Avatar of Halvtand
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Halvtand
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 978 (0.26 / day)
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    1. Halvtand 10 yrs ago


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Sorry for not being too in-depth about this. I have a lot to do today and should probably not even put this much time into the RP at this second, but I wanted to give you guys something to work with.

Over all good character, the hat has pointed out some things. I've looked at your custom technique and I like it. I would however like to add a restriction to it, one that deals with strength. Currently your jutsu is rank C, so I'd like it if it can only deflect techniques of that rank (or lower). As you practice it will get stronger.

You have a good concept going, but the character in itself needs some more time put into it. For one you need to put some explanations into your background. Right now it is full of stuff that happens, but we don't know how or why. Example questions: Why did his mother leave? Why was he avoided after discovering the KG? What happened to his father? How did he find Gobi? Why did he stay?
Keep in mind that Sasuke was also discovered to possess two chakra natures and a KG as a genin, he was cheered.

The custom technique. I like the basic sound of it, and you've done a pretty good job of balancing it. I would however like to restrict it even further to make sure that it won't become a "And so I killed everyone"-technique. The restriction is really simple, just bump the 3 sec time limit down to one strike.

Ranton/storm release. Let's just get one thing out of the way. Canon Ranton is strong as shit. It has been unfairly portrayed, since we only started to see it during the war and performed by some of the strongest ninjas in the world. This means that the only techniques we've seen are probably the strongest ones in the element's library.
With this in mind I can't really get behind a chuunin knowing some of the techniques that you've chosen. Laser circus was performed by one of hidden cloud's best people, and Water Lightning Dragon Bullet by two kages in collaboration.
Like I said, the element has been unfairly portrayed and it's not your fault in any way. If these techniques could be reworked, scaled back to a B-rank or something like that, I would not be opposed to the thought of a chuunin with the storm element.

Also, hat beat me to it. Busted, we talk about this shit.
As a side-note, do we have to start as Chunin?

No. But it would help if your character is somewhat on the same wavelength as the other characters. Most will be around chuunin level (it is a very rough estimate), so going full Madara or retard-Naruto could be frowned upon. As per the canon, one can be a genin and still be on the level of chuunin. The rank of jounin is off-limits however as it could create a power-struggle in the village that we don't want.
Swift Release swordsman incoming. Probably.

Please mind that the OP states that bloodline limits are extremely rare in Gobi. I'm not telling you that you can't have it, but that it will probably affect the character and how the rest of the village interact with it.

Super interested in a Naruto RP that doesn't take place in Konoha or is filled with canon characters.

Please tell me I can play a ninja prostitute.

Ahem... You can play a ninja prostitute.
@ghastlyInc Cool, you've obviously given it some thought. You don't have to be so worried about the science behind it though, it is anime after all. As long as it makes enough sense within the world I think you'll be able to get away with it. From that post I would say that you're right on the money. Kind of wish we get to face an ice-user just to let you do the whole "Oh, let me tell you exactly why your techniques are shit"-speech.
Salt releases... So corrosion?
How many people are still lurking?

You know me, I'm usually the last one out.

Sounds like a good idea. Any ideas though? A concept you have in mind?
I like this idea, and I like how you're bridging the gap between Warframe and Dark Sector.
While I haven't played Warframe for a while I have reset my Rhino a few times to get better slots, so I know the game and its tone quie well. However, going for an actual rp... Which one to choose...
Hey there, I might be jumping in with er... an Uchiha. Who um, looks like this, is a missing-nin, and has settled in Hikaemena to pursue his true dream. Cook the ultimate spicy chicken wings.

(And yes, he uses the Sharingan to copy...recipes.)

That's an interesting concept. Reminds me of that filler episode where the ninja kids use their techniques to make the best ramen in the world.

This one: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Mix_it,_Stretch_it,_Boil_it_Up!_Burn_Copper_Pot,_Burn!
Aye, it had potential, and two trolls, the good kind.
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