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It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

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So do you mean if his shadow captures someone like say what he did to Kin in the exams...he doesn't have to say throw a kunai himself but his shadow can throw it and have it say hit a target? Or would it just hit the shadow and hold it in place? I guess what I'm curious about is if a shadow can act without him actually acting (like woah man) and if a shadow could harm a person?

Aww that's so awesome. I'm working on a new novel concept so I can keep myself occupied in the meantime. :3 YYH is actually pretty short as it is, since it's just her sort of rounding out the night. You mentioned you'd skip to the next day, you still wanna do that or should I? My skip portion wouldn't be much, my post is barely three paragraphs as it is and I just don't want to give you not much to work with but it is a transition post...

No way, they go to Voldemort act as double spies in exchange for their family's safety. Voldemort doesn't give a shit and probably kills them in the end anyway. XD I'm so mean. I didn't mind Cho, she wasn't much but if anything I have a headcanon of her and Ron hitting it off.
I honestly don't know what Shikamru's capable of now. What new tricks does he have up his sleeve?

I knooooow. But talking about it makes me wanna write it. Blame you and your inspiring posts. :/ Maybe I'll get you GoT or this later in the week. If we're doing 1-2 posts a week, this YYH one is already one down. Off-site is slow, like one post a week slow. :/ But I assume it's a busy time for folks with school/work. You're all I got in terms of goodness. <3

YES SHE DOES! Ya know if I wanna make Hermione jealous, I'd use someone less lame than Ginny. >___> I still wanna make her and Ron turn to Voldemort because they're so spineless...
I'm not sure eheh. Though they're not that strong, they will be eventually though. I still need to mention her training with Kakashi. He's on a mission atm but maybe she's already started some of it and knows her water affinity?

Urgh I know you'll be working on your story since you posted but now I wanna post for this too. Writing problems...

Ginny was so fucking bland and lifeless. She better fucking die when we get around to HP.
I still can't wait to see NaruIno and ShikaSaku go on a double date that turns into some epic mission of sorts when Tsunade sends them out before they can even finish dinner or something. They'd be a fearless bunch, that's for sure.

Well if I had to pick between the two canon pairs, I'd probably pick Ron and Hermione. I hate him and them together but at least they had interactions. I can barely remember Ginny at all, much less her doing things with Harry except staring at him from afar. I don't think she planned her romances from the start which is why I think they seem so sudden, I would have been happier if neither of the trio had a specified romance endgame. :/
Someday they'll look back at this scene and laugh. Ino might laugh a little harder. XD "Gosh, you guys were dating and didn't even know it! Haha!" Ino can be so adorable sometimes, I can see her going over to Sakura's house or maybe even Shikamaru's to help them sort of pick out new clothes? I feel like Ino might try to help and weasel out more juicy details in the coming week. What do you think?

Ron could be downright horrible to Hermione. I was in awe of their logic on the matter. They said Hermione would work all the time and Ron would probably be really lazy around the house and that even so, they'd still make it work because they're best friends or some shit like that. Urgh. Hermione and Harry seldom fought, and only when he was under pretty intense stress. I know that's not a clear sign for much but Ron was really dang selfish most of time and I don't see Hermione loving someone like him.
I have a feeling since Shikamaru is in his puppy love/crush stage, it may be Sakura who gets hit by the feelings gun first. But then again it's possible Shikamaru has at least thought of Sakura in a different light by then? Who knows, it's hard to say this early on.

I do think Ino might like Shikamaru in a 'she wants what she can't have' sort of manner but I don't think Ino's crush on Shikamaru further down the line would be founded in much reality. As you said, they would both want to do different things. Shikamaru does prefer a more lax setting where Ino is more into dancing and having a good time. And soon she'll find someone to keep up in Naruto. XD

Btw reddit gave me another thing to balk at...people claim that Hermione and Ron's arguing was totally harmless and not verbal abuse but instead, more like flirting/foreplay. Urgh. How delusional can some people be??? I'm so baffled.
I would say skepticism would come later as you said. Right now she has NO reason to think this isn't real. But in time, I think she'll notice some inconsistencies and start to do some more digging as it starts to bug her. Though in my mind, Ino's feelings won't be about falling for Shikamaru the way ShikaSaku intend, but Ino would just be curious and wanting to know the truth. Unless you were thinking Ino would actually develop feelings for Shikamaru? I'm just curious to see where you think Ino will eventually come from. I'd say she'd want both to be happy and she'd see Shikamaru as a possible mate but I think Ino would know she and Shikamaru just aren't quite compatible, plus I think Ino in the end, would think Sakura and Shikamaru are, even if they don't realize it yet. Thoughts?
Hmmm I don't think Sakura would stop Ino at this point. Ino likes to gossip and I think Sakura would rather give in now than try to stop Ino, plus it shows Sakura and Shikamaru don't have 'anything' to hide. I think Sakura will still be a bit baffled by Ino's sheer enthusiasm but I'll probably have Ino ask one or two more questions before Sakura decides she and Shikamaru are late for their dinner date. How does that sound? XD
Added Iron Fist.
I could do a Star Trek RP with you if we doubled as one OC and one canon.
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