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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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I'm so sorry, I just got my power turned back on today and need to get back on top of everything. I don't suppose there's anything left to do, is there?
I have a proposal:@RoflsMazoy@KillamriX88

If anyone's character fought in the tournament they can go ahead and bust out a new power while fighting the cultists or doing their own plot.

For everybody else: you get that new power once you've finished the cult fight or your current arc.

If you still have a point to spend from the apartment arc, you now have two points and can possibly get two powers.
I don't like filling out height and weight because I seem to have this mental blind spot about it. I've just never been able to judge that sort of thing.

My favorite part is finding the perfect picture for their appearance.
@Archmage MC@Lugubrious

Quick question: since Blazermate merged with the spirit of the Engineer does that give her any insight into why he and the robot rodeo were fighting with the rabbids?
Teleporter. As useful as the dispencer would be right now I think if we plan to take the castle, which is an idea I love, we should have the teleporter up first so we don't have to come back to set it up.
Submitted for gm approval:

New Power - Musou Attack

A powerful area of effect attack. Charge the Musou Attack by both dealing and taking damage from enemies. The more powerful the damage given and taken the more the Musou Meter charges. At level 8 unlock a second meter. At level 16 unlock a third.

Level 3 - (8/30) +1

Location: Scrapyard – Endzone
Word Count:478

Linkle nearly squealed with delight when, against all odds, the heroic rabbits spirit floated to the surface. She clutched at the tiny mote of light, cupping both hands around it like she had with the Goomba earlier. "Hey, little buddy." She said, putting her face right up close so she could see him better. "Sorry you ended up like this. But the way you went out? That's was true heroism. I know you want to continue your journey, so what do you say? Want to be heroes together?"

Before Linkle could imbibe or fuse or however it went when you took in a spirit, however, she heard the Master and Tora shout their warnings. She looked around for some kind of enemy attack, but it was only when she heard something clip the tower that she was alerted to look up.

An airship!?!

It would have been the most amazing thing she'd ever seen if it hadn't been careening right toward her. Luckily it pitched downward at the last second and slammed into the most, pitching a gigantic wave right at her. She only had time to turn away and hold the rabbit close so it wouldn't float away as the wave bowled her over.

She opened her eyes to the soggy grass and quickly pulled herself up, wrenching the crossbow from one of her boots while holding the spirit in the other. She pointed the bow at the fallen ship, waiting for something to come out and pay for getting her soaked for the third time today.

But what came out wasn't some monster, or villain, or pirate from space, but a single girl. Younger than her and Minako even. The tired form crawled out from the glass door, slumped forward, and fell face first into the water.

Linkle jumped into action! She couldn't swim well, of course, and she'd just made a promise to be more careful so she stopped herself from just jumping into the water to get too her. The girl was close enough, though, that if Linkle laid on the ground she could just reach out and hook the girl around the scarf with her crossbow, pulling her closer and dragging her up on shore like the catch of the day.

She turned the girl over. "Are you okay?" She asked' before turning to the larger group. "Blazer! Master! It's just a kid!"

That was interrupted by the appearance of a whole new Bowser, that suddenly swooped down from the sky and blocked their way across the bridge. He was loud. Louder than bower even, and he gave off an aura five times worse than what they'd felt from the robot and engineer. Like ten armies worse.

But there was something else that stood out more. Something that she could focus on other than the fear.

"Bowser, you didn't tell us you had a brother." She said, slightly shakily. "Why is he naked?"
"I'm unsure whether or not I can." Alexei replied as she snatched the heart from him. He gave willing himself visible the old college try, but nothing came of that except a sharper pain in the ribs.

He screamed as the girl took the heart and hucked it as far as she could, but luckily a senior student came flying in to capture the heart. With his chest.

As the girl ran off to avoid the responsibility for assaulting her senior Alexei called up. "Sir, please don't drop that. It's a student."

As the boy approached and his shadow swooped along the ground to cover Alexei he remarkably came into view, glowing with a pale blue light as though he were a phantom. Realizing he could be seen again, he quickly straightened his posture, before feeling a sharp stabbing sensation in his cheat and relaxing again, clutching his side. "Good afternoon comrade. There's been an altercation and a helicopter crash. There have been injuries, and the pilot is still at large. May I ask for your assistance?"
I think I'll take the Ribbid as a Strength if I find it. It has three powers that are cool, but if I want I can take those later via level up because I know what they are. Strength, meanwhile, is like a surprise grab bag of skills and has the chance of inflicting a mental derangement. Win/win.
I've got that upgrade, I can't really decide because I've got a lot of ideas and I want to run them past you guys and especially the gm first.

1. Musou Attack

I forget what they call them in Hyrule warriors, but it's the Big Attack. Does a lot of damage, hits every enemy around you, charges up as you attack enemies and take damage.

-big damage attack I'm missing
-massive AOE

-big windup where I pose before it comes out
-not spamable

2. Bow
Get the bow from Hyrule Warriors


-An accurate, piercing, long range attack.
-can be used to open up weak points by sniping vulnerable places, so combos well with Weak Point Smash


-It's a bow. See last two battles.
-party already has good long range damage

3. Battlefield Intuition

Not sure if this is a strength or a power. Gives Linkle the ability to sense certain things about the current battle. How many enemies she's killed, milestones that the other party members reach, whether certain bases have been captured or fallen, and the general moral of all forces involved. In addition she can now hear party members relaying information and enemy taunts toward them no matter where she is on then field, so if someone is struggling and calling for help or gloating about how they're about to win she'd know.


-Provides a lot of information about the current battle


-Only really useful in large battles. Like, battle sized battles.

-Information has to flow through and be interpreted by Linkle.

-On a meta level, makes it harder on the GM.

4. Rescue

Once per person per battle if Linkle can get within a certain radius of someone in critical condition that person is instantly restored to full health.


-a source of emergency healing.
-Full heal


-only works during a battle
-Linkle has to run over to someone to do it
-Steps on Blazermate toes
-seriously, broke AF

5. Something from Rabbit Luigi

Since I'm fishing for that spirit, I'll thrown down this option to.


-could be something really good


-I have never played Mario X-com.

In addition, to anyone that has played that game, do you think it would it be better to take the spirit as a power or a strength?
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