Avatar of Gardevoiran


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Who here likes cuddles?
5 yrs ago
If your girl can't crack your skull between her thighs then whats the point of even being a human being.
6 yrs ago
Identities are confusing to figure out.
6 yrs ago
How do wing.
6 yrs ago
Omae wa mou shindeiru.


Well hello.

I guess I should introduce myself, huh.

I'm Gardevoiran, just some schmuck going to college and working towards getting a degree in Fine Arts.

I do commissions and what-not, and you can ask me to do a commission for you through my Discord (Gardevoiran #1429) or up here through RPGuild PMs, and I receive donations and payment through my Ko-fi page. Clicking the box right below here will take you to it.

I'm a nerd. I play Pokemon religiously, I dabble in some anime, I write up here, and I love watching incredibly awful movies and just making fun of them. Specifically things like "Leo the Lion" and what not.

I don't have much else to say, so I guess I can leave you guys with a really bad joke.

"What do you call a cow with two legs?"
"Lean beef."

Most Recent Posts

Time to FLEX!
[Pumping up @Leaves]

Bonekid happily joined in on the huddle of camaraderie, but found himself WAY too short to bump heads, though that's probably for the best considering his skull was still a bit aching from the fall he suffered earlier in the day. When the huddle was over, Bonekid looked up at Feya and flexed his arms meekly, leaves slowly weaving over his arms to form sleeves (heh) that had large bumps along them at the end, sort of like he was flexing hard. "Show off what the Rums can do, Feya!"

He had a few puns worked out, but he kept them to himself. He didn't wanna make the group seem too cocky.

Show off the real guns of the Rums, Feya!

Lets flex our near-victory over these guys!

Err... something about calcium in pun form!

Ok, so maybe he could stretch two. Either way, as soon as he finished his flexing, Bonekid ran back to Lilli and sat down beside her, still there to tend to her needs since she was still really... really worn out.

Gaia flew backwards into the wall behind her before keeling over in pain, looking towards Sonika and Xolotl as soon as she could move. What the absolute hell was that?! She was willing to go with them in peace and they attacked

Well, look at that, the fucking dumbass is going to get you killed too now.

While normally, Gaia would slam Whip for saying such a terrible thing (though it was somewhat true), for the first time since she had been in Gaia's mind, Francine spoke... sadly. They... they would sooner treat me like petty trash than help me?

"Yeah, Francine. Sorry that you had to see this side in this way." There wasn't anything else that could be said. Francine's entire world had to be turned upside-down by that single action from Sonika. She... she didn't wanna stick around. She wanted to get out of here, and fast.

... I... I don't want to be here... Fran choked out her words in Gaia's mind. ... Farce, can you run?

"Probably, though not for too long..." Gaia whispered as she stood back up and raised her hands in the air. "Why...?"

I know the city like the back of my hand. We can run, I just need you to get out of there.

"On it, Fran." Gaia smiled softly. Finally, some cooperation was happening.

Now they just needed an opening... and Mantis being an idiot was the perfect opportunity. She just needed him to take the full attention of Sonika and Xolotl for a while.

So, she thought hard to try and speak to him. "Get their attention completely and hold it for me. I can get out of here if you do." Her best plan was running, and it was her only plan unless someone who could fuck up these two would show up quick. Dammit, where was Retcon when you needed them?

... a moment passed before Gaia looked at the window behind her, cracked slightly from the thunderclap that was in the room a moment ago. She stepped forward lightly, before running backwards towards the window with a jump, mustering up as much force as they could muster. If they made it through, either Whip or Francine would appear in her place due to how her power decided to act, and they'd have to take over for running. Axel would be following after, leaping out the window. If nothing worked and she just knocked herself out, then she'd follow the original plan of surrendering, though much less willing than normal.

The Wards

How to Catch a Sound

Kendall listened intently to the developments of Sonar's betrayal to the PRT, and they... didn't know how to respond. Mastar would've obviously said something like "Sonar can meet the end of my boots for that heresy,", but this wasn't Mastar in control. It was Kendall, and even if it was Mastar in control, she couldn't help out here in this situation. Lillian's plan was really good, though. It was solid and sound, and it probably was the best chance of tricking Sonar. The only thing that made it terrifying was Evelyn's reaction to the idea. She was too calm, too collected about it. Maybe she was the mole all this time and nobody kn- nah that would be too obvious.

Regardless, Kendall stayed silent, not sure of what to say at this moment. They would take a sip of their green tea, but it was currently made gross by the murky black vomit now contained within the cup.

"Awesome! Now we've got a team brewing!" Skylar fist pumped, exciting Seabreeze and causing him to caw in satisfaction. Celebrity didn't do anything though, because she was just really moody. The moodiest Jigglypuff around at that point, or at least the moodiest one he'd ever heard of.

Skylar excitedly turned to Vivia. "We didn't actually have a Tropius at the lab in Freecape. They were always super rare and hard to come by for us, so we only ever saw one since my dad's been running the lab." Skylar eagerly said as he took out his Pokedex, naming the new arrival onto the team. Paradise seemed fitting, since these were a more tropical species of Pokemon. "I can see their outlines barely, and it just... ooh, it's so exciting!"

Skylar switched his Pokedex to the camera function before patting Seabreeze. "Hey Sea, go fly around the Tropius real quick."

After an excited "Wingull!" Seabreeze took off and glided over to the Tropius, with Skylar preparing the Pokedex to take a picture.

3... 2... 1... flash!

Seabreeze was gonna be his mascot for his upcoming photography career. Oh, and that photo's going to be sent to his dad as soon as he gets to Highhill Town's Pokemon Center.

"C'mon out, Paradise. You can't wake up in a Pokeball." Skylar said as he let Paradise free from her Pokeball, placing it within his bag again. Seabreeze had already landed back on Skylar's head, surveying the landscape before nuzzling into Skylar's hair.

"I think some training is in order. Shouldn't be too bad to do it." Skylar turned to Vivia again. "What're you gonna do, Vivia? There are a lot of Tropius here to catch, and the other Pokemon here in the forest are cute, too."

"Ohhh nope. Tremor Sense on the water with whatever's in there isn't such a good idea... blugh." Digbie shook his head rapidly before stopping Tremor Sense altogether. Normally he had it on passively, but with whatever's in that water, he had difficulty thinking straight with it. "Hold on a minute, guys. I'm feeling a little queasy..." Since the party looked like they could take a moment, Digbie sat down and recovered slightly. Being a little closer to the ground helped.

As he sat, he looked at Ed and shook his head slightly. "I never... uh... had friends in this cave. Oberon was the first thing here that I can remember who showed me actual kindness, sadly. The other Goblins always... uh... beat me up and stuff. I was always more obsessed with digging than helping their efforts." He explained. "Jokes on them, though, I traded a good blow with Rattleskull a little while ago. I just wish I was a little stronger all around."

"Regardless, I'm still happy to hold you up for a little, as long as we can get out of here ASAP."

At first, Farce was shocked by the storm that hit everyone in the room, as Xolotl and Sonika both rushed in and demanded for the final two members of Lethal Force (proper) to surrender or receive the other end of the consequences. Farce was blown off the couch and knocked onto the ground, struggling to regain her breath. She looked over at Mantis, and simply listened to the voice in her head.

Heh, here's the cavalry. You guys better surrender before anything bad happens.

What a grand idea, Limbo.

Farce took a second to catch her breath before standing up, raising her hands above her head, not caring her face was being shown to Sonika and Xolotl. For a moment, she kept breathing heavily, before finally speaking.

"I'm not gonna fight," she started. "I don't see the point anymore. Too many people have died for me to care anymore about fighting. If you're gonna kill me, just do it." She put her arms down, looking at Sonika and Xolotl with an apathetic look. "Though, I highly suggest you don't end me here, lest you lose her, too."

Reality decided to glitch for a moment, before Limbo herself made a grand appearance to everyone in the room. It was only a second before her smirking face quickly turned into a face of realization. "... wait... am I a hos-"

Farce reappeared in Limbo's place, putting her hands back up. "Limbo's still alive for the most part, but she won't be if I die, I think." Farce kept her hands in the air before wincing, lowering one to clutch her ribs. "As long as you're gentle, I'll come without resisting. I'm not really in the best shape to do it, anyway."

Farce's inner dialogue was going nuts, yelling at Farce and Whip with obscenities that would make the saltiest of sailors blush. Whip stayed silent, though, observing from within what was developing right now. Farce's own thoughts were off the charts though, trying to arrange themselves in a way that would help make Mantis calm down and follow along. She was familiar enough with his power that she could try, probably fail, but try regardless.

The door to Farce's new apartment creaked open as she looked out at Judah. She looked like trash, but actually had wet hair and a clean set of pajamas on this time. Even if she was absolutely trashed, this was the best she had looked since that day. Even with some bandages poking out from under her tanktop.

"... heeey... come in..." The apartment wasn't much, a one bedroom place with a meager kitchenette and living area, but it was decent enough for Gaia, especially since everything else happened. She didn't have much anymore since her old place was trashed, so a small space was fine. The place was really clean, actually, which was a first for Gaia if anything. As soon as Judah stepped in, she closed the door and flopped over onto the couch.

"We're... not gonna have a funeral for him. He died once already, having another would be too much." Gaia explained, waiting for some snappy remark from Limbo or an odd remark from Whip. Surprisingly, only the latter happened.

Oh, so he was supposed to be dead already? Well, at last he's in his place properly now.

"Whipstitch, please... don't." Gaia plead, hoping that she wouldn't have to deal with the bullshit between the two voices in her head. Limbo hadn't spoken since Gaia explained what the hell she'd been through, though, but Whip always found ways to just chastise and annoy the once-ghostly parahuman, and indirectly, the now-depressed parahuman.

"... can you hear the voices, Mantis?" Gaia asked. "Can you hear anything going on in here?"
Lorenzo of Windor

"... AAAAAAARGH DAMMIT I'M NOT D-" Lorenzo froze immediately as he saw what was sitting in front of him. By whatever God was out there, that was the biggest hound he had ever seen. It was... massive. Purely gigantic, and it seemed to have an affinity for Lorenzo's patience. This hound was more terrifying than any Wolfborn they had encountered the night prior, or at least, it would be to most.

"... maybe I can stick around a little longer. After all, what kind of hound trainer would I be lest I leave this beauty to itself after it had been waiting." Lorenzo put himself into a sitting position before grabbing the paw of the hound and climbing aboard it, holding onto it tightly once he was on it's back. It felt great, almost too great.

Then Lorenzo remembered something.

"Pardon my intrusion, gentlemen," Lorenzo said as he looked down at the cast, Gardevoir included. "Where's Martyrdom?" Even if he wasn't Loyal, Martyrdom was still a damn fine hound, and one Lorenzo wasn't willing to give up.

"Uh... I guess I can lead. Tremor Sense is pretty useful for leading a charge anyway." Digbie noted as he moved to the front of the group, pickaxe in hand, ready to strike at any foes that dared to come towards his small party. "Everyone here looks so cool with their evolutions and stuff. I wish I had that... instead I decided investing 9 Skill Points into whatever Taboo was happened to be a good idea." Digbie sighed. "I just don't feel... useful."

It was true, he didn't feel particularly strong as any sort of role. He was good at one thing, digging, and while that normally made him good, it was different this time. He needed combat skills soon, or he'd be toast. He'd hopefully achieve that with an evolution, but with how things were going right now, it wasn't so great. Quite the opposite, actually. Maybe he could gain some cool moves by observing things and such.

There wasn't much time for gaining new skills, though, as Digbie channeled his {Tremor Sense} into a fully blown {Tremor Sense II}, trying to detect what the heck that splashy creature was. It certainly wasn't a goblin, that was for certain. "Dunno how good Tremor Sense would be to detect the water thingy."

While the other priests went off to their own affairs, Ursaren simply went on his own way for a while, taking a seat outside the tavern and simply relaxing. Without thinking, he began to hum a tune to himself with a smile on his face. It was a moment of peace amongst the chaos of today. Eventually, he found himself singing a few words, and a trio of kids came up to the old man, one of them asking him a question.

"Hey mister! What're you singing?

"Just a tale of an old hero to some folk." Ursaren smiled as he leaned forward to the kids. "Do you guys want to hear the story?" All three kids nodded quickly as they sat down in front of the old man. Well, wasn't this just dandy. The old man didn't have anything to do, so this was a good way to pass the time.

Without further adieu, he took a deep breath and began his tale.

Gather 'round, ye boys and girls,
Sit thee for a while,
As I embark on you a tale,
Of a warrior filled with guile!

This man was one of many swords,
He was a mighty champ,
All of the kings throughout the land,
Heard of this man's great stamp!

He was made of bones and carried steel,
But his soul was far from bad,
He used his will to raise up friends,
Of roses and of lilly pads!

One cloudy day he was home building
Up his mighty fort,
When a fine maiden of a nearby town
Called for his handiwork!

He followed her back to her home
And the problem made him gasp,
Many denizens of evil's face
Had terrorized the mass!

With his sword, the warrior spoke
Through movements brash and bold,
No denizen was far too strong
For the skelly's heart of gold!

Then the leader of the evil
Stepped forth and faced the man,
A horn decored upon his head
His arms, both toned and grand!

The skeleton raised up his sword
And he stared right at his foe,
The skeleton asked the evil lord
'What brought you and your co.?'

"Does anyone here know what the evil lord wanted?"

A little boy stood up, a smile as wide as the ocean on his face. "Sweets!"

He was then followed by a little girl beside him. "Doggies!"

Then that girl was followed once again. "Money!"

"Ah-hah-ha! Of course!" Ursaren paused for a moment to think, before he continued to sing to the kids.


The dark lord spoke, with his voice of pride,
'I want the best o' pets,
I want a throne made o' candies,
and I want all yer' wallets!'

The skelly drew his blade once more
And aimed it t'wards the lord,
'He who steals from a place like this
Will meet the end of my sword!'

The warrior and the lord had clashed
Their blades sending sparks fly,
The maiden watched on in awe
As she saw the skelly try!

In the end, the dark lord kneeled,
Defeated and bloody,
The skeleton took a look at him,
And spoke, just full of glee!

'Mighty lord, you have fallen
By the will of my great blade,
Return from the place you came
Make haste, do not delay!

This village was never a place
For you to romp around,
If I see you here ever again
I'll put you in the ground!'

With that, the dark lord took his men,
And left the walls of there,
The skeleton had bowed and left,
Returning to his lair!

Now remember kids, this is for ye,
Don't forget to hear,
Listen once and listen well
For this needs to reach your ear!

Stealing is wrong, and it's no good
So don't do it on a whim!
Be a hero, do what's right,
And you'll be as good as him!

The kids all giggled before thanking the old man for his song, and then ran off. Ursaren couldn't help but smile at the youngsters. Some days he wished to go back in time to moments where he was that young. Alas, he knew his place in this world. He was just fine giving smiles to some kids every now and again. It was always worth it for those smiles.

"Oh thank Lugia..." Skylar emerged from behind the tree and walked over to his new Pokeball. Hello there, new friend.

Would he like to give it a nickname? Yes indeed... uh... we'll call her Celebrity. Shockingly fitting for a Jigglypuff, huh.

"Come on out, Celebrity. No need to be cooped up in your ball all the time, anyway." Skylar said as he let the beast out of it's ball. Once she was out, though, she looked up at Skylar with a frown. "Puff!" Wingull had already perched on top of Skylar's head again, and the trainer was already crouched down to look at his new friend. "Welcome to the team, Celebrity! I'm Skylar, and this is Seabreeze."

Celebrity watched closely as Skylar held his hand down to her in peace, and stared at it carefully before she turned away at it. "Jigg!" Sheesh, she was a sassy girl. As long as she didn't sing, everything should be fine though. Heck, if she did, he'd put her back in her ball for a while.

"Wingull?" Seabreeze cawed out softly to Skylar as he looked at the sleeping Tropius around the group. Well shoot. There they were. There's a good amount of sleeping ones, too, which was great, because that gave Skylar an optimal bet against catching one of the behemoths of the forest.

Skylar turned to Vivia's general direction. "I think I can get one of these guys, too. Wish me luck."

Skylar slowly approached one of the smaller sleeping Tropius before pulling out one more pokeball from his belt and preparing to throw it at the monster. He waited until it gave one big snore before threw a Pokeball right at it, hoping it would catch.

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