Hank is a Moderator. They assist users and keep the forum running smoothly. They have power across all forums.
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11 mos ago
Current Quick everyone, PM Mahz with your wishlist for Guild updates and new features. The more the better. In fact, send him a PM about it every day. Make that every hour. Chop chop!
1 yr ago
Welcome back, Hecate!
2 yrs ago
To all the homies in Florida -- stay safe out there. Now is not the time to wrangle an alligator and surf it down the flooded streets. I know, it's hard to resist the urge.
2 yrs ago
Calling all ELDEN RING players: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
2 yrs ago
I've logged into this site just about every day for the past fourteen years.


On the old version of the Guild I was the record holder for 'Most Infraction Points Without Being Permabanned'.

My primary roleplaying genres are fantasy and science fiction. Big fan of The Elder Scrolls, The Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 40,000, Mass Effect, Fallout and others.

Most Recent Posts

@Rilla definitely does stuff, you just don't see it.

More chat moderators will be added soon(TM). I need to figure out how to do so, however, because user roles are currently handled by GuildBot in the Discord and I have no power over him, and then I need to make my selections. I have a free weekend ahead of me (at long last) that I plan on dedicating to the Guild.

That's all I have to say for now.

The bunnies died satisfactory deaths, many at the hands of her allies, but Moordekrai herself added to the bodycount by using the simplest of blood magicks; injuring herself to injure them. Except their wounds were far more grievous, of course. As the arrows started to fly, two soldiers in plate armor were cut down by an invisible force that tore fierce gashes in their chests, though none of that was visible behind their cuirasses. To the rest of the bunnies, it must have looked as if they dropped dead and wailed their last gurgled screams for no reason at all. While all hell broke loose around her, Moordekrai dashed forward and crouched over the bodies. She cut another fresh slice into her palm and pressed her hand against their slack jaws, pouring her blood down their throats. A horrible, unnatural light began to shine in their eyes as they opened and the two bunny knights got their feet with slow, cumbersome movements. Using the Speech, Moordekrai whispered instructions in their ears. The two zombies turned on their heels and advanced towards the mages, plodding but implacable, and Moordekrai allowed herself a small smile at the necromancy. Bunnies were always so squeamish around their own walking dead.

Predictably, the sight of the zombies drew an unreasonable amount of attention and the mages, first to realize what was going on, bellowed for the undead to be cut down and began flinging their own spells at them -- but what has already died does not lay down so easily the second time. Animated by Moordekrai's dark magic, the corpses continued onwards even as lightning shocked them and fireballs hit them, and it took the concentrated effort of three living bunnies to hack them apart with their swords, wasting precious time they really couldn't afford.

"Boo," Moordekrai said, having suddenly appeared like a spectre amidst the circle of distracted mages. Blood ran down her limbs as tattoos that criss-crossed her entire body began to glow.

The mages screamed as they went up in flames. Moordekrai pulled back Ghrokesh's seal ever-so-briefly and allowed a single blast of roiling Hellfire to explode outwards from her body, accompanied by a horrifying roar that shook the leaves from the trees with its force and put the fear of God into the hearts of every bunny in a mile radius. The mages had not been expecting a magical attack and subsequently failed to protect themselves against one, and once they noticed Moordekrai had slipped in among them, it was far too late. The very flesh was seared off their bones in an instant.

Before Ghrokesh was allowed to completely take over Moordekrai put her iron will to good used and closed the seal with tremendous effort. Her tattoos burned with bright light and flames danced in her braided hair for a few seconds as Ghrokesh clawed and fought for control, dearly wishing to wreak havoc and sate his lust, but the hellish light quickly disappeared and Moordekrai went back to looking like a normal Orc. Well... as normal as she usually looked. She gasped for breath and sank to her knees. It was a potentially dangerous moment of weakness but her display had frightened the bunnies into inaction, and as the muddy ground returned to its normal state (now freed from the magical influence of the mages) the ranks of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi were able to march forward. It would have been safer to take them down with blood magic, but this was unequivocally faster, and the opening created by her allies and her necromancy had been too perfect to pass up.

@Stormflyx I'm headed to Florida! First vacation in 3 years, and just as long as the last time I've seen my family. It's been long overdue!

Hey, I'm going to Florida too! Next year though. Leave a surprise for me somewhere.
I keep making promises to myself to keep my weekends free so I can write but it just never happens, and what little free time I have left has subsequently been dedicated to my own RP, and I haven't been feeling well on top of that and there have been a bunch of troublemakers on the Guild lately that we've had to deal with. HeySeuss has also been waiting for me in his RP for practically forever now -- it's nothing personal. I'm sorry, dear fellow. Wasn't intentional.
No worries, @Kassarock. Sounds about right for Skall.
The Draugr are (much like in the game) a plodding, methodical bunch. If Skall or Hector cast Berserker's Call charge in to get their attention, Vensor will definitely have time to use his warbow to lethal effect.
Pretty loose definition of "tomorrow", but there we go. It's not an impressive post but it'll have to do.

Eight of the nine Draugr can be dispatched however you like, one or two at a time, but the big one in the middle is a mini-boss of sorts. If you wish to attack that one let me know in this thread and I will perform a simple dice roll to see whether or not you succeed, but failure can result in an injury. After our next round of posts, if the big Draugr isn't dead or incapacitated, it will attack and wound someone for sure.

And yes, magic is silenced for now, so no spells.

Have fun!

EDIT: Oh yeah, something about magic; Restoration healing magic is not as effective in this RP as it is in the games, because otherwise nobody would ever end up with scarring or permanent injuries.
Hector accepted the offered cup of flower-tea with a nod of gratitude, but Raelynn’s words and quick smirk were a little off-putting. He was about to dismiss her concerns out of hand but hesitated and decided against it, not liking the idea of immediately telling their only healer he wasn’t about to consult her on how to use the members of the party and their respective abilities. Raelynn didn’t strike Hector as someone who could handle a snappy comeback so easily. Instead, he chose a more tactful approach. “My apologies,” he whispered in return, looking suitably chastened, but made no promises. Hector took a sip of the water and found himself appreciating the taste. It had a certain zing to it. His gaze lingered on lord Vensor once again, having heard the man’s story, and the ex-Legionnaire found it difficult to believe. A noble of Cyrodiil that gave up his station for his beliefs and became a Stormcloak, of all things? Those Nords didn’t even want foreigners in their lands, the way he’d understood it. Hector shook his head and returned his gaze to the cup, clearing his mind of stray thoughts and focusing on the task ahead.

After he had finished his drink Hector took another look at the time, squinting up at the canopy, and figured it was about time to get going. He got to his feet and dusted off his greaves and cloak, and a veritable shower of pine needles fell to the ground. “Let us be off,” he said and smiled at the group before him while he gave the cup back to Raelynn. “Make sure you do not forget any of your belongings. Daro’Vasora has kindly offered to scout ahead and mark safe passage. If you see a green leaf anywhere, be wary that it has been placed there to indicate the location of a trap of some kind.”

Hector paused briefly and his mouth moved silently, as if he was doing a head-count, and then he continued. “I will take point,” the Imperial said and grabbed his heart-shaped steel shield from his back. He inspected the sharp spike that protruded from it while he talked. “Skall, please stay close behind me and keep your axe at the ready. Sjara, I know you need line-of-sight and maneuverability to do what you do best, so I will leave it up to you where you feel you need to position yourself. Master Oril and lady Hawkford, please remain behind us and out of harm’s way. Lord Vensor, I would like you to protect them and guard our rear.” It was a sensible request, seeing as Hector and Cyrus were the only members of the party with heavy armor and a shield, and both ends of the column were protected this way. No opposition was forthcoming. “Very good,” Hector nodded.


Even though the tomb had been open for an appreciable amount of time Hector still had to suppress the urge to cough often in the dry and dusty air. His formidable steel longsword was in his hand now, the weight comfortable, and his shield held in front of his body while he warily advanced into the corridor that stretched out before them. The rest of the party followed him in, some as tentative as him, others with enthusiasm and fearlessness. One of the more magically inclined adventurers behind him cast a Magelight spell and illuminated their surroundings. Hector’s eyes scanned the rough walls, hewn from the stone of the earth itself, for any strange markings or indications of danger, but there were none -- for now.

The corridor was tight and the party had to walk single-file. It was also winding, and Hector found himself peeking around many corners with trepidation. After the third corner and a solid ten seconds of staring into the darkness ahead, Hector decided he saw no danger and stepped forward.

Something crunched underfoot.

The Imperial’s heart leapt in his throat and he stepped back, looking down to find a squashed green leaf on the dusty floor. Hector muttered a short prayer of thanks to the Divines -- and Daro’Vasora, truth be told -- and scanned the walls again while his heartrate recovered. Hidden inside the natural seams of the rock he finally spied two thin slits. Looking even harder, the edge of a blade of some kind gleamed at him from within the walls. A hanging-axe trap, perhaps. Looking down, now aware of what he was looking for, Hector could discern the shape of a tile, slightly elevated, in the floor. “More pressure plates,” Hector mumbled. Cunning.

He warned the rest of the group and gingerly stepped over the plate. Nothing happened. Satisfied, Hector continued. They went on like this for another ten minutes or so as the corridor continued to slope downward into the earth, and encountered three more of the Khajiit’s leaf-marks, each warning them of some variation of the same trap they’d encountered before, though one of them used a tripwire instead of a pressure plate.

Hector breathed a sigh of relief when the corridor opened up into a large, circular chamber, though the moment was short-lived as he realized that the walls of the chamber were lined entirely with sarcophagi, save for a large stone door on the other side of the room. The Magelight spell flew over his head towards the center of the chamber, and Hector looked up to see that the ceiling was entirely carved into a beautiful -- if somewhat primitive -- depiction of a looming dragon. After a few seconds Hector decided that the beast’s malevolent glare was oppressive and averted his gaze.

Daro’Vasora was there, on the other side of the room by the door, and there was a trail of green leaves on the floor, one every three feet or so, that marked a meandering path to the other side. Balen appeared over Hector’s shoulder but the Imperial already knew what the Dunmer was going to say. “Yes, more pressure plates. I see them,” Hector whispered pre-emptively. Suddenly aware he’d lowered his voice so much for no reason, he cleared his throat and spoke up. “Daro’Vasora has marked safe passage over the floor. Follow the leaves.”

The crossing was uneventful. The party advanced slowly, making sure not to trip or misstep, and Hector felt a slight twinge of pride at their discipline. It had momentarily escaped him that Skall had been drinking mead at the fire, however, and when they were all nearly by the door -- Hector greeted Daro’Vasora with a smile and a firm handshake -- the burly Nord stumbled ever-so-slightly over a loose rock and missed the path by an inch or two.

Several things immediately happened at once.

The sarcophagi sprang open with great force, ejecting their stone lids several feet forward, and tall, gangly, rotting corpses clad in dark, pitted armor, wielding weapons of the same make, stepped out. Their eyes were as blue as the sky and burned in their sockets with an unnatural light and focused on the intruders with focus and intensity that surprised Hector unpleasantly. It was like they were still alive and sentient. “Form up! Vensor, Skall, with me!” Hector yelled and motioned urgently for the others to get behind the melee specialists.

Simultaneously, a fierce wind blew through the chamber from an unknown source, extinguished the Magelight spell and silenced all use of magicka, something that the arcane-attuned members of the party would find to be a highly unpleasant experience. Torches that lined the walls suddenly sprang to life, so they weren’t bathed in darkness, but the baleful red light of the flames was a lot less pleasant than the approximation of daylight that the Magelight spell had been and the backlit Draugr looked like something straight out of a nightmare. Hector counted them frantically and saw there were nine, though one of them looked bigger than the others and carried a greatsword so large it gave Hector pause.

“Stay calm, stay together,” Hector said in an even voice as the Draugr approached almost leisurely. “Let’s put these bastards back into their graves!”

Movealong post coming tomorrow 100% confirmed.
Haven't had a lot of time to myself lately but fortunately "heb ik het rijk alleen" the coming week, so expect a lot of activity from me then.
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