Avatar of GubGar


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13 hrs ago
Current I think it's fine to do real crimes also as long as they are cool crimes.
12 days ago
just manifest a Tulpa roommate, simple as that.
25 days ago
It would be profoundly easy to bribe me into doing awful things if your method of bribery was a good Reuben
1 mo ago
anyway y'all ever think about how crazy crustaceans are?
2 mos ago
thinking bout the Kurt Angle moonsault off the cage, must be Friday


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Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by King Kindred>

I hope everyone's having a great day today. I'm spending it with family for the holidays, but I was able to finish Caty's CS. I'll finish Otto's later, but I've referenced every major event that your characters would have known about that affects the spiders.

Right on! I dig the mini-stories in Caty's backstory, makes them feel like cliffnote versions of story arcs from her comic run.

On my end, I might add a bit to my 'anything else to add' section, but beyond that I think Oliver is good to go.
<Snipped quote by Polaris North>

Epithets that start with A represent! I'm a fan of Sam too, I always enjoy a villain-turned-hero story!

Realizing I could have used Alias instead of Epithet for added A-word Alliteration. I may never recover from this blunder.
<Snipped quote by GubGar>

Omg I love him ;-; Fellow A-based superhero name

Epithets that start with A represent! I'm a fan of Sam too, I always enjoy a villain-turned-hero story!
<Snipped quote by GubGar>

I really love this. It's very unique. Also, everyone that's posted so far is approved. I'm really looking forward to getting started with these amazing characters.

Awesome! I've had a vague idea of 'semi-aquatic spider-man' for a while, but he changed a lot as I was writing him. So I'm happy to hear the execution was enjoyable!
Ended up changing some stuff around, decided not to go with Kraven and Scorpion, instead my character studied under this world's version of Doctor Conners. Hopefully everything's good!

<Snipped quote by GubGar>

Both of those are good to use. The only one that's really off-limits is the Green Goblin since he doesn't exist yet, but the Hobgoblin does. He was Caty's first villain.

Caty and Danny took on Mysterio so he exists as well and there may have been a symbiote Danny event. Black Cat exists as well, but genderbent so @Polaris North may have had a run-in with him.

Your characters may have vague memories of Doc Ock being a villain, but you wouldn't really remember until you started traveling through the multiverse.

Right on! Looks like I'm good to go then. Ideally I'll be able to bang out the sheet tonight.
Question; I was considering adding a villain or two of this universe into my Spider Totem's backstory, and wanted to see if that'd be alright. If any are off limits that's totally fine, I was considering Mac Gargan and maybe Kraven.
Tentatively interested, this looks like it could be fun!

@rocketrobie2 I really dig the powerless vigilante that actually feels fallible and human vibes. Not to diss the batfam, but I've always been a fan of when a non-powered human doesn't rock with peak physicals that put them at the borderline of superhuman.

Sure, his physique doesn’t let him lift cars (closer to a love seat) or outrun a speeding ticket

Especially a big fan of that bit.
Think I've hammered out a solid sheet, but I am posting this fairly late where I am, so please let me know if anything needs altering!

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