Avatar of GingerBoi123


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3 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
DEGENERATE!?!?!? LMAO! Get over yourself dude. For real
3 yrs ago
I mean everytime I've seen you moan, people have tried to be helpful and give you tips, you have never done any of those things. You still don't like putting images and colors in your interest checks
5 yrs ago
Really need a fantasy RP. Someone hit me up if you got one/know one that's pretty active rn
5 yrs ago
Have fun with that then :)


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Awesome! Hopefully we'll get started soon. I'll get started on the ooc and hopefully get more people


Ollie strolled through the winding paths of the slums, watching a series of urchins run by him who all seemed to be playing. It made Oliver crack a smile, a rare occasion in itself. He lifted up the hood of his grey hoodie and let it rest on the top his head. Hands in his tracksuit pockets, Oliver continued to wonder around Sierra-Armstrong. It almost seemed everyone was in a hurry, all converging onto the garrison in a hushed group. News always travels fast in the small community. Deciding to pick up the pace, the young man began to jog, not wanting to miss any of what was going on. Information was a powerful tool. Much more powerful than any gun or knife a soldier uses. Oliver almost spitted at the mere thought of any of those slimy bastards.

As he got closer to the source of the commotion, Ollie tried to pick out as much about the situation as he could by eavesdropping on various people around him. 'Novak... Back...'. The few words that kept coming up again and again. If this was true, Sierra-Armstrong was about to get a whole lot more interesting. Oliver looked around for any kind of vantage point he could use to look over the small crowd. Being at the threshold of teenager and adult didn't help him much when trying to view things over a blocking object, or in this case a group.

Oliver spotted a guttering pipe onto the side of a house which was at the perfect height. No one would notice, they were all too busy trying to get to the incident. Gripping the pipe with confidence, Oliver nimbly crept up the side of the house, using the brackets as grips and footrests to secure his climb. Swinging himself onto the roof, Oliver calmly crawled up to the edge and sat on the side, letting his legs dangle over the roof. He was able to see everything, and what was most interesting was a young woman arguing with a couple of guards. While he was too far away to hear what was being said, he could identify the woman as Kaitlyn. Damian Novak's sister. That could only mean one thing, and his suspicions was true. Damian Novak had returned

I'ma post when I get back from work
@FubsyAwesome! Happy to see some interest

1932, Otropolis

Ten years ago, a crisis occurred across the world. Humans sprung up, displaying incredible abilities. A great divide occurred, between those who use the powers for good or not at all, and those who used their talents for their own personal gain. Otropolis is a hidden city of America, blanketed under a crime wave caused by the mafia gangs. The Law desperately try to combat the Mafia operations, new technology aiding their fight against the 'Supers' that control the city. Fear run through the streets, and everyone looks at each other with a shifty eye. The four families are the true rulers, and constantly war with each other, vying for control of Otropolis. Your allegiance lies with the East Canaglia gang, also known as the East Scoundrels. Godfather Michael Corvi commands the Canaglia Mafia, and welcomes his family with open arms. However, pressure has risen, and after ruling his area for so long, he's been pushed in a position to force his hand, and war between the other gangs has been called. Will you devastate the city in your wake, or slyly sway control in your favour in your true family's name?

So that is a brief intro to Omertà. You will be playing a mafia with superpowers who battle for control for the whole city of Otropolis. Below you will find the rest of the OOC OP as this is a remake. This roleplay managed to gather some decent attention, however, due to circumstances, I had to stop GMing this one. I do not plan to repeat that, so hopefully this will truly take off! Enjoy :)

@RumikoOharaHe probably would enjoy seeing the horses imo. Wouldn't be very often people could see animals at peace in the world outside of the walls
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