.
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