Avatar of Guess Who


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3 yrs ago
Current Goodbye Miura. One of my favorite fantasy authors of all time has gone too soon.
4 yrs ago
Don't forget, they made another new hero named Screentime. A meme loving superhero who got his powers from exposure to internet gas. He has the ability to basically be a smart phone.
4 yrs ago
Sometimes I open up a new tab on my browser and I forget what I intended to do with it... What am I doing here again?
4 yrs ago
When did I do that?
5 yrs ago
Whenever you're feeling down, just remember that this man is cheering you on: youtu.be/KxGRhd_iWuE


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Since us swedes for some arbitrary reason have it in our heads that you celebbrathe Xlatmas on the 24th, rather than the 25th like every other country in the world, I'll be going shortly to my old man's house. Stuff my face with food, prtend to make pleasant small-talk with his girlfriend, hand out some Xaltmas presents and get a T-shirt in return, then come back home in the afternoon.

Not that I think my absence will be much noted, but just in case you're wondering why I'm not here for 14 hours straight today - that's why.

Regardless, Merry Xaltmas all you lovely pagans! I'll see you in a few hours again~

Oh, and @Guess WhoI liked that post thar, Kath so cute. :3

Thank you. And Merry Christmas to you too.
Kath couldn't help but blush at Ashara's kind words. She had never received such kind words before in her life, other than the occasional comment by a guest of the Chateau on how cute she was. Her words were not only a compliment to her intelligence and manners though. There was more. This wasn't an offhand remark on her appearance, this was a promise. A pledge to be her shelter for any trying times the two may face on this mission for Lord Rodias. Perhaps it was naive to believe that this vulpine woman could protect her from any danger, but when it was declared with such determination she couldn't help but believe that Ashara really could defeat any attacker and save her from any danger that came to her person. She probably read one too many adventure stories.

With a determined nod of her head, Kath replied back, "Alright. I'll do my best to support you as well. If anything comes our why, we'll face it side-by-side." Just to emphasize this promise, the dragonoid closed her eyes and took a step forward, finally crossing the threshold into this new world. For the first time ever, she had left Chateau Gothika and the world felt ever so bigger for it. "I can do it," she whispered to herself as her eyes opened again, taking in the scenery with a new perspective. With a smile toward her traveling companion, she said, "Let begin our trek," and began to walk toward the sleepy village that sat so quietly beneath their home.

As the two walked through the mountain, Kath would remain equally alert as Ashara, though for different reasons. Where the kitsune was on the look out for danger, the dragon was on the look out for information. Every moment she did not spend watching her step, she would be writing and drawing inside one of the two large tomes she had brought with her. Evidently, that book had been mostly blank and was now in use as a journal to record all of the various flora and fauna the twosome passed. She may have even asked Ashara to stop several moments to make sure her quick sketches and descriptions remained as accurate as possible, if not for the fact that they had a mission assigned to them and taking frequent stops would significantly slow their progress.

Her interest would divert back to Ashara when she made her transformation to a more human form though. Kath couldn't help but continue being the nosy explorer as watched, wondering to herself if everyone appeared that way when changing themselves in such a way. It wasn't often she had seen her fellow Chateau-residents make such a alteration to their person, and while she herself had the similar ability of multiple forms, she had never been in the mood to look upon a mirror as it happened.

The village was nice and peaceful, almost exactly how Kath had imagined the home of many heroes looked like before they began their journey. She almost had to fight off the ability to skip through town and enjoy its tranquil aura. It was probably a good thing she was successful as well, as the man that confronted them may have been even more hostile to their presence if she did something that would draw so much attention to the pair.

"My ap-" Kath would begin, before stopping to clear her throat. As Ashara had said, they were soldiers of fortune, people not exactly well known for their manners if the stories she read were true. Speaking formally would possibly gain them suspicion. "Sorry if..." 'Previous encounters.' That's what she wanted to say, but again she had to pause to remind herself to drop her usual demeanor to keep up the act given to them by her lord. "Some run in you had with one of my kind went sour for you, sir. I hope you'll find me and my partner here more pleasant to deal with than other Dragonscarred," she began. She liked that word, 'Dragonscarred.' It rolled off the tongue well.

"As she said, we are mercenaries, though we've only taken up the profession rather recently. We were hoping to find someplace for work while we made our way North. It doesn't have to be anything violent of course. We're not above doing some chores if it'll give us enough to pay for a bed and food later on," Kath said, interested in seeing what these people used for currency. Coinage could tell you a lot about a nation. They were covered in symbols and people that the citizens most likely valued. If these people didn't have coin and worked on a barter system instead, it would tell them that they were probably on the fringes of the nation they called home. Maybe even independent with no ruler, though that seemed unlikely with such a man as this acting as the village's guardian.
Kath better come up with some clever things to tell that grumpy-pants villager, you know, explain why two smokin' hotties who look nothing alike suddenly roll up on a dismal, backwater mining town out of the blue... Ashara isn't exactly the greatest con-artist or bamboozler around, despite being a tricksy fox-demon. xD

She'll certainly do her best.
@Guess WhoOi, you! Ashara didn't insult Light's weight, she merely warned her that eating everything and anything that everyone else left behind might cause her to grow fat! D:

Ah sorry. The "'Careful, Miss Light. If you eat too muhch you might grow fat.' Ashara warned," And "in truth, it wasn't like Ashara disliked Light, she just found her presence uncomfortable and her personality... Well, in need of improvement, shall we say?" Sentences made it seem like the first one was supposed to be sarcastic. I'll try and edit it later today to fix that. Sorry again for misreading it.

And I'm sorry to hear about work mistreating you. Sounds like a pretty terrible boss to work for.
Kath would let out a small cough as she tried to avoid choking on the last of her cookie, listening to her future traveling partner begin to spurn their Vault Keeper. With Light often spending her time near their treasury to make sure it remained constantly guarded and never undefended and the dragonoid doing the same with her own library, neither of them really had many chances to interact. Making fun of the Lovecraftian defender's weight seemed a bit petty to her though, regardless of whether she deserved the insult or not.

Though Kath had to admit, she caused her scales and skin to crawl somewhat just by being close.

When Ashara made her next comment, Kath was glad she had finished eating her cookie. Now she was talking of dates? How scandalous. Should such talk really be discussed here within the Climax Hour? She would resign herself to making no comment on it, but the librarian hoped that none of the other Chapter Keepers and residents of the Chateau spoke of such things behind her back. Despite the meticulous records kept within The Athenaeum of Historia, she could not possibly read every volume kept inside. She was bound to miss some of the gossip that floated around their home.

In any case, it was time she gathered her belongings for the upcoming trip. "Yes, I'll meet you there. Don't worry, I shall not keep you waiting long," Kath said, moving to the fourth chapter at a respectable pace. It was much quicker than walking, but didn't cause her to lose her expected elegance. Her sophisticated look came naturally to the librarian and any effort to lose that refinement would take conscious effort on her part.

However, just as promised, Ashara would not wait long at the main gate. Only a couple minutes after the kitsune had made herself comfortable enjoying the view, Kath arrived, two heavy looking tomes tucked securely under each arm. She really did have her books well organized to collect them so quickly. Upon reaching the grand doors that stood at Chateau Gothika's entrance though, she would stop in her tracks. "I've never been this far from The Athenaeum before," she admitted. "You don't suppose I should go back and bring more do you? In case something happens? Like a fire? Or a robber? Or a vandal? What if someone were to try and explore the Forbidden Section? I'm cautious to even let Lord Rodias see its contents, much less any of the others. Perhaps I can plead for our lord to allow me to stay." It appeared she needed a helping hand in finally crossing that threshold that separated the world she was used to and the one that presented itself before the two girls.
Kath remained quite as the last of her fellow NPCs-given-life were giving their own opinions. Hearing how many of them still believed that a show of force would be the ideal way to handle the village made her somewhat anxious. If such a course was taken, that would leave little option for course correction. It could very well lead to disaster for them all if there was something out there that didn't appreciate the Chateau bullying its neighboring village. She could only hope that her words had reached Rodias' ears and convinced him, otherwise she feared the possible repercussions.

While she sat there in silence, stewing in her anxiety, Chuunitrixx would take the opportunity, whether intentional or not, to only make her feel worse about not continuing to fight for her opinion on the matter and only speaking the one time. Yet, she only played into the doppelganger's hand more as she refused to speak up, taking her roast and accepting it. She really was "The Churchmouse of Dragons."

Luckily, her sulking would not last forever. It seemed as if Kath's words had in deed accomplished her goal as Rodias announced each of their new objectives, including sending Ashara and another to scout the town for information. Yes, this was excellent. The kitsune seemed the level headed sort to avoid any meaningless conflicts should any arise during her time among the humans. This seemed a perfect choice to the librarian...

Wait, who was the other going with Ashara? Had Rodias said her name?

"Me?" Kath questioned. When she had suggested a small party that would be unlikely to cause trouble, she hadn't been referring to herself. Even if she knew the Sable Lord's decision was the most logical choice to make. She wanted to speak up and address her dissent, suggest another to take her place instead so she could remain within her Athenaeum of Historia. Unfortunately, she couldn't bring herself to interrupt the vampire lord and was left to listen to his orders, giving her time to rationalize the benefits and drawbacks rather than react purely on her emotion.

By the time Rodias returned to addressing her and Ashara, the dragonoid had become more agreeable to the idea of leaving, if not still nervous and frightened by the prospect. Having the reassurance that her lord would watch over her library while she was gone certainly helped to relieve some of that though. "I... If those are your orders, than I shall follow them. I understand what must be done and the importance of such a task," she said with a polite nod.

As Rodias made his departure, Kath would take the time to close her eyes and concentrate on slowing her beating heart. She had rarely left her library unless it was for a meeting similar to this one or an important task assigned by Kiss My Axe, but she had never, not once in her life, ever left Chateau Gothika's walls before. The very idea made her come close to breaking into a cold sweat. She was glad though to have such kindhearted companions that could take her mind off such a momentous occasion. Rising from her seat finally, she turned to address the kitsune.

"Yes, I believe I would like to bring a few of my tomes with us on our journey. The knowledge within them may become useful in relieving any suspicion of us from the villagers or, should the unthinkable occur, and we find ourselves in danger. It should not take long though. I know exactly where they rest upon their shelves," Kath said with a halfhearted smile.

Ashara would not be the only one she needed to rely on in helping to relieve her mind of its negative thoughts as the Chateau's head chef would approach as well. "Oh, thank you my dear. These look quite delicious as always," she said, taking one of Flan's cookies. A tray of these along with a warm cup of hot chocolate or tea would always help in creating a more engaging atmosphere as she read alone in her library and now they helped her relax as they reminded her of the fun adventures she had read about in her many collected tomes. Perhaps she could add one of her own among the infinite shelves of books.
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

Ink, don't make me force your account to mysteriously vanish with talk like that!

Also, working on a post now. Sorry for making everyone wait. I like reading everyone's post before making my own, but a busy week at work caused me to fall behind and leave quite a lot to read all at once.
I don't know why, but for some reason I'd been calling Kath by Katri... I'm not really certain why or how I made that mistake, but I've at least made edits to my IC post, so as to fix that blunder. Sorry, Guessy, I apparently wasn't paying attention, or my eyes are getting even worse. T~T

I just figured it was a cute nickname for her. Ha.
I was picturing, potentially, a high level enchanter that served the roll of providing significant buffs to guild parties before they left like last rites. Ergo, maybe the Guild Chaplain since I have some high holiness theme in mind.

Someone that can also be converted over to a Chapter rather easily too if that role needs filling.

If they do end up becoming a Chapter Keeper, I can't help but imagine their floor appearing like Irithyll from Dark Souls 3.
Kath was rather shocked to hear all of this. Not that they had been transported, she had already learned that on her own from glancing out a window. No, listening to Sable Lord Rodias proclaim to have overstepped his rank was what had caused the girl's eyes to open wide in surprise. Without the presence of any of the other Lords, he was the highest ranked among them. Of course he would be in charge. It pained her to not have Kiss My Axe here to support in his various tasks and get her mind off the anxiety she felt over so many unknown variables, but at the same time she was no defeatist. She and the other occupants of Chateau Gothika would certainly make do with what they had, and with at least one of their most esteemed leaders, they had quite a lot to work with. The situation was not desirable, but they would find a way to rise to the top.

"I shall follow you Lord Rodias. My offer still stands. All information I have is yours, you may only need request it," she said, most likely putting the vampire more at ease with her innocent smile.

As the other Chapter Keepers and high ranking positions of the chateau made their suggestions, Kath's smile would fade. While none of them declared open hostility to their newly discovered neighbors, other than Zouyu that was, she still felt their responses were rather aggressive. Reconnaissance and proselytism would not gain them favor, especially if caught. In her opinion, what they needed was a much more delicate touch.

"I would recommend to err on the side of caution. The village's defenses may be non-existent, and we could possibly exterminate them without much effort on our part and with no casualties, but who's to say they might not have much stronger allies who could provide a much larger threat. Not to mention, the amount of information one can attain from a corpse is small in comparison to an informant. They could tell us much more about where we are now with careful use of negotiation and diplomacy. I vote for a peaceful solution. Perhaps by sending a small party to act as a representative of the chateau."

With a glance toward Graft, she would finish with, "As Lord Brushen Penn said, 'Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.'" Everything ever spoken in public chat was recorded within her library. Every word painstakingly added to a new text without change from its original spelling or context. If it was said above a whisper, Kath heard it, and if it was something said by one of the highly regarded Sable Lords, she had memorized it. Unfortunately for the Homonculus, it seemed his creator's book of wisdom already existed somewhere within the Athenaeum of Historia.
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