Hank is a Moderator. They assist users and keep the forum running smoothly. They have power across all forums.
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Quick everyone, PM Mahz with your wishlist for Guild updates and new features. The more the better. In fact, send him a PM about it every day. Make that every hour. Chop chop!
1 yr ago
Welcome back, Hecate!
2 yrs ago
To all the homies in Florida -- stay safe out there. Now is not the time to wrangle an alligator and surf it down the flooded streets. I know, it's hard to resist the urge.
2 yrs ago
Calling all ELDEN RING players: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
2 yrs ago
I've logged into this site just about every day for the past fourteen years.


On the old version of the Guild I was the record holder for 'Most Infraction Points Without Being Permabanned'.

My primary roleplaying genres are fantasy and science fiction. Big fan of The Elder Scrolls, The Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 40,000, Mass Effect, Fallout and others.

Most Recent Posts

Almost done with my sheet. Just gotta write the History, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get around to that today.
Sitting in the back of the booth, her legs pulled close together in a valiant effort to create as much available space for her dear children companions as possible, was Tik-Tik. The giant spider's arachnid face was unreadable to any of her more humanoid companions, and she wagered that even the hive of bees didn't have the necessary experience to read her alien expressions. Not to worry, though -- she was perfectly content.

"Eat up, eat up!" she said, or hissed, or... how does one describe the sound? It sounded like a little breathless and a little layered, like someone slowly and gently dragging the bow of a violin across a stand of silk. "Nobody is allowed to leave the table before you finish your meals." One of her many eyes glanced at the bees with the captain hats and she quickly added: "Except for the Captain, of course. They can do as they please." It was important not to forget her place.

The nanobot robot, named Toony, asked the crew to say something about themselves. "Nice to meet you, my dear. My name is --" the sounds that followed were completely incomprehensible, more reminiscent of the death rattles of a dying Protoceratops than anything else -- "But you can call me Tik-Tik. All my friends do." The spider attempted a polite curtsy, dipping her head and thorax, with the limited space she had.

"And I am doing great, Vonny! Did you get enough sleep?" Tik-Tik asked, turning to the Space Dwarven quartermaster, another unreadable expression on her many-eyed face; experts in arachnid communication would describe it as 'stern, but kind'.
Commendable effort, though Mahz did implement an automated backup system after Guildfall to prevent the loss of all data in the future. He has been made aware of the current sporadic periods of downtime and is monitoring the situation.

Still, with something as monumental and ambitious as this RP, I fully support the "better safe than sorry" method.
Expect my CS hopefully tomorrow.
Gonna read through all your posts and get a response up tomorrow.
Dibs on a rogue Dark Eldar Wych.
Nah mate, I'm in it to win it.
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