Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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2 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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In Drowning 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
^////^ Aw, thank you!

But it really isn't that impressive. ^^"

Sylvia chuckled hesitantly at Pylia's quiet comment. That's right...She forgot that Pylia didn't like loud noises. She reassured Pylia, "Maybe we can find earplugs for you today," She then made the way through the bazaar, politely declining the merchants who were trying to sell them stuff, with numerous "No thank you," "Sorry," "Gotta go!" She was grateful that Pylia was there to keep pushing her along, and she helped make sure that Shortfang did not impulse buy anything.

Once they reached the Silver Stag, she led the way inside. After taking a good look around, she spotted the elven woman behind the bar. After hearing Pylia's suggestion, Sylvia nodded in agreement and stated "Sounds good. Let's try talking to her," She then led the way up to the barkeeper and she greeted politely, "Uh, Hello! We'd like to purchase, uh..." She looked at the four of them before continuing, "Two rooms for the night? How much would that be?"
Sylvia rubbed the back of her head at the thanks given. She accepted the pay given to her, as well as the pay that Buddy was handing her. She pocketed the money. She answered Ferric with a smile, “We’ll definitely stop by the shop! Take care, you two!”

She then looked to her friends and suggested to them, “I think we should get to the Silver Stag. After we pay for our lodgings, we can talk about what to do next,” She then led the way to the inn.
Sylvia listened as Shortfang and Shor answered her. She mentally noted the garrison symbol and she answered Shor, “We’ll be sure to find you when we get the chance,”

After all was said, Shor and his patrol went on their way. She sighed quietly to herself, troubled by what she had heard. She didn’t really have an answer for Shortfang’s comment. She still mentally mulled over the fact that Shortfang has the dream about the dragon too. All of them were guided to each other...

She then turned back to Ferric and the others and she stated “The news of this Elysion group is troubling...”
Deciding to bring the focus back to the task at hand, she suggested, “Ok, let’s finish unloading the cart,”
When Shor gave her his reassurance to keep the information confidential, she thanked him quietly. Sylvia looked at their reactions carefully. She couldn't blame Aisha for needing to step away for a bit. When Yorik asked, Sylvia answered grimly, "A real one," When everyone reached for their weapons, she turned around to see that they were startled by Shortfang. She looked back to them, and she reassured them, "It's alright. His name is Shortfang. He's with me. He helped us protect Ferric and Mica on the way here,"

She then looked to Shortfang, and she was immediately surprised by his words. She answered him, not concealing her surprise, "I did! You had one too?!" ...So even Shortfang wasn't here by coincidence...

She then turned to face Shor and the rest of his guard as well. She was surprised to hear that there were already rumors going about. This group, Elysium...

She answered him when he was done, "It doesn't sound good. It doesn't make sense..." She then told Shor, "Thank you for letting me know, Shor. If there's anything we can do to help out, you'll let us know?"

After his answer, Sylvia would thank him for answering her questions.
Sylvia nodded at Shor's request to hear the message, but before she could start, Kor threw an accusation her way. She had to admit, his suspicion was fair. If she had been in his position, she probably would have been suspicious too. Before she could say anything though, Pylia angrily rose to her defense. As Shor was calling Kor to back off, Sylvia gently put a hand on Pylia's shoulder and told her calmly, "Pylia, calm down. It's alright. It's perfectly understandable. He doesn't know me as well as you do,"

She then turned her attention to Shor as he spoke. She answered Shor's comment, "That's a relief to hear. I just want to make sure everyone gets through...what's coming safe and sound," She then told Kor, "Your suspicion is understandable. You are most certainly free to contact Chief Arduo or anyone in Cassari however you can and ask about me or my time there,"

She then turned her attention back to Shor and after a moment of thinking, she answered, "As for my message itself...I think it would be wise to inform you as well, since you are a guard captain for Gransys. You'd know how to best protect the city. I only ask that you be careful with this information, because while I want everyone to be ready and safe, I don't want to cause an unnecessary panic. Okay?"

Once she got his answer, she would lean down and whisper in his ear, deciding to keep it brief,

"The Black Dragon has returned. Chief Arduo requests soldiers or fighters who can protect Cassari,"

She then leaned away from Shor and studied his reaction.
Sylvia nodded and answered "I do. And it's an important message," She then pulled the medallion that Chief Arduo entrusted to her out from under her shirt, but kept the chain around her neck, and she told him, "Chief Arduo entrusted this to me. I believe this is supposed to get me in to see him and deliver the message," After letting him see the medallion and having a good look, she would tuck the medallion back under her shirt and out of view once more.

She then added, "And...with all due respect to his seneschal, I'd rather wait until Duke Erod Blackbane returns and tell him myself. I'm someone who wants to be one hundred percent sure that he receives the message,"
Sylvia blinked at the news and she commented in surprise, "Oh! So....So Duke Erod isn't even here right now?!" She was surprised to hear that. And what was the threat in the north? Could it have been...the black dragon? No that can't be...Could it? What was happening right now? As she thought about it, she pensively and distractedly answered Shor, "That...sounds rough..."

She snapped out of her thoughts when he asked what her third question was. She started "Oh right! Uh..." She then asked somewhat embarrassed, "Say...someone has business with Duke Erod Blackbane and has to talk to him, when he returns of course, where should they go?"
Sylvia nodded at the answer, and she mentally noted the inns. She mentally decided that the Silver Stag might be a good place to stay. She answered thoughtfully, "That's good to know. Thank you, Shor. I think we might be going to the Silver Stag tonight,"
She then continued her line of questioning, "OK, my second question, and this is just out of curiosity, but we have noticed that everyone here seems to be preparing for a festival. What's the occasion? Is it for the competition that's a month from now?"
Sylvia noted the names in her head mentally. She waved hi back to Cera, keeping herself from laughing at how Kor tries to be tough. When she was introduced to Yorik, and he made his comment, she answered "I'll be sure to keep that in mind, thank you," She then nods back to Aisha in greeting.

She turned her attention back to Shor and when he asked what she wanted to know, she hummed, "Hmm...Yeah, I have three questions about the city,"

She then asked, "First off, do you know where...or which inn would be a good place to stay? We're not quite sure how long we're staying in Gransys, but it would be a good idea for us to get lodgings figured out,"
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