Avatar of GingerBoi123


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4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
DEGENERATE!?!?!? LMAO! Get over yourself dude. For real
4 yrs ago
I mean everytime I've seen you moan, people have tried to be helpful and give you tips, you have never done any of those things. You still don't like putting images and colors in your interest checks
5 yrs ago
Really need a fantasy RP. Someone hit me up if you got one/know one that's pretty active rn
5 yrs ago
Have fun with that then :)


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Here is my submission. Vizz the Goblin Thief. Not necessarily a bad guy, but not a good guy either
@sassy1085Love her look!

The punk samurai who is known as Bones by his average but growing online following was wondering through the streets, just waiting to get some action done. The young samurai smiled behind his helmet as he found a clear space to throw his drone up into the air. The machine spun up into the air before activating the rotors and correcting itself, the camera focusing on it's owner as Bones rested his sword over his shoulders, ready to address the stream.

"What's up guys?" He greeted, the voice had a bit of modulation to it but you could definitely tell it was a dude behind the mask. "Just heard a commotion nearby, figured I'd let you guys in on the action. I'll be roaming around for the day." He explained, filling in the audience on the loose 'schedule' he had in mind. "Once we've had some fun, I'm going out for a night on the town. Got a spot you want me to check out? Wanna hang out? Stay tuned, don't go anywhere." He chuckled, point the large sword at drone before heading off to the commotion nearby.

On his approach, Bones noticed a man in a dark kimono. He instantly recognised Shinobi. If he could get in good with the Orobs, that could set him up for a nice, long membership when he was older. He smirked behind his helmet as he went around to find a flanking position. Soon enough, he came up behind a large, black Oni and a shadowy man with a kusarigama. His outlandish approach would certainly not go amiss.

"Hey Ugly! You got room for this little dinner date here or should I just concern myself with dark and mysterious over here?" Bones shouted, gesturing to the chain sickle wielder lazily with his sword.

@GiskAlright, guessing the club scene won't be that active on a Thursday? xD
@GiskThis gonna be a wierd one but what day of the week is it in IC?
@GiskWant us to chuck them in the CS tab?
I've mentioned the Neon Nights in my CS now, but I probably won't get an actual post out until later today (GMT). @Gisk does this mean all the CS's so far are good to go?
@Gisk Ah I'm not very good at having multiple characters going xD But it's a free RP so maybe. What do you think of the Neon Night thing?
@Gisk Sorry for all the flip-flopping. Bones is my final submission. Question- Can PCs join some of the existing Ronin Groups? 'Cuz with Bones's style, I can imagine him being 'Black' for the Neon Nights.
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