Avatar of Guy0fV4lor
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  • Posts: 979 (0.44 / day)
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    1. Guy0fV4lor 6 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current God Bless the USA! Happy 4th Everyone! (though admittedly a day late)
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2 yrs ago
Oh yay-- the status bar has turned into Twitter again... My favorite.
2 yrs ago
Damn dude-- don't remind me what's been taken from us.... I seriously miss that game.
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2 yrs ago
Imagine not using maple syrup to sweeten your coffee.
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3 yrs ago


Coming Soon!

(or whenever I get off my lazy ass)

Here's a couple neat memes while you wait:

Most Recent Posts

Mason Drake

Just as Mason cleared the ceiling, he felt himself getting pulled back, the very winds fighting his ascent. Though flapping his wings with all his might, Mason found himself slowly coming closer to the chamber. In a final attempt to escape, he shifted the old woman to his right shoulder, planting his feet on what little remained of the ceiling, and latched onto a sizable crack in the sloped, rocky surface before him with his left hand. Straining against the strength of the vortex, the stone beneath his left foot gave way, his leg partially slipping into the chamber below. His hearing had just returned to him just in time to hear one word;


A violent gust hit Mason's leg, throwing it against a sharp corner. As his Tibia broke in half with a sickening 'SNAP' a quiet scream escaped his lips. Determination unfailing, Mason still fought onward, the horrible pain merely serving to drive him to salvation, just as it had in Nero.

Inch by inch, he crawled up the rocky slope until he reached a point where he could escape the pull of the vortex. Taking off into the air once more, Mason held the unconscious woman close to his chest; he would not fail today.

Realizing that the Wisp was already dead, Jason gurgled a sigh of relief as he relaxed his stone shot.

Setting all of his inventory save for a single crystal in his storage, Jason devoured one of his previously stored healing herbs. "Perhaps I should keep more of these on hand" he thought to himself. With the tunnel to his sniping position currently out of commission, Crispy's assassination would have to wait.

Snatching up a stone, Jason carved out a new chamber; this would be where he grew his herbs. Moving the wall of rocks, he curled himself into a ball, and rolled over to the pond to gather seeds. Once he had a total of 8, he returned to the new chamber and spat them out on the floor before once again returning to the pond. This time, snatching up dirt, and a some water.

Rolling back to his gardening chamber, he began to set up his new garden. First, he laid out the dirt in the middle of the chamber before using his gelatinous body to spread it evenly across the chamber floor. Next, he snatched up the seeds he had brought in (there were eight seeds), closely analyzing each one before planting them in the newly lain dirt. When he was done, there were two evenly spaced rows of four. Carefully spitting the water about the dirt, droplets at a time, Jason brought the dirt in his garden to be just as damp as that next to the pond.

Looking proudly upon his work, the slime come gardener now had to figure out what to do next. Making his way back into his main chamber, he caught a glimpse of the green crystal. Bracing his mind, Jason intently studied the crystal's features before once again peering deep into it's void. Once that ordeal was over, Jason began to ponder what to do as he waited for the side-effects to wear off.

After meditating a bit, trying to more intensely study the green crystal with his [Tremor Sense I], Jason thought back to the level up screen once again, recalling that he had begun to develop an ability called 'Aqua Sphere' would it not be in his best interest to learn it?

Devouring the remains of the wisp with a loud slurp, Jason loaded his inventory with two stones and two mana crystals; he would not be caught off-guard again. Exiting his hideout, and once again concealing it's entrance, Jason attempted to curl into a sphere once more, and rolled to the side of the pond.

Sucking up some water from the pool, Jason practiced firing water as if it were a projectile, experimenting with all aspects of the process, such as: pressure, suction, amount of water, shape of how he released it, and more. He would continue repeating this process until he finally developed a new ability, or until something showed up on his [Tremor Sense I] (which he was simultaneously running in the background to avoid any nasty surprises).

@ReusableSword well now I just feel like a dick......
@Haeo You're supposed to get approved in OOC by @Jangel13 before you put your sheet in the CHAR thread.....
Mason Drake

As all but his hearing returned, Mason realized with horror that his blade he no effect. Looking up, he saw a spear of blood shoot through the bandit, "Dremmick!!! How could you?!?!?!?!?!? She wasn't a threat!!!" he screamed, clearly shock by the display of brutality. Even more appalling, was how the Oro girl reacted, saying something that Mason couldn't hear, she clearly seemed to disregard the death of the very person that fought alongside them, instead turning and lunging forward in an attempt to kill the now incapacitated old woman as Mason looked on in horror. At the last moment, a red chain wrapped about the limp body of the all-seer, before yanking her out of the way.

Though his lack of mercy was repulsive, Dremmick had saved the old lady from the scythe wielding oro. As he breathed a sigh of relief, a sudden thought hit Mason, if the enemy only wanted the lady... They could be drawn away from his comrades!!!

His blade exploding with a black flame, he drove his weapon through the head of the smaller basilisk, before running toward Dremmick and grabbing the old lady.

"I got her!" he shouted to his comrades as he threw the unconscious woman over his shoulder. Running forward, Mason ripped his sword out of the freshly slain serpent, quickly sheathing it as he shot out through the hole in the ceiling.

SHIT. This was obviously not your average wisp, was it a lvl 2 like Jason? Right now, it didn't matter; all that mattered was survival. If that wisp got that mana crystal, it would be game over.


Taking a gamble, Jason activated [Stone Shot I] again, this time using his own digestive fluids as ammunition. As the glob of stomach acid sailed toward the wisp, Jason lunged over the edge, and onto the inclined section of his tunnel. Remembering back to the level up screen, he remembered he had an undeveloped shape-shifting skill, if he could manage to manifest it here, it may just save his slimy skin. As membrane touched rock, the slime attempted to take the shape of a ball, constantly oscillating his weight in order to gain even more speed; he rolled as fast as he could to the bottom of the incline. Moments before crossing into his main tunnel, Jason consumed one of his mana crystals. Just as he crossed into the main section of his tunnel, he used [Rock Spire I] to block the top half of the opening into the newer section of tunnel before lunging over to his storage as he once again consumed a crystal. Snatching up the Tainted mana crystal, Jason whipped around, activating [Tremor Sense I]; as to be able to locate the wisp with pinpoint accuracy, as well as readying [Stone Shot I], using the tainted crystal as ammo.

The second that little puffball Fucker showed it's face, it was gonna get belted.

Hobgoblin Ren
Hunting >>> Prepwork >>> Hunting /// Early Mourning >>> Late Mourning // Day 5


His quarry was nearby, now all he needed to do was prepare. From what he had been told, these creatures hunted in packs, which Ren knew he couldn't take; he had to thin their numbers.

Quietly, the Hobgoblin gathered and sharpened reasonably sturdy sticks, before planting them in the ground at around 45 degree angles in multiple spots. Once he place around 20 of these, he used bushes to conceal each planted spear; hopefully, if the wolves tried to chase him, they would impale themselves on these traps.

Next, Ren took half of a nearby hollow log, and began to dig several pits, spaced out around his trapping area. Each pit roughly 4 feet deep, the ingenious trapper then collected more sturdy sticks, sharpened them, and outfitted each pit with around a dozen spikes before concealing his pitfalls. The leftover dirt was then pushed to the exact center of Ren's staging area, being packed down, and pushed into the shape of a platform.

Finally, his preparations were complete, all that was left was to find these creatures; and so, after taking careful note of where his traps were placed, he continued searching for the wolves.

Alarms started going off in Jason's head. How the fuck did he not notice he had been followed? Was he going to die a second time? To a mere wisp at that?

Time seemed to stop as thoughts raced through his head. He was nearly out of options, and the wisp's second shot would likely kill him. Forcing as much mana as he could into [Stone Shot I], he launched his half-eaten goblin hand at the wisp, hoping it would at least block the mana orb.

The same moment the hand left his membrane, Jason sucked himself down, before throwing himself forward with everything he had, whilst simultaneously flattening out, attempting to dive under and behind the wisp; hoping, praying, that his plan would work.

Mason Drake

The world around Mason seemed to move so fast, Dremmick became encased in ice, the scythe girl seemed to phase about the room, attempting to kill the old lady, only to be thrown back.

As the Oro girl's scythe dissapeared, an intoxicating song began to escape her lips. Mason felt his mind slowly slipping from his grasp. What was this? Rising to his feet like a puppet controlled by inivisible strings, he began to stumble toward the strange warrior.

As he drew closer to her, something once again stirred deep with Mason, followed by an incredible headache. Dropping his sword, and falling to his knees in agony, his hands shakily raised to his head, gripping the sides until his knuckles turned white. IT HAD TO STOP. Slowly, Mason's fingers slid into his ears, driving harder, and further until blood ran down his cheeks. The world turned silent. For the moment, he was free.

Looking about, he realized that the song was not only affecting him, but his friends as well. Even worse, the Tyro bandit was moments from being set free. It was a gamble, but there was only one option; clenching his eyes shut for but a moment, he cast the only spell he dared risk . When they opened once more, his green eyes had been replaced with those akin to that of a shark, those in the room would find themselves rapidly being robbed of their senses, until finally.... Nothing.

Though Smother was perhaps his most proficient spell, he still had far to go. As the world disappeared from the others, so too, did it disappear from Mason; who quickly snatched up his sword before his sight had left him. As the world went dark, bodies became whispy white shapes, though Mason had heard that seraphim had the ability to see souls, he'd never been able to do it before. He slowly began to crawl toward the enemies, knowing that without his sense of touch, trying to stand would be a fool's errand. As he got within reach of his foes, Mason shifted onto his knees, ignited his sword, and swung his blade three times, once at the base of each basilisk's head, and once at the hand of the Oro.
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