Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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2 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Sylvia called to Pylia in response to her call, "I got him!" She took the opportunity and attacked the goblin who dared to try and strike Pylia. She first swung her quarterstaff at him, before going for another unarmed strike with her elbow.

Okay! XD
Let's do this! XD

ooohhh...Not good.


Unarmed Strike to the second closest goblin then?
Sylvia watched the goblins, and as soon as the smaller one started climbing the trees, she looked to Pylia and nodded. With her staff in both hands, she waited for all of the goblins to focus on the tree, before she silently charged at the closest goblin and attacked with her staff. After attacking with the staff, she then try to punt the same goblin like it was a football.
Sylvia quieted down after Pylia put her hand over her mouth. She watched as the goblin turned to look in their direction, and she couldn't help but hold her breath in anxiety. Thankfully the other goblins got its attention and went back to searching. She nodded in agreement, and she added in a whisper "The stuff he stole should be in the tree. If they go that way then we can attack,"
Sylvia could see why Dirk chose the spot, despite the awkward imagery the tree and boulders brought to the forefront of her mind. However, this quiet didn't last long. She could hear the chattering, and at Pylia's direction, Sylvia hid herself. As she watched from her hiding place, she couldn't help but think that Dirk's capture was a blessing in disguise for him. She also wondered how well everything was hidden in the tree.

Sylvia whispered to Pylia "Shoot! Just our luck,"
Here we go then!

I believe that is a Nat 20!
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