Avatar of Genon
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    1. Genon 7 yrs ago
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Uh, guys? I was kinda curious and did my own research (which admittedly wasn't very good or in-depth because he's from a mobile game that lacks easily-accessible character bios on the greater Internet). Apparently Euden is 17 years old. How old is Din (in her current incarnation, not as an immortal Goddess)? Because, um...yeah.

I mean, why not just edit your post and meet up? We don't want to get bogged down in mook fights. Ice also hasn't responded to Dragon Ball Gaiden in over a month. I'm wondering if they've dropped the game at this point.
As we discussed in PMs, I had Juze follow you.

EDIT: I don't want to single people out, but I think most of the issue is EvilEdd's and Weird Tales' posts. They still have them carrying on their Saibamen fights--or wrapping them up--with no attempt to meet up with Negi and go fight the Saiyans. And I don't know where IceHeart is. That makes three of our party non-present for the big fight, and we don't really have a huge party to begin with.

Oi, do you want me to make a Discord? I promise I'll be less of a memelord than Ruler. :P
I'm interested in this.

When Juze woke up in the hospital, he almost immediately demanded to head back out again, feeling the convergence of powers in East City. He'd only been out for a few minutes--he'd fainted from emotional shock, not physical injury. His claw wound, and the burns here and there, still hurt. He knew from his own reading that the skin was the body's most sensitive organ, so shallow wounds like that would cause a lot of pain even if they weren't as dangerous as a deeper wound.

But he wasn't in any danger right now. That was good.

He knew that there were others out there that could be in mortal danger. Those aliens were relatively easy to deal with, but, somewhere on this planet, were three other alien powers who felt like they were in another league.

They would need the backup. He knew this.

It took some arguing. Yes, he knew he was wounded. Yes, he knew that he was willingly walking into a battlefield. Yes, he knew that the beings he'd be going up against were likely trained to kill, and wouldn't hesitate to use their full power. Yes, he knew that he could most likely die. Yes, he knew that his parents would be distraught if they lost him.

But, as scared as he was, he knew he needed to go. His strength was respectable, for a ki user. He would be necessary.

So, with his wounds dressed and disinfected, he arrived in East City and just as Negi showed up and started giving information on their true targets.

"Wait for me!" Juze managed to get out he sped off after Negi.

He was off to some great quest, flying through the air to challenge beings from the stars.

He had to admit, it kinda felt...exhilarating.
Adrian Hex
Bulls' Mast Tavern

Great. It seemed a situation had arisen and he'd only joined two minutes ago. At least he could prove his worth to Alesia this way.

"Allow me, Captain," Adrian replied calmly, before he apparently vanished. In reality, had just used Soru. It was a simple matter to dash after the wolf Zoan, and as it happened, Bakuto punching a hole in the wall helped him escape. He was functionally invisible as long as he moved at this speed, and his daggers, throwing darts, and chloroform rags were all in arm's reach, concealed in his suit.

The wolf wasn't getting away. But even if he could catch Arafael, subduing him was another story. But the odds were in his favor.

If he can get away from all of us when I'm using Soru, Adrian thought, he deserves to run free!
Location: Intersection --> Following Nero
Word Counter: 349
EXP: +1. Current Total: 17/30

The battle was going fine. Everybody was doing great, the giant zombie was being worn down. But Nero's robotic arm apparently doubled as a bomb of some kind, and Gene was getting uncomfortably close to that bomb.

Donnie tried yelling at Gene to get the fuck away, but between all the gunshots, magical blasts, and being 120 feet in the air, it seemed Gene couldn't hear him.

The bomb was beeping. Audibly. Why didn't he hear it? Was he that blind to his surroundings?

He admitted that kicking the musclebound beast in the nuts was a nice touch (at least, that's what it looked like he was doing from so far up), but when the thing went off, he got rather concerned for his safety. Thankfully, he survived and Blazermate was patching him up.

He was worried though. His First Aid knowledge had vanished, but he still knew enough about biological diseases to know that taking a beating like that would do a number on the immune system. Of course, Blazermate's medi-beam would be enough to heal him up, but it was already keeping the disease at bay. Overtaxing it like this could allow the disease to progress, however slightly. But what he was he going to do? Spam Vivify when his wounds were already healing by the second?

He descended to ground level. What the hell was Gene wearing? Where did he keep that...bizarre thing? Did he have another magical bag? Where on Azeroth did he keep it, though? The man had no equipment other than the clothes on his back? And how did he change so quickly?

He looked at the Tank's Spirit, floating in the air. He got off the platform and walked over to it. It gave him an idea to help Gene...but it was a long shot at best.

And this Spirit definitely wouldn't do. Much too powerful for what he needed. It would be better as an item. So he crushed it and put it in his Luggage.

Nero was moving on by now. He hopped on the Disc and followed after them.

Tavern -- Alesia and Adrian
Interactions: @BladeSS4 Bakuto @KiltmanBagz Hertha
This was a collab with @Noodles.

“I just have one question. Is it true that you choose to take treasure from empty tombs and ancient ruins rather than steal from innocents?” Adrian asked, his expression becoming serious. “That’s what I’ve heard through the grapevine, anyway.”

“Tsk…” Alesia let out an audible click from that question of that man of the neatly ironed suit. Just what had those newspapers written about her? Somehow she became known as a pirate who didn’t steal anything…. “That might be true, but we are pirates, not saints. But I don’t kill people who don’t try to kill me.”

Adrian’s face morphed into a grin. “Excellent. You said you were recruiting, right? Count me in. The name’s Adrian Hex. I’ve been looking for a crew that’s a bit more on the ethical side than most. But trust me, I’m not exactly a saint myself.”

“Right, we are also splitting the plunder, so you can take your cut of the treasury,” Alesia opened the treasure box, inside it reveals stolen jewelries and bundles of cash. “Should you want to join us on the voyage of the Grand Line, I’m suggesting a 10 million split for each of the crew.”

An 80-million Beri pile...not bad for someone heading straight from the East Blue. he thought to himself. Still, even if it’s not quite an equal share, ten million Beris is certainly an upgrade...and I’d rather be on her good side. Besides, maybe they’re saving up for a new ship or something. Or a few more crew members. And I see she’s hunting for the One Piece. It’s certainly in-character, if nothing else.

“I’m fine with that,” Adrian said, after a moment’s thought. “And thanks,” he said to Bakuto.

“Our ship, the White Pearl, will set sail by dusk. Sure its a bit hasty, but like what Bakuto said, I won’t be taking any risks with that old marine at our tails,” Alesia announced. She wasn’t surprised to see people rejecting the share of the plunder. Some people wouldn’t like to find themselves with too much money in their wallets, she thought. Her eyes shifted towards the table of the Fortune Teller. Flint? She wasn’t sure on why her first mate would go wasting money on such things. Older people tend to be more…superstitious....

“After entering the Grand Line, we’ll buy a new ship,” Leaning against the back of the chair, she continued,“ I’ll procure some supplies and navigational tools for the oncoming voyage.”

Hey, so maybe I'm just inattentive, but I can't find a CS skeleton anywhere. Did you make one?
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