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After a 2 month struggle, I am finally free from homelessness. I can finally partake in hobbies with full force once more


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Tharraleos listened with the utmost concentration. No syllable was missed by his acute sense of hearing, though the status of Knight was the most prominent thing be paid attention to. There was no doubt he was faced against a powerful force and couldn't help but feel enticed about battle. This minor rush of the thrill of combat was enough to entice the much more feral combatant waiting to be unveiled.

"A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Raelis." The hybrid responded, his voice having an heir of sophistication. By now the warrior would likely gather this was no mindless beast, but instead a cunning animal.

"I hail from a Warrior subspecies of Griffins known as the Aerasginero. We harbor amphibious traits and are thus masters of land, air and sea." He explained. Such was true given his composite nature. Very frequently did the bird cat often get mistaken for a Mergriff of sorts. "My kind are additionally known to transform from the humanoid as you see before you to much larger, 4 legged beasts. Such can be dangerous given the increase in power, but some loss of self control.” He explained. Noticing he was going on a bit more than usual, the hybrid cleared his throat.

"Now, honorable Asaraen Knight." He started once more, stance shifting ever so slightly. "May I ask to see just what your people are capable of?" He requested, eyes never straying their gaze from the light wielder. From here, Tharraleos would act on the defense, reacting accordingly to attacks to gauge his opposition's strength. Something told the warrior not to be careless against this one. Even from this distance the heat was nearly unbearable. Caution was most wise to come out victorious.

Tagged you right back :]
Tharraleos watched intently at the man, feeling as if he was witnessing an angelic warrior emerging from the heavens directly. Between the intense light and Holy radiance, it seemed the beast was giving respect more than anything. As Raelis touched down, the mammalian bird felt the elevated heat resonating from the swordsman. Then came the gesture; a very common question as he's experienced. Coherent speech was a trait he wasn't born with, but instead learned over his expansive lifetime. He was an animal, after all, though a remarkably intelligent one at that. Though hopefully a language barrier wasn't present. First was a nod from his feathered head.

"I am capable of verbal communication, yes." He started. His interactions were first spoken in his native Greek tongue. He'd wait for a response, studying his reaction to see if a misunderstanding was in play. "My name is Tharraleos Polemistis." He went on with the same dialect and a respectful bow as well. This sign of respect transitioned into a defensive stance as the intentions of this stranger was still unknown. He had shown enough honor and at least the beast had a name now. Each resourceful tool at his disposal was prepared to unleash an onslaught if necessary.
Tharr's attempt at shielding his eyes from the monster failed and his mind was subsequently invaded. The sensation was nearly unbearable and he resisted the urge to vocalize his pain. His innate warrior and animalistic instincts kept him focused on the actual threat and the source of all this. Invoking fear in the beast didn't quite garner the result it likely anticipated. With his vision blackened and being overwhelmed so abruptly sparked a fight or die response. As such, his adrenaline kicked into overdrive, bestowing reserve after reserve. This power had no seeable end and could stockpile endlessly, gifting him with increasingly more power at his disposal.

[Combat Reserve +8]

As the Magna Pater attempted to pull its prey down, the bird cat noted he either allow this thing to yank him down, or suffer potential wing damage if he resisted. He'd even assist with such and as just before he lost footing, his left talon and major paw pushed against the ground which sent him tumbling laterally with great force, landing with a loud crash. His full weight in addition to the force of his fall was applied directly on the slimy creature. While the damage would likely be moot, this was also an attempt to pin it down and hopefully halt whatever was happening with his wings currently. His left wing flared out to the side and its ends furled into a fist, seemingly ready to bludgeon it to death. Just one of his many limbs ready to teat this thing apart.

@Doc Doctor
Tharr continued onwards, noting how the stranger became increasingly more readied the more the beast drew closer. A completely understandable reaction, thought the hybrid. It was quite customary among those he encountered, though this individual seemed different; unafraid even. He watched as the swordsman stood his ground, only floating in place. Naturally, hovering idly would be taxing on his perpetually beating wings after some time. Besides, it seemed more civilized to speak at ground level, and the beast did enjoy acquaintance sometimes before bombarding them with animalistic ferocity.

As such, the beast would begin descending still with the winged warrior in sight. His wings would beat in a flurry of flaps as he approached the ground to ease the landing. His talons would touch down first, where his flight bearing limbs would fold seamlessly along his frame. His laser focused eyes still locked on Raelis about 15 meters away at this point. Tharr would watch him momentarily, still determining if he was a threat. He deduced this individual was a warrior not unlike him and would really only attack if provoked. Communication needed to be established to really determine if this wielder of light needed to be put in the same condition as his ship.


No sight of the mortal, just as expected. As the beast stepped forward to advance on the unfortunate man, the sight of the barrel alerted him. Though once again his large body would prove to be a beneficial hindrance. The bullet struck in the left shoulder, leaving no notable damage, but did have enough impact to have a physical reaction. As he recovered from it, he suddenly found himself faced with an orb careening straight towards him. With no time for evasion and wanting to test this more unorthodox ability, Tharr made no attempt to avoid harm. This was a gamble, as more often than not, these spheres were magic in nature and caused far more damage than anticipated. Though unluckily for Steer, this wasn't the case.

The blast embedded itself into the side of his major body. This certainly had much more pressure than the bullet and the beast found himself sliding laterally across the ground, claws reactively digging into the ground to sustain footing. With Steer nowhere in sigh, the feeling of dirt in his paws sparked an idea. The man would see a billow of dust and debris as Tharraleos began to tear into the earth. Before long, more and more of the creature would vanish before he was entirely submerged into the ground. If the Martial Artist were to look from his hiding spot, he'd see the immense hole left behind with the hybrid nowhere to be seen. Though vibrations were very much evident as Tharr carved his way around. At this point he was using Echolocation to roughly determine the location of his prey. If Steer was detected by the subterranean monster, he'd find himself standing above collapsing ground.

@Metal Tortoise

That took a bit longer than excepted. I guess being in a committed relationship means sacrifices must be made at certain times. Finally got some time to myself to get this done. Also somehow keep forgetting to tag people. Figured I'd do my best to contribute in speeding up the meetup. I'm sure Tharr is just as excited as I am to get this battle underway.

Tharr's eyes suddenly darted upwards in an intuitive reaction to change in surroundings. The fireball that was the Champion's vessel was instantly caught in view and this averted the bird cat's attention just as quickly. To his side was one of the many buildings to tower to the skies high above. He would need a vantage point to see where that would land and flight takeoff would prove cumbersome with all these structures causing a cramped space. With that in mind, the hybrid faced the structure and unsheathed the claws from his robust paws.

With a mild bound, the hybrid leaped up and grasped the aged brick and wavering lumber with the addition of his talons as well. The edifice swayed as a result of the sudden unbalance of weight, though this did not deter the warrior and only prompted him to begin his upward travel with the utmost caution and quickness. Before long Tharraleos figured he reached a sufficient height after noticing the rooftops of smaller buildings, leaving an array of punctured spots from his stab-happy ascension. Moments ago the commotion from the wreckage was heard not too far away; his acute hearing able to pinpoint its general direction. The steel at this part of the structure was in much better condition and was able to sustain him for a short time. He took this opportunity to dethatch his left paw and twist his body somewhat laterally. Near instantaneously, his amber eyes caught sight of the hooded, armored knight suspended in the air. Well that was certainly peculiar. Was this the one who emerged from the crash sight? His pupils began to increase to gradually twice their size, where a much better view of the figure could be seen. This individual seemed Holy in nature and from here, Tharr could faintly feel the Divine energy seeping from him. Definitely worth investigation from what he gathered.

The hexaped would release his hold entirely and leap backwards, the sheer force causing the building to tremble marginally. Any more strength behind his bound would likely have toppled it over. His lofty, black feathered wings would flare out to the sides, their span quadrupling his height, the rectrices of his tail fanning out and ready to act as a rudder of sorts. With unbridled grace, the avian feline drifted towards Raelis with his back adjacent to the ground. Right before losing momentum, he twisted himself 180 degrees and induced rapid wing beats to keep him airborne and leveled. The speed at first was lacking, but he'd soon close the distance to greet this stranger and his watchful eyes would ensure he wouldn't lose sight of him.

Took a bit longer than I wanted, but I got it done. Should be a bit more consistent from here
The dilapidated concrete nearly shattered to pieces under the weight of a passing traveler. Long, curved claws pitch as the night sky scraped along the ground. These belonged to the pair of golden yellow taloned feet with pale yellow webbed skin connected to the three frontal digits. They trembled the earth with each formidable step as if ready to make a grand entrance. Such was the way this being presented himself. With neck and back straight, an heir of pompousness seemed ever present. Lined mostly with plush, tawny brown fur over a sleek and toned frame, this was no mere mortal man, but instead pure beast. A pair of feathered wings pitch as the night sky folded seamlessly along his back, the bottoms only mere inches from the ground and nearly resembling a cape. His tail was odd in that it started narrow and tan furred, only to transition into a wedge shaped fan of tail feathers.

His head was much more avian, alert golden eagle eyes watching intently ahead of him. Covered in soft, white feathers, his cranium was inherently equipped with many features. His goldenrod beak was seemingly trapped in a light sneer, protractible fangs and teeth ready to sink into prey at any second. What likely stood out was the trio of fin shaped structures jutting from his plumaged noggin. One acted as a foot tall crest lining along the middle of his head with beige webbing draped across, the other two hanging from the sides of his face almost like ears. Also peculiar was the array of russet scales trailing down his chest to the bottom of his tail. The amalgamation of raptor and feline certainly led to the idea of him hailing from Griffins, though he was a more composite creature with added amphibious traits.

Tharraleos was this water loving Griffin’s name and was doing what he did best; wandering aimlessly with no real end goal set in mind. It was always the journey he enjoyed more rather than the destination. That would explain why he found such a seemingly ancient city for the first time during his travels. Though it kept things interesting, finding new discoveries even after two millennia. Though he mostly embarked on undersea, subterranean and airborne adventures, so it wasn't so impossible, but he was oddly taking a more grounded approach this day. And as usual, nothing notable but taking in the foreign surroundings while continuing forth in his own thoughts.
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