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That's quite the accurate synopsis for his appearance. Excellent job. I can understand if it's a bit confusing; there are 2 separate bodies to account for. But you're correct for the most part. Alot of your questions are actually in the appearance section and his dimensions are almost at the top. Probably just got overlooked, but I'll address some things. Wingspan is 90 feet (about 70 when furled into fists). Total length from top of head to the rear of his body is 42 feet (this doesn't include his 20 foot lion tail). Also yes. 8 limbs. The wings count as a pair since they possess bones and are prehensile. They're also not sprouting from his back, but instead from his ribs like a regular bird. And right under is the pair of lion arms. Then the 4 major legs (I use minor and major to distinguish the humanoid and quadruped portions respectively) makes 8 total limbs, though he has 2 tails that have their own uses as well.

Have fun with those abilities of his. Arguably the densest part of the profile. His melee reliance, vast array of limbs and empowerments make him a deathly close ranged combatant, so this should be fun.

My bird cat can't quite move at the speed of sound, but I'm sure his array of other abilities could prove problematic for the Knight of Rhay. As for battlefield; sounds like you're more confident than I do, so I guess I'll leave that up to you.

My Tharraleos would find a worthy foe in your Raelis. Predominantly melee fighters with immense damage output and bird traits? Sounds good to me, if you're interested, of course.
It happened all in the blink of an eye, before the hybrid could conjure a reaction. This sickening heir of pure terror lurking just behind him. In a rare feat, Tharr defied his inherent warrior disposition of facing the threat head on. Instead, he retained his usual tranquility, only twisting his minor portion so the monster would fall under peripheral vision. The round, black pupils would not peer directly at the Magna Pater, but dangerously close nevertheless.

"What pits of Hell did you emerge from?" The avian feline addressed nonchalantly, feeling his usual diplomacy would fall on deaf ears. His body was still like a statue, all focus pinpointed on his foe. Though his words weren't ridden with fear, another sensation seldom experienced so quickly took place. Tharr's strength rivaled his hubris at times, though he was well aware when not to let such lead to his demise. This was different. His duo of hearts within their respective torsos were pounding from adrenaline at the thought of combating such ferocity. The thrill of combat flooding through him awarded a small stockpile of hidden energy for further use.

[Combat Reserve +4]

As his heart rate returned to normal, a light snort escaped the nares of his bill, feline tail swaying laterally as if ready to strike. With his back against his foe, the tools of Tharraleos remain aplenty. Not only was the extensive, steel-tipped club he was swinging about now, but above it was a fan of razor edged tail feathers ready to flare out into a semicircle. The wings acting as his minor upper arms could assist, as well as deadly bucking kicks with the use of his formidable talons. It seems defense was his first priority, and test the abilities of creature thing while doing so in this fight of life or death.

@Doc Doctor
@Doc Doctor

Sounds fair enough. It gives us this epic standoff the beasts will face, which sounds like a fun time. Gives Griffy a few moments to enjoy his limbs while he has them.

Also, feel free to ask about any questions about the Reserves thing. I think I portrayed it coherently in my spoiler tag. Lemme know if otherwise.
@Doc Doctor

Forgot to tag, as always. But this shall be interesting. Something tells me I might've bit off more than I can chew with this one, but it should be nevertheless entertaining. Best of luck.

Left talon, left paw, right talon, right paw; this was the equine-like gait that carried the visitor forth. A titanic creature, his very footsteps shook the ground with each step. Even though the conditions were tolerable, this wasn't the kind of place the Griffintaur frequented. He much preferred clear bodies of water or the vastness of mountainsides. Not even an hour prior he was settled in an underground cave. But something severed him from his temporary home, a subconscious curiosity like something was pulling him in. It eventually lead him here, and he would soon see the horrors that attracted him.

The threat was too far away for his more traditional senses to register. The natural ambiance of the area and the native critters made such difficult. But that didn't mean he was completely unaware. The hybrid was all too familiar with the hunt, and his innate predatory sense alerted him of the impending danger. Stopping directly in his tracks, the beast hunkered down somewhat into a much more readied stance. The Magna Pater would hear a low growl emanating from the distance, almost like a warning to back away in hopes of preventing unneeded bloodshed. Though something told him to be prepared for the unimaginable. The presence of this foe was quite unlike many things Tharraleos has encountered. All he could do was stand his ground and wait.
@Metal Tortoise

Derp. Forgot to tag again. I figured you'd be preoccupied, I guess I just like to say something to get on my own forgetful ass. Though I do understand IRL prioritization, so patience is no issue for me either.
Within that frantic second, many things were processed through the robust mind of Tharraleos. His hold on the dear was lost instantly and it fell to the ground, painting the lightly grassed terrain in an explosion of gore and bone. As the hybrid watched the bullet careen towards him, it became clear he was not able to move in time and this projectile would find its way to his midsection. His immense body was a curse, but also a gift, as the bird cat was also aware of. Sure enough, the bolt burrowed into the midsection part just above where the bodies divided. Given his reinforced fur and hardened skin, it hardly broke the flesh, drawing only a minor amount of blood and forcing and irritated, growl from Tharr's agape beak, fangs and teeth bearing in response.

"At times I contemplate if I give humans too many opportunities for mercy." He started with retained tranquility, using a duo of his claws from his left minor paw like a pair of tweezers, the bullet was easily lodged from its place with nothing but a flesh wound remaining. His body abruptly reared upwards with feathered hindlimbs supporting his entire weight, golden talons clawing into the dirt for grip. From here, two things would happen simultaneously; his wings would flare outwards, their girth and low aspect ratio inherently unleashing a hefty gust of wind. Then his signature battle cry rattled the forest around them. The screech of a bird of prey pierced the air before it transitioned into a thunderous roar of a lion. If the torrent of air wasn't enough, the beast slammed his paws against the ground with such force it generated shockwaves with enough of a radius to ensure the hidden man faced some instability.

"Embrace your fear, and directly face the might of Tharraleos." He called out, body in a much more prepared stance for future deterrents.
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