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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
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Happy birthday John Constantine πŸŽ‰πŸ˜…


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Sam continued to smile when Anya smiled back at him. "this is a good start" he thought to himself, but did notice out the corner of his eyes how Dean was smirking at the sight before him.

Lexi nodded, glad that Dean was in agreement with her even if Sam wasn't at first. It just seemed the most logical thing to do and she also had a habit of the moment a job dropped in her lap, she had to focus on it straight away. So when Sam wanted to give Anya a break first, she felt a bit surprised, especially as they usually were on the same wave length on the odd times they've worked together before she met Dean.

Both her and Sam looked at Anya when she shook her head and atepped up to the table. Lexi felt she understood Anya without her even needing to attempt to communicate with words. She looked down at the paper that Anya unfolded with one hand and pushed toward them after turning it over to the other side. She couldn't help herself by pulling it closer to her and looking at the information written on it.

"This really isn't your first rodeo...this is a great start. Thank you" she said to her before signing 'thank you' to her as she said it. Another bit of ASL she always remembered, even if she didn't know much else. Which she decided, if Anya was going to stick around she definitely wanted to change that. She felt like she just wanted Anya to feel like she was an equal despite not being a hunter and they were willing to try and communicate with her in any way possible.

Sam found it endearing that Lexi knew what thank you was in ASL, a tidbit of information he never knew about her. Another reason in his eyes for Dean to keep Lexi around. So much so he glanced at Dean with a 'shes a keeper' smile on his face.

Lexi was oblivious to the signal Sam gave his brother as she was reading the information that was on the paper, whilst Sam then looked back down at Anya and smiled again. "Let's get you a room" he said, escorting her casually to where all the spare rooms were, letting her know where the bathrooms were and such as they walked.

"He's being so good with her" Lexi commented when Sam was out of earshot, looking up at Dean. "She also seems like a real firecracker" she chuckled softly, lifting her coffee cup to her lips and sipping it, before lowering it again onto the table.

She knew she had overstepped yet again with her words about Mika, but she was still so tired of Dean assuming things about her because he wasn't trusting in anyone other than Sam and Mika. Out of the two brothers, she always felt like she wasn't good enough in Dean's eyes and in the early days she even wondered about just leaving them all together but Sam always managed to keep her staying. She didn't WANT to fight with Dean every damn day, but she felt like her temper had been squashed down for so long, she didn't know how to control it when Dean said something that she perceived as being out of line.

Dean holding Mika back was probably a good call as she could have easily slapped the woman for sticking her nose in and she knew if she did, she would have instantly regretted it and no doubt got a lot more from Dean than just words thrown at him. She flinched slightly when Dean yelled at her to just stop as Sam jumped in to be that calming source for everyone. Seeing her brother visibly hurting was starting to break through her anger to rid her of the emotion, but then Cason also jumped in and wrapped his arms round her, making her flinch initially yet again.

Hearing him agree with Sam made her take a few deep slow breaths to try and calm down, as well as reminding her she didn't need to fight her way out of every confrontation. It wasn't the asylum anymore, she had family, a home of sorts at Bobby's and in her car and in her family. Part of her wanted to shrug out of his grip and it felt like he must have sensed it as his grip tightened around her waist as he agreed Dean was an idiot but this wasn't the time for a busy up with him.

She stared forward at Dean as she forced herself to calm down and eventually she nodded and gave into Cason and Sam's pleas to calm down. She even dropped the clenched fist she didn't even realise she was holding. "....fine" she replied as Cason let go of her. "But if he so much as accuses me of sleeping with you out of some kind rebellion again, I'm having him" she told Cason, looking at him in the eyes, the hurt in her eyes being evident.


Mika could see just how wired yet again Nat was and it was honestly starting to truly concern her just how easily Nat was losing her temper all of a sudden. It had been months since she last saw her this bad, and even then the anger was directed at demons they tried to use to get Dean home. This was on a whole new level in her eyes and it quite frankly scared her slightly.

She placed a hand on Dean's shoulder to let him know she wasn't planning on stepping any more forward than where she was. She also didn't want Dean storming up to Nat and doing something he'd regret.

With everyone agreeing things needed to calm down before someone called the police or something for the disturbance, she felt calmed herself. She then looked at how Cason and Sam were able to calm Natalia down, glancing at the clenched fist softening of Natalia's. She was surprised that the brothers and Cason were agreeing with each other, as she was completely expecting one of them to tell Cason to stay out of it, so when neither did she felt she just witnessed a monumental moment. "Okay, now we're all calm, Sam you know where Anna is?" She asked, cautiously staying behind Dean still.

"Yeah, california" Sam replied, seeing the shocked face on Mika's face he just gave a sad nod. "I know...so much for not getting far" he told her, just knowing what she was thinking without her saying a single word.

"So what's the plan?" Mika asked him, wondering what he was going to do. "the only thing I can do...get to her location and bring her home...somehow" he shrugged.

He looked at Dean, knowing his distaste for flying, he wasn't going ask him to go with him. Sure he could drive, but that would take so much longer bad he was convinced if Anna was with Max, then he didn't have time to drive there. "I think I gotta go alone...and take a flight there. If we all go get her she'll refuse to come back." He told his brother, though he also knew it was risky leaving Dean and Natalia alone for a while. Which brought him to look at Cason.

"Can I trust you to keep her safe and stop any busy ups with Dean?"

Nat just about heard Dean make the snarky remark about Cason agreeing to let her deal with Dean on her own. To her it came across as respect for her wishes, which for a demon was an incredibly rare trait, if not non existent. Yet Cason somehow had that respect for her, he didn't even try anything with her in her room so Dean unable to hold his tongue for five minutes really got under her skin. She glared at Dean when he gave her a cheeky smile to show him she was in no entertaining mood.

She dropped the glare when he spoke to her and asking her why Cason would listen to her. "Because Dean" she started speaking, putting emphasis on his name, "as hard as it is to comprehend, and believe me, I still finding it difficult to comprehend as well, but he respects me and my wishes. He has sworn that no more hurt will come to me as long as he's breathing and doesn't want my PTSD from that as- that place acting up anymore than it already is. If it wasn't for him you and Sam wouldn't have even found me!" She scolded him.

"I know you don't trust him, and hells, not long ago I was hesitant about him being around too but I know what I remember to be true! Everything is familiar to me, my memories are finally being unfogged! Why can't you actually for once in your life be happy for me?! And for your previous questions, no I'm not just some hussy who sleeps with demons coz he's a "bad boy" or out of manipulated revenge!" She told him, her words coming out way quicker than her mind can stop her.

"Now hold on a damn minute Natalia!" Mika couldn't help but step in and speak up when she got brought into Nat's counter at Dean. She walked to between Natalia and Dean, deliberately using Nat's full name to make a point she was NOT happy with her. "I have done nothing but be devil's advocate and be on your side over this, don't go bringing me up like that!" She complained.

"No! He brought you into it first! I'm sick of staying quiet and Dean seeming to not trust my instincts to be valid! I get it, I'm the "baby Winchester" but my opinions and gut instincts are just as valid as yours, Sam's, Esme's or anyone else! It's not fair he treats me like a kid!" Nat spat back, trying her hardest to not cry out of frustration. "You know Dean...I really thought you cared about me for a moment when you hugged me, I guess I was wrong" she said, her voice trying to crack.

"He does care Nat" Mika tried to Eastside, looking at Dean and holding her hand out toward to Nat to say 'tell her!'. She didn't want to lose anymore family members or see family breaking apart yet again.


Seeing Dean unable to not make a remark about Cason listening to Natalia, he knew a verbal bomb was going to happen. So as much as he wanted to side with Dean on this one, he had to focus on what Cason had about Anna's location.

He looked down at Cason and listened to what he was saying as he took the paper from him when it was handed to him. He unfolded the paper to look at the location and he knew instantly where it was. He looked up again at Cason as he began talking about Max. The old college friend who always had a thing for Anna. "I briefly remember him" he replied, taking note of what he was warning him. He wouldn't hurt anyone Anna was with unless there was justifiable cause to.

The last thing he wanted was to push Anna further away from him than he accidentally already had done. "I won't hurt him, I won't hurt anyone unless it's justified" he replied as he let Cason walk away from the other drama that was unfolding in front of him. Shoving the paper in his jeans pocket, he walked closer to the others, standing beside Nat but he wasn't siding with her in the slightest, even though he understood where she was coming from.

"I think we need to all calm down" he said calmly.
That question made Kay's heart ache for the kid. "Oh kiddo no. Josh could never hate you for anything, of that I know for certain" she told her, sweeping some hair behind her ear for Trish and giving her a reassuring smile. "He'd never hate you" she told her, "so wipe those eyes and no more tears" she added, hugging her one more time.

"Hmm... quite possibly" Fia replied to Drake, before putting the book down and placing her hands on Drake's head, she focused on her healing ability to give him some sort of pain relief, at least for a temporary moment. "Has that helped?" she asked him, hating seeing him in pain in any manner.

Josh couldn't help but smile at her next question before shaking his head. "No, it's not because we just met our future son. I'm not gonna lie, that is a little unnerving to see because well...it's our kid. But I liked you before he came appearing in our lives mysteriously" he explained, placing his hand ontop of hers. "I've been falling for you from the moment you help to save Trish in that hospital, showing how strong you are despite you thinking otherwise no doubt. Not only that, you're beautiful inside and out" he smiled at her.

Still clutching her takeout coffee, something she was very much grateful for from Dean, she re-entered the bunker with the others, the size of the place still amazing her even now. So to see Anya do a 360 degree circle as she gazed around the place, she could fully understand how and what she must be thinking. She also understood why Dean told Anya about not touching anything that wasn't labelled, something she really didn't want to witness if something went drastically wrong.

She did however roll her eyes at Dean saying about getting her a whiteboard, guessing that Anya would have that covered as it wouldn't be her first rodeo staying somewhere and needed a form of communication. Anya snapping her fingers at Dean and pointing at her bags did make Lexi smirk and stifle a chuckle, already deciding that she was liking this girl.

Sam too found Anya's snapping her fingers at Dean rather amusing, just he was better at hiding it than Lexi was. "I will, don't worry" he said back to his brother, then turning to Anya he gave a warm smile. "Let me show you to a room where you can put your bags down. Then I can give you a tour of the place if you want before we decide on where to go with helping you?" he suggested, hoping it would be a start at least in making up for his earlier blunder with her.

"Dean why don't we start doing some kind of research or call around to see if anybody knows what happened to the colt?" Lexi then suggested, not really know where to start other than figuring out some kind of timeline. Then she remembered, she didn't know Anya's father's name. "Oh! Before you two go, Anya, what was your dad's name and when was he killed over the colt? Me and Dean can start from there to create a timeline to help us all out" she explained to her. In her eyes, she didn't see any other way to start on this situation. She was tired of people having loved ones dying because of this job or world. If her dad wasn't a hunter, then why did he even have a hold of the gun? Was he a collector of antiques or firearms? She just didn't understand any of it.

Sam thought it could all wait, but it seemed Lexi had other ideas. "At least let her put her bags down somewhere first" he countered, wanting to show he was somewhat on Anya's side. Lexi sighed and nodded, "Okay..sorry Anya. Sam's right, if you wanna put your bags down first by all means do." she apologised.

Dean's feigning of innocence didn't wash over Natalia in the slightest. She just gave an unimpressed look to show him she didn't believe him at all that he 'didn't know what she was talking about'. She folded her arms across her chest to show him this was not going to be dropped and he may as well just come out with it before they butt heads all over again. It was quite the sight to see her almost mimic her brother's stance, showing there was no denying she was his sister, but unlike Dean, she didn't unfold her arms when he finally caved and began saying a load of questions at her.

The moment he sarcastically called Cason 'Saint Demon' she narrowed her eyes at him and it seemed to be enough as he seemed to back down on that remark and try and word his question better, but it didn't get any better. He essentially asked her if she was already sleeping with him, making her scoff in disbelief that he'd think that low of her. She started opening her mouth to speak but Cason suddenly appeared behind her, making Dean let her know this conversation was far from over.

Sighing, she finally unfolded her arms and gave Dean a nod. "Cason I'm alright, if you know where Anna is please tell Sam, I've got some more discussing to do with my brother" she told him, shooting him a quick glance but then looked straight back at Dean, her tone showing she was not happy with Dean still and she had some very strong words to say to him. She wasn't going to hold things back any more and instead of bottling everything up and keeping people out of her thoughts and opinions, she was going to start being open with them.


Mika and Sam were both ready to pounce between the two siblings the moment Dean started to ask his questions. Questions that Sam found valid and he himself was thinking even if he would have asked them in a slightly more tactful manner. He knew Nat was still in a very much delicate state and any wrongfully worded question to her could make her flip out on them all over again if they weren't careful. It seemed to him and to Mika, that Dean didn't share the same thought process.

Then came the very blunt question of 'are you shagging him?' even if Dean didn't outright ask it in that manner and Mika instantly started to walk toward the two of them when Cason's re-appearance made her pause her walking and see just how close Cason had put himself to Nat. She gently shook her head at Dean to silently say 'be careful Dean', especially as she didn't appreciate getting brought into the earlier questions, but could understand why he did.

To try and break up the silence, Sam cleared his throat and stepped forward to Cason, noticing the piece of paper in his hands. "Is that her location?" he asked him, gesturing to the paper in Cason's hand, wanting answers to Natalia's situation but also wanting Anna's location even more so.
Catching her breath from finally sending the ghosts back to wherever they were destined to be going made Harper feel glad that it was finally over. This was one of those cases that made her feel like it did not need to be this chaotic, but yet it became as such anyway. She didn't even realise that Arabella had made her way upstairs and was leaning in the doorway until her spoke broke the now silence that rang through the room. "Yeah, I'm fine. Worn out but alright" she replied, not even noticing at first the glass shard that was stuck in her right side just above her hip.

She was about to place her hands on her hips when the last ghost of the building decided to show up, putting Harper on edge, however it seemed this ghost didn't want to fight, instead wanted to be set free. She kept back as Arabella took over in doing the last one. The fact that this last girl was actually thankful and had done all she could to have helped them and even thanked them for freeing this establishment from the negative energies.

With the last spirit taken care of, she gave a nod to Arabella's words. "Likewise, I'm not exactly much of a team player in this business but I gotta say, this night proved it needed to be a two hunter job. It's certainly been one hell of a night that's for sure." she replied seeing the woman lean against the wall.
Harper leaned against one of the few glass cases that hadn't been smashed before whelping ever so slightly in a hiss making her look down at her sides. "well shit...." she complained in a huff. "Guess I'll be sorting that out back at the motel" she commented seeing the blood seep into her t-shirt a little and the shard of glass just poking out. Her reaction was one of more annoyance at the now ripped shirt than it was for having glass sticking out of her body. She was used to getting unnatural things lodged into her, but she hadn't long gotten this shirt and now it was already distressed.

"I'm staying at The Golding, where you staying at?" she asked her finally as she grabbed her lighter now that the flames had died off.

Lexi only knew of the colt, but she certainly never had come cross it herself. She remembered hearing the stories about it however from Sam and judging by Dean reacted to the news, it was still very much a big deal. As Dean spoke with Anya and Sam, she continued to keep quiet, just taking in the information being relayed to them all, observing the whole situation.

Sam didn't even know that Anya's father was killed because of the Colt, hearing that bit of information made him understand why Anya was earlier getting so defensive over his previous reluctance to train her as a hunter. Seeing his brother trying to understand Anya made Sam feel a little embarrassed by him, but he did his best to not show it outwardly on his face.

"It feels like it'd be the safest place to go for this." Lexi finally spoke up in agreement. A coffee shop was not the place for this kind of topic and although she was genuinely looking forward to a proper coffee, this was far more important.

Sam nodded in agreement to both Lexi and Anya, grabbing his bag from the IT store and standing up. "Better now than never" he replied.

When Nat just got silently enveloped in by Dean's arms, she went a little wide eyed before instantly squeezing her eyes shut to stop herself from crying. Sure, they had grown closer over time, but nowhere near the level of herself and Sam, so when Dean showed this level of comfort to her it always took her aback. She gripped the back of his shirt rightly in her fingers as she hugged him back, trying to hold it together. "Yeah....I do remember him being there...he's the only one who showed me kindness Dean.. he kept me watered and fed...even against the others wishes" she told him. Then as she was soaking in his hug, Cason came charging out of her room and ranting like a child having a tantrum.

She pulled her head out of the hug and looked at him, "Cason! Where you going?!" She called out, worried Esme had made him leave her.

Cason stopped for a moment and took a deep breath as Nat's eyes caught his, β€œI have been recruited.”

He said the words in a way that made Dean flinch. If Cason was this upset, he could only imagine what Esme said to him.

β€œAnna apparently ran away from your brother in the middle of the night. And I have been manipulated into finding her.”

She looked at Cason with surprise at what he just told her. As surprising as it was that Anna ran away....again, it wasn't nearly as surprising as hearing Esme manipulated him. She slowly let go of Dean, giving him a single hand wave and gesture to say 'be right right back' and then walked over to Cason. "You'll come back though...right?" She asked him.

Nat's words caused Dean to narrow his eyes, as she stepped away from him and over to Cason. Cason stared down at his feet for a moment before turning his eyes back up to her face with a smirk, β€œIf I survive. Yes.”

Cason's words did not reduce her worries whatsoever, if anything they made them worse. She did not just unfog some of her memory and somewhat gain trust and security in Cason, just for him to leave her. "I'm serious Cason, come back to me, alive. I need you" she told him honestly.

Cason sighed, a small smirk creeping onto his lips as Dean groaned in the background, shaking his head and wiping a stressed hand down his face.

β€œI should be back tonight. If I’m right, maybe sooner.”, Cason confirmed, reaching a hand up to push a strand of hair behind Nat's ear, eliciting another miserable groan from Dean that made Cason chuckle, β€œI promise.”

Nat closed her eyes as he swept some hair behind her ear and nodded lightly. "Okay. I'm holding you to that" she replied reopening her eyes to look at him straight on, deciding to ignore Dean's groaning for now. No doubt he'd bombard her with questions the moment Cason disappeared.

Cason smiled, stepping back from Nat, β€œI fully expected you to.”

With a chuckle, he disappeared, leaving no more time for him to change his mind.

As Cason did his disappearing act, Natalia sighed heavily as she felt more than one set of eyes falling on her. Her guess was it wasn't just Dean staring at her, but it was also Mika and Sam. Cason smiled, stepping back from Nat, β€œI fully expected you to.”

With a chuckle, he disappeared, leaving no more time for him to change his mind.Ignoring the others, she turned to face Dean first, she still felt like she had a way to go to make it up to him. "Go on then....I know you got questions rattling round in that head of yours so may as well get it over with" she told him.


Mika felt glad that if her hunch was correct, Dean and Natalia could indeed patch things up. She knew deep down that Dean cared for the youngest Winchester more than he ever let on, she had heard plenty of ranting of worry from him about Nat before he got taken from them all for four months. So she had faith in them and their sibling connection. "Yeah, he cares about her more than he lets her realise. Hopefully this can be the start of letting her in on that." she replied.

Then came the door slamming and a very pissed off Cason exiting Nat's room, which made her also wince slightly. Things clearly did not go as well or calmly as they were hoping it to. Maybe sending Esme in wasn't the brightest idea they had after all she thought to herself.

She noticed Esme leaving the room shortly after and going to Sam first to give him the answer he and they all were waiting for. Cason's temper tantrum and yell told her that he had agreed but it wasn't under any polite circumstances, and then came the movement that surprised her and made her cock an eyebrow in curiosity. Natalia actually let go of Dean and went over to Cason. Not only that she was witnessing Nat begging him to come back to her. "well well..." she muttered under her breath, but still heard what Duke said to her.

"Good luck Duke" she said to him as he walked off to follow Esme and try and patch things up. It honestly felt like everyone was needing to patch things...everyone except for her and Dean that is.

Sam gave Esme a simple nod at what she said to him, appreciating what she had done for him. He didn't even care that Cason was having a temper tantrum like a child because of it. All he cared about was having Anna back and him having a moment to prove to her he did love her and he didn't want her leaving when things got confusing to her or tough.

He let Esme and Duke leave, which made his attention turn to his sister talking with Cason and somewhat managing to calm him down, even make him smirk again. He glanced toward Mika then Dean as if to say 'we are seeing this right?', not sure what he was witnessing was even real. He couldn't tear his eyes away, unable to think of anything other than 'if he so much as does anything to her I'm having him'. He wasn't in the mood for Cason's antics and like Dean, he was still convinced Cason was manipulating her because she was the youngest in their group.

He only let out the breath he was unaware of holding when Cason left and Nat turned to Dean first. "He isn't the only one who has questions" he said loud enough for everyone left outside to hear.

Lexi found herself rolling her eyes at Dean calling Anya a small angry woman. She was thankful for not smirking as Sam explained that this woman could hear everything and was just simply mute and why she was conversing with Sam in whatever way she was able to. Seeing her cross her arms, Lexi knew Dean hadn't helped matters when it came to calming her down.

She also decided this was something she was mostly going to try and stay out of it and let Dean and Sam figure this one out. Even if the idea of demons coming after a mute girl didn't sit well with her in the slightest. She let the brothers discuss the situation between them, when Dean surprised both Sam and Lexi in agreeing to help Anya, albeit not via training her to become a hunter.

"Then I guess we're helping her out. What do the "aquaintances" want anyway in this deal?" she asked, making air quotes with her hands.

"......the Colt" Sam hesitated in replying for a moment before he dropped the verbal bomb, imagining how Dean was going to take that news. "And before you say anything, I've already told her its not retrievable anymore" he added, looking his brother in his eyes. He was dreading telling Dean, but when Lexi asked the question, he couldn't exactly not say anything.

"Even if it was, that's a big ask that would never happen" Lexi remarked after widening her eyes for a split moment hearing the legendary gun be mentioned. Of all the things to be said, she was not expecting that to be one.
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