Avatar of HaleyTheRandom


Recent Statuses

22 days ago
Current TFW You want to go home and plot drama with your characters, but you're stuck at work dealing with actual drama 😭
2 mos ago
Your mom's a hoe.
1 like
2 mos ago
It's hard to believe it's been this long without Poly. I'm sure they'd be happy to know they've left a mark on all of us so many years later. Hope you're resting easy friend.
2 mos ago
Hey Mahz, when are we getting that block feature?
4 mos ago
I think the world would be a lot more peaceful if men just kissed other men more often.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

  • Portrayed By: Scarlett Leithold
  • Color Code: A0D574
  • Font: Handwriting -> Nella Sue Demo
  • Daughter of Nathaniel 'Nate' Blake and Jasper Vivionna Blake (Formerly Delamar).
  • Polygamous Bisexual.
  • Is the youngest of the triplets. She is also the youngest of the trio, as well as the only girl, currently standing at 5 feet and ten inches tall.
  • Much like her father, photography is her passion and she plans to persue a career in photography.
  • Erin has a very loveable, goofy personality. Most people tend to tell her that she behaves in a puppy like fashion - ready to be friends with anyone, loyal to a fault, and always spreading warmth wherever she goes. But don't be fooled by her soft exterior and friendly demeanor - the blonde has a very explosive temper.
  • She and her brother share an Instagram where they post their work. Neal is a food stylist, and Erin takes pictures of his work as a way to receive more practice. (More info on this to come). She also has two other Instagram accounts: A personal IG full of pictures of herself, friends, and family. The second account is for her photography work.

  • Original Character Sheet
  • Portrayed by: Camila Cabello
  • Color Code: #43DDBB
  • California native.
  • Of Mexican, Spanish, and Cuban decent.
  • Cousin of Tessa Mendoza-Rosales, an esteemed Neurosurgeon. Reyna spent most of her summers with her cousin.
  • Loves to cook/bake, hiking and swimming, playing her guitar, collecting records, dancing.
  • Youngest of three kids.
  • Reyna is a simple girl, looking to live her life to the fullest. Her dreams are to see the world and to have a pure, healthy, loving family.
  • Reyna loves to dance and is a pro at doing the salsa.
  • Has worked in her father's restaurant since she was sixteen. She worked her way up from being a cashier, to a hostess, and finally a waitress.
  • Reyna is multilingual, and tends to slip in and out of speaking Spanish when her emotions get the best of her.
  • Has a casual style. Sometimes she can have a more grunge like outfit, other times she can be more feminine. 1, 2, 3.
  • Reyna is very flirty and has earned herself a bit of a reputation for it.

Featuring:Ruby MacMillian @LovelyComplex

Callie had disappeared, Nick wasn’t listening to her anymore, and to top it all off - Rosefell looked worse in person than it did online. The last two weeks had simply been way too much for Billie to process.

Sitting on top of her brothers car, Billie waited patiently for Rue to answer. Before the other girl even had a chance to speak, Billie had already began ranting the second she answered the phone.

”Tell me why out of all the schools they could have chosen, they merged us with… with… this.” Billie practically shrieked the last word as she turned the camera so that Rue could see the building.

Ruby Macmillan was sitting on the edge of the fountain that was topped with a statue of Marianne, at Place de la République. She was eating a churro with one hand, holding her phone with her free hand, and moving her skateboard with her feet from side to side. It was almost 2 PM where she was. Her mother was giving an interview with some top notch fashion designer, and as per usual, dad was there with her for moral support.

The Macmillans have done this tango for as long as she could remember, so it got boring. At least for her. Her sisters enjoyed fashion, so they could put up with attending mom’s events, but to her it was ‘eh’. If it makes you look good, wear it. If not? Wear it too. Fuck what people thought. With her way with words, her dad gave her a nice sum of cash and she left them to do what she liked best: skate. They’ll call her when they need her. For now she would chill in the sun and harass a kid or two.

Nibbling on her churro, she listened to her best friend’s rage. Looks like Billie was having a day. Wow, how did that feel? To get upset because of a change in school? Rue wouldn’t know. Her dad was her teacher. “That’s rough, Bee.” Dully gazing at the screen, not because she was disinterested, but because she couldn’t relate, Rue shrugged, “Sounds like a bunch of minor inconveniences to me and you’re not a settler so I’m sure you’ll figure shit out, whatever shit is. I doubt it’s just the merge.”

Billie could tell from the way Rue talked that she wasn’t particularly interested in the subject. That was fine. Billie just needed to vent, and rather Rue wanted to admit it or not, she dealt out pretty decent advice. Turning the screen back on herself, Billie placed her chin on her left hand, resting her elbow on her leg as she leaned forward.

”MMmmmm…. Yeah. I’ll figure it out sooner or later. But that’s not the point. It’s driving me insane. Like right now.” Pouting, Billie sighed. ”It just feels like there’s nothing I can fucking do. And now I have to go find some fucktard named Melissa because they’re supposed to give me a tour of Shitville.”

As an announcement came over the speakers, Billie glared at the building. ”This place gives me very chaotic, trashy vibes.”

Rue’s expression contrasted her friend’s because as she listened to Billie rant and rage she couldn’t help but feel excited. This school was making other students give out tours, a kid just used the intercom, and it was chaotic. Where could she sign up?! Ugh, she was so jealous.

After taking another chomp out of her delicious delight, Rue playfully rolled her eyes, “Don’t be so melodramatic, that’s your dad’s job!” She knew her friend was gloomy so she went straight to the point, “You can either be a little bitch, or make this school your bitch, okay? So what if people probably have sex under the bleachers!” She paused, wow, that was an intriguing thought, wasn’t it? “Please confirm if that’s true or not in the future, please, but yeah. So what! So what if it seems like shit doesn’t seem to be going right. I can promise you something will happen to bring you right up. And lover, my love, my Babycakes, if you don’t like that Melissa-whore, why don’t you just tag the back of the building or something? In big letters LIBERTY HIGH MOTHERFUCKERS. That’ll get a message across, don’t you think?” Munch.

Still glaring at the brick building, Billie’s expression some-what softened at the mention of her father. It was true that Kavi Salvador had a flair for the dramatic. Hell, come to think of it, their whole family was dramatic - even Fiona.

As she listened to Rue, Billie's mood went from absolutely irate to simply being sour. Rue was right. Billie was that bitch.

"Fine. I'll stop crying and go see what I can do. But first I have to hop off of here and google this Melissa chick. Thanks Rue," she said, managing a small smile.

“Anytime. I should call dad anyways and be like ‘are you guys done yet?’” Rue finished off the last of her churro, before clearing her throat, “Better call me in the morning. Tell me all things: interesting. I’m bored and need the tea. Well, anywho! Miss ya, girly. Give Richie some kisses for me, h’okay?”

"Of course, of course! You know I will. G'bye munchkin."

Closing out the app, Billie pulled up google and typed in the name of her assigned tour guide: Melissa Elliot.

One of the first things to pop up was an instagram profile. The handle read @queenofthorns - something that Billie couldn't decide if she found creative or cringy. The pictures posted painted the life of a popular blonde. The perfect cheerleader, friend, daughter… but did she really have it as all together as she wanted people to think?

Only one way to find out.

Upon further examination, Billie realized that her tour guide was the blonde woman that was screaming at that punk kid a few minutes ago. The crowd that they had been apart of had since dispersed, and Melissa had headed in the direction of the school entrance. Figuring she should follow the other girls trail, Billie hopped down off of Nicholas's car and headed inside the building.

I've been bored, so naturally I'm going through and cleaning up my DM's on discord and shit.

Anyway, I've been reading some of my old messages with friends. Super nostalgic.

Sometimes I wish I could just take a moment and freeze it.


As Lilith stood there watching the current scene unfold before her eyes, she didn’t space out on the fact that Minty had called the red haired girl Juno. Lilith didn’t expect herself to recognize Juno after all these years, and she was right. Puberty had hit Juno like a ton of bricks - and Lilith meant that in every good way possible.

Rico nearly being run over was enough to break Liliths train of thought. Fortunately for the young man, the driver of the vehicle attempted to swerve out of the way. The last thing that Lilith wanted this morning was to watch someone die. The next thing on the list of things not to do today was playing nice with Melissa.


Spike freaked the fuck out, hopped in the car and sped away. Meanwhile Melissa was… well, she acted in natural Melissa fashion. Her attempt to be nice wasn’t fooling Lilith, however. Hopefully it wasn’t convincing to anyone else either.

A tall kid walked over, greeting Juno and Emily. He practically had the words ‘I’m from Liberty High’ stamped across his forehead. Lilith wasn’t impressed.

Hunter spotted Rico nearly dying, dragging himself over to join the party as some freakishly pretty Greek Goddess climbed from the murder mobile. This crowd of people was growing fast, and Lilith had to figure out a way to worm herself out of it - quickly.

As Spikes voice crackled over the intercom, the young woman rolled her eyes. Walking over to Juno, she tapped the girl on the shoulder.

”Sorry,” she said, grimacing briefly before forcing a smile. ”I’m Lilith - your tour guide for the day. I know you’re catching up with your friends and observing all of the stupid shit Rosefell has to offer, but I really need a joint right about now and was wondering if you’d like that tour of the school or not?”

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