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You should look at my new account, I think.

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◈ I pretty much agree with Ryo’s assessment, but I do have my own points as I will detail in subsequent bullets.
◈ I fixed minor formatting bits, because I do that.
◈ You seem to contradict yourself when describing Nakazono’s appearance; he’s “average height and weight” yet “isn’t small”. It’s a minor nitpick, but consistency helps in the character creation process.
◈ Whilst I agree with Ryo here (and personally find a whole clan of traps odd, but anime, so it’s whatever), I can appreciate the extensive amount of work put into your clan history; such lengths I don’t know if I would even go to. Going back to Ryo’s comment however, I do think some adjustments to your rites should be done but for the most part I think it’s just me being pedantic in my review. But then again you did want an extensive review.
“Even Moroari could fail to teach you how not to trip over nothing.” — This particular mention made me laugh, good statement of his inadequacies and familial relations.
◈ You have succeeded about making a small less noteworthy clan of traps seem large and relevant through the extensive description of Nakazono’s immediate and extended family. I think it could be formatted a bit better with spacing and the fat trimmed, but I’m also of the belief that no information is irrelevant information so I’m compelled to find a way to work this in on the GM front.
◈ On that front, I’d also like to see some mentions of the academy students who obviously were present— Fukushu, Tensai, Mikoto, Mitsuko. Understand his perspective on his peers would be great.
◈ I feel like despite Nakazono being remarkably unremarkable you could describe and detail his skillset with a bit more detail.
◈ Despite us going over his lack of noteworthy techniques— I feel like you could mention any techniques unique to him in the Bukijutsu department, specifically in bojutsu. If you intend to really center yourself around the Fujioji’s mastery in this weapon art I feel like we should not only more detail about it but you should at least have some basic techniques (ala custom jutsu) made?
◈ Once you have considered and adapted this, I think I could accept you with little issue.

Perhaps @Sloth has notes as well.

Yeah. Does that mean I'm out? Lol.

No, if a player wants to make a character that is more or less genin-rank Sakura without her Chakra Control (or Intellect) that is completely acceptable. I just have to make sure that is what you want to do!

Ryo will handle your review, and I'll add any notes to it after the fact.
So what you are telling me is you are okay with having no techniques outside of those learned at the academy? This is of course fine, but I just need confirmation therein.

Is it finished? Because if so, I’m not sure why your jutsu list isn’t completed or skillset isn’t detailed?

@Player 2

◈ I fixed spacing and formatting of the CS a bit.
◈ Her height seems reasonable enough for a tall girl of her relative age.
◈ I have zero issues with your clan history, personality, or personal history.
◈ Your family section is fine, though I find it odd to put the given name first for consistency's sake.
◈ I feel like the incorporation of weights would be more apt to see with development of their jonin-sensei's instruction, but it is fine if you wish to keep it.
◈ There have been shinobi who specialize in archery before, such as Yamanaka Inokari (NPC), so you may get to incorporate this in time. But what is your angle knowing this? Taijutsu Specialist or Archery Specialist? Prodigal conditioning aside, and all that?
◈ The custom jutsu seems feasible as long as fights are communicated, planned, and whatnot— but this goes for all jutsu and not just custom taijutsu skills, so heh. I believe the rest of the GM team sees no issue with them.
Post your CS in the OOC as per the template. The staff will review it. I will tell you to put it in the CHAR tab if acceptable. Profit.
The Rules

Okay. I do not understand why people are incidently putting sheets in the characters tab that have not been accepted— those WIP sheets in that tab are essentially GM characters to show you what is coming together. This is not a reason to do the same. You are to apply. I can understand mistakes but this is pretty normal RPG etiquette at this point.
Oh, just for semantics and people not pining over google for hours or even a few minutes— genin height should be in the ball park of 4’9”, if you want a shorter genin they’d likely be under that by only a few steps and vice versa for taller genin.

“Did you mean that theologically, physically, or historically?”

Joshua Hirotaka Ray




D - O - B
January 7th, 2650 (27)

Last Respite, Rocky Mountain Territories


When “perfect synchronization” with a NC occurs, the human mind adapts and is affected by an infinite possibility of psychological effects— some of which including a “bleeding effect” of previous pilot attributes and memories. These can also affect an individual physically, though generally it leans toward mental disorders and issues. This is the curse a pilot bears.

Joshua Ray grew up in one of the many scattered surface settlements, in a still somewhat irradiated, yet peaceful area in one of outlying Denver-Vegas territories. Living a somewhat sheltered life, he developed a love of reading pre-war and modern stories, documents, and religious writings, not to mention a strong sense of righteousness and morality that stands with him to this day. When he was of age, he began wandering the world with his own two feet, going from continent to continent by salvaged boat or independent aerial transporters. Doing odd-jobs as needed around the world, he never lost his thirst for justice nor his hope to play a part in creating a better future for all of mankind. One day while working in a medical facility, what appeared to be an error in some minor group or another's "Neural-Combatant Compatibility" detection hardware revealed that he had the necessary mental or psychological asset that gave him the capability to control one.

Calling in favors with friends and extended family, he soon found himself controlling a custom-built lightweight NC known as the Apollo, after an absolutely ancient group or project that apparently resulted in men landing on the moon overhead. While originally built from scrap at a junkyard and using hand-me-down Neural Nets and software, over three years the Apollo turned into the heavily armed and armored beast it is today. Eventually, however, he accepted all the independent contracts that he was any interested in, and decided to finally fall into a larger group. Going from one corporate army to another, he now waits to see if New Anchorage wants him or not.

Within your family and comrades. Use a hider, please.

Joshua seems by all appearances fairly unassuming— a vibe he hopes to not lose as he gets older and more experienced as it has been in many ways a defense mechanism that has allowed him to stay alive for his twenty-seven years of living. He’s fairly lanky though surprisingly well-toned which is accented by his tendency to hover other pilots given his standing at six foot even. His hair is naturally dark with a shade of black that gives off a blue-black impression; perhaps tying back to his ancestry that he’s been trying to ignore. His eyes are a muted green, though many people have perceived them as gray-blue in the past. As per clothing Joshua is rather lacking in depth as the only thing he keeps as a statement is a silver cross around his neck and a dark jacket that goes to just above his knees.

Quick: Joshua is known out-of-mech as fast as he is on his feet as he is in his mind— he’s a fast thinker and it lends to his way of surviving scenarios that could’ve been fatal.

Religious: Odd for a man of science, perhaps but Joshua is a Neo-Christian and follows the faith as it stands from the religious epicenters that exist as the megacities of Italy, Israel, and Germany. However, Joshua considers himself “unorthodox” due to his clashing views and his more wayward stance on forging his own interpretations of religious scripture.

Starbound: Joshua consistently thinks and dreams about the life beyond the stars as he lives a life trapped upon the post-apocalyptic surface. Due to this obsession he has poured much of his spare credits and free time into trying to understand astrology, and theoretical science. In part this also fuels a sort of escapism he pours himself into through what pre-war science fiction novels he can find as well as those of a post-war authorship.

Swordsman: For reasons that Joshua isn’t privy to explain, he is a skilled swordsman and by extension a competent martial artist. He doesn’t like to bring out his abilities but when the situation calls for it he is welcome to show people that he isn’t all snark and caution.

General equipment used or educated with.




Sensor Array (H): N/A

Shoulder (R+L): Hidden inside the shoulders of the Apollo are two single canons that when extended fire high powered ion (left) and plasma (right) rounds.

Arm (L): A compartment holding a extendable Red Star-designed (and state of the art) NC sword.

Arm (R): A mid-range flamethrower with a limited tank built inside the Apollo’s right forearm exists as a useful utility against other NC’s when they are in deadly close range. Following the NC’s oldest rule of overheating an enemy to survive or win out over them, it can seem a bit of a surprise when thrown at a enemy.
On-Hand Weapon: Thermal Assault Rifle

Leg (L): N/A

Leg (R): N/A


“You have to be able to stand up for what you believe in, no matter the consequences.”

Harrison Richard Kane


Kane, IX-82B


D - O - B
July 4th, 2643 (33)

Haven, Midwest Territories


When “perfect synchronization” with a NC occurs, the human mind adapts and is affected by an infinite possibility of psychological effects— some of which including a “bleeding effect” of previous pilot attributes and memories. These can also affect an individual physically, though generally it leans toward mental disorders and issues. This is the curse a pilot bears.

- Childhood

- Enslavement

- The IX Program

- Liberation & Independent Career

- Recent History

Within your family and comrades. Use a hider, please.



General equipment used or educated with.




Sensor Array (H): N/A

Shoulder (R+L): N/A

Arm (L): N/A

Arm (R): N/A
On-Hand Weapon: TBD

Leg (L): N/A

Leg (R): N/A

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